Changes between Version 53 and Version 54 of WikiStart

11/11/19 12:12:34 (5 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v53 v54  
    112112/free is just a plain (non-websocket) connection that immediately returns an integer number with the number of available slots for running new party instances at this moment.
     114=== Communicating with the party through the websocket
     115As mentioned, the /run command returns a websocket address through which communication with the running party instance takes place.
     117The connection thus created allows Inform JSON objects to be sent to the party, and Action JSON objects to be sent by the party. The protocol determines the meaning and order of these.
     119If the party throws an exception, this exception should cause the socket to close (as a party can only do Actions). A close reason can only have a 123 character explanation which generally is too short for stacktraces. It is recommended therefore that such explanation is a reasonably human readable abstract of the full cause. The full stacktrace can be shown/logged in full detail on the partyserver. 
    114121== Detecting termination of a party
    115122The partiesserver does not have a separate communication protocol to hear when parties have been terminated. Instead, the PartySocket (that the partiesserver provides for communication between the party and the server) is sniffed for characteristic termination events. The following events are considered indicative for termination: