Changes between Version 363 and Version 364 of WikiStart

10/07/20 14:15:51 (4 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v363 v364  
    330330||= behaviour name =||= abbreviation for =||= expected behaviour =||
    331331|| SAOP ||Stacked alternating offers protocol ||First, this party receives SessionSettings. After that it receives an ActionDone if a party does an action. The party takes an action only after YourTurn is received. It can then either {{{Accept}}}, {{{EndNegotiation}}} or {{{Offer}}}. Accept is possible only after another Offer was received||
    332 || MOPAC ||Multiple Offers PArtial Consensus ||First, this party receives SessionSettings. The party waits for a YourTurn. It then sends an Offer. The party now waits for a Voting after which it replies with Votes. The party now waits for OptIn and it again replies with Votes, possible extending the previous Votes. The party now looks, waiting for YourTurn. ||
     332|| MOPAC ||Multiple Offers PArtial Consensus ||First, this party receives SessionSettings. The party waits for a YourTurn. It then sends an Offer. The party now waits for a Voting after which it replies with Votes. The party now waits for OptIn and it again replies with Votes, possible extending the previous Votes. The party now loops, waiting again for YourTurn etc. ||
    333333|| COB ||compare bids protocol.||This party receives SessionSettings. It also receives ActionDone if a party does an action, containing a ElicitComparison action if its partner SHAOP party requests so. If it receives that, the party responds with Comparison action. ||
    334334|| SHAOP ||Stacked human alternating offers protocol ||similar to SAOP. A party of this type must receive parameter elicitationcost. If not, the   [source:/protocol/src/main/java/geniusweb/protocol/session/shaop/ DEFAULT_ELICITATATION_COST] is used. After receiving a YourTurn action, this party can execute the usual SAOP actions ({{{Accept}}}, {{{EndNegotiation}}} or {{{Offer}}}). At any time (also when it does not have the turn) it can do a {{{ElicitComparison}}} action.  The call results in the associated COB party to execute a Comparison action, which is then received in an {{{ActionDone}}}.| Each {{{ElicitComparison}}} call will add elicitationcost to the party's spendings.|