Known bugs
The overview below visualizes the bugs found in Genius documented in the tracker and by students. I could also have used the bugtracker, but this tracker also contains bugs of the PocketNegotiator. Before removing a bug, please ensure that it is fixed in all branches.
Issue number(s) | Description | Priority | Cost to fix (days)
462 | Check for memory leaks, specifically agent cleanup | High | 1
467 | AgentID is not required in actions | Low | 1
- | Opt for Xstream, or keep all files (domains) the same | High | -
Issue number(s) | Description | Priority | Cost to fix (days)
461 | Allow the analysis of stored negotiations by the Analytical toolbox | Low | 1
632 | GNU license | Low | 1
Issue number(s) | Description | Priority | Cost to fix (days)
435,445,459, 460 | Creating a new scenario using the GUI is not user friendly and buggy | Medium | 5
- | GUI exceptions thrown during a tournament | low | 1
- | Caching of repository, now each draw of the GUI the repository is reloaded | low | 1