SVN branches
The SVN branches can be divided in three categories: Genius core, Genius desktop version, and Genius web version.
Crossed out branches have been replaced by other branches and can be safely removed.
Click here for the known bugs.
Genius core
Branch | Features | Status
GeniusConverter | Converter to change old-style preference profiles to the Xstream serialization style | Inactive (October 2010)
GeniusCore | Core classes of Genius. | Inactive (October 2010)
GeniusCoreXStream | Core classes of Genius. In addition, support for Xstream serialization. Seems to include some fixes not found in the mainbranch (repository caching). Includes CPNet domains but misses implementation. | Inactive (March 2011)
Genius desktop version
Branch | Features | Status
GeniusBI | Non-web version of Genius 3.0. Implements an asynchronous protocol in which multiple offers can be made in a single turn. Also, there is support for mediators. | Inactive (June 2011)
GeniusGUI | Recent non-web version of Genius which implements CPNets. | Inactive (March 2011)
GeniusMultiLateral | | Active
GeniusMultiLateralNonlinear | Recent non-web version of Genius which implements multi-party negotiations with possibly non-linear utility functions. This branch is fully merged with GeniusMultilateral. | Inactive (June 2012)
GeniusNegotiatingSalesman | This branch can be removed as it is a clone of an existing branch with some new unused classes. | Inactive (March 2012)
GeniusTeamNego | Recent non-web version of Genius which implements team negotiations with mediators. | Inactive (May 2012)
Negotiator | Old non-web version of Genius, use NegotiatorGUI instead. Includes an implementation of a class to keep an agent alive over multiple negotiations. | Inactive (June 2008)
Negotiator20 | Old non-web version of Genius, use NegotiatorGUI instead. Includes an implementation of a class to keep an agent alive over multiple negotiations. | Inactive (June 2008)
NegotiatorGRID | Non-web version of Genius 3.0. Repository contains a large set of corrupted files (filled with NULL). Overall, cleans up and adds comments to a large set of existing classes. Adds the MultiPhaseAuctionMany protocol, unfortunately the file is corrupt. | Inactive (October 2010)
NegotiatorGUI | Version used to run ANAC competition. Non-web version of Genius which contains BOA framework -- which allows to separately develop the bidding strategy, acceptance strategy, opponent model -- and allows to distribute a tournament over multiple computers using a simple database. | Active
NegotiatorProtocol | Non-web version of Genius 3.0 which implements WSagreement protocol, which allows to specify the ranges of issues in an offer (for example: the price for the laptop should be between 800 and 900). A WSAgent is a more generic version of a normal agent. Therefore, normal agents are not compatible with the protocol. Can be merged with main branch. | Inactive (April 2009)
GeniusS | Old non-web version of Genius, use NegotiatorGUI instead. | Inactive (November 2010)
NegotiatorWeb | Old non-web version of Genius (despite its name). All functionality has been added to NegotiatorGUI branch. | Inactive (August 2009)
Genius web version
Branch | Features | Status
GeniusWeb | Web-version of Genius. Seems to be more advanced than GeniusWebDelft. I'm not sure if it works as it requires a webserver to test. | Inactive (November 2011)
GeniusWebDelft | Version of GeniusWeb configured for a TU Delft server ( The program specifies two activities: creating a preference profile for a specific domain and a negotiation against a simple opponent. | Inactive (October 2011)
GeniusWebSimulator | Early web-version of Genius. I'm not sure if it works as it requires a webserver to test | Inactive (May 2010)