Changes between Version 235 and Version 236 of WikiStart

08/19/19 14:56:49 (5 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v235 v236  
    6363The issues are just String objects.
    65 There are two type of values: discrete values and number values. Discrete values are strings eg "low", "yes" or "1". Number values are numbers, eg -1 or 12.423.
     65There are two type of values: discrete values and number values. Discrete values are strings eg "low", "yes" or "1". Number values are numbers, eg -1 or 12.423. In GeniusWeb, all number values are processed as BigDecimal to avoid rounding errors.
    6767A ValueSet indicates the possible values for an issue. There are 2 types of valuesets: numeric and discrete. DiscreteValueSet contains the list of DiscreteValue which is a basically a possible (string) values for the issue. NumberValueSet contains a Range which is a set of numbers defined by the minimum, maximum and stepsize (upwards from the minimum).
    6969  * a number valueset contains a range of numbers and looks like {{{ {"range":[12.2,12.6,0.3]} }}} so "range:" followed by a list of 3 values. The first value is the minimum value in the range, the second the maximum value in the range, and the third the step value. This example range thus contains 12.2 and 12.5 (the next one would be 12.8 but that is already outside the range). Numbers are without quotes.
    71 A Domain contains a map, with each key the issue (string) and the value a ValueSet.
    74 Your party can create any bid that it likes but the protocol will check if your bid fits in the current negotiation and may kick you out of the negotiation if you don't behave properly.
    76 In GeniusWeb, all number values are processed as BigDecimal to avoid rounding errors.
     71A domain is a description of the allowed issues and values for each issue. To avoid confusion in a negotiation, it's important that all participants are dealing with the same domain. A Domain contains a map, with each key the issue (string) and the value a ValueSet.
    9792Finally, a Bid is a Map where the key is the issue and the value either a DiscreteValue or NumberValue that is valid for that issue. DiscreteValues are serialized to json inside double quotes, NumberValues are just the numbers (no double quotes).
    9995Here is an example of a bid in JSON format. issue 2 and issue 3 are number values, issue 1 is a discrete issue. All values in quotes are discrete values, while values without quotes are number values. 
    111 If you write a java-based party, these objects may already have been converted to Java objects. Please check [source:issuevalue/src/main/java/geniusweb/issuevalue] for conversion details.
     105Your party can create any bid that it likes but the protocol will check if your bid fits in the current negotiation and may kick you out of the negotiation if you don't behave properly.
     107If you write a java-based party, all these objects may already have been converted to Java objects. Please check [source:issuevalue/src/main/java/geniusweb/issuevalue] for conversion details.
    113109There is not yet a domain editor available so you have to create domains by manually editing a file with JSON code.