Version 8 (modified by alex, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Master Project - Negotiation with Time Pressure

By Alexander Dirkzwager

Litrature Survey

An Investigation of Autonomous Negotiating Agent Dealing With Time Pressure

List and summary of papers. Click here.

Structure of Survey

  1. intro
    • Explain the domain of negotiation (why its useful)
    • briefly explain the concept of time pressure
  2. Relate work
  3. negotation environments
    • Briefly describes the different negotiation enironment
    • Focus is on bi-lateral multi issue negotiation
  4. The effects of time pressure to the negotiation process
    • advantages/disadvantages
    • the speed of agreement
    • agent strategy (general)
  5. survey of agents (from ANAC2011)(strategy components)
    1. agents strategy dealing with tim pressure
    2. Identifying/learning opponents discount
  6. future work
  7. conclusion


The Effect of Time Pressure on the Behavior of Autonomous Negotiating Agents



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