This is the homepage of the Genius2 parties server. This server can provide running instances of specified agents. The Parties server runs on Tomcat 8 and is developed with Eclipse EE. Installation You can download the profileserver war file from .... and install it in your apache-tomcat 8 installation []. After (re)starting tomcat your local profilesserver should be up and running. After installing and starting, go to [http://localhost:8080/partiesserver] to see if it works. Examples {{{ ...code... }}} You can also download this source repository (you don't need this if you just want to use the parties) {{{ svn checkout }}} Since this is a tomcat web application, you need Eclipse Enterprise edition if you want to use this from Eclipse. Also, to checkout from Eclipse, you need to prepare Eclipse for this. Check == Create new party instance A new instance of a party can be created by connecting to {{{partiesserver/run/}}}, for instance http://localhost:8080/partiesserver/run/randomparty-1.0.0 There are two possible responses from the party server: 1. a URL. This is the URL of the websocket behind which the newly instantiated party can be contacted. 2. error code 503 "Service Unavailable" if there is no room on the partiesserver at this moment to instantiate another party