[[PageOutline]] = GENIUS = Genius2 is an open architecture for heterogeneous negotiating agents via the internet. It provides the basis for an implementation of a testbed for negotiating agents that includes a set of negotiation problems for benchmarking agents, a library of negotiation strategies, and analytical tools to evaluate an agent's performance and their strategies allows user. The SVN repo is on https://tracinsy.ewi.tudelft.nl/svn/genius2/ This repository contains the core code of Genius2. The servers can be found on * [https://tracinsy.ewi.tudelft.nl/trac/Genius2ProfilesServer profiles server] * [https://tracinsy.ewi.tudelft.nl/trac/Genius2PartiesServer parties server] * [https://tracinsy.ewi.tudelft.nl/trac/Genius2RunServer run server] Import in Eclipse: Install Subclipse using "help/Eclipse MarketPlace" and search for subclipse. Disable the JavaHL native DLLs and install. NOTE: due to a bug in Eclipse Photon the marketplace may not work. We suggest to upgrade... You may get some errors on JavaHL library. To get rid of those, go to preferences/Team/SVN/ * disable General SVN settings / JavaHL * SVN interface/Client: select SVNKit instead of JavaHL. Right click in Package Explorer in Eclipse, select "Import/SVN/Checkout Projects from SVN". Select the root of the project, finish (selecting sub-projects will result in a stupid loop in the checkout procedure in Eclipse and won't lead anywhere...) Richt click on the checked-out project that you want eclipse to recognise as Maven project (the project are maven but Eclipse does not recognise this after check-out). Select import/maven/existing maven projects. Finish. Note. Previous versions of eclipse could recognise Maven directly after checkout. Something seems missing/removed in Eclipse.