Version 121 (modified by wouter, 5 years ago) ( diff )



Genius2 is an open architecture for heterogeneous negotiating parties via the internet. It provides the basis for an implementation of a testbed for negotiating parties that includes a set of negotiation problems for benchmarking parties, a library of negotiation strategies, and analytical tools to evaluate an party's performance and their strategies allows user.

The SVN repo is on

This repository contains the core code of Genius2. The servers can be found on

Writing a party in Java

Negotiation parties are run on a parties server, such as the one provided above. The provided parties server supports only java agents at this time.

Example agents can be found here. An agent is compiled with maven. After compilation (mvn package) you get a target/yourparty-X.Y.Z-jar-with-dependencies.jar that can be copied into the parties server for deployment.

Some technical info

Party jar files must have a Main-Class set in the MANIFEST.MF file. This main-class must implement Party and have a no-arg constructor.

Instances of your class can be made both for extracting general info as getDescription(), or to really run your class. Therefore we recommend to do initialization of the party only in the init() and not in the constructor or static code. The jar files are loaded with an isolated jar class loader that should avoid collisions with possibly identically named but possibly different packages in other jar files.

Import all sources in Eclipse

Normal developers that write new parties do not need to install the genius2 source code. This is only needed if you want to debug/trace into the genius2 code for instance for debugging or understanding the inner workings of genius2.

Install Subclipse using "help/Eclipse MarketPlace" and search for subclipse. Disable the JavaHL native DLLs and install. NOTE: due to a bug in Eclipse Photon the marketplace may not work. We suggest to upgrade...

You may get some errors on JavaHL library. To get rid of those, go to preferences/Team/SVN/

  • disable General SVN settings / JavaHL
  • SVN interface/Client: select SVNKit instead of JavaHL.

Right click in Package Explorer in Eclipse, select "Import/SVN/Checkout Projects from SVN". Select the root of the project, finish (selecting sub-projects will result in a stupid loop in the checkout procedure in Eclipse and won't lead anywhere...)

Richt click on the checked-out project that you want eclipse to recognise as Maven project (the project are maven but Eclipse does not recognise this after check-out). Select import/maven/existing maven projects. Finish.

Note. Eclipse does not automatically recognise this as a maven project because Eclipse supports this only with GIT repositories while we use SVN.

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