== Action points == * Mark * Papers * Accuracy paper * Opponent model survey * Start with a larger introduction (tell about learning in general) * Add active learning as connection between BS and OM * Provide overview of opponent models in table * Conclusion * Catholijn reads version on morning december 11'th * Features * Extensive log (CSV) * Set default OM * ANAC2012 * AgentLG * AgentMR * Add OM implementation * ANAC2012 * AgentLG * AgentMR * ANAC2013 * Difference in "repeat tournament" and "repeat session" * Implement ANAC2013 BOAagent * Create example of ANAC2013 BOA agent * Remove function for distributed tournaments (also update in manual) * Test XML2CSV with Alex' new log layout * Bugs * Guest account and missing ANAC2010 * ~~BOA GUI: if e [0.1,0.1,0.2], then editing one of the two agents shows range e~~ * ~~If solely one value leave other two fields empty for parameter~~ * ~~No new folder is created for a domain~~ * Discuss difference and merge branches * GeniusGUI * !GeniusMultilateral * GeniusBI * !NegotiatorProtocol * !NegotiatorGrid * !GeniusTeamNego * Other * Implement Tim's OM idea * Commit code to SVN * Improve class diagram * Two fitness funcions: close in time implies close in utility OR ordering * In new round of negotiation, use elites and solutions of previous round as initial population * Compare accuracy bruteforce model with other models * Fix indices of all scenarios in etc * Communication * Send mail to Cristina for NegotiatorGRID code * Send mail which branches to remove * '''Next meetings: november 22th at 15:00 and november 28th at 14:00''' * !Tim/Reyhan/Koen * Send Colin mail if GeniusS can be removed * Provide feedback on OM survey * Provide feedback on Accuracy paper * Start timeline after agents have been initialized just like in Reyhan's branch? * Pick random bid if multipe bids have equal utility in SortedOutcomeSpace as in Reyhan's branch?