Changes between Version 404 and Version 405 of WikiStart

04/13/21 09:46:27 (3 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v404 v405  
    357357|| COB ||compare bids protocol.||This party receives SessionSettings. It also receives ActionDone if a party does an action, containing a ElicitComparison action if its partner SHAOP party requests so. If it receives that, the party responds with Comparison action. ||
    358358|| SHAOP ||Stacked human alternating offers protocol ||similar to SAOP. A party of this type must receive parameter elicitationcost. If not, the   [source:/protocol/src/main/java/geniusweb/protocol/session/shaop/ DEFAULT_ELICITATATION_COST] is used. After receiving a YourTurn action, this party can execute the usual SAOP actions ({{{Accept}}}, {{{EndNegotiation}}} or {{{Offer}}}). At any time (also when it does not have the turn) it can do a {{{ElicitComparison}}} action.  The call results in the associated COB party to execute a Comparison action, which is then received in an {{{ActionDone}}}.| Each {{{ElicitComparison}}} call will add elicitationcost to the party's spendings.|
    359 ||Learn||Learning protocol||A party receives Settings. Settings has no valid profileref. Parameters include "persistentstate" and "negotiationdata". Refer to LearnSettings on how to use these. Party can immediately start learning, respecting the deadline in the progress field. When done, send a LearningDone action. There is no negotiation with other parties in this session. ||
     359||Learn||Learning protocol||A party receives Settings. Settings has no valid profileref. Parameters include "persistentstate" and "negotiationdata". Party can immediately start learning, respecting the deadline in the progress field. When done, send a LearningDone action. There is no negotiation with other parties in this session. See also the next section. ||
    361361The profiles is a list of classes that implement a Profile. The party supports all profile classes in the list (including subclasses).