Changes between Version 217 and Version 218 of WikiStart

08/13/19 17:05:33 (5 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v217 v218  
    9595 * [source:profile/src/main/java/geniusweb/profile/ PartialOrdering]: as {{{FullyOrderedSpace}}}, but may not know the answer for part of the bids
    9696 * [source:profile/src/main/java/geniusweb/profile/utilityspace/ UtilitySpace]: as {{{FullOrdering}}}, but additionally this provides a function {{{getUtility(bid)}}} that maps the bid into a {{{BigDecimal}}} in [0,1]. The higher the value, the more preferred is that bid. The [source:profile/src/main/java/geniusweb/profile/utilityspace/ Linear Additive Space] is the most commonly used UtilitySpace. If the accuracy of {{{BigDecimal}}} is not needed, you can just call {{{BigDecimal#doubleValue()}}} to get a standard double.
     98The most common is the LinearAdditiveUtilitySpace. It contains
     99 * the domain description containing the possible issueValues.
     100 * the name of the space
     101 * the issueUtilities containing a set of ValueSetUtilities.
     102 * The issueWeightsL a dictionary assigning a number to each of the issues. These numbers must add up to 1 and determine how much each ValueSetUtility adds to the total utility.
     103 * a reservationBid that contains the bid that is the least preferred. Only bids equal or better than this bid should be accepted.
     105 To give a full profile example:
     108 {"domain":{"name":"test",
     109  "issuesValues":{
     110   "issue2":{"values":["issue2value1","issue2value2"]},
     111   "issue1":{"values": ["issue1value1","issue1value2"]}}},
     112  "name":"testprofile",
     113  "issueUtilities":{
     114   "issue2":{"numberutils":{"lowValue":12,"lowUtility":0.3,"highValue":18,"highUtility":0.6}},
     115   "issue1":{"discreteutils":{"valueUtilities":{"issue1value1":0.2,"issue1value2":0.3}}}},
     116  "issueWeights":{"issue2":0.4,"issue1":0.6},
     117  "reservationBid":{"issuevalues":{"issue2":"issue2value1","issue1":"issue1value2"}}
     122A party receives a reference to a profile but has to fetch the actual profile. You can defer this task to the ProfileConnectionFactory and in that case you receive a ready-to-use parsed java object. Most likely you get a Linear Additive Utilityspace, please check [source:profile/src/main/java/geniusweb/profile/utilityspace] for conversion details.
    98126== Party