This is the homepage of the Genius2 parties server. This server can provide running instances of specified agents. The Parties server runs on Tomcat 8 and is developed with Eclipse EE. Installation You can download the profileserver war file from .... and install it in your apache-tomcat 8 installation []. After (re)starting tomcat your local profilesserver should be up and running. After installing and starting, go to [http://localhost:8080/partiesserver] to see if it works. Examples {{{ ...code... }}} You can also download this source repository (you don't need this if you just want to use the parties) {{{ svn checkout }}} Since this is a tomcat web application, you need Eclipse Enterprise edition if you want to use this from Eclipse. Also, to checkout from Eclipse, you need to prepare Eclipse for this. Check == Create new party instance http://localhost:8080/partiesserver/run/randomparty-1.0.0