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2 | <body>
3 | <h1 style="color: DodgerBlue;">GeniusWeb Parties Server.</h1>
4 | This server can run parties.
5 |
6 | <h2>Currently running on this server</h2>
7 | The list of currently running parties is available
8 | <a href="runlist.xhtml">here</a>
9 |
10 |
11 | <h2>Available Party classes</h2>
12 | The available party classes are the templates of the parties that can be instantiated/run on this server.
13 | The server can only run "approved" parties (see "adding/removing" below).
14 | <br>
15 | The parties list with currently runnable parties is <a href="list.xhtml">here</a>.
16 | <br>
17 | The list of party files can be viewed <a href="partiesrepo">here</a>.
18 | Notice that these may contain files
19 | with errors, and thus are not available for use (and not appear on the parties list).
20 |
21 | <h2>Adding / Removing party classes</h2>
22 | You can add and remove parties by dragging your jar files into and
23 | out of the <code>partiesserver/partiesrepo</code> directory. This directory is inside the
24 | tomcat directory which is created when the partiesserver is
25 | started the first time. Changed, new or removed files are recognised automatically by the server and made available.
26 | Be careful when you change this as this may disturb currently running sessions and tournaments.
27 | <br>
28 | For making or compiling new parties, please refer to the <a href=""> Genius2 main page</a>.
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31 | </body>
32 | </html>
for help on using the repository browser.