[47] | 1 | @preamble("
| 2 | \providecommand{\url}[1]{#1}
| 3 | ")
| 4 |
| 5 | @misc{123test-DISC,
| 6 | author = {{123test BV}},
| 7 | title = {{DISC} Personality Test},
| 8 | howpublished = {\url{https://www.123test.com/disc-personality-test/}},
| 9 | year=2018,
| 10 | }
| 11 |
| 12 | @article{adamcsek2006cfinder,
| 13 | title = {CFinder: Locating cliques and overlapping modules in biological networks},
| 14 | author = {Bal{\'a}zs Adamcsek and Gergely Palla and Farkas, Ill{\'e}s J. and Der{\'e}nyi, Imre and Vicsek, Tam{\'a}s},
| 15 | journal = {Bioinformatics},
| 16 | volume = 22,
| 17 | number = 8,
| 18 | pages = {1021--1023},
| 19 | issn = {1367-4803},
| 20 | year = 2006,
| 21 | month = feb
| 22 | }
| 23 |
| 24 | @inproceedings{Adepetu+2012+AAAISpringSymp+CrowdREquire,
| 25 | added-at = {2013-09-25T00:00:00.000+0200},
| 26 | author = {Adepetu, Adedamola and Ahmed, Khaja Altaf and Abd, Yousif
| 27 | Al and Zaabi, Aaesha Al and Svetinovic, Davor},
| 28 | ignore_biburl =
| 29 | {http://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2aa6a150ea88b114690a1f361d54cb398/dblp},
| 30 | booktitle = {AAAI Spring Symposium: Wisdom of the Crowd},
| 31 | ignore_crossref = {conf/aaaiss/2012-6},
| 32 | ignore_ee = {http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/SSS/SSS12/paper/view/4311},
| 33 | ignore_publisher = {AAAI},
| 34 | series = {AAAI Technical Report},
| 35 | timestamp = {2013-09-26T11:35:35.000+0200},
| 36 | title = {{CrowdREquire}: A Requirements Engineering Crowdsourcing
| 37 | Platform.},
| 38 | ignore_url =
| 39 | {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/aaaiss/aaaiss2012-06.html#AdepetuAAZS12},
| 40 | volume = {SS-12-06},
| 41 | year = 2012
| 42 | }
| 43 |
| 44 | @inproceedings{Ahmed+WWW+2013+Hierarchical_Location_Modeling,
| 45 | author = {Ahmed, Amr and Hong, Liangjie and Smola, Alexander J.},
| 46 | title = {Hierarchical Geographical Modeling of User Locations from
| 47 | Social Media Posts},
| 48 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on
| 49 | World Wide Web},
| 50 | year = {2013},
| 51 | isbn = {978-1-4503-2035-1},
| 52 | location = {Rio de Janeiro},
| 53 | pages = {25--36},
| 54 | numpages = {12},
| 55 | url =
| 56 | {http://dl.acm.org.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/citation.cfm?id=2488388.2488392},
| 57 | acmid = {2488392},
| 58 | publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences
| 59 | Steering Committee},
| 60 | address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland},
| 61 | keywords = {chinese restaurant process, geolocation, non-paremetric
| 62 | bayesian models, topic models, twitter, user profiling},
| 63 | cited=no,
| 64 | }
| 65 |
| 66 | @article{Ailon-2012-JMLR-ActivePreferenceRanking,
| 67 | author = {Ailon, Nir},
| 68 | title = {An Active Learning Algorithm for Ranking from Pairwise Preferences with an Almost Optimal Query Complexity},
| 69 | journal = {The Journal of Machine Learning Research},
| 70 | issue_date = {January 2012},
| 71 | volume = {13},
| 72 | number = {1},
| 73 | month = jan,
| 74 | year = {2012},
| 75 | issn = {1532-4435},
| 76 | pages = {137--164},
| 77 | numpages = {28},
| 78 | ignore_url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2503308.2188390},
| 79 | ignore_acmid = {2188390},
| 80 | ignore_publisher = {JMLR.org},
| 81 | keywords = {active learning, pairwise ranking, preferences, ranking, statistical learning theory},
| 82 | }
| 83 |
| 84 | @article{Airiau+2014+JAAMAS+NormEmergence,
| 85 | year={2014},
| 86 | issn={1387-2532},
| 87 | journal={Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
| 88 | volume={28},
| 89 | number={5},
| 90 | doi={10.1007/s10458-013-9237-x},
| 91 | title={Emergence of conventions through social learning},
| 92 | url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10458-013-9237-x},
| 93 | publisher={Springer},
| 94 | keywords={Norms; Conventions; Emergence},
| 95 | author={Airiau, Ste\'phane and Sen, Sandip and Villatoro, Daniel},
| 96 | pages={779--804},
| 97 | language={English}
| 98 | }
| 99 |
| 100 | @article{Albert-1999-Internet,
| 101 | title={Internet: Diameter of the world-wide web},
| 102 | author={Albert, R{\'e}ka and Jeong, Hawoong and Barab{\'a}si,
| 103 | Albert-L{\'a}szl{\'o}},
| 104 | journal={Nature},
| 105 | volume={401},
| 106 | number={6749},
| 107 | pages={130--131},
| 108 | year={1999},
| 109 | publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
| 110 | }
| 111 |
| 112 | @incollection{Ali2008Variability,
| 113 | year={2008},
| 114 | isbn={978-3-540-69840-1},
| 115 | booktitle={Computational Science and Its Applications ? ICCSA 2008},
| 116 | volume={5073},
| 117 | series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
| 118 | editor={Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Lagan?, Antonio
| 119 | and Taniar, David and Mun, Youngsong and Gavrilova, MarinaL.},
| 120 | doi={10.1007/978-3-540-69848-7_24},
| 121 | title={Modeling and Analyzing Variability for Mobile Information
| 122 | Systems},
| 123 | url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-69848-7_24},
| 124 | publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
| 125 | author={Ali, Raian and Dalpiaz, Fabiano and Giorgini, Paolo},
| 126 | pages={291-306}
| 127 | }
| 128 |
| 129 | @inproceedings{Ali2008Location,
| 130 | author = {Raian Ali and Fabiano Dalpiaz and Paolo Giorgini},
| 131 | title = {Location-Based Variability for Mobile Information Systems},
| 132 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
| 133 | Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), LNCS 5074},
| 134 | year = {2008},
| 135 | month = jun,
| 136 | pages = {575-578},
| 137 | ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-69534-9_43},
| 138 | bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
| 139 | }
| 140 |
| 141 | @article{Ali2013ContextualReq,
| 142 | author = {Ali, Raian and Dalpiaz, Fabiano and Giorgini, Paolo},
| 143 | title = {Reasoning with contextual requirements: Detecting
| 144 | inconsistency and conflicts},
| 145 | journal = {Information and Software Technology},
| 146 | volume = {55},
| 147 | number = {1},
| 148 | month = jan,
| 149 | year = {2013},
| 150 | issn = {0950-5849},
| 151 | pages = {35--57},
| 152 | numpages = {23},
| 153 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2012.06.013},
| 154 | doi = {10.1016/j.infsof.2012.06.013},
| 155 | acmid = {2381666},
| 156 | publisher = {Butterworth-Heinemann},
| 157 | address = {Newton, MA},
| 158 | keywords = {Adaptive systems engineering, Consistency and conflicts
| 159 | analysis, Contextual requirements, Goal modelling, Requirements
| 160 | engineering},
| 161 | }
| 162 |
| 163 | @article{Ali-2010-RE,
| 164 | author = {Ali, Raian and Dalpiaz, Fabiano and Giorgini, Paolo},
| 165 | title = {A goal-based framework for contextual requirements modeling
| 166 | and analysis},
| 167 | journal = {Requirements Engineering},
| 168 | issue_date = {November 2010},
| 169 | volume = {15},
| 170 | number = {4},
| 171 | month = nov,
| 172 | year = {2010},
| 173 | issn = {0947-3602},
| 174 | pages = {439--458},
| 175 | numpages = {20},
| 176 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00766-010-0110-z},
| 177 | doi = {10.1007/s00766-010-0110-z},
| 178 | acmid = {1870795},
| 179 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.},
| 180 | address = {Secaucus, NJ},
| 181 | keywords = {Context analysis, Goal modeling, Requirements analysis},
| 182 | }
| 183 |
| 184 | @ARTICLE{Almeida-2018-IC-HumaneSmartCities,
| 185 | author={Virgilio Almeida and Danilo Doneda and {Moreira da Costa}, Eduardo},
| 186 | journal={IEEE Internet Computing},
| 187 | title={Humane Smart Cities: The Need for Governance},
| 188 | year={2018},
| 189 | volume={22},
| 190 | number={2},
| 191 | pages={91--95},
| 192 | }
| 193 |
| 194 | @incollection{Alsos+2011+Interact+SecondaryUX,
| 195 | year={2011},
| 196 | isbn={978-3-642-23767-6},
| 197 | booktitle={Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2011},
| 198 | volume={6949},
| 199 | series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
| 200 | editor={Campos, Pedro and Graham, Nicholas and Jorge, Joaquim and
| 201 | Nunes, Nuno and Palanque, Philippe and Winckler, Marco},
| 202 | doi={10.1007/978-3-642-23768-3_7},
| 203 | title={Designing for the Secondary User Experience},
| 204 | url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23768-3_7},
| 205 | publisher={Springer},
| 206 | pub_address={Berlin},
| 207 | keywords={User experience; UX; end user; secondary user; secondary
| 208 | user experience; patient experience; clinical simulation;
| 209 | usability evaluation},
| 210 | author={Alsos, Ole Andreas and Svan{\ae}s, Dag},
| 211 | pages={84--91},
| 212 | language={English}
| 213 | }
| 214 |
| 215 | @misc{AmazonMTurk,
| 216 | title = {{Amazon Mechanical Turk}},
| 217 | howpublished = {\url{https://www.mturk.com}},
| 218 | note={Accessed: 08-19-2017},
| 219 | ignore_month=aug,
| 220 | year=2017,
| 221 | }
| 222 |
| 223 | @book{Anderson-2011-MachineEthics,
| 224 | title={Machine ethics},
| 225 | author={Anderson, Michael and Anderson, Susan Leigh},
| 226 | year={2011},
| 227 | publisher={Cambridge University Press}
| 228 | }
| 229 |
| 230 | @inproceedings{Andre+2014+CHI+WorkStructuresCrowdsourcing,
| 231 | author = {Andr{\'e}, Paul and Kraut, Robert E. and Kittur, Aniket},
| 232 | title = {Effects of Simultaneous and Sequential Work Structures on Distributed Collaborative Interdependent Tasks},
| 233 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
| 234 | ignore_series = {CHI '14},
| 235 | year = {2014},
| 236 | isbn = {978-1-4503-2473-1},
| 237 | address = {Toronto},
| 238 | pages = {139--148},
| 239 | numpages = {10},
| 240 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2556288.2557158},
| 241 | doi = {10.1145/2556288.2557158},
| 242 | acmid = {2557158},
| 243 | publisher = {ACM},
| 244 | pub_address = {New York},
| 245 | keywords = {coordination, group size, interdependence, small groups},
| 246 | }
| 247 |
| 248 | @misc{androidlocationapi,
| 249 | title = {{Android Developers Guide}: Obtaining User Location},
| 250 | author={{Android Open Source Project}},
| 251 | howpublished =
| 252 | {\url{http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/location/obtaining-user-location.html}},
| 253 | year=2012,
| 254 | }
| 255 |
| 256 | @inproceedings{Ashbrook-Starner-2002,
| 257 | author = {Daniel Ashbrook and Thad Starner},
| 258 | title = {Learning Significant Locations and Predicting User
| 259 | Movement with {GPS}},
| 260 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on
| 261 | Wearable Computers},
| 262 | year = {2002},
| 263 | pages = {101--108},
| 264 | address = {Seattle, WA},
| 265 | ignore_publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society}
| 266 | }
| 267 |
| 268 | @Incollection{Aydogan-2017-ACAN-NegoProtocols,
| 269 | author="Aydo{\u{g}}an, Reyhan
| 270 | and Festen, David
| 271 | and Hindriks, Koen V.
| 272 | and Jonker, Catholijn M.",
| 273 | editor="Fujita, Katsuhide
| 274 | and Bai, Quan
| 275 | and Ito, Takayuki
| 276 | and Zhang, Minjie
| 277 | and Ren, Fenghui
| 278 | and Aydo{\u{g}}an, Reyhan
| 279 | and Hadfi, Rafik",
| 280 | title="Alternating Offers Protocols for Multilateral Negotiation",
| 281 | bookTitle="Modern Approaches to Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation",
| 282 | year="2017",
| 283 | publisher="Springer International Publishing",
| 284 | address="Cham",
| 285 | pages="153--167",
| 286 | isbn="978-3-319-51563-2",
| 287 | doi="10.1007/978-3-319-51563-2_10",
| 288 | ignore_url="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51563-2_10"
| 289 | }
| 290 |
| 291 | @inproceedings{Azizyan+MobiCom+2009+SorroundSense,
| 292 | author = {Azizyan, Martin and Constandache, Ionut and Roy Choudhury, Romit},
| 293 | title = {{SurroundSense}: Mobile Phone Localization via Ambience
| 294 | Fingerprinting},
| 295 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference
| 296 | on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom)},
| 297 | ignore_series = {MobiCom '09},
| 298 | year = {2009},
| 299 | address = {Beijing},
| 300 | pages = {261--272},
| 301 | numpages = {12},
| 302 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 303 | pub_address = {New York},
| 304 | keywords = {context, fingerprinting, localization, mobile phones},
| 305 | }
| 306 |
| 307 | @article{Baer+2008+JCB+PersonalityCreativity,
| 308 | author = {Baer, Markus and Oldham, Greg R. and Jacobsohn, Gwendolyn
| 309 | Costa and Hollingshead, Andrea B.},
| 310 | title = {The Personality Composition of Teams and Creativity: The
| 311 | Moderating Role of Team Creative Confidence},
| 312 | journal = {The Journal of Creative Behavior},
| 313 | volume = {42},
| 314 | number = {4},
| 315 | publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd.},
| 316 | ignore_issn = {2162-6057},
| 317 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.2162-6057.2008.tb01299.x},
| 318 | ignore_doi = {10.1002/j.2162-6057.2008.tb01299.x},
| 319 | pages = {255--282},
| 320 | year = {2008},
| 321 | }
| 322 |
| 323 | @article{Baer+2012+JOCB+DomainSpecificityCreativity,
| 324 | author = {Baer, John},
| 325 | title = {Domain Specificity and the Limits of Creativity Theory},
| 326 | journal = {The Journal of Creative Behavior},
| 327 | volume = {46},
| 328 | number = {1},
| 329 | issn = {2162-6057},
| 330 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jocb.002},
| 331 | ignore_doi = {10.1002/jocb.002},
| 332 | pages = {16--29},
| 333 | keywords = {creativity, domains, domain specificity, domain generality, theory},
| 334 | year = {2012},
| 335 | }
| 336 |
| 337 | @inproceedings{Balakrishnan-2019-AAAI-BehavioralConstraints,
| 338 | title={Incorporating behavioral constraints in online {AI} systems},
| 339 | author={Balakrishnan, Avinash and Bouneffouf, Djallel and Mattei, Nicholas and Rossi, Francesca},
| 340 | booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
| 341 | pages={3--11},
| 342 | year={2019}
| 343 | }
| 344 |
| 345 | @article{baldauf2007survey,
| 346 | author = {Baldauf, Matthias and Dustdar, Schahram and
| 347 | Rosenberg, Florian},
| 348 | title = {A survey on context-aware systems},
| 349 | journal = {International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing},
| 350 | issue_date = {June 2007},
| 351 | volume = {2},
| 352 | number = {4},
| 353 | month = jun,
| 354 | year = {2007},
| 355 | issn = {1743-8225},
| 356 | pages = {263--277},
| 357 | numpages = {15},
| 358 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJAHUC.2007.014070},
| 359 | doi = {10.1504/IJAHUC.2007.014070},
| 360 | acmid = {1356243},
| 361 | publisher = {Inderscience Publishers},
| 362 | address = {Geneva},
| 363 | keywords = {conceptual design, context awareness, context
| 364 | frameworks, context middleware, context models, context
| 365 | ontology, context\&\#45;aware architectures,
| 366 | context\&\#45;aware computing, context\&\#45;aware services,
| 367 | sensors},
| 368 | }
| 369 |
| 370 | @article{Banerjee-2011-Computer-XaaS,
| 371 | title={Everything as a service: Powering the new information economy},
| 372 | author={Banerjee, Prith and Friedrich, Richard and Bash, Cullen and Goldsack, Patrick and Huberman, Bernardo and Manley, John and Patel, Chandrakant and Ranganathan, Parthasarathy and Veitch, Alistair},
| 373 | journal={Computer},
| 374 | volume={44},
| 375 | number={3},
| 376 | pages={36--43},
| 377 | year={2011},
| 378 | publisher={IEEE}
| 379 | }
| 380 |
| 381 | @techreport{Barbacci+2003+TR+QualityAttribute,
| 382 | title={Quality Attribute Workshops (QAWs)},
| 383 | edition={Third},
| 384 | author={Mario Barbacci and Robert Ellison and Anthony Lattanze and Judith Stafford and Charles Weinstock and William Wood},
| 385 | year={2003},
| 386 | number={CMU/SEI-2003-TR-016},
| 387 | institution={Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University},
| 388 | address={Pittsburgh, PA},
| 389 | url={http://resources.sei.cmu.edu/library/asset-view.cfm?AssetID=6687}
| 390 | }
| 391 |
| 392 | @inproceedings{Barry-2017-CHI-EthicalDesign,
| 393 | author = {Barry, Marguerite and Doherty, Kevin and Marcano Belisario, Jose and Car, Josip and Morrison, Cecily and Doherty, Gavin},
| 394 | title = {mHealth for Maternal Mental Health: Everyday Wisdom in Ethical Design},
| 395 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
| 396 | series = {CHI '17},
| 397 | year = {2017},
| 398 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-4655-9},
| 399 | address = {Denver, CO},
| 400 | pages = {2708--2756},
| 401 | numpages = {49},
| 402 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3025453.3025918},
| 403 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/3025453.3025918},
| 404 | ignore_acmid = {3025918},
| 405 | publisher = {ACM},
| 406 | pub_address = {New York},
| 407 | keywords = {ethical design, human flourishing, mHealth, maternal mental health, phronesis, psychological wellbeing, virtue ethics},
| 408 | }
| 409 |
| 410 | @article{Barron-1955-AbnormalSocPsych-Originality,
| 411 | author = {Frank Barron},
| 412 | title = {The disposition toward originality},
| 413 | journal = {The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology},
| 414 | volume = {51},
| 415 | number = {3},
| 416 | year = {1955},
| 417 | pages = {478--485},
| 418 | publisher = {American Psychological Association},
| 419 | }
| 420 |
| 421 | @inproceedings{Battarbee+2003+DPPI+Coexperience,
| 422 | author = {Battarbee, Katja},
| 423 | title = {Defining Co-experience},
| 424 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Designing
| 425 | Pleasurable Products and Interfaces},
| 426 | ignore_series = {DPPI '03},
| 427 | year = {2003},
| 428 | isbn = {1-58113-652-8},
| 429 | address = {Pittsburgh},
| 430 | pages = {109--113},
| 431 | numpages = {5},
| 432 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/782896.782923},
| 433 | doi = {10.1145/782896.782923},
| 434 | acmid = {782923},
| 435 | publisher = {ACM},
| 436 | pub_address = {New York},
| 437 | keywords = {co-experience, interaction design, user experience},
| 438 | }
| 439 |
| 440 | @article{bellotti2001intelligibility,
| 441 | author = {Bellotti, Victoria and Edwards, Keith},
| 442 | title = {Intelligibility and Accountability: Human considerations in
| 443 | context-aware systems},
| 444 | journal = {Human-Computer Interaction},
| 445 | issue_date = {December 2001},
| 446 | volume = {16},
| 447 | number = {2},
| 448 | month = dec,
| 449 | year = {2001},
| 450 | issn = {0737-0024},
| 451 | pages = {193--212},
| 452 | numpages = {20},
| 453 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1207/S15327051HCI16234_05},
| 454 | doi = {10.1207/S15327051HCI16234_05},
| 455 | acmid = {1463113},
| 456 | publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.},
| 457 | address = {Hillsdale, NJ},
| 458 | }
| 459 |
| 460 | @incollection{Bernon-2005-ADELFE,
| 461 | author={Bernon, Carole and Camps, Val{\'e}rie and Gleizes,
| 462 | Marie-Pierre and Picard, Gauthier},
| 463 | title = {Engineering adaptive multi-agent systems: The {ADELFE}
| 464 | methodology},
| 465 | editor = {Brian Henderson-Sellers and Paolo Giorgini},
| 466 | booktitle = {Agent-Oriented Methodologies},
| 467 | chapter = 7,
| 468 | pages = {107--135},
| 469 | publisher = {Idea Group},
| 470 | address = {Hershey, PA},
| 471 | year = 2005
| 472 | }
| 473 |
| 474 | @article{Bernstein-1996-CACM-Middleware,
| 475 | author = {Bernstein, Philip A.},
| 476 | title = {Middleware: A Model for Distributed System Services},
| 477 | journal = {Communications of the ACM},
| 478 | issue_date = {Feb. 1996},
| 479 | volume = {39},
| 480 | number = {2},
| 481 | month = feb,
| 482 | year = {1996},
| 483 | ignore_issn = {0001-0782},
| 484 | pages = {86--98},
| 485 | numpages = {13},
| 486 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/230798.230809},
| 487 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/230798.230809},
| 488 | ignore_acmid = {230809},
| 489 | publisher = {ACM},
| 490 | address = {New York},
| 491 | }
| 492 |
| 493 | @article{bettini2010contextsurvey,
| 494 | author = {Bettini, Claudio and Brdiczka, Oliver and Henricksen,
| 495 | Karen and Indulska, Jadwiga and Nicklas, Daniela and
| 496 | Ranganathan, Anand and Riboni, Daniele},
| 497 | title = {A survey of context modelling and reasoning techniques},
| 498 | journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
| 499 | issue_date = {April, 2010},
| 500 | volume = {6},
| 501 | number = {2},
| 502 | month = apr,
| 503 | year = {2010},
| 504 | issn = {1574-1192},
| 505 | pages = {161--180},
| 506 | numpages = {20},
| 507 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmcj.2009.06.002},
| 508 | doi = {10.1016/j.pmcj.2009.06.002},
| 509 | acmid = {1755484},
| 510 | publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.},
| 511 | address = {Amsterdam},
| 512 | keywords = {Context management, Context modelling, Context
| 513 | reasoning, Quality of context, Situation modelling},
| 514 | }
| 515 |
| 516 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Bhatia+2015+RELAW+PrivacyLexicon,
| 517 | author={Jaspreet Bhatia and Travis D. Breaux},
| 518 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Requirements
| 519 | Engineering and Law (RELAW)},
| 520 | title={Towards an information type lexicon for privacy policies},
| 521 | year={2015},
| 522 | pages={19--24},
| 523 | keywords={data privacy;EU regulators;human annotations;information type lexicon;part-of-speech tagging;privacy policies;Companies;Crowdsourcing;Data privacy;Manuals;Natural language processing;Privacy;crowdsourcing;natural language processing;privacy;requirements extraction},
| 524 | ignore_doi={10.1109/RELAW.2015.7330207},
| 525 | month={Aug},
| 526 | address={Ottawa},}
| 527 |
| 528 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Bhowmik+2014+RE+CombinatorialCreativity,
| 529 | author={Bhowmik, Tanmay and Nan Niu and Mahmoud, Anas and Savolainen,
| 530 | Juha},
| 531 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Requirements
| 532 | Engineering Conference},
| 533 | title={Automated support for combinational creativity in requirements
| 534 | engineering},
| 535 | year={2014},
| 536 | pages={243--252},
| 537 | keywords={formal specification;public domain software;software
| 538 | reliability;RE;Web services;automated support;combinational
| 539 | creativity;creativity workshops;feature mining;human subject
| 540 | evaluation;open source software systems;part-of-speech
| 541 | tagging;requirements engineering;software system
| 542 | sustainability;topic modeling;unfamiliar idea
| 543 | combinations;Conferences;Social network services;Software
| 544 | engineering;Software systems;Space
| 545 | exploration;Tagging;Requirements
| 546 | engineering;creativity;requirements elicitation;topic modeling},
| 547 | doi={10.1109/RE.2014.6912266},
| 548 | month=aug,
| 549 | address={Karlskrona, Sweden},
| 550 | publisher={IEEE}
| 551 | }
| 552 |
| 553 | @book{Bishop+2006+Book+MachineLearning,
| 554 | author = {Bishop, Christopher M.},
| 555 | title = {Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning},
| 556 | year = {2006},
| 557 | isbn = {0387310738},
| 558 | publisher = {Springer},
| 559 | address = {Secaucus, NJ},
| 560 | }
| 561 |
| 562 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Boehm+1995+ICSE+RequirementsNegotiation,
| 563 | author={Barry Boehm and Prasanta Bose and Ellis Horowitz and Ming
| 564 | June Lee},
| 565 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on
| 566 | Software Engineering},
| 567 | title={Software Requirements Negotiation and Renegotiation Aids: A
| 568 | {Theory-W} Based Spiral Approach},
| 569 | year={1995},
| 570 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 571 | address={Seattle},
| 572 | ignore_month={April},
| 573 | pages={243-243},
| 574 | keywords={Software engineering;Spirals},
| 575 | ISSN={0270-5257},
| 576 | }
| 577 |
| 578 | @article{Bolchini+ContextADDICT+2011,
| 579 | author = {Cristiana Bolchini and Giorgio Orsi and Elisa Quintarelli
| 580 | and Fabio A. Schreiber and Letizia Tanca},
| 581 | title = {Context Modeling and Context Awareness: Steps Forward in
| 582 | the {Context-ADDICT} Project},
| 583 | journal = {IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin},
| 584 | volume = {34},
| 585 | number = {2},
| 586 | year = {2011},
| 587 | pages = {47--54},
| 588 | ee = {http://sites.computer.org/debull/A11june/Tanca.pdf},
| 589 | bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
| 590 | }
| 591 |
| 592 | @misc{BostonOpenData,
| 593 | author = {{City of Boston}},
| 594 | title = {Analyze {Boston}},
| 595 | howpublished = {\url{https://data.boston.gov/}},
| 596 | year=2018,
| 597 | }
| 598 |
| 599 | @article{Bostyn-2018-PS-Trolleys,
| 600 | author = {Dries H. Bostyn and Sybren Sevenhant and Arne Roets},
| 601 | title ={Of Mice, Men, and Trolleys: Hypothetical Judgment Versus Real-Life Behavior in Trolley-Style Moral Dilemmas},
| 602 | journal = {Psychological Science},
| 603 | volume = {29},
| 604 | number = {7},
| 605 | pages = {1084--1093},
| 606 | year = {2018},
| 607 | doi = {10.1177/0956797617752640},
| 608 | note ={PMID: 29741993},
| 609 | }
| 610 |
| 611 | @article{boyd2008social,
| 612 | title = {Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship},
| 613 | author = {Boyd, Danah M. and Ellison, Nicole B.},
| 614 | journal = {Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication},
| 615 | volume = 13,
| 616 | number = 1,
| 617 | pages = {210--230},
| 618 | year = 2008,
| 619 | month = dec
| 620 | }
| 621 |
| 622 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Breaux+2014+RE+CrowdRE,
| 623 | author={Breaux, Travis D. and Schaub, Florian},
| 624 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Requirements
| 625 | Engineering Conference},
| 626 | title={Scaling requirements extraction to the crowd: Experiments with
| 627 | privacy policies},
| 628 | year={2014},
| 629 | pages={163--172},
| 630 | keywords={data acquisition;data privacy;formal specification;natural
| 631 | language processing;text analysis;crowdsourcing;data collection;data
| 632 | quality;data sharing;descriptions extraction;manual requirements
| 633 | extraction task;natural language text sources;overall cost;privacy
| 634 | policies;task decomposition approach;task decomposition
| 635 | workflow;untrained workers;usage requirements;worker
| 636 | payment;worker performance;worker training;Crowdsourcing;Data
| 637 | mining;Encoding;Manuals;Measurement;Natural
| 638 | languages;Privacy;crowdsourcing;natural language;requirements
| 639 | extraction},
| 640 | doi={10.1109/RE.2014.6912258},
| 641 | month=aug,
| 642 | address={Karlskrona, Sweden}
| 643 | }
| 644 |
| 645 | @article{Bresciani2004Tropos,
| 646 | author = {Bresciani, Paolo and Perini, Anna and Giorgini, Paolo and
| 647 | Giunchiglia, Fausto and Mylopoulos, John},
| 648 | title = {Tropos: An Agent-Oriented Software Development Methodology},
| 649 | journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
| 650 | issue_date = {May 2004},
| 651 | volume = {8},
| 652 | number = {3},
| 653 | month = may,
| 654 | year = {2004},
| 655 | issn = {1387-2532},
| 656 | pages = {203--236},
| 657 | numpages = {34},
| 658 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:AGNT.0000018806.20944.ef},
| 659 | doi = {10.1023/B:AGNT.0000018806.20944.ef},
| 660 | acmid = {973206},
| 661 | publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
| 662 | address = {Hingham, MA},
| 663 | keywords = {agent-oriented methodologies, agent-oriented software
| 664 | engineering, multi-agent systems},
| 665 | }
| 666 |
| 667 | @book{Briggs-1976-Book-MBTI,
| 668 | title={Myers-Briggs type indicator},
| 669 | author={Briggs, Katharine C},
| 670 | year={1976},
| 671 | publisher={Consulting Psychologists Press},
| 672 | address={Palo Alto, CA}
| 673 | }
| 674 |
| 675 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Burnay+2016+RE+CreativityTriggers,
| 676 | author={Corentin Burnay and Jennifer Horkoff and Neil Maiden},
| 677 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference},
| 678 | title={Stimulating Stakeholders' Imagination: New Creativity Triggers for Eliciting Novel Requirements},
| 679 | year={2016},
| 680 | pages={36--45},
| 681 | keywords={systems analysis;creative process;creative requirements;creativity techniques;lightweight creativity triggers;requirements engineering;Conferences;Creativity;Interviews;Requirements engineering;Stakeholders;Systematics;Creativity;Elicitiation;Requirements;Triggers},
| 682 | doi={10.1109/RE.2016.36},
| 683 | address={Beijing},
| 684 | month=sep,
| 685 | publisher={IEEE}
| 686 | }
| 687 |
| 688 | @inproceedings{buthpitiya2012hermes,
| 689 | author = {Buthpitiya, Senaka and Luqman, Faisal and Griss, Martin
| 690 | and Xing, Bo and Dey, Anind K.},
| 691 | title = {Hermes -- {A} Context-Aware Application Development Framework
| 692 | and Toolkit for the Mobile Environment},
| 693 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on
| 694 | Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops},
| 695 | year = {2012},
| 696 | month = mar,
| 697 | pages = {663--670},
| 698 | numpages = {8},
| 699 | doi = {10.1109/WAINA.2012.43},
| 700 | acmid = {2196457},
| 701 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 702 | pub_address = {Washington, DC},
| 703 | address={Fukuoka, Japan},
| 704 | keywords = {Context, Context-aware, Development, Framework,
| 705 | Middleware, Toolkit, Mobile},
| 706 | }
| 707 |
| 708 | @inproceedings{Cabrio-2018-IJCAI-ArgumentMining,
| 709 | title = {Five Years of Argument Mining: a Data-driven Analysis},
| 710 | author = {Elena Cabrio and Serena Villata},
| 711 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on
| 712 | Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-18}},
| 713 | publisher = {International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization},
| 714 | pages = {5427--5433},
| 715 | year = {2018},
| 716 | month = {7},
| 717 | doi = {10.24963/ijcai.2018/766},
| 718 | url = {https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2018/766},
| 719 | }
| 720 |
| 721 | @inproceedings{Campagna-2017-WWW-Almond,
| 722 | author = {Campagna, Giovanni and Ramesh, Rakesh and Xu, Silei and Fischer, Michael and Lam, Monica S.},
| 723 | title = {Almond: The Architecture of an Open, Crowdsourced, Privacy-Preserving, Programmable Virtual Assistant},
| 724 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web},
| 725 | series = {WWW '17},
| 726 | year = {2017},
| 727 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-4913-0},
| 728 | address = {Perth, Australia},
| 729 | pages = {341--350},
| 730 | numpages = {10},
| 731 | ignore_url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3038912.3052562},
| 732 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/3038912.3052562},
| 733 | ignore_acmid = {3052562},
| 734 | ignore_publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee},
| 735 | pub_address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland},
| 736 | keywords = {conversational agents, crowdsourcing, internet of things, natural language programming, virtual assistant},
| 737 | }
| 738 |
| 739 | @article{capra2003carisma,
| 740 | author = {Capra, Licia and Emmerich, Wolfgang and Mascolo, Cecilia},
| 741 | title = {{CARISMA}: Context-Aware Reflective mIddleware System for
| 742 | Mobile Applications},
| 743 | journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 744 | issue_date = {October 2003},
| 745 | volume = {29},
| 746 | number = {10},
| 747 | month = oct,
| 748 | year = {2003},
| 749 | issn = {0098-5589},
| 750 | pages = {929--945},
| 751 | numpages = {17},
| 752 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2003.1237173},
| 753 | doi = {10.1109/TSE.2003.1237173},
| 754 | acmid = {1436363},
| 755 | publisher = {IEEE Press},
| 756 | address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
| 757 | keywords = {Middleware, mobile computing, reflection,
| 758 | context-awareness, conflict resolution, game theory, quality
| 759 | of service.},
| 760 | }
| 761 |
| 762 | @misc{Cavoukian-2009-PrivacyByDesign,
| 763 | title={Privacy by design},
| 764 | author={Cavoukian, Ann},
| 765 | howpublished={\url{https://www.ipc.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/Resources/pbd-implement-7found-principles.pdf}},
| 766 | note={Information and privacy commissioner of Ontario, Canada},
| 767 | year={2009}
| 768 | }
| 769 |
| 770 | @misc{CarneadesTool+2014,
| 771 | title = {Carneades tools for argument (re)construction, evaluation,
| 772 | mapping and interchange},
| 773 | author={Thomas F. Gordon},
| 774 | howpublished ={\url{http://carneades.github.io/carneades/}},
| 775 | year=2014,
| 776 | }
| 777 |
| 778 | @article{Ceri2007ContextMDD,
| 779 | author = {Ceri, Stefano and Daniel, Florian and Matera, Maristella and
| 780 | Facca, Federico M.},
| 781 | title = {Model-driven development of context-aware Web applications},
| 782 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Internet Technology},
| 783 | issue_date = {February 2007},
| 784 | volume = {7},
| 785 | number = {1},
| 786 | pages = {1--33},
| 787 | month = feb,
| 788 | year = {2007},
| 789 | issn = {1533-5399},
| 790 | articleno = {2},
| 791 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1189740.1189742},
| 792 | doi = {10.1145/1189740.1189742},
| 793 | acmid = {1189742},
| 794 | publisher = {ACM},
| 795 | address = {New York},
| 796 | keywords = {Context, WebML, adaptive hypertext, conceptual modeling,
| 797 | context-aware Web applications, context-awareness},
| 798 | }
| 799 | @inproceedings{Charif2010AnticipatoryService,
| 800 | author={Charif, Yasmine and Stathis, Kostas and Mili, Hafedh},
| 801 | booktitle={10th Annual International Conference on New Technologies of
| 802 | Distributed Systems (NOTERE)},
| 803 | title={Towards anticipatory service composition in Ambient
| 804 | Intelligence},
| 805 | year={2010},
| 806 | month = jun,
| 807 | pages={49-56},
| 808 | keywords={Ambient intelligence},
| 809 | doi={10.1109/NOTERE.2010.5536832},
| 810 | }
| 811 |
| 812 | @inproceedings{Chen+AAAI+2013+Interest_to_Location,
| 813 | author = {Chen, Yan and Zhao, Jichang and Hu, Xia and Zhang, Xiaoming
| 814 | and Li, Zhoujun and Chua, Tat-Seng},
| 815 | title = {From Interest to Function: Location Estimation in Social
| 816 | Media},
| 817 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial
| 818 | Intelligence},
| 819 | editor = {desJardins, Marie and Littman, Michael L.},
| 820 | ee = {http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI13/paper/view/6286},
| 821 | isbn = {978-1-57735-615-8},
| 822 | publisher = {AAAI Press},
| 823 | year = 2013,
| 824 | pages = {180--186},
| 825 | cited=no,
| 826 | }
| 827 |
| 828 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Chen+2005+RE+RequirementsClustering,
| 829 | author={Kun Chen and Wei Zhang and Haiyan Zhao and Hong Mei},
| 830 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th {IEEE} International Conference on
| 831 | Requirements Engineering},
| 832 | title={An approach to constructing feature models based on
| 833 | requirements clustering},
| 834 | year={2005},
| 835 | pages={31--40},
| 836 | keywords={formal specification;cluster requirements;feature
| 837 | identification;individual requirements;requirements
| 838 | clustering;Application software;Computer science;Context
| 839 | modeling;Packaging;Productivity;Software quality;Unified modeling
| 840 | language},
| 841 | ignore_doi={10.1109/RE.2005.9},
| 842 | ignore_ISSN={1090-705X},
| 843 | month={Aug},
| 844 | address={Paris},
| 845 | }
| 846 |
| 847 | @incollection{Cheng2009SelfAdaptiveSystems,
| 848 | author = {Cheng, Betty H. and Lemos, Rog{\'e}rio and Giese, Holger and
| 849 | Inverardi, Paola and Magee, Jeff and Andersson, Jesper and Becker,
| 850 | Basil and Bencomo, Nelly and Brun, Yuriy and Cukic, Bojan and Marzo
| 851 | Serugendo, Giovanna and Dustdar, Schahram and Finkelstein, Anthony
| 852 | and Gacek, Cristina and Geihs, Kurt and Grassi, Vincenzo and
| 853 | Karsai, Gabor and Kienle, Holger M. and Kramer, Jeff and Litoiu,
| 854 | Marin and Malek, Sam and Mirandola, Raffaela and M\"{u}ller, Hausi
| 855 | A. and Park, Sooyong and Shaw, Mary and Tichy, Matthias and
| 856 | Tivoli, Massimo and Weyns, Danny and Whittle, Jon},
| 857 | title = {Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research
| 858 | Roadmap},
| 859 | booktitle = {Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems},
| 860 | chapter = 1,
| 861 | series = {LNCS},
| 862 | volume = 5525,
| 863 | editor = {Cheng, Betty H. and Lemos, Rog{\'e}rio and Giese, Holger and
| 864 | Inverardi, Paola and Magee, Jeff},
| 865 | year = {2009},
| 866 | isbn = {978-3-642-02160-2},
| 867 | pages = {1--26},
| 868 | numpages = {26},
| 869 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02161-9_1},
| 870 | doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-02161-9_1},
| 871 | acmid = {1573858},
| 872 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 873 | address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
| 874 | }
| 875 |
| 876 | @misc{ChicagoDataPortal,
| 877 | author = {{City of Chicago}},
| 878 | title = {Chicago Data Portal},
| 879 | howpublished = {\url{https://data.cityofchicago.org/}},
| 880 | year = 2018,
| 881 | }
| 882 |
| 883 | @inproceedings{Chon+2011+LocationMonitoring,
| 884 | author = {Chon, Yohan and Talipov, Elmurod and Shin, Hyojeong and Cha,
| 885 | Hojung},
| 886 | title = {Mobility Prediction-based Smartphone Energy Optimization
| 887 | for Everyday Location Monitoring},
| 888 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded
| 889 | Networked Sensor Systems},
| 890 | year = {2011},
| 891 | isbn = {978-1-4503-0718-5},
| 892 | location = {Seattle, Washington},
| 893 | pages = {82--95},
| 894 | numpages = {14},
| 895 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2070942.2070952},
| 896 | doi = {10.1145/2070942.2070952},
| 897 | acmid = {2070952},
| 898 | publisher = {ACM},
| 899 | address = {New York},
| 900 | keywords = {adaptive sensing, energy-efficient, mobility learning,
| 901 | mobility prediction},
| 902 | }
| 903 |
| 904 | @article{Chorus-2020-PlosOne-COVID19,
| 905 | author = {Chorus, Caspar AND Sandorf, Erlend Dancke AND Mouter, Niek},
| 906 | journal = {PLOS ONE},
| 907 | publisher = {Public Library of Science},
| 908 | title = {Diabolical dilemmas of COVID-19: An empirical study into Dutch society’s trade-offs between health impacts and other effects of the lockdown},
| 909 | year = {2020},
| 910 | month = {09},
| 911 | volume = {15},
| 912 | url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238683},
| 913 | pages = {1-19},
| 914 | number = {9},
| 915 | doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0238683}
| 916 | }
| 917 |
| 918 | @inproceedings{choudhury2003sensing,
| 919 | title = {Sensing and Modeling Human Networks using the {Sociometer}},
| 920 | author = {Choudhury, Tanzeem and Pentland, Alex},
| 921 | booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on
| 922 | Wearable Computers},
| 923 | pages = {216--222},
| 924 | issn = {1530--0811},
| 925 | year = 2003,
| 926 | month = oct,
| 927 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 928 | address = {White Plains, NY}
| 929 | }
| 930 |
| 931 | @inproceedings{Chopra-2016-WWW-SocialMachines,
| 932 | author = {Chopra, Amit K. and Singh, Munindar P.},
| 933 | title = {From Social Machines to Social Protocols: Software Engineering Foundations for Sociotechnical Systems},
| 934 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web},
| 935 | series = {WWW '16},
| 936 | year = {2016},
| 937 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-4143-1},
| 938 | address = {Montr\'eal},
| 939 | pages = {903--914},
| 940 | numpages = {12},
| 941 | ignore_url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2872427.2883018},
| 942 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/2872427.2883018},
| 943 | ignore_acmid = {2883018},
| 944 | keywords = {commitment, interaction protocols, norms, social computing, social machines, social protocols},
| 945 | }
| 946 |
| 947 | @misc{CKAN,
| 948 | author = {{CKAN}},
| 949 | title = {The world's leading Open Source data portal platform},
| 950 | howpublished = {\url{https://ckan.org/}},
| 951 | year=2018,
| 952 | }
| 953 |
| 954 | @book{Cliff-2014-Book-Ordinal,
| 955 | title={Ordinal Methods for Behavioral Data Analysis},
| 956 | author={Cliff, Norman},
| 957 | year={2014},
| 958 | publisher={Psychology Press}
| 959 | }
| 960 |
| 961 | @book{Cohen+2003+Book+MultipleRegressionAnalysis,
| 962 | title={Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the
| 963 | Behavioral Sciences},
| 964 | author={Cohen, Jacob and Cohen, Patricia and West, Stephen G. and
| 965 | Aiken, Leona S.},
| 966 | year={2003},
| 967 | edition={3},
| 968 | publisher={Lawrence Erlbaum Associates},
| 969 | address={Mahwah, NJ},
| 970 | }
| 971 |
| 972 | @inproceedings{Conitzer-2017-AAAI-MoralDecisions,
| 973 | title={Moral Decision Making Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence.},
| 974 | author={Conitzer, Vincent and Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter and Borg, Jana Schaich and Deng, Yuan and Kramer, Max},
| 975 | booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
| 976 | pages={4831--4835},
| 977 | year={2017}
| 978 | }
| 979 |
| 980 | @inproceedings{constandache2010localization,
| 981 | author = {Constandache, Ionut and Choudhury, Romit Roy and Rhee,
| 982 | Injong},
| 983 | title = {Towards mobile phone localization without war-driving},
| 984 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Information
| 985 | Communications},
| 986 | year = {2010},
| 987 | isbn = {978-1-4244-5836-3},
| 988 | location = {San Diego, CA},
| 989 | pages = {2321--2329},
| 990 | numpages = {9},
| 991 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1833515.1833820},
| 992 | acmid = {1833820},
| 993 | publisher = {IEEE},
| 994 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 995 | }
| 996 |
| 997 | @article{Cooper+2010+PID+MiniIPIP-CFA,
| 998 | title = "A confirmatory factor analysis of the {Mini-IPIP} five-factor
| 999 | model personality scale",
| 1000 | journal = "Personality and Individual Differences",
| 1001 | volume = "48",
| 1002 | number = "5",
| 1003 | pages = "688--691",
| 1004 | year = "2010",
| 1005 | issn = "0191-8869",
| 1006 | doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2010.01.004",
| 1007 | ignore_url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019188691000022X",
| 1008 | author = "Andrew J. Cooper and Luke D. Smillie and Philip J. Corr",
| 1009 | keywords = "Five-factor model",
| 1010 | keywords = "International Personality Item Pool",
| 1011 | keywords = "Factor analysis",
| 1012 | keywords = "Personality assessment ",
| 1013 | }
| 1014 |
| 1015 | @misc{CorbettDavies-2018-Arxiv-FairnessMisMeasures,
| 1016 | title={The Measure and Mismeasure of Fairness: A Critical Review of Fair Machine Learning},
| 1017 | author={Sam Corbett-Davies and Sharad Goel},
| 1018 | year={2018},
| 1019 | eprint={1808.00023},
| 1020 | archivePrefix={arXiv},
| 1021 | primaryClass={cs.CY},
| 1022 | howpublished={\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.00023}}
| 1023 | }
| 1024 |
| 1025 | @article{Costa-1992-PA-NeoPIR,
| 1026 | title={Revised neo personality (neo-pi-r) and neo five factor inventory (neo-ffi) professional journal manual},
| 1027 | author={Costa, Paul T. Jr and McCrae, Robert R.},
| 1028 | journal={Odessa Florida: Psychological Assessment Resources},
| 1029 | year={1992}
| 1030 | }
| 1031 |
| 1032 | @article{Costa-2008-HPTA-NEOPIR,
| 1033 | author = {{Costa,~Jr.}, Paul T. and R. McCrae, Robert},
| 1034 | year = {2008},
| 1035 | month = jan,
| 1036 | pages = {179--198},
| 1037 | title = {The revised {NEO} personality inventory (NEO-PI-R)},
| 1038 | volume = {2},
| 1039 | journal = {The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment},
| 1040 | doi = {10.4135/9781849200479.n9}
| 1041 | }
| 1042 |
| 1043 | @article{coursaris2011mobileusability,
| 1044 | author = {Coursaris, Constantinos K. and Kim, Dan J.},
| 1045 | title = {A Meta-Analytical Review of Empirical Mobile Usability Studies},
| 1046 | journal = {Journal of Usability Studies},
| 1047 | issue_date = {May 2011},
| 1048 | volume = {6},
| 1049 | number = {3},
| 1050 | month = may,
| 1051 | year = {2011},
| 1052 | issn = {1931-3357},
| 1053 | pages = {117--171},
| 1054 | articleno = {11},
| 1055 | numpages = {55},
| 1056 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2007456.2007459},
| 1057 | acmid = {2007459},
| 1058 | publisher = {Usability Professionals' Association},
| 1059 | address = {Bloomingdale, IL},
| 1060 | keywords = {Human Computer Interaction, context, effectiveness,
| 1061 | efficiency, empirical, meta-analysis, mobile, mobile device,
| 1062 | satisfaction, usability, wireless},
| 1063 | }
| 1064 |
| 1065 | @inproceedings{Cranefield-2017-IJCAI-ValuesBDI,
| 1066 | author = {Stephen Cranefield and Michael Winikoff and Virginia Dignum and Frank Dignum},
| 1067 | title = {No Pizza for You: Value-based Plan Selection in BDI Agents},
| 1068 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on
| 1069 | Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-17}},
| 1070 | pages = {178--184},
| 1071 | year = {2017},
| 1072 | doi = {10.24963/ijcai.2017/26},
| 1073 | url = {https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2017/26},
| 1074 | }
| 1075 |
| 1076 | @inproceedings{Difallah+2018+WSDM-MTurkDemographics,
| 1077 | author = {Difallah, Djellel and Filatova, Elena and Ipeirotis, Panos},
| 1078 | title = {Demographics and Dynamics of {Mechanical} {Turk} Workers},
| 1079 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining},
| 1080 | series = {WSDM '18},
| 1081 | year = {2018},
| 1082 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-5581-0},
| 1083 | address = {Marina Del Rey, CA},
| 1084 | pages = {135--143},
| 1085 | numpages = {9},
| 1086 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3159652.3159661},
| 1087 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/3159652.3159661},
| 1088 | ignore_acmid = {3159661},
| 1089 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 1090 | pub_address = {New York, NY, USA},
| 1091 | keywords = {amazon mechanical turk, capture-recapture, crowdsourcing, demographics, dynamics, selection bias, surveys},
| 1092 | }
| 1093 |
| 1094 | @inproceedings{Dallman+2005+ECIS+ContextualCreativityRE,
| 1095 | author={Shaun Dallman and LeMai Nguyen and John W. Lamp and
| 1096 | Jacob L. Cybulski},
| 1097 | title={Contextual Factors which Influence Creativity in Requirements
| 1098 | Engineering},
| 1099 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on
| 1100 | Information Systems (ECIS)},
| 1101 | pages={1734--1745},
| 1102 | year={2005},
| 1103 | month=may,
| 1104 | address={Regensburg, Germany},
| 1105 | ignore_crossref = {DBLP:conf/ecis/2005},
| 1106 | ignore_url = {http://is2.lse.ac.uk/asp/aspecis/20050151.pdf},
| 1107 | ignore_timestamp = {Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:03:19 +0100},
| 1108 | ignore_biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/ecis/DallmanNLC05},
| 1109 | ignore_bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
| 1110 | }
| 1111 |
| 1112 | @article{Das-2012-PUCK,
| 1113 | author = {Das, Barnan and Cook, Diane J. and Schmitter-Edgecombe,
| 1114 | Maureen and Seelye, Adriana M.},
| 1115 | title = {{PUCK}: an automated prompting system for smart
| 1116 | environments: toward achieving automated prompting---challenges
| 1117 | involved},
| 1118 | journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing},
| 1119 | issue_date = {October 2012},
| 1120 | volume = {16},
| 1121 | number = {7},
| 1122 | month = oct,
| 1123 | year = {2012},
| 1124 | issn = {1617-4909},
| 1125 | pages = {859--873},
| 1126 | numpages = {15},
| 1127 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-011-0445-6},
| 1128 | doi = {10.1007/s00779-011-0445-6},
| 1129 | acmid = {2387478},
| 1130 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 1131 | address = {London},
| 1132 | keywords = {Automated prompting, Imbalanced class distribution,
| 1133 | Machine learning, Prompting systems, Smart environments},
| 1134 | }
| 1135 |
| 1136 | @misc{Datagov+2016+Web,
| 1137 | author = {Data.gov},
| 1138 | title = {U.S. Government's open data},
| 1139 | howpublished = {\url{https://www.data.gov/}},
| 1140 | note = {Accessed: November 2016},
| 1141 | }
| 1142 |
| 1143 | @article{Datler-2013-SSR-InglehartSchwartzValidity,
| 1144 | title = "Two theories on the test bench: Internal and external validity of the theories of {Ronald Inglehart} and {Shalom Schwartz}",
| 1145 | journal = "Social Science Research",
| 1146 | volume = "42",
| 1147 | number = "3",
| 1148 | pages = "906--925",
| 1149 | year = "2013",
| 1150 | issn = "0049-089X",
| 1151 | doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2012.12.009",
| 1152 | url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049089X12002591",
| 1153 | author = "Georg Datler and Wolfgang Jagodzinski and Peter Schmidt",
| 1154 | keywords = "Inglehart, Schwartz, Confirmatory factor analysis, World Value Survey (WVS), European Social Survey (ESS), Theory comparison"
| 1155 | }
| 1156 |
| 1157 | @article{davies2008activitybasedcomputing,
| 1158 | author = {Davies, Nigel and Siewiorek, Daniel P. and Sukthankar,
| 1159 | Rahul},
| 1160 | title = {Activity-Based Computing},
| 1161 | journal = {IEEE Pervasive Computing},
| 1162 | issue_date = {April 2008},
| 1163 | volume = {7},
| 1164 | number = {2},
| 1165 | month = apr,
| 1166 | year = {2008},
| 1167 | issn = {1536-1268},
| 1168 | pages = {20--21},
| 1169 | numpages = {2},
| 1170 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MPRV.2008.26},
| 1171 | doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.26},
| 1172 | acmid = {1399118},
| 1173 | publisher = {IEEE Educational Activities Department},
| 1174 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 1175 | keywords = {activity recognition, activity-based computing,
| 1176 | activity-based computing, context-aware computing, activity
| 1177 | recognition, context-aware computing}
| 1178 | }
| 1179 |
| 1180 | @article{Diehl-1987-JSPS-Brainstorming,
| 1181 | title={Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: Toward the solution of a riddle},
| 1182 | author={Diehl, Michael and Stroebe, Wolfgang},
| 1183 | journal={Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
| 1184 | volume={53},
| 1185 | number={3},
| 1186 | pages={497--509},
| 1187 | year={1987},
| 1188 | publisher={American Psychological Association}
| 1189 | }
| 1190 |
| 1191 | @article{deresiewicz2009faux,
| 1192 | title = {Faux friendship},
| 1193 | author = {Deresiewicz, William},
| 1194 | journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
| 1195 | year = 2009,
| 1196 | month = dec
| 1197 | }
| 1198 |
| 1199 | @inproceedings{desJardins2005contextsensitive,
| 1200 | author = {Marie desJardins and Eric Eaton and Kiri Wagstaff},
| 1201 | title = {A Context-Sensitive and User-Centric Approach to Developing
| 1202 | Personal Assistants},
| 1203 | booktitle = {Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on
| 1204 | Persistent Assistants},
| 1205 | year = {2005},
| 1206 | month = mar,
| 1207 | pages = {98--100},
| 1208 | ignore_publisher = {AAAI},
| 1209 | ee = {http://www.aaai.org/Library/Symposia/Spring/2005/ss05-05-016.php},
| 1210 | bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
| 1211 | }
| 1212 |
| 1213 | @inproceedings{dey2000towards,
| 1214 | title = {Towards a better understanding of context and context-awareness},
| 1215 | author = {Dey, Anind K. and Abowd, Gregory D.},
| 1216 | booktitle = {CHI Workshop on the What, Who, Where, When, and How of Context-awareness},
| 1217 | volume = 4,
| 1218 | pages = {1--6},
| 1219 | year = 2000
| 1220 | }
| 1221 |
| 1222 | @InCollection{Dey-2000-HUbiComp-Context,
| 1223 | author="Abowd, Gregory D.
| 1224 | and Dey, Anind K.
| 1225 | and Brown, Peter J.
| 1226 | and Davies, Nigel
| 1227 | and Smith, Mark
| 1228 | and Steggles, Pete",
| 1229 | editor="Gellersen, Hans-W.",
| 1230 | title="Towards a Better Understanding of Context and Context-Awareness",
| 1231 | booktitle="Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing",
| 1232 | year="1999",
| 1233 | publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
| 1234 | address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
| 1235 | pages="304--307",
| 1236 | isbn="978-3-540-48157-7"
| 1237 | }
| 1238 |
| 1239 | @article{dey2001conceptual,
| 1240 | author = {Dey, Anind K. and Abowd, Gregory D. and Salber, Daniel},
| 1241 | title = {A conceptual framework and a toolkit for supporting the
| 1242 | rapid prototyping of context-aware applications},
| 1243 | journal = {Human-Computer Interaction},
| 1244 | issue_date = {December 2001},
| 1245 | volume = {16},
| 1246 | number = {2},
| 1247 | month = dec,
| 1248 | year = {2001},
| 1249 | issn = {0737-0024},
| 1250 | pages = {97--166},
| 1251 | numpages = {70},
| 1252 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1207/S15327051HCI16234_02},
| 1253 | doi = {10.1207/S15327051HCI16234_02},
| 1254 | acmid = {1463110},
| 1255 | publisher = {L. Erlbaum Associates Inc.},
| 1256 | address = {Hillsdale, NJ},
| 1257 | }
| 1258 |
| 1259 | @inproceedings{dey2009intelligibility,
| 1260 | author = {Dey, Anind K. and Newberger, Alan},
| 1261 | title = {Support for context-aware intelligibility and control},
| 1262 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th SIGCHI Conference on Human
| 1263 | Factors in Computing Systems},
| 1264 | year = {2009},
| 1265 | isbn = {978-1-60558-246-7},
| 1266 | location = {Boston},
| 1267 | pages = {859--868},
| 1268 | numpages = {10},
| 1269 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1518832},
| 1270 | doi = {10.1145/1518701.1518832},
| 1271 | acmid = {1518832},
| 1272 | publisher = {ACM},
| 1273 | address = {New York},
| 1274 | keywords = {context-aware computing, control, design support,
| 1275 | intelligibility, toolkits},
| 1276 | }
| 1277 |
| 1278 | @inproceedings{dobson2005location,
| 1279 | author = {Dobson, Simon},
| 1280 | title = {Leveraging the subtleties of location},
| 1281 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Smart Objects
| 1282 | and Ambient Intelligence: Innovative Context-Aware Services:
| 1283 | Usages and Technologies},
| 1284 | year = {2005},
| 1285 | month = oct,
| 1286 | isbn = {1-59593-304-2},
| 1287 | location = {Grenoble, France},
| 1288 | pages = {189--193},
| 1289 | numpages = {5},
| 1290 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1107548.1107597},
| 1291 | doi = {10.1145/1107548.1107597},
| 1292 | acmid = {1107597},
| 1293 | publisher = {ACM},
| 1294 | address = {New York},
| 1295 | }
| 1296 |
| 1297 | @article{Donnellan+2006+PsyAssess+MiniIPIP,
| 1298 | author = {Donnellan, M. Brent and Oswald, Frederick L. and Baird,
| 1299 | Brendan M. and Lucas, Richard E.},
| 1300 | doi = {10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.192},
| 1301 | issn = {1939-134X},
| 1302 | journal = {Psychological Assessment},
| 1303 | keywords = {personality, spec},
| 1304 | month = jun,
| 1305 | number = {2},
| 1306 | pages = {192--203},
| 1307 | title = {The {Mini-IPIP} Scales: Tiny-yet-effective measures of
| 1308 | the {Big Five} Factors of Personality},
| 1309 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.192},
| 1310 | volume = {18},
| 1311 | year = {2006}
| 1312 | }
| 1313 |
| 1314 | @inproceedings{Doroudi+2016+CHI+CrowdLearning,
| 1315 | author = {Doroudi, Shayan and Kamar, Ece and Brunskill, Emma and
| 1316 | Horvitz, Eric},
| 1317 | title = {Toward a Learning Science for Complex Crowdsourcing Tasks},
| 1318 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors
| 1319 | in Computing Systems},
| 1320 | ignore_series = {CHI '16},
| 1321 | year = {2016},
| 1322 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-3362-7},
| 1323 | address = {Santa Clara, CA},
| 1324 | pages = {2623--2634},
| 1325 | numpages = {12},
| 1326 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2858036.2858268},
| 1327 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/2858036.2858268},
| 1328 | ignore_acmid = {2858268},
| 1329 | publisher = {ACM},
| 1330 | ignore_address = {New York},
| 1331 | keywords = {crowdsourcing, education, peer review, web search, worked
| 1332 | examples, worker training},
| 1333 | }
| 1334 |
| 1335 | @article{dourish2004context,
| 1336 | author = {Dourish, Paul},
| 1337 | title = {What we talk about when we talk about context},
| 1338 | journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing},
| 1339 | issue_date = {February 2004},
| 1340 | volume = {8},
| 1341 | number = {1},
| 1342 | month = feb,
| 1343 | year = {2004},
| 1344 | issn = {1617-4909},
| 1345 | pages = {19--30},
| 1346 | numpages = {12},
| 1347 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-003-0253-8},
| 1348 | doi = {10.1007/s00779-003-0253-8},
| 1349 | acmid = {970985},
| 1350 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 1351 | address = {London},
| 1352 | keywords = {Context-aware computing, Ethnomethodology},
| 1353 | }
| 1354 |
| 1355 | @incollection{duckham2006locationprivacy,
| 1356 | title={Location privacy and location-aware computing},
| 1357 | author={Duckham, Matt and Kulik, Lars},
| 1358 | booktitle={Dynamic and Mobile {GIS}: Investigating Changes in Space
| 1359 | and Time},
| 1360 | chapter=3,
| 1361 | pages={34--51},
| 1362 | year={2006},
| 1363 | publisher={CRC Press},
| 1364 | address={Boca Raton, FL},
| 1365 | editor={Drummond, Jane and Billen, Roland and Jo\~{a}o, Elsa and
| 1366 | Forrest, David}
| 1367 | }
| 1368 |
| 1369 | @techreport{dugad96tutorial,
| 1370 | title = {A tutorial on hidden markov models},
| 1371 | author = {Dugad, R. and Desai, UB},
| 1372 | journal = {Techn. Report SPANN-96-1, Signal Processing and
| 1373 | Artificial Neural Networks Laboratory Department of
| 1374 | Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of
| 1375 | Technology?Bombay Powai, Bombay},
| 1376 | volume = 400,
| 1377 | pages = 076
| 1378 | }
| 1379 |
| 1380 | @inproceedings{duh2006usabilityfieldstudy,
| 1381 | author = {Duh, Henry Been-Lirn and Tan, Gerald C. B. and Chen,
| 1382 | Vivian Hsueh-hua},
| 1383 | title = {Usability evaluation for mobile device: A comparison of
| 1384 | laboratory and field tests},
| 1385 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Human-Computer
| 1386 | Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services},
| 1387 | year = {2006},
| 1388 | month = sep,
| 1389 | isbn = {1-59593-390-5},
| 1390 | address = {Helsinki},
| 1391 | pages = {181--186},
| 1392 | numpages = {6},
| 1393 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 1394 | pub_address = {New York},
| 1395 | keywords = {dynamics environment, mobile devices, usability},
| 1396 | }
| 1397 |
| 1398 | @article{Dunn-1964-Technometrics-Multiple,
| 1399 | title={Multiple comparisons using rank sums},
| 1400 | author={Dunn, Olive Jean},
| 1401 | journal={Technometrics},
| 1402 | volume={6},
| 1403 | number={3},
| 1404 | pages={241--252},
| 1405 | year={1964},
| 1406 | publisher={Taylor \& Francis Group}
| 1407 | }
| 1408 |
| 1409 | @article {Dupont-2996-IntNego-NegotiationasCoalitionBuilding,
| 1410 | author = "Christophe Dupont",
| 1411 | title = "Negotiation as Coalition Building",
| 1412 | journal = "International Negotiation",
| 1413 | year = "01 Jan. 1996",
| 1414 | publisher = "Brill | Nijhoff",
| 1415 | address = "Leiden, The Netherlands",
| 1416 | volume = "1",
| 1417 | number = "1",
| 1418 | doi = "https://doi.org/10.1163/157180696X00287",
| 1419 | pages= "47 - 64",
| 1420 | url = "https://brill.com/view/journals/iner/1/1/article-p47_5.xml"
| 1421 | }
| 1422 |
| 1423 | @inproceedings{eagle2004social,
| 1424 | title = {Social serendipity: Proximity sensing and cueing},
| 1425 | author = {Eagle, Nathan and Pentland, Alex},
| 1426 | journal = {Ubicomp},
| 1427 | year = 2004
| 1428 | }
| 1429 |
| 1430 | @article{eagle2005social,
| 1431 | title = {Social serendipity: Mobilizing social software},
| 1432 | author = {Eagle, Nathan and Pentland, Alex},
| 1433 | journal = {IEEE Pervasive Computing},
| 1434 | pages = {28--34},
| 1435 | year = 2005
| 1436 | }
| 1437 |
| 1438 | @article{eagle2006reality,
| 1439 | author = {Eagle, Nathan and Pentland, Alex (Sandy)},
| 1440 | title = {Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems},
| 1441 | journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing},
| 1442 | issue_date = {May 2006},
| 1443 | volume = {10},
| 1444 | number = {4},
| 1445 | month = mar,
| 1446 | year = {2006},
| 1447 | issn = {1617-4909},
| 1448 | pages = {255--268},
| 1449 | numpages = {14},
| 1450 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-005-0046-3},
| 1451 | doi = {10.1007/s00779-005-0046-3},
| 1452 | acmid = {1122745},
| 1453 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 1454 | address = {London},
| 1455 | keywords = {Bluetooth, Complex social systems, Mobile phones, User
| 1456 | modeling, Wearable computing},
| 1457 | }
| 1458 | }
| 1459 |
| 1460 | @article{eagle2007inferring,
| 1461 | title = {Inferring social network structure using mobile phone data},
| 1462 | author = {Eagle, Nathan and Pentland, Alex and Lazer, David},
| 1463 | journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
| 1464 | volume = 106,
| 1465 | number = 36,
| 1466 | pages = {15274--15278},
| 1467 | year = 2007,
| 1468 | month = aug
| 1469 | }
| 1470 |
| 1471 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Ebert+2016+ICGSE+Trends,
| 1472 | author={Christof Ebert and Marco Kuhrmann and Rafael Prikladnicki},
| 1473 | booktitle={IEEE 11th International Conference on Global Software Engineering},
| 1474 | ignore_series = {ICGSE},
| 1475 | title={Global Software Engineering: Evolution and Trends},
| 1476 | year={2016},
| 1477 | pages={144--153},
| 1478 | ignore_doi={10.1109/ICGSE.2016.19},
| 1479 | ignore_ISSN={2329-6313},
| 1480 | month=aug,}
| 1481 |
| 1482 | @book{Eason+1988+Book+ITOC,
| 1483 | author = {Eason, Ken},
| 1484 | title = {Information Technology and Organisational Change},
| 1485 | year = {1988},
| 1486 | isbn = {0-85066-391-1},
| 1487 | publisher = {Taylor \& Francis/Hemisphere},
| 1488 | address = {Bristol, PA},
| 1489 | }
| 1490 |
| 1491 | @techreport{EC+2019+TechReport-Ethics,
| 1492 | author = {{High-Level Expert Group on AI}},
| 1493 | title = {Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy {AI}},
| 1494 | institution = {European Commission},
| 1495 | address = {Brussels},
| 1496 | language = {eng},
| 1497 | month = apr,
| 1498 | type = {Report},
| 1499 | note = {Available at: \url{https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/ethics-guidelines-trustworthy-ai}},
| 1500 | year = 2019
| 1501 | }
| 1502 |
| 1503 | @inproceedings{Emmerich+FOSE+2000+Middleware,
| 1504 | author = {Emmerich, Wolfgang},
| 1505 | title = {Software Engineering and Middleware: A Roadmap},
| 1506 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Software
| 1507 | Engineering},
| 1508 | year = {2000},
| 1509 | isbn = {1-58113-253-0},
| 1510 | address = {Limerick, Ireland},
| 1511 | pages = {117--129},
| 1512 | numpages = {13},
| 1513 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/336512.336542},
| 1514 | doi = {10.1145/336512.336542},
| 1515 | acmid = {336542},
| 1516 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 1517 | pub_address = {New York},
| 1518 | }
| 1519 |
| 1520 | @book{Endsley+2011+Book+SituationAwareness,
| 1521 | author = {Endsley, Mica R.},
| 1522 | title = {Designing for Situation Awareness: An Approach to
| 1523 | User-Centered Design},
| 1524 | year = {2011},
| 1525 | isbn = {1420063553, 9781420063554},
| 1526 | edition = {2nd},
| 1527 | publisher = {CRC Press},
| 1528 | address = {Boca Raton, FL},
| 1529 | }
| 1530 |
| 1531 | @inproceedings{estrin2010participatorysensing,
| 1532 | author = {Estrin, Deborah L.},
| 1533 | title = {Participatory sensing: Applications and architecture},
| 1534 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mobile
| 1535 | Systems, Applications, and Services},
| 1536 | year = {2010},
| 1537 | isbn = {978-1-60558-985-5},
| 1538 | address = {San Francisco},
| 1539 | pages = {3--4},
| 1540 | numpages = {2},
| 1541 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1814433.1814435},
| 1542 | doi = {10.1145/1814433.1814435},
| 1543 | acmid = {1814435},
| 1544 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 1545 | pub_address = {New York},
| 1546 | keywords = {mobile applications, mobile systems, participatory
| 1547 | sensing, privacy},
| 1548 | }
| 1549 |
| 1550 | @article{Fabian+2010+REJ+SecurityRESurvey,
| 1551 | author = {Fabian, Benjamin and G\"urses, Seda and Heisel,
| 1552 | Maritta and Santen, Thomas and Schmidt, Holger},
| 1553 | title = {A Comparison of Security Requirements Engineering Methods},
| 1554 | journal = {Requirements Engineering},
| 1555 | issue_date = {March 2010},
| 1556 | volume = {15},
| 1557 | number = {1},
| 1558 | month = mar,
| 1559 | year = {2010},
| 1560 | issn = {0947-3602},
| 1561 | pages = {7--40},
| 1562 | numpages = {34},
| 1563 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00766-009-0092-x},
| 1564 | ignore_doi = {10.1007/s00766-009-0092-x},
| 1565 | acmid = {1731697},
| 1566 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 1567 | address = {Secaucus, NJ},
| 1568 | keywords = {Comparison, Framework for security requirement
| 1569 | engineering, Security requirement engineering},
| 1570 | }
| 1571 |
| 1572 | @article{Faria-2016-AIReview-NoveltyDetectionStreams,
| 1573 | author = {Faria, Elaine R. and Gon\c{c}alves, Isabel J. and Carvalho, Andr\'{e} C. and Gama, Jo\~{a}o},
| 1574 | title = {Novelty Detection in Data Streams},
| 1575 | year = {2016},
| 1576 | issue_date = {February 2016},
| 1577 | publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
| 1578 | address = {USA},
| 1579 | volume = {45},
| 1580 | number = {2},
| 1581 | issn = {0269-2821},
| 1582 | url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-015-9444-8},
| 1583 | doi = {10.1007/s10462-015-9444-8},
| 1584 | journal = {Artificial Intelligence Review},
| 1585 | month = feb,
| 1586 | pages = {235--269},
| 1587 | numpages = {35},
| 1588 | keywords = {Classification, Survey, Novelty detection, Data streams}
| 1589 | }
| 1590 |
| 1591 | @book{Feist+2017+Book+CreativityPersonalityResearch,
| 1592 | author={ Gregory Feist and Roni Reiter-Palmon and James Kaufman (Eds.)},
| 1593 | place={Cambridge},
| 1594 | series={Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology},
| 1595 | title={The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Personality Research},
| 1596 | DOI={10.1017/9781316228036},
| 1597 | publisher={Cambridge University Press},
| 1598 | year={2017},
| 1599 | collection={Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology}
| 1600 | }
| 1601 |
| 1602 | @inproceedings{Felt+CCS+2011+Android_Permissions,
| 1603 | author = {Felt, Adrienne Porter and Chin, Erika and Hanna, Steve and
| 1604 | Song, Dawn and Wagner, David},
| 1605 | title = {Android Permissions Demystified},
| 1606 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer and
| 1607 | Communications Security},
| 1608 | series_ignore = {CCS '11},
| 1609 | year = {2011},
| 1610 | isbn = {978-1-4503-0948-6},
| 1611 | location = {Chicago},
| 1612 | pages = {627--638},
| 1613 | numpages = {12},
| 1614 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2046707.2046779},
| 1615 | doi = {10.1145/2046707.2046779},
| 1616 | acmid = {2046779},
| 1617 | publisher = {ACM},
| 1618 | address = {New York},
| 1619 | keywords = {android, least privilege, permissions},
| 1620 | }
| 1621 |
| 1622 | @InCollection{Fieser+IEP+Ethics,
| 1623 | author = {James Fieser},
| 1624 | title = {Ethics},
| 1625 | booktitle = {The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy},
| 1626 | editor = {James Fieser and Bradley Dowden},
| 1627 | note = {\url{https://www.iep.utm.edu/ethics/}},
| 1628 | year = {2020},
| 1629 | issn = {2161-0002},
| 1630 | }
| 1631 |
| 1632 | @article{Fink+2010+NeuroImage+CognitiveStimulation,
| 1633 | title = "Enhancing creativity by means of cognitive stimulation:
| 1634 | Evidence from an {fMRI} study",
| 1635 | journal = "NeuroImage",
| 1636 | volume = "52",
| 1637 | number = "4",
| 1638 | pages = "1687--1695",
| 1639 | year = "2010",
| 1640 | note = "",
| 1641 | issn = "1053-8119",
| 1642 | doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.05.072",
| 1643 | ignore_url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811910008244",
| 1644 | author = "Andreas Fink and Roland H. Grabner and Daniela Gebauer and
| 1645 | Gernot Reishofer and Karl Koschutnig and Franz Ebner",
| 1646 | keywords = "Originality",
| 1647 | keywords = "Creativity",
| 1648 | keywords = "Cognition",
| 1649 | keywords = "Training",
| 1650 | keywords = "Neuroscience "
| 1651 | }
| 1652 |
| 1653 | @article{forney1973viterbi,
| 1654 | title = {The viterbi algorithm},
| 1655 | author = {Forney Jr, G.D.},
| 1656 | journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
| 1657 | volume = 61,
| 1658 | number = 3,
| 1659 | pages = {268--278},
| 1660 | issn = {0018-9219},
| 1661 | year = 1973
| 1662 | }
| 1663 |
| 1664 | @article{fortunato2010community,
| 1665 | title = {Community detection in graphs},
| 1666 | author = {Fortunato, Santo},
| 1667 | journal = {Physics Reports},
| 1668 | volume = 486,
| 1669 | number = {3--5},
| 1670 | pages = {75--174},
| 1671 | year = 2010,
| 1672 | publisher = {Elsevier},
| 1673 | month = feb
| 1674 | }
| 1675 |
| 1676 | @misc{Foursquare+2014+URL+VenueCat,
| 1677 | title = {{Foursquare} Category Hierarchy},
| 1678 | author={{Foursquare}},
| 1679 | howpublished = {\url{https://developer.foursquare.com/categorytree}},
| 1680 | year=2015,
| 1681 | }
| 1682 |
| 1683 | @inproceedings{Frich-2018-DIS-CreativityInHCI,
| 1684 | author = {Frich, Jonas and Mose Biskjaer, Michael and Dalsgaard, Peter},
| 1685 | title = {Twenty Years of Creativity Research in Human-Computer Interaction: Current State and Future Directions},
| 1686 | year = {2018},
| 1687 | isbn = {9781450351980},
| 1688 | publisher = {ACM},
| 1689 | pub_address = {New York},
| 1690 | url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3196709.3196732},
| 1691 | doi = {10.1145/3196709.3196732},
| 1692 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference},
| 1693 | pages = {1235--1257},
| 1694 | numpages = {23},
| 1695 | keywords = {hci., creativity support tools, literature review, creativity},
| 1696 | address = {Hong Kong},
| 1697 | series = {DIS '18}
| 1698 | }
| 1699 |
| 1700 | @book{freund2004statistics,
| 1701 | title={Statistics: A First Course},
| 1702 | author={Freund, John E. and Perles, Benjamin M.},
| 1703 | isbn={9780130466532},
| 1704 | lccn={20035445},
| 1705 | url={http://books.google.com/books?id=6s5FAQAAIAAJ},
| 1706 | year={2004},
| 1707 | publisher={Prentice Hall},
| 1708 | address={Upper Saddle River, NJ}
| 1709 | }
| 1710 |
| 1711 | @book{freund2007modern,
| 1712 | title={Modern Elementary Statistics},
| 1713 | author={Freund, John E. and Perles, Benjamin M.},
| 1714 | isbn={9780131874398},
| 1715 | lccn={2005054616},
| 1716 | url={http://books.google.com/books?id=0qcZAQAAIAAJ},
| 1717 | year={2007},
| 1718 | publisher={Pearson Prentice Hall}
| 1719 | }
| 1720 |
| 1721 | @techreport{FTC-2010-TR-ProtectingPrivacy,
| 1722 | title={Protecting consumer privacy in an era of rapid change: A proposed framework for businesses and policymakers},
| 1723 | howpublished={\url{https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/reports/federal-trade-commission-report-protecting-consumer-privacy-era-rapid-change-recommendations/120326privacyreport.pdf}},
| 1724 | author={{FTC and Others}},
| 1725 | year={2010},
| 1726 | month=dec,
| 1727 | institution={US Federal Trade Commission (FTC)}
| 1728 | }
| 1729 |
| 1730 | @article{goel2011space,
| 1731 | title={From Space to Place: Predicting Users' Intentions to Return
| 1732 | to Virtual Worlds},
| 1733 | author={Lakshmi Goel and Norman A. Johnson and Iris Junglas and Blake Ives},
| 1734 | journal={Management Information Systems Quarterly},
| 1735 | volume={35},
| 1736 | number={3},
| 1737 | pages={749--771},
| 1738 | year={2011},
| 1739 | month=sep
| 1740 | }
| 1741 |
| 1742 | @misc{googleplacesapi,
| 1743 | title={{Google Places API}},
| 1744 | author={Google},
| 1745 | year=2013,
| 1746 | howpublished={\url{https://developers.google.com/places/}},
| 1747 | }
| 1748 |
| 1749 | @ARTICLE{Gomez+2017+IEEESoftware+AppStore2,
| 1750 | author={Maria G\'{o}mez and Bram Adams and Walid Maalej and Martin Monperrus
| 1751 | and Romain Rouvoy},
| 1752 | journal={IEEE Software},
| 1753 | title={{App Store} 2.0: From Crowdsourced Information to Actionable
| 1754 | Feedback in Mobile Ecosystems},
| 1755 | year={2017},
| 1756 | volume={34},
| 1757 | number={2},
| 1758 | pages={81--89},
| 1759 | keywords={Androids;Computer applications;Computer crashes;Context modeling;Ecosystems;Mobile communication;Mobile computing;Monitoring;Performance evaluation;Android;App Store 2.0;app store;crowdsourcing;data-driven software development;mobile apps;software development;software engineering;user feedback},
| 1760 | doi={10.1109/MS.2017.46},
| 1761 | ISSN={0740-7459},
| 1762 | month=mar,
| 1763 | }
| 1764 |
| 1765 | @article{Gough+1979+PerSocPsy+CPS,
| 1766 | title={A creative personality scale for the Adjective Check List},
| 1767 | author={Gough, Harrison G},
| 1768 | journal={Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
| 1769 | volume={37},
| 1770 | number={8},
| 1771 | pages={1398--1405},
| 1772 | year={1979},
| 1773 | publisher={American Psychological Association}
| 1774 | }
| 1775 |
| 1776 | @article{Groen+2017+Software+CrowdRE,
| 1777 | author = {Groen, Eduard C. and Seyff, Norbert and Ali, Raian and Dalpiaz, Fabiano and Doerr, Joerg and Guzman, Emitza and Hosseini, Mahmood and Marco, Jordi and Oriol, Marc and Perini, Anna and Stade, Melanie},
| 1778 | title = {The Crowd in Requirements Engineering: The Landscape and Challenges},
| 1779 | journal = {IEEE Software},
| 1780 | issue_date = {March 2017},
| 1781 | volume = {34},
| 1782 | number = {2},
| 1783 | month = mar,
| 1784 | year = {2017},
| 1785 | ignore_issn = {0740-7459},
| 1786 | pages = {44--52},
| 1787 | numpages = {9},
| 1788 | ignore_url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/MS.2017.33},
| 1789 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/MS.2017.33},
| 1790 | ignore_acmid = {3080999},
| 1791 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 1792 | address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 1793 | }
| 1794 |
| 1795 | @article{guo2011contextawareprogrammingframework,
| 1796 | author = {Guo, Bin and Zhang, Daqing and Imai, Michita},
| 1797 | title = {Toward a cooperative programming framework for
| 1798 | context-aware applications},
| 1799 | journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing},
| 1800 | issue_date = {March 2011},
| 1801 | volume = {15},
| 1802 | number = {3},
| 1803 | month = mar,
| 1804 | year = {2011},
| 1805 | issn = {1617-4909},
| 1806 | pages = {221--233},
| 1807 | numpages = {13},
| 1808 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-010-0329-1},
| 1809 | doi = {10.1007/s00779-010-0329-1},
| 1810 | acmid = {1961028},
| 1811 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 1812 | address = {London},
| 1813 | keywords = {Context-aware computing, Cooperation, End user
| 1814 | programming, Semantic web},
| 1815 | }
| 1816 |
| 1817 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Guzman+2016+RE+Twitter,
| 1818 | author={Emitza Guzman and Rana Alkadhi and Norbert Seyff},
| 1819 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 24th International
| 1820 | Requirements Engineering Conference},
| 1821 | title={A Needle in a Haystack: What Do Twitter Users Say about
| 1822 | Software?},
| 1823 | year={2016},
| 1824 | pages={96--105},
| 1825 | keywords={DP industry;learning (artificial intelligence);pattern
| 1826 | classification;social networking (online);software
| 1827 | engineering;statistical analysis;Twitter microblogging
| 1828 | platform;automatic classification potential;content
| 1829 | analysis;descriptive statistics;machine learning;software
| 1830 | applications;software
| 1831 | companies;tweets;Automation;Companies;Needles;Requirements
| 1832 | engineering;Software;Stakeholders;Twitter},
| 1833 | doi={10.1109/RE.2016.67},
| 1834 | month=sep,
| 1835 | address = {Beijing},
| 1836 | }
| 1837 |
| 1838 | @article{hendaoui20083d,
| 1839 | title = {{3D} social virtual worlds: Research issues and challenges},
| 1840 | author = {Hendaoui, Adel and Limayem, Moez and Thompson, Craig W.},
| 1841 | journal = {IEEE Internet Computing},
| 1842 | volume = 12,
| 1843 | number = 1,
| 1844 | pages = {88--92},
| 1845 | issn = {1089-7801},
| 1846 | year = 2008,
| 1847 | month = jan
| 1848 | }
| 1849 |
| 1850 | @book{Hochberg+1987+Book+MultipleComparisonProcedures,
| 1851 | author = {Hochberg, Yosef and Tamhane, Ajit C.},
| 1852 | title = {Multiple Comparison Procedures},
| 1853 | year = {1987},
| 1854 | isbn = {0-471-82222-1},
| 1855 | publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.},
| 1856 | address = {New York},
| 1857 | }
| 1858 |
| 1859 | @incollection{Fogues+2015+ACySe+PrivacyArgument,
| 1860 | title = "Argumentation for multi-party privacy management",
| 1861 | author = "Fogues, {Ricard L.} and Murukannaiah, {Pradeep K.} and
| 1862 | Such, {Jose M.} and Agustin Espinosa and Ana Garcia-Fornes and
| 1863 | Singh, {Munindar P.}",
| 1864 | ignore_note = "Date of Acceptance: 13/05/2015",
| 1865 | year = "2015",
| 1866 | pages = "3--6",
| 1867 | booktitle = "Second International Workshop on Agents and
| 1868 | CyberSecurity (ACySe)",
| 1869 | }
| 1870 |
| 1871 | @article{Fogues+2016+TOCHI+MultiuserPrivacy,
| 1872 | title = {Sharing policies in multiuser privacy scenarios:
| 1873 | Incorporating context, preferences, and arguments in decision
| 1874 | making},
| 1875 | author = {Fogues, {Ricard L.} and Murukannaiah, {Pradeep K.} and
| 1876 | Such, {Jose M.} and Singh, {Munindar P.}},
| 1877 | note = "Accepted to appear",
| 1878 | year = "2016",
| 1879 | pages = "1--26",
| 1880 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction},
| 1881 | }
| 1882 |
| 1883 | @ARTICLE{Giardino+2016+TSE+GreenfieldStartup,
| 1884 | author={Carmine Giardino and Nicol\'{o} Paternoster and Michael Unterkalmsteiner and Tony Gorschek and Pekka Abrahamsson},
| 1885 | journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 1886 | title={Software Development in Startup Companies: The Greenfield Startup Model},
| 1887 | year={2016},
| 1888 | volume={42},
| 1889 | number={6},
| 1890 | pages={585--604},
| 1891 | keywords={software development management;GSM;Greenfield startup model;engineering practices;grounded theory approach;software development strategies;software engineering issues;software startups;state-of-practice investigation;time-to-market;user feedback;Companies;Context;GSM;History;Software;Software engineering;Grounded Theory;Software Development;Software development;Startups;grounded theory;startups},
| 1892 | doi={10.1109/TSE.2015.2509970},
| 1893 | ISSN={0098-5589},
| 1894 | month=jun,
| 1895 | }
| 1896 |
| 1897 | @article{gieryn2000space,
| 1898 | title={A space for place in sociology},
| 1899 | author={Gieryn, Thomas F.},
| 1900 | journal={Annual Review of Sociology},
| 1901 | volume = 26,
| 1902 | number = 1,
| 1903 | pages={463--496},
| 1904 | year={2000},
| 1905 | month=aug,
| 1906 | publisher={JSTOR}
| 1907 | }
| 1908 |
| 1909 | @article{girvan2002community,
| 1910 | title = {Community structure in social and biological networks},
| 1911 | author = {Girvan, Michelle and Newman, Mark E. J.},
| 1912 | journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
| 1913 | volume = 99,
| 1914 | number = 12,
| 1915 | pages = {7821--7826},
| 1916 | year = 2002,
| 1917 | publisher = {National Academy of Sciences},
| 1918 | month = jun
| 1919 | }
| 1920 |
| 1921 | @ARTICLE{Gomez+2017+Software+AppStore2,
| 1922 | author={Mar\'{i}a G\'{o}mez and B. Adams and Walid Maalej and Martin Monperrus and Romain Rouvoy},
| 1923 | journal={IEEE Software},
| 1924 | title={{App Store 2.0}: From Crowdsourced Information to Actionable Feedback in Mobile Ecosystems},
| 1925 | year={2017},
| 1926 | volume={34},
| 1927 | number={2},
| 1928 | pages={81--89},
| 1929 | keywords={Android (operating system);crowdsourcing;mobile computing;smart phones;software engineering;Android devices;App Store 2.0;actionable feedback;app vendors;crowdsourced information;crowdsourcing;mobile apps;mobile ecosystems;mobile-app ecosystems;software engineering;user experience;Androids;Computer applications;Computer crashes;Context modeling;Ecosystems;Mobile communication;Mobile computing;Monitoring;Performance evaluation;Android;App Store 2.0;app store;crowdsourcing;data-driven software development;mobile apps;software development;software engineering;user feedback},
| 1930 | doi={10.1109/MS.2017.46},
| 1931 | ISSN={0740-7459},
| 1932 | month=mar,}
| 1933 |
| 1934 | @article{granovetter1973strength,
| 1935 | title = {The strength of weak ties},
| 1936 | author = {Granovetter, Mark S.},
| 1937 | journal = {American Journal of Sociology},
| 1938 | volume = 78,
| 1939 | number = 6,
| 1940 | pages = {1360--1380},
| 1941 | issn = {0002-9602},
| 1942 | year = 1973,
| 1943 | month = may,
| 1944 | publisher = {JSTOR}
| 1945 | }
| 1946 |
| 1947 | @inproceedings{grob2009cluestr,
| 1948 | title = {Cluestr: Mobile social networking for enhanced group communication},
| 1949 | author = {Grob, Reto and Kuhn, Michael and Wattenhofer, Roger and
| 1950 | Wirz, Martin},
| 1951 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on
| 1952 | Supporting Group Work},
| 1953 | pages = {81--90},
| 1954 | year = 2009,
| 1955 | month = may,
| 1956 | publisher = {ACM}
| 1957 | }
| 1958 |
| 1959 | @article{Halfhill+2005+SGR+GroupPersonalityComposition,
| 1960 | title={Group personality composition and group effectiveness: An
| 1961 | integrative review of empirical research},
| 1962 | author={Halfhill, Terry and Sundstrom, Eric and Lahner, Jessica and
| 1963 | Calderone, Wilma and Nielsen, Tjai M},
| 1964 | journal={Small Group Research},
| 1965 | volume={36},
| 1966 | number={1},
| 1967 | pages={83--105},
| 1968 | year={2005},
| 1969 | publisher={Sage Publications}
| 1970 | }
| 1971 |
| 1972 | @article{Hallgren+2012+TQMP+IRR,
| 1973 | author = {Kevin A. Hallgren },
| 1974 | journal = {Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology},
| 1975 | publisher = {TQMP},
| 1976 | title = {Computing Inter-Rater Reliability for Observational
| 1977 | Data: An Overview and Tutorial},
| 1978 | year = {2012},
| 1979 | volume = {8},
| 1980 | number = {1},
| 1981 | ignore_url = {http://www.tqmp.org/RegularArticles/vol08-1/p023/p023.pdf },
| 1982 | pages = {23--34},
| 1983 | }
| 1984 |
| 1985 | @inproceedings{Hadfield-Menell-2016-NIPS-CIRL,
| 1986 | author = {Hadfield-Menell, Dylan and Dragan, Anca and Abbeel, Pieter and Russell, Stuart},
| 1987 | title = {Cooperative Inverse Reinforcement Learning},
| 1988 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
| 1989 | series = {NIPS'16},
| 1990 | year = {2016},
| 1991 | isbn = {978-1-5108-3881-9},
| 1992 | address = {Barcelona, Spain},
| 1993 | pages = {3916--3924},
| 1994 | numpages = {9},
| 1995 | ignore_url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3157382.3157535},
| 1996 | ignore_acmid = {3157535},
| 1997 | ignore_publisher = {Curran Associates Inc.},
| 1998 | pub_address = {USA},
| 1999 | }
| 2000 |
| 2001 | @inproceedings{hang2013placeidentification,
| 2002 | author = {Chung-Wei Hang and Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Munindar P.
| 2003 | Singh},
| 2004 | title = {Platys: User-Centric Place Recognition},
| 2005 | year = 2013,
| 2006 | booktitle = {AAAI Workshop on Activity Context-Aware Systems}
| 2007 | }
| 2008 |
| 2009 | @inproceedings{Hang+2013+Platys,
| 2010 | title={Platys: User-Centric Place Recognition},
| 2011 | author={Chung-Wei Hang and Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Munindar P.
| 2012 | Singh},
| 2013 | year={2013},
| 2014 | booktitle = {AAAI Workshop on Activity Context-Aware Systems}
| 2015 | }
| 2016 |
| 2017 | @inproceedings{hangal2010notall,
| 2018 | title = {All Friends are Not Equal: Using Weights in Social Graphs
| 2019 | to Improve Search},
| 2020 | author = {Sudheendra Hangal and Diana MacLean and Monica S. Lam and
| 2021 | Jeffrey Heer},
| 2022 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Social Network
| 2023 | Mining and Analysis},
| 2024 | pages = {1--7},
| 2025 | year = 2010,
| 2026 | month = jul,
| 2027 | }
| 2028 |
| 2029 | @inproceedings{Hariharan-Toyama-2004,
| 2030 | author = {Ramaswamy Hariharan and Kentaro Toyama},
| 2031 | title = {Project {Lachesis}: Parsing and Modeling Location
| 2032 | Histories},
| 2033 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
| 2034 | Geographic Information Science},
| 2035 | year = {2004},
| 2036 | pages = {106--124},
| 2037 | location = {Adelphi, MD},
| 2038 | month = oct,
| 2039 | ignore_publisher = {Springer}
| 2040 | }
| 2041 |
| 2042 | @inproceedings{harrison1996replacingspace,
| 2043 | author = {Harrison, Steve and Dourish, Paul},
| 2044 | title = {Re-place-ing space: The roles of place and space in
| 2045 | collaborative systems},
| 2046 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer
| 2047 | Supported Cooperative Work},
| 2048 | year = {1996},
| 2049 | month=nov,
| 2050 | isbn = {0-89791-765-0},
| 2051 | address = {Boston},
| 2052 | pages = {67--76},
| 2053 | numpages = {10},
| 2054 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/240080.240193},
| 2055 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/240080.240193},
| 2056 | ignore_acmid = {240193},
| 2057 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2058 | pub_address = {New York},
| 2059 | keywords = {MUDs, media space, metaphor, place, space, virtual reality},
| 2060 | }
| 2061 |
| 2062 | @book{Hastie+2001+StatisticalLearning,
| 2063 | author = {Hastie, Trevor and Tibshirani, Robert and Friedman,
| 2064 | Jerome},
| 2065 | title = {The Elements of Statistical Learning},
| 2066 | address = {New York},
| 2067 | keywords = {ml statistics},
| 2068 | publisher = {Springer},
| 2069 | ignore_series = {Springer Series in Statistics},
| 2070 | timestamp = {2008-05-16T16:17:42.000+0200},
| 2071 | year = 2001
| 2072 | }
| 2073 |
| 2074 | @book{Henderson-AOM-05,
| 2075 | editor = {Brian Henderson-Sellers and Paolo Giorgini},
| 2076 | title = {Agent-Oriented Methodologies},
| 2077 | year = 2005,
| 2078 | publisher = {Idea Group},
| 2079 | address = {Hershey, PA}
| 2080 | }
| 2081 |
| 2082 | @article{Hendler-2010-AI-SocialMachine,
| 2083 | title = "From the Semantic Web to social machines: A research challenge for AI on the World Wide Web",
| 2084 | journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
| 2085 | volume = "174",
| 2086 | number = "2",
| 2087 | pages = {156--161},
| 2088 | year = "2010",
| 2089 | ignore_note = "Special Review Issue",
| 2090 | ignore_issn = "0004-3702",
| 2091 | ignore_doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artint.2009.11.010",
| 2092 | ignore_url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0004370209001404",
| 2093 | author = "Jim Hendler and Tim Berners-Lee"
| 2094 | }
| 2095 |
| 2096 | @article{Henricksen-2006-Models,
| 2097 | author = {Henricksen, Karen and Indulska, Jadwiga},
| 2098 | title = {Developing context-aware pervasive computing applications:
| 2099 | Models and approach},
| 2100 | journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
| 2101 | issue_date = {February, 2006},
| 2102 | volume = {2},
| 2103 | number = {1},
| 2104 | month = feb,
| 2105 | year = {2006},
| 2106 | issn = {1574-1192},
| 2107 | pages = {37--64},
| 2108 | numpages = {28},
| 2109 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmcj.2005.07.003},
| 2110 | doi = {10.1016/j.pmcj.2005.07.003},
| 2111 | acmid = {1752942},
| 2112 | publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.},
| 2113 | address = {Amsterdam},
| 2114 | keywords = {Context modelling, Context-aware applications, Pervasive
| 2115 | computing infrastructure, Software engineering},
| 2116 | }
| 2117 |
| 2118 | @article{henson2012semanticperception,
| 2119 | author = {Cory Henson and Amit Sheth and Krishnaprasad
| 2120 | Thirunarayan},
| 2121 | title = {Semantic Perception: Converting Sensory Observations to
| 2122 | Abstractions},
| 2123 | journal ={IEEE Internet Computing},
| 2124 | volume = {16},
| 2125 | number= {2},
| 2126 | issn = {1089-7801},
| 2127 | year = {2012},
| 2128 | pages = {26--34},
| 2129 | doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MIC.2012.20},
| 2130 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 2131 | address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
| 2132 | }
| 2133 |
| 2134 | @inproceedings{Herbsleb+2007+FOSE+GSECoordination,
| 2135 | author = {Herbsleb, James D.},
| 2136 | title = {Global Software Engineering: The Future of Socio-technical Coordination},
| 2137 | booktitle = {Workshop on Future of Software Engineering},
| 2138 | ignore_series = {FOSE '07},
| 2139 | year = {2007},
| 2140 | isbn = {0-7695-2829-5},
| 2141 | pages = {188--198},
| 2142 | numpages = {11},
| 2143 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/FOSE.2007.11},
| 2144 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/FOSE.2007.11},
| 2145 | ignore_acmid = {1254718},
| 2146 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 2147 | pub_address = {Washington, DC, USA},
| 2148 | address = {Minneapolis, MN}
| 2149 | }
| 2150 |
| 2151 | @book{Heuer+2014+book+StructuredAnalyticTechniques,
| 2152 | title = {Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis},
| 2153 | author={Richards J. {Heuer Jr.} and Randolph H. Pherson},
| 2154 | year={2014},
| 2155 | publisher={CQ Press},
| 2156 | address={Washington, DC}
| 2157 | }
| 2158 |
| 2159 | @article{hightower2001locationsystems,
| 2160 | author = {Hightower, Jeffrey and Borriello, Gaetano},
| 2161 | title = {Location Systems for Ubiquitous Computing},
| 2162 | journal = {Computer},
| 2163 | issue_date = {August 2001},
| 2164 | volume = {34},
| 2165 | number = {8},
| 2166 | month = aug,
| 2167 | year = {2001},
| 2168 | issn = {0018-9162},
| 2169 | pages = {57--66},
| 2170 | numpages = {10},
| 2171 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/2.940014},
| 2172 | doi = {10.1109/2.940014},
| 2173 | acmid = {621777},
| 2174 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 2175 | pub_address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 2176 | }
| 2177 |
| 2178 | @inproceedings{Hightower+Ubicomp+2005+PlaceRecognition,
| 2179 | author = {Jeffrey Hightower and Sunny Consolvo and Anthony
| 2180 | LaMarca and Ian E. Smith and Jeff Hughes},
| 2181 | title = {Learning and Recognizing the Places We Go},
| 2182 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
| 2183 | Ubiquitous Computing},
| 2184 | year = 2005,
| 2185 | pages = {159--176},
| 2186 | location = {Tokyo},
| 2187 | publisher = {Springer},
| 2188 | ignore_series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
| 2189 | ignore_volume = {3660},
| 2190 | month = sep
| 2191 | }
| 2192 |
| 2193 | @inproceedings{Hindriks-2009-AAMAS-Genius,
| 2194 | author = {Hindriks, Koen and Jonker, Catholijn M. and Kraus, Sarit and Lin, Raz and Tykhonov, Dmytro},
| 2195 | title = {Genius: Negotiation Environment for Heterogeneous Agents},
| 2196 | booktitle = {Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - Volume 2},
| 2197 | series = {AAMAS '09},
| 2198 | year = {2009},
| 2199 | isbn = {978-0-9817381-7-8},
| 2200 | address = {Budapest, Hungary},
| 2201 | pages = {1397--1398},
| 2202 | numpages = {2},
| 2203 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1558109.1558313},
| 2204 | acmid = {1558313},
| 2205 | publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
| 2206 | pub_address = {Richland, SC},
| 2207 | keywords = {automated multi-issue negotiation, negotiation, negotiation strategy, testbed},
| 2208 | }
| 2209 |
| 2210 | @article{Hofmann+2001+IEEESoftware+RE-SuccessFactor,
| 2211 | author = {Hofmann, Hubert F. and Lehner, Franz},
| 2212 | title = {Requirements engineering as a success factor in software projects},
| 2213 | journal = {IEEE Software},
| 2214 | issue_date = {July 2001},
| 2215 | volume = {18},
| 2216 | number = {4},
| 2217 | month = jul,
| 2218 | year = {2001},
| 2219 | ignore_issn = {0740-7459},
| 2220 | pages = {58--66},
| 2221 | numpages = {9},
| 2222 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MS.2001.936219},
| 2223 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/MS.2001.936219},
| 2224 | ignore_acmid = {626294},
| 2225 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 2226 | address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 2227 | }
| 2228 |
| 2229 | @book{hollander1999nonparametric,
| 2230 | title={Nonparametric Statistical Methods},
| 2231 | author={Hollander, Myles and Wolfe, Douglas A.},
| 2232 | isbn={9780471190455},
| 2233 | lccn={98003314},
| 2234 | ignore_url={http://books.google.com/books?id=RJAQAQAAIAAJ},
| 2235 | year={1999},
| 2236 | publisher={Wiley},
| 2237 | address={New York}
| 2238 | }
| 2239 |
| 2240 | @article{Hong-2009-CSP,
| 2241 | author = {Hong, Jongyi and Suh, Eui-Ho and Kim, Junyoung and Kim,
| 2242 | SuYeon},
| 2243 | title = {Context-aware system for proactive personalized service based
| 2244 | on context history},
| 2245 | journal = {Expert Systems with Applications},
| 2246 | issue_date = {May, 2009},
| 2247 | volume = {36},
| 2248 | number = {4},
| 2249 | month = may,
| 2250 | year = {2009},
| 2251 | issn = {0957-4174},
| 2252 | pages = {7448--7457},
| 2253 | numpages = {10},
| 2254 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2008.09.002},
| 2255 | doi = {10.1016/j.eswa.2008.09.002},
| 2256 | acmid = {1508630},
| 2257 | publisher = {Pergamon Press},
| 2258 | address = {Tarrytown, NY},
| 2259 | keywords = {Context history, Context-aware, Proactive systems, User
| 2260 | preference},
| 2261 | }
| 2262 |
| 2263 | @inproceedings{Hong+WWW+2012+GeoTopics,
| 2264 | author = {Hong, Liangjie and Ahmed, Amr and Gurumurthy, Siva and
| 2265 | Smola, Alexander J. and Tsioutsiouliklis, Kostas},
| 2266 | title = {Discovering Geographical Topics in the Twitter Stream},
| 2267 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World
| 2268 | Wide Web},
| 2269 | year = {2012},
| 2270 | isbn = {978-1-4503-1229-5},
| 2271 | location = {Lyon, France},
| 2272 | pages = {769--778},
| 2273 | numpages = {10},
| 2274 | url = {http://doi.acm.org.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/10.1145/2187836.2187940},
| 2275 | doi = {10.1145/2187836.2187940},
| 2276 | acmid = {2187940},
| 2277 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2278 | address = {New York},
| 2279 | keywords = {geolocation, graphical model, language model, latent
| 2280 | variable inference, topic models, twitter, user profiling},
| 2281 | cited=no,
| 2282 | }
| 2283 |
| 2284 | @inproceedings{Horkoff+2015+CC+CreativityGoalModeling,
| 2285 | author = {Horkoff, Jennifer and Maiden, Neil and Lockerbie, James},
| 2286 | title = {Creativity and Goal Modeling for Software Requirements
| 2287 | Engineering},
| 2288 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity
| 2289 | and Cognition (C\&C)},
| 2290 | ignore_series = {C\&\#38;C '15},
| 2291 | year = {2015},
| 2292 | month=jun,
| 2293 | isbn = {978-1-4503-3598-0},
| 2294 | address = {Glasgow},
| 2295 | pages = {165--168},
| 2296 | numpages = {4},
| 2297 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2757226.2764544},
| 2298 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/2757226.2764544},
| 2299 | ignore_acmid = {2764544},
| 2300 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 2301 | pub_address = {New York},
| 2302 | keywords = {creativity support, goal modeling, gore, requirements
| 2303 | engineering, software engineering},
| 2304 | }
| 2305 |
| 2306 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Hosseini+2014+RCIS+Crowdsourcing,
| 2307 | author={Mahmood Hosseini and Keith Phalp and Jacqui Taylor and Raian Ali},
| 2308 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on
| 2309 | Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS)},
| 2310 | title={The four pillars of crowdsourcing: A reference model},
| 2311 | year={2014},
| 2312 | pages={1--12},
| 2313 | ignore_doi={10.1109/RCIS.2014.6861072},
| 2314 | ignore_ISSN={2151-1349},
| 2315 | month={May},
| 2316 | }
| 2317 |
| 2318 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Hosseini+2015+RCIS+Crowdsourcing,
| 2319 | author={Mahmood Hosseini and Alimohammad Shahri and Keith Phalp and
| 2320 | Jacqui Taylor and Raian Ali and Fabiano Dalpiaz},
| 2321 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on
| 2322 | Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS)},
| 2323 | title={Configuring crowdsourcing for requirements elicitation},
| 2324 | year={2015},
| 2325 | pages={133--138},
| 2326 | ignore_doi={10.1109/RCIS.2015.7128873},
| 2327 | ignore_ISSN={2151-1349},
| 2328 | month={May},
| 2329 | }
| 2330 |
| 2331 | @article{Iandoli-2018-NewMediaSociety-CollectiveDeliberation,
| 2332 | author = {Luca Iandoli and Ivana Quinto and Paolo Spada and Mark Klein and Raffaele Calabretta},
| 2333 | title ={Supporting argumentation in online political debate: Evidence from an experiment of collective deliberation},
| 2334 | journal = {New Media \& Society},
| 2335 | volume = {20},
| 2336 | number = {4},
| 2337 | pages = {1320--1341},
| 2338 | year = {2018},
| 2339 | doi = {10.1177/1461444817691509},
| 2340 |
| 2341 | URL = {
| 2342 | https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444817691509
| 2343 |
| 2344 | },
| 2345 | eprint = {
| 2346 | https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444817691509
| 2347 |
| 2348 | }
| 2349 | }
| 2350 |
| 2351 | @techreport{IEEE+2019+EthicallyAlignedDesign,
| 2352 | author={{The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems}},
| 2353 | title={Ethically Aligned Design:
| 2354 | A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems},
| 2355 | type={Report, First Edition},
| 2356 | institution={IEEE},
| 2357 | year=2019,
| 2358 | note={Available at: \url{https://standards.ieee.org/content/ieee-standards/en/industry-connections/ec/
| 2359 | autonomous-systems.html}},
| 2360 | }
| 2361 |
| 2362 | @techreport{iso25010,
| 2363 | author = {{ISO/IEC}},
| 2364 | posted-at = {2012-07-27 13:14:40},
| 2365 | priority = {2},
| 2366 | publisher = {ISO/IEC},
| 2367 | title = {{ISO/IEC 25010 - Systems and software engineering - Systems
| 2368 | and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - System
| 2369 | and software quality models}},
| 2370 | year = {2010}
| 2371 | }
| 2372 |
| 2373 | @inproceedings{Issarny+FOSE+2007+Middleware,
| 2374 | author = {Issarny, Valerie and Caporuscio, Mauro and Georgantas, Nikolaos},
| 2375 | title = {A Perspective on the Future of Middleware-based Software Engineering},
| 2376 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Software
| 2377 | Engineering},
| 2378 | year = {2007},
| 2379 | ignore_isbn = {0-7695-2829-5},
| 2380 | pages = {244--258},
| 2381 | numpages = {15},
| 2382 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/FOSE.2007.2},
| 2383 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/FOSE.2007.2},
| 2384 | ignore_acmid = {1254722},
| 2385 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 2386 | address = {Washington, DC},
| 2387 | }
| 2388 |
| 2389 | @inproceedings{Jia-2016-CHI-CollaborativePrivacy,
| 2390 | author = {Jia, Haiyan and Xu, Heng},
| 2391 | title = {Autonomous and Interdependent: Collaborative Privacy Management on Social Networking Sites},
| 2392 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
| 2393 | series = {CHI '16},
| 2394 | year = {2016},
| 2395 | ignore-isbn = {978-1-4503-3362-7},
| 2396 | address = {San Jose, CA},
| 2397 | pages = {4286--4297},
| 2398 | numpages = {12},
| 2399 | ignore-url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2858036.2858415},
| 2400 | ignore-doi = {10.1145/2858036.2858415},
| 2401 | ignore-acmid = {2858415},
| 2402 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2403 | pub-address = {New York},
| 2404 | keywords = {collaboration, collaborative privacy management, privacy, social networking sites (SNSs)},
| 2405 | }
| 2406 |
| 2407 | @incollection{John+1999+HandbookPersonality+BigFive,
| 2408 | address = {New York},
| 2409 | author = {John, Oliver P. and Srivastava, Sanjay},
| 2410 | booktitle = {Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research},
| 2411 | edition = {Second},
| 2412 | editor = {Pervin, Lawrence A. and John, Oliver P.},
| 2413 | keywords = {measures, personality},
| 2414 | pages = {102--138},
| 2415 | publisher = {Guilford Press},
| 2416 | title = {The {Big Five} trait taxonomy: History, measurement, and
| 2417 | theoretical perspectives},
| 2418 | ignore_url = {http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/\~{}sanjay/pubs/bigfive.pdf},
| 2419 | year = {1999}
| 2420 | }
| 2421 |
| 2422 | @conference{joinson2008looking,
| 2423 | title = {Looking at, looking up or keeping up with people? Motives
| 2424 | and uses of Facebook},
| 2425 | author = {Joinson, A.N.},
| 2426 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th SIGCHI Conference on Human
| 2427 | Factors in Computing Systems},
| 2428 | pages = {1027--1036},
| 2429 | year = 2008,
| 2430 | month = may,
| 2431 | publisher = {ACM}
| 2432 | }
| 2433 |
| 2434 | @InProceedings{Jonker-2017-MSAT-PocketNegoriator,
| 2435 | author="Jonker, Catholijn M.
| 2436 | and Aydo{\u{g}}an, Reyhan
| 2437 | and Baarslag, Tim
| 2438 | and Broekens, Joost
| 2439 | and Detweiler, Christian A.
| 2440 | and Hindriks, Koen V.
| 2441 | and Huldtgren, Alina
| 2442 | and Pasman, Wouter",
| 2443 | editor="Criado Pacheco, Natalia
| 2444 | and Carrascosa, Carlos
| 2445 | and Osman, Nardine
| 2446 | and Juli{\'a}n Inglada, Vicente",
| 2447 | title="An Introduction to the {Pocket Negotiator}: A General Purpose Negotiation Support System",
| 2448 | booktitle="Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies",
| 2449 | year="2017",
| 2450 | publisher="Springer International Publishing",
| 2451 | address="Cham",
| 2452 | pages="13--27",
| 2453 | isbn="978-3-319-59294-7"
| 2454 | }
| 2455 |
| 2456 | @article{Julien2006EgoSpaces,
| 2457 | author = {Julien, Christine and Roman, Gruia-Catalin},
| 2458 | title = {EgoSpaces: Facilitating Rapid Development of Context-Aware
| 2459 | Mobile Applications},
| 2460 | journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 2461 | issue_date = {May 2006},
| 2462 | volume = {32},
| 2463 | number = {5},
| 2464 | month = may,
| 2465 | year = {2006},
| 2466 | issn = {0098-5589},
| 2467 | pages = {281--298},
| 2468 | numpages = {18},
| 2469 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2006.47},
| 2470 | doi = {10.1109/TSE.2006.47},
| 2471 | acmid = {1248729},
| 2472 | publisher = {IEEE Press},
| 2473 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 2474 | keywords = {Context-awareness, Context-awareness, middleware, mobile
| 2475 | ad hoc networks, programming abstraction., middleware, mobile ad hoc
| 2476 | networks, programming abstraction.},
| 2477 | }
| 2478 |
| 2479 | @misc{Junar,
| 2480 | author = {{Junar}},
| 2481 | title = {Open data that is easy to re-use and interpret by many different audiences},
| 2482 | howpublished = {\url{http://junar.com/}},
| 2483 | year=2018,
| 2484 | }
| 2485 |
| 2486 | @book{juristo2001seexperimentation,
| 2487 | title = {Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation},
| 2488 | author = {Juristo, Natalia and Moreno, Ana M.},
| 2489 | publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
| 2490 | year = {2001},
| 2491 | address = {Boston/Dordrecht/London}
| 2492 | }
| 2493 |
| 2494 | @inproceedings{Kalia+2015+ICSOC+TRACE,
| 2495 | author={Anup K. Kalia and Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Munindar P. Singh},
| 2496 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
| 2497 | Service Oriented Computing},
| 2498 | title={{TRACE}: A dynamic model of trust for people-driven service
| 2499 | engagements},
| 2500 | year={2015},
| 2501 | month=nov,
| 2502 | pages={353--361},
| 2503 | address = {Goa},
| 2504 | }
| 2505 |
| 2506 | @inproceedings{Kamar-2016-IJCAI-CrowdHybridIntelligence,
| 2507 | author = {Kamar, Ece},
| 2508 | title = {Directions in Hybrid Intelligence: Complementing AI Systems with Human Intelligence},
| 2509 | year = {2016},
| 2510 | isbn = {9781577357704},
| 2511 | publisher = {AAAI Press},
| 2512 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
| 2513 | pages = {4070--4073},
| 2514 | numpages = {4},
| 2515 | address = {New York},
| 2516 | series = {IJCAI'16}
| 2517 | }
| 2518 |
| 2519 | @inproceedings{Kanchev+2015+CrowdREWS+SocialMedia,
| 2520 | author = {Georgi M. Kanchev and Amit K. Chopra},
| 2521 | title = {Social media through the requirements lens: A case
| 2522 | study of {Google} maps},
| 2523 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st {IEEE} International Workshop on
| 2524 | Crowd-Based
| 2525 | Requirements Engineering},
| 2526 | pages = {7--12},
| 2527 | year = {2015},
| 2528 | month = sep,
| 2529 | address = {Ottawa},
| 2530 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CrowdRE.2015.7367582},
| 2531 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/CrowdRE.2015.7367582},
| 2532 | }
| 2533 |
| 2534 | @inproceedings{Kanchev+2017+RE+SocialMedia,
| 2535 | author={Georgi M. Kanchev and Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Amit K. Chopra and Pete Sawyer},
| 2536 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Requirements
| 2537 | Engineering Conference},
| 2538 | title={Canary: Extracting requirements-related information from online discussions},
| 2539 | year={2017},
| 2540 | month=sep,
| 2541 | pages={31--40},
| 2542 | address = {Lisbon},
| 2543 | }
| 2544 |
| 2545 | @article{Kang+2005+MCCR+ExtractingPlaces,
| 2546 | author = {Jong Hee Kang and William Welbourne and Benjamin
| 2547 | Stewart and Gaetano Borriello},
| 2548 | title = {Extracting places from traces of locations},
| 2549 | journal = {Mobile Computing Communications Review},
| 2550 | volume = {9},
| 2551 | number = {3},
| 2552 | month = jul,
| 2553 | year = {2005},
| 2554 | pages = {58--68},
| 2555 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2556 | address = {New York}
| 2557 | }
| 2558 |
| 2559 | @inproceedings{Kaufmann+2011+AMCIS+CrowdMotivation,
| 2560 | author = {Kaufmann, Nicolas and Schulze, Thimo and Veit, Daniel},
| 2561 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth Americas Conference on Information Systems},
| 2562 | citeulike-article-id = {12250108},
| 2563 | pages = {1--11},
| 2564 | posted-at = {2013-04-08 19:27:26},
| 2565 | priority = {0},
| 2566 | title = {More than fun and money. Worker motivation in crowdsourcing: A study on Mechanical Turk},
| 2567 | year = {2011},
| 2568 | publisher = {Association for Information Systems},
| 2569 | address={Detroit}
| 2570 | }
| 2571 |
| 2572 | @inproceedings{Kim+2017+CSCW+CrowdMechanicalNovel,
| 2573 | author = {Kim, Joy and Sterman, Sarah and Cohen, Allegra Argent Beal and Bernstein, Michael S.},
| 2574 | title = {{Mechanical Novel}: Crowdsourcing Complex Work Through Reflection and Revision},
| 2575 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing},
| 2576 | series = {CSCW '17},
| 2577 | year = {2017},
| 2578 | isbn = {978-1-4503-4335-0},
| 2579 | address = {Portland, OR},
| 2580 | pages = {233--245},
| 2581 | numpages = {13},
| 2582 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2998181.2998196},
| 2583 | doi = {10.1145/2998181.2998196},
| 2584 | acmid = {2998196},
| 2585 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2586 | pub_address = {New York, NY, USA},
| 2587 | keywords = {crowdsourcing, online creative collaboration, social computing, storytelling},
| 2588 | }
| 2589 |
| 2590 | @book{Kemeny+1972+book+ModelsInSocialSciences,
| 2591 | author = {John G. Kemeny and James L. Snell},
| 2592 | title = {Mathematical Models in Social Sciences},
| 2593 | year = {1972},
| 2594 | publisher = {MIT Press},
| 2595 | address = {Cambridge, MA},
| 2596 | chapter_title = {Preference Ranking: An Axiomatic Approach},
| 2597 | chapter_pages = {9--23},
| 2598 | }
| 2599 |
| 2600 | @inproceedings{Kim+2010+SenSys+SenseLoc,
| 2601 | author = {Donnie H. Kim and Younghun Kim and Deborah Estrin and Mani
| 2602 | B. Srivastava},
| 2603 | title = {{SensLoc}: sensing everyday places and paths using less energy},
| 2604 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Embedded
| 2605 | Networked Sensor Systems},
| 2606 | year = {2010},
| 2607 | address = {Zurich},
| 2608 | pages = {43--56},
| 2609 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 2610 | month = nov
| 2611 | }
| 2612 |
| 2613 | @article{krippendorff2004reliability,
| 2614 | title={Reliability in content analysis},
| 2615 | author={Krippendorff, Klaus},
| 2616 | journal={Human Communication Research},
| 2617 | volume={30}, number={3},
| 2618 | pages={411--433},
| 2619 | year={2004},
| 2620 | publisher={Wiley Online Library}
| 2621 | }
| 2622 |
| 2623 | @inproceedings{krumm2004locadio,
| 2624 | title = {Locadio: Inferring motion and location from Wi-Fi signal strengths},
| 2625 | author = {Krumm, John and Horvitz, Eric},
| 2626 | booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services (MobiQuitous? 04)},
| 2627 | year = 2004,
| 2628 | month = aug
| 2629 | }
| 2630 |
| 2631 | @article{krumm2009locationprivacysurvey,
| 2632 | author = {Krumm, John},
| 2633 | title = {A survey of computational location privacy},
| 2634 | journal = {Personal Ubiquitous Computing},
| 2635 | issue_date = {August 2009},
| 2636 | volume = {13},
| 2637 | number = {6},
| 2638 | month = aug,
| 2639 | year = {2009},
| 2640 | issn = {1617-4909},
| 2641 | pages = {391--399},
| 2642 | numpages = {9},
| 2643 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-008-0212-5},
| 2644 | doi = {10.1007/s00779-008-0212-5},
| 2645 | acmid = {1569363},
| 2646 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 2647 | address = {London, UK, UK},
| 2648 | keywords = {Context, Location, Privacy},
| 2649 | }
| 2650 |
| 2651 | @ARTICLE{Kucherbaev+2016+IC+CrowdsourcingOpportunities,
| 2652 | author={Pavel Kucherbaev and Florian Daniel and Stefano Tranquillini and Maurizio Marchese},
| 2653 | journal={IEEE Internet Computing},
| 2654 | title={Crowdsourcing Processes: A Survey of Approaches and Opportunities},
| 2655 | year={2016},
| 2656 | volume={20},
| 2657 | number={2},
| 2658 | pages={50--56},
| 2659 | keywords={outsourcing;crowd tasks;crowdsourcing approach;crowdsourcing process management;machine tasks;outsourcing;research and development directions;Crowdsourcing;Quality control;Visualization;Web and internet services;Internet/Web technologies;crowdsourcing;crowdsourcing processes;tools and platforms},
| 2660 | doi={10.1109/MIC.2015.96},
| 2661 | ISSN={1089-7801},
| 2662 | month=mar,
| 2663 | }
| 2664 |
| 2665 | @article{Kulkarni-2012-GPF,
| 2666 | author = {Kulkarni, Devdatta and Ahmed, Tanvir and Tripathi, Anand},
| 2667 | title = {A Generative Programming Framework for Context-Aware {CSCW}
| 2668 | Applications},
| 2669 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology},
| 2670 | issue_date = {March 2012},
| 2671 | volume = {21},
| 2672 | number = {2},
| 2673 | month = mar,
| 2674 | year = {2012},
| 2675 | issn = {1049-331X},
| 2676 | pages = {1--35},
| 2677 | articleno = {11},
| 2678 | numpages = {35},
| 2679 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2089116.2089121},
| 2680 | doi = {10.1145/2089116.2089121},
| 2681 | acmid = {2089121},
| 2682 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2683 | address = {New York},
| 2684 | keywords = {Context-aware computing, generative middleware,
| 2685 | pervasive computing},
| 2686 | }
| 2687 |
| 2688 | @book{kuniavsky2010smartthings,
| 2689 | title = {Smart Things: Ubiquitous Computing User Experience Design},
| 2690 | author={Kuniavsky, Mike},
| 2691 | year={2010},
| 2692 | publisher={Morgan Kaufmann},
| 2693 | address={Burlington, MA}
| 2694 | }
| 2695 |
| 2696 | @book{kupper2005lbs,
| 2697 | title = {Location-Based Services: Fundamentals and Operation},
| 2698 | author = {Axel K\"{u}pper},
| 2699 | year = 2005,
| 2700 | publisher = {John Wiley and Sons},
| 2701 | address = {Chichester, UK}
| 2702 | }
| 2703 |
| 2704 | @article{Kwapisz+2011+SIGKDDExpl+Activity_Recognition,
| 2705 | author = {Kwapisz, Jennifer R. and Weiss, Gary M. and Moore, Samuel A.},
| 2706 | title = {Activity Recognition Using Cell Phone Accelerometers},
| 2707 | journal = {SIGKDD Explorations},
| 2708 | issue_date = {December 2010},
| 2709 | volume = {12},
| 2710 | number = {2},
| 2711 | month = mar,
| 2712 | year = {2011},
| 2713 | issn = {1931-0145},
| 2714 | pages = {74--82},
| 2715 | numpages = {9},
| 2716 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1964897.1964918},
| 2717 | doi = {10.1145/1964897.1964918},
| 2718 | acmid = {1964918},
| 2719 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2720 | address = {New York},
| 2721 | keywords = {accelerometer, activity recognition, cell phone, induction, sensor mining, sensors},
| 2722 | }
| 2723 |
| 2724 | @article{kyle2007social,
| 2725 | title={The social construction of a sense of place},
| 2726 | author={Kyle, Gerard and Chick, Garry},
| 2727 | journal={Leisure Sciences},
| 2728 | volume={29},
| 2729 | number={3},
| 2730 | pages={209--225},
| 2731 | year={2007},
| 2732 | month=may,
| 2733 | publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
| 2734 | }
| 2735 |
| 2736 | @article{Lamm-1973-EJSP-Brainstorming,
| 2737 | title={Group versus individual performance on tasks requiring ideational proficiency (brainstorming): A review},
| 2738 | author={Lamm, Helmut and Trommsdorff, Gisela},
| 2739 | journal={European Journal of Social Psychology},
| 2740 | volume={3},
| 2741 | number={4},
| 2742 | pages={361--388},
| 2743 | year={1973},
| 2744 | publisher={Wiley}
| 2745 | }
| 2746 | @inproceedings{lampe2006face,
| 2747 | title = {A Face(book) in the crowd: Social searching vs. social browsing},
| 2748 | author = {Lampe, Cliff and Ellison, Nicole and Steinfield, Charles},
| 2749 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work},
| 2750 | pages = {167--170},
| 2751 | year = 2006,
| 2752 | publisher = {ACM}
| 2753 | }
| 2754 |
| 2755 | @inproceedings{lampe2008changes,
| 2756 | title = {Changes in use and perception of Facebook},
| 2757 | author = {Lampe, Cliff and Ellison, Nicole and Steinfield, Charles},
| 2758 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported
| 2759 | Cooperative Work},
| 2760 | pages = {721--730},
| 2761 | year = 2008,
| 2762 | publisher = {ACM}
| 2763 | }
| 2764 |
| 2765 | @inproceedings{Lampinen+2011+DisclosureSNS,
| 2766 | author = {Lampinen, Airi and Lehtinen, Vilma and Lehmuskallio, Asko
| 2767 | and Tamminen, Sakari},
| 2768 | title = {We're in It Together: Interpersonal Management of
| 2769 | Disclosure in Social Network Services},
| 2770 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human
| 2771 | Factors in Computing Systems},
| 2772 | year = {2011},
| 2773 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-0228-9},
| 2774 | address = {Vancouver},
| 2775 | pages = {3217--3226},
| 2776 | numpages = {10},
| 2777 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979420},
| 2778 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/1978942.1979420},
| 2779 | ignore_acmid = {1979420},
| 2780 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2781 | pub_address = {New York},
| 2782 | keywords = {boundary regulation, disclosure, privacy, social network
| 2783 | service},
| 2784 | }
| 2785 |
| 2786 | @book{lauesen2005uxd,
| 2787 | author = {Lauesen, Soren},
| 2788 | title = {User Interface Design: A Software Engineering Perspective},
| 2789 | day = {14},
| 2790 | month = feb,
| 2791 | year = {2005},
| 2792 | publisher = {Pearson/Addison Wesley},
| 2793 | howpublished = {Paperback},
| 2794 | address = {Harlow, England},
| 2795 | isbn = {0321181433},
| 2796 | }
| 2797 |
| 2798 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Laurent+2007+RE+RequirementsTriage,
| 2799 | author={Paula Laurent and Jane Cleland-Huang and Chuan Duan},
| 2800 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 15th {IEEE} International Requirements
| 2801 | Engineering Conference},
| 2802 | title={Towards Automated Requirements Triage},
| 2803 | year={2007},
| 2804 | pages={131--140},
| 2805 | keywords={formal specification;project management;architecturally significant requirements;automated requirements triage;budgetary restrictions;disorganized development efforts;hierarchical clustering algorithm;hierarchical feature sets;ice breaker system;prioritization process;probabilistic traceability model;time-to-market deadlines;Automation;Clustering algorithms;Computer science;Ice;Information systems;Medical treatment;Personnel;Project management;Security;Time to market},
| 2806 | inogre_doi={10.1109/RE.2007.63},
| 2807 | ignore_ISSN={1090-705X},
| 2808 | month=oct,
| 2809 | address={New Delhi}}
| 2810 |
| 2811 | @inproceedings{Law+2009+CHI+UxSurvey,
| 2812 | author = {Law, Effie Lai-Chong and Roto, Virpi and Hassenzahl, Marc
| 2813 | and Vermeeren, Arnold P.O.S. and Kort, Joke},
| 2814 | title = {Understanding, Scoping and Defining User Experience: A
| 2815 | Survey Approach},
| 2816 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors
| 2817 | in Computing Systems},
| 2818 | ignore_series = {CHI '09},
| 2819 | year = {2009},
| 2820 | isbn = {978-1-60558-246-7},
| 2821 | address = {Boston},
| 2822 | pages = {719--728},
| 2823 | numpages = {10},
| 2824 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1518813},
| 2825 | doi = {10.1145/1518701.1518813},
| 2826 | acmid = {1518813},
| 2827 | publisher = {ACM},
| 2828 | pub_address = {New York},
| 2829 | keywords = {definition, iso, survey, usability, user experience},
| 2830 | }
| 2831 |
| 2832 | @article{Leetaru+2013+FirstMonday+TwitterHeartbeat,
| 2833 | title={Mapping the global Twitter heartbeat: The geography of Twitter},
| 2834 | author={Leetaru, Kalev and Wang, Shaowen and Cao, Guofeng and
| 2835 | Padmanabhan, Anand and Shook, Eric},
| 2836 | journal={First Monday},
| 2837 | volume={18},
| 2838 | number={5},
| 2839 | year={2013}
| 2840 | }
| 2841 |
| 2842 | @article{lewicka2011place,
| 2843 | title={Place attachment: How far have we come in the last 40 years?},
| 2844 | author={Lewicka, Maria},
| 2845 | journal={Journal of Environmental Psychology},
| 2846 | volume={31},
| 2847 | number={3},
| 2848 | pages={207--230},
| 2849 | year={2011},
| 2850 | month=sep,
| 2851 | publisher={Elsevier}
| 2852 | }
| 2853 |
| 2854 | @inproceedings{li2004topiary,
| 2855 | author = {Li, Yang and Hong, Jason I. and Landay, James A.},
| 2856 | title = {Topiary: A tool for prototyping location-enhanced applications},
| 2857 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on User
| 2858 | Interface Software and Technology},
| 2859 | year = {2004},
| 2860 | month = oct,
| 2861 | isbn = {1-58113-957-8},
| 2862 | address = {Santa Fe, NM},
| 2863 | pages = {217--226},
| 2864 | numpages = {10},
| 2865 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1029632.1029671},
| 2866 | doi = {10.1145/1029632.1029671},
| 2867 | acmid = {1029671},
| 2868 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 2869 | pub_address = {New York},
| 2870 | keywords = {Wizard of Oz, context-aware, informal user interface,
| 2871 | location-enhanced, prototyping, ubiquitous computing},
| 2872 | }
| 2873 |
| 2874 | @article{Lim+2012+TSE+StakeRare,
| 2875 | author = {Lim, Soo Ling and Finkelstein, Anthony},
| 2876 | title = {{StakeRare}: Using Social Networks and Collaborative
| 2877 | Filtering for Large-Scale Requirements Elicitation},
| 2878 | journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 2879 | issue_date = {May 2012},
| 2880 | volume = {38},
| 2881 | number = {3},
| 2882 | month = may,
| 2883 | year = {2012},
| 2884 | issn = {0098-5589},
| 2885 | pages = {707--735},
| 2886 | numpages = {29},
| 2887 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2011.36},
| 2888 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/TSE.2011.36},
| 2889 | acmid = {2311869},
| 2890 | publisher = {IEEE Press},
| 2891 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 2892 | keywords = {Requirements/specifications, elicitation methods, requirements prioritization, experimentation, human factors, recommender systems, social network analysis, stakeholder analysis.},
| 2893 | }
| 2894 |
| 2895 | @inproceedings{Lin-1998,
| 2896 | author = {Dekang Lin},
| 2897 | title = {An Information-Theoretic Definition of Similarity},
| 2898 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on
| 2899 | Machine Learning},
| 2900 | month = jul,
| 2901 | year = 1998,
| 2902 | pages = {296--304},
| 2903 | pub_address = {Madison, WI},
| 2904 | ignore_publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}
| 2905 | }
| 2906 |
| 2907 | @inproceedings{Lin-2010,
| 2908 | author = {Jialiu Lin and Guang Xiang and Jason I. Hong and Norman
| 2909 | M. Sadeh},
| 2910 | title = {Modeling people's place naming preferences in location
| 2911 | sharing},
| 2912 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
| 2913 | Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp)},
| 2914 | year = {2010},
| 2915 | pages = {75--84},
| 2916 | address = {Copenhagen},
| 2917 | month = sep,
| 2918 | ignore_publisher = {ACM Press}
| 2919 | }
| 2920 |
| 2921 | @article{Lippi-2016-TOIT-ArgumentationMining,
| 2922 | author = {Lippi, Marco and Torroni, Paolo},
| 2923 | title = {Argumentation Mining: State of the Art and Emerging Trends},
| 2924 | year = {2016},
| 2925 | issue_date = {April 2016},
| 2926 | publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
| 2927 | address = {New York},
| 2928 | volume = {16},
| 2929 | number = {2},
| 2930 | issn = {1533-5399},
| 2931 | url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2850417},
| 2932 | doi = {10.1145/2850417},
| 2933 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Internet Technology},
| 2934 | month = mar,
| 2935 | articleno = {10},
| 2936 | numpages = {25},
| 2937 | keywords = {computational linguistics, Argumentation mining, knowledge representation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, social media}
| 2938 | }
| 2939 |
| 2940 | @inproceedings{ludford2006because,
| 2941 | title = {Because I carry my cell phone anyway: Functional
| 2942 | location-based reminder applications},
| 2943 | author = {Ludford, Pamela J. and Frankowski, Dan and Reily, Ken and
| 2944 | Wilms, Kurt and Terveen, Loren},
| 2945 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors
| 2946 | in Computing Systems},
| 2947 | pages = {889--898},
| 2948 | isbn = {1595933727},
| 2949 | year = 2006,
| 2950 | month = apr,
| 2951 | publisher = {ACM}
| 2952 | }
| 2953 |
| 2954 | @article{luogeotagging,
| 2955 | title = {Geotagging in multimedia and computer vision---a survey},
| 2956 | author = {Luo, Jiebo and Joshi, Dhiraj and Yu, Jie and Gallagher, Andrew},
| 2957 | journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications},
| 2958 | volume = 51,
| 2959 | number = 1,
| 2960 | pages = {1--25},
| 2961 | issn = {1380-7501},
| 2962 | publisher = {Springer},
| 2963 | year = 2011,
| 2964 | month = jan
| 2965 | }
| 2966 |
| 2967 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Lutz+1998+FIE+RIT-BS-SE,
| 2968 | author={Michael J. Lutz},
| 2969 | booktitle={28th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference},
| 2970 | series={(FIE '98},
| 2971 | title={{RIT}'s {BS} program in {Software} {Engineering}: Initial experiences},
| 2972 | year={1998},
| 2973 | volume={2},
| 2974 | pages={806},
| 2975 | keywords={computer science education;educational courses;software engineering;BS program;Bachelor of Science Program;Computer Engineering Department;Computer Science Department;Rochester Institute of Technology;banking;broad-based curriculum;commercial off-the-shelf;course administration;embedded real-time control systems;finance;industrial software development domains;initial experiences;interdisciplinary sponsorship;networking;software engineering;student response;telecommunications;Communication industry;Computer industry;Computer science;Educational institutions;Electrical equipment industry;Finance;Industrial control;Programming;Software engineering;Telecommunication computing},
| 2976 | doi={10.1109/FIE.1998.738805},
| 2977 | ISSN={0190-5848},
| 2978 | month=nov,}
| 2979 |
| 2980 | @inproceedings{Lykourentzou+2016+CSCW+CrowdPersonality,
| 2981 | title = {Personality Matters: Balancing for Personality Types Leads
| 2982 | to Better Outcomes for Crowd Teams},
| 2983 | author = {Ioanna Lykourentzou and Angeliki Antoniou and Yannick
| 2984 | Naudet and Steven P. Dow},
| 2985 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer
| 2986 | Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing},
| 2987 | pages = {260--273},
| 2988 | year = 2016,
| 2989 | month = feb,
| 2990 | address = {San Francisco},
| 2991 | publisher = {ACM}
| 2992 | }
| 2993 |
| 2994 | @inproceedings{Lykourentzou+2017+CSCW+TeamDating,
| 2995 | author = {Lykourentzou, Ioanna and Kraut, Robert E. and Dow, Steven P.},
| 2996 | title = {Team Dating Leads to Better Online Ad Hoc Collaborations},
| 2997 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing},
| 2998 | series = {CSCW '17},
| 2999 | year = {2017},
| 3000 | isbn = {978-1-4503-4335-0},
| 3001 | address = {Portland, Oregon},
| 3002 | pages = {2330--2343},
| 3003 | numpages = {14},
| 3004 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2998181.2998322},
| 3005 | doi = {10.1145/2998181.2998322},
| 3006 | acmid = {2998322},
| 3007 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3008 | pub_address = {New York},
| 3009 | keywords = {distributed decision-making, team formation, thin slicing},
| 3010 | }
| 3011 |
| 3012 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Maalej+2015+RE+AppReviewClassification,
| 3013 | author={W. Maalej and H. Nabil},
| 3014 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Requirements
| 3015 | Engineering Conference (RE)},
| 3016 | title={Bug report, feature request, or simply praise? {On}
| 3017 | automatically classifying app reviews},
| 3018 | year={2015},
| 3019 | pages={116--125},
| 3020 | keywords={Accuracy;Computer crashes;Google;Machine learning
| 3021 | algorithms;Metadata;Natural language processing;Training},
| 3022 | ignore_doi={10.1109/RE.2015.7320414},
| 3023 | ignore_ISSN={1090-705X},
| 3024 | month={Aug},
| 3025 | address={Ottawa},
| 3026 | }
| 3027 |
| 3028 | @ARTICLE{Maalej+2016+Software+FeedbackAnalysis,
| 3029 | author={Walid Maalej and Maleknaz Nayebi and Timo Johann and Guenther Ruhe},
| 3030 | journal={IEEE Software},
| 3031 | title={Toward Data-Driven Requirements Engineering},
| 3032 | year={2016},
| 3033 | volume={33},
| 3034 | number={1},
| 3035 | pages={48-54},
| 3036 | doi={10.1109/MS.2015.153},
| 3037 | ISSN={0740-7459},
| 3038 | month=jan,
| 3039 | }
| 3040 |
| 3041 | @article{magerkurth2005pervasivegames,
| 3042 | author = {Magerkurth, Carsten and Cheok, Adrian David and Mandryk, Regan L. and Nilsen, Trond},
| 3043 | title = {Pervasive games: Bringing computer entertainment back to
| 3044 | the real world},
| 3045 | journal = {Computers in Entertainment},
| 3046 | issue_date = {July 2005},
| 3047 | volume = {3},
| 3048 | number = {3},
| 3049 | month = jul,
| 3050 | year = {2005},
| 3051 | issn = {1544-3574},
| 3052 | pages = {4--4},
| 3053 | numpages = {1},
| 3054 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1077246.1077257},
| 3055 | doi = {10.1145/1077246.1077257},
| 3056 | acmid = {1077257},
| 3057 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3058 | address = {New York},
| 3059 | keywords = {CSCP, entertainment, pervasive computing, pervasive
| 3060 | games, ubiquitous computing},
| 3061 | }
| 3062 |
| 3063 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Mahaux+2013+RCIS+CollaborativeCreativityRE,
| 3064 | author={Martin Mahaux and Lemai Nguyen and Oily Gotel and Luisa Mich and Alistair Mavin and Klaus Schmid},
| 3065 | booktitle={IEEE 7th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science},
| 3066 | title={Collaborative creativity in requirements engineering: Analysis and practical advice},
| 3067 | year={2013},
| 3068 | pages={1-10},
| 3069 | keywords={formal specification;formal verification;groupware;systems analysis;collaborative creativity;design problem;interdisciplinary groups;requirements engineering;stakeholder interaction;Buildings;Collaboration;Communities;Context;Cultural differences;Psychology;Systematics},
| 3070 | doi={10.1109/RCIS.2013.6577678},
| 3071 | ISSN={2151-1349},
| 3072 | month=may,}
| 3073 |
| 3074 | @inproceedings{Maiden+2004+DIS+CreativityWorkshops,
| 3075 | author = {Maiden, Neil and Manning, Sharon and Robertson, Suzanne and Greenwood, John},
| 3076 | title = {Integrating Creativity Workshops into Structured Requirements Processes},
| 3077 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques},
| 3078 | series = {DIS '04},
| 3079 | year = {2004},
| 3080 | isbn = {1-58113-787-7},
| 3081 | address = {Cambridge, MA},
| 3082 | pages = {113--122},
| 3083 | numpages = {10},
| 3084 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1013115.1013132},
| 3085 | doi = {10.1145/1013115.1013132},
| 3086 | acmid = {1013132},
| 3087 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3088 | pub_address = {New York, NY, USA},
| 3089 | keywords = {analogical reasoning, creativity workshops, models of creativity, requirements, storyboarding},
| 3090 | }
| 3091 |
| 3092 | @inproceedings{Maiden+2010+RE+CreativityVision,
| 3093 | author = {Maiden, Neil and Jones, Sara and Karlsen, Kristine and
| 3094 | Neill, Roger and Zachos, Konstantinos and Milne, Alastair},
| 3095 | title = {Requirements Engineering As Creative Problem Solving: A
| 3096 | Research Agenda for Idea Finding},
| 3097 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Requirements
| 3098 | Engineering Conference},
| 3099 | ignore_series = {RE '10},
| 3100 | year = {2010},
| 3101 | month= sep,
| 3102 | ignore_isbn = {978-0-7695-4162-4},
| 3103 | pages = {57--66},
| 3104 | numpages = {10},
| 3105 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/RE.2010.16},
| 3106 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/RE.2010.16},
| 3107 | ignore_acmid = {1915707},
| 3108 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 3109 | pub_address = {Washington, DC},
| 3110 | address = {Sydney},
| 3111 | keywords = {Requirements engineering, creativity},
| 3112 | }
| 3113 |
| 3114 | @article{Mamei-2009-TOTA,
| 3115 | author = {Mamei, Marco and Zambonelli, Franco},
| 3116 | title = {Programming pervasive and mobile computing applications:
| 3117 | The {TOTA} approach},
| 3118 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
| 3119 | Methodology},
| 3120 | issue_date = {July 2009},
| 3121 | volume = {18},
| 3122 | number = {4},
| 3123 | month = jul,
| 3124 | year = {2009},
| 3125 | issn = {1049-331X},
| 3126 | pages = {1--56},
| 3127 | articleno = {15},
| 3128 | numpages = {56},
| 3129 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1538942.1538945},
| 3130 | doi = {10.1145/1538942.1538945},
| 3131 | acmid = {1538945},
| 3132 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3133 | address = {New York},
| 3134 | keywords = {Pervasive computing, coordination, middleware, mobile
| 3135 | computing, self-adaptation, self-organization, tuple spaces},
| 3136 | }
| 3137 |
| 3138 | @article{Manyika+2013+MGI+OpenData,
| 3139 | title={Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid
| 3140 | information},
| 3141 | author={Manyika, James and Chui, Michael and Groves, Peter and
| 3142 | Farrell, Diana and Van Kuiken, Steve and Doshi, Elizabeth Almasi},
| 3143 | journal={McKinsey Global Institute},
| 3144 | pages={1--15},
| 3145 | month=oct,
| 3146 | year={2013},
| 3147 | }
| 3148 |
| 3149 | @article{Mao+2005+CACM+UCD,
| 3150 | author = {Mao, Ji-Ye and Vredenburg, Karel and Smith, Paul W. and Carey, Tom},
| 3151 | title = {The State of User-centered Design Practice},
| 3152 | journal = {Communications of the ACM},
| 3153 | issue_date = {March 2005},
| 3154 | volume = {48},
| 3155 | number = {3},
| 3156 | month = mar,
| 3157 | year = {2005},
| 3158 | issn = {0001-0782},
| 3159 | pages = {105--109},
| 3160 | numpages = {5},
| 3161 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1047671.1047677},
| 3162 | doi = {10.1145/1047671.1047677},
| 3163 | acmid = {1047677},
| 3164 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3165 | address = {New York},
| 3166 | }
| 3167 |
| 3168 | @article{Mao+2017+JSS+CrowdSESurvey,
| 3169 | title = "A survey of the use of crowdsourcing in software engineering",
| 3170 | journal = "Journal of Systems and Software",
| 3171 | volume = "126",
| 3172 | number = "",
| 3173 | pages = "57--84",
| 3174 | year = "2017",
| 3175 | note = "",
| 3176 | issn = "0164-1212",
| 3177 | doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2016.09.015",
| 3178 | ignore_url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0164121216301832",
| 3179 | author = "Ke Mao and Licia Capra and Mark Harman and Yue Jia",
| 3180 | keywords = "Crowdsourced software engineering",
| 3181 | keywords = "Software crowdsourcing",
| 3182 | keywords = "Crowdsourcing",
| 3183 | keywords = "Literature survey"
| 3184 | }
| 3185 |
| 3186 | @article{Mao+2016+PlosOne+CrowdTeamSize,
| 3187 | author = {Mao, Andrew AND Mason, Winter AND Suri, Siddharth AND Watts, Duncan J.},
| 3188 | journal = {PLOS ONE},
| 3189 | publisher = {Public Library of Science},
| 3190 | title = {An experimental study of team size and performance on a complex task},
| 3191 | year = {2016},
| 3192 | month = {04},
| 3193 | volume = {11},
| 3194 | ignore_url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0153048},
| 3195 | pages = {1--22},
| 3196 | number = {4},
| 3197 | ignore_doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0153048}
| 3198 | }
| 3199 |
| 3200 | @inproceedings{massaguer2009middleware,
| 3201 | author = {Massaguer, Daniel and Hore, Bijit and Diallo, Mamadou H.
| 3202 | and Mehrotra, Sharad and Venkatasubramanian, Nalini},
| 3203 | title = {Middleware for pervasive spaces: Balancing privacy
| 3204 | and utility},
| 3205 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International
| 3206 | Conference on Middleware},
| 3207 | year = {2009},
| 3208 | month=dec,
| 3209 | location = {Urbanna, IL},
| 3210 | pages = {1--20},
| 3211 | articleno = {13},
| 3212 | numpages = {20},
| 3213 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1656980.1656998},
| 3214 | acmid = {1656998},
| 3215 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 3216 | address = {New York},
| 3217 | }
| 3218 |
| 3219 | @misc{matlabstats,
| 3220 | title = {Statistics Toolbox\textsuperscript{TM} Software Version 7.3 (R2010a)},
| 3221 | howpublished = {\url{http://www.mathworks.com/products/statistics/}}
| 3222 | }
| 3223 |
| 3224 | @misc{matlabhmm,
| 3225 | title = {Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Toolbox for Matlab},
| 3226 | howpublished = {\url{http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Software/HMM/hmm.html}}
| 3227 | }
| 3228 |
| 3229 | @book{Matlab+2014a,
| 3230 | year = {2014},
| 3231 | author = {MATLAB},
| 3232 | title = {Version 8.4.0 (R2014a)},
| 3233 | publisher = {The MathWorks Inc.},
| 3234 | address = {Natick, MA}
| 3235 | }
| 3236 |
| 3237 | @article{milligan1998interactional,
| 3238 | title={Interactional past and potential: The social construction of
| 3239 | place attachment},
| 3240 | author={Milligan, Melinda J.},
| 3241 | journal={Symbolic Interaction},
| 3242 | volume={21},
| 3243 | number={1},
| 3244 | pages={1--33},
| 3245 | year={1998},
| 3246 | month=feb,
| 3247 | publisher={Wiley Online Library}
| 3248 | }
| 3249 |
| 3250 | @article{McCabe-76,
| 3251 | author = {Thomas J. McCabe},
| 3252 | title = {A Complexity Measure},
| 3253 | journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 3254 | volume = {2},
| 3255 | number = {4},
| 3256 | month = jul,
| 3257 | year = {1976},
| 3258 | issn = {0098-5589},
| 3259 | pages = {308--320},
| 3260 | numpages = {13},
| 3261 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.1976.233837},
| 3262 | doi = {10.1109/TSE.1976.233837},
| 3263 | acmid = {1313586},
| 3264 | publisher = {IEEE Press},
| 3265 | address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
| 3266 | keywords = {Basis, complexity measure, control flow, decomposition, graph theory, independence, linear, modularization, programming, reduction, software, testing, testing, Basis, complexity measure, control flow, decomposition, graph theory, independence, linear, modularization, programming, reduction, software},
| 3267 | }
| 3268 |
| 3269 | @misc{mckinsey2011bigdata,
| 3270 | author = {{McKinsey Global Institute}},
| 3271 | title = {Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition,
| 3272 | and productivity},
| 3273 | month = may,
| 3274 | year = {2011},
| 3275 | howpublished = {\url{http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/mgi/research/technology_and_innovation/big_data_the_next_frontier_for_innovation}}
| 3276 | }
| 3277 |
| 3278 | @article{Mercuur-2019-JASSS-Values,
| 3279 | title = {The Value of Values and Norms in Social Simulation},
| 3280 | author = {Mercuur, Rijk and Dignum, Virginia and Jonker, Catholijn},
| 3281 | journal = {Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation},
| 3282 | ISSN = {1460-7425},
| 3283 | volume = {22},
| 3284 | number = {1},
| 3285 | pages = {9},
| 3286 | year = {2019},
| 3287 | URL = {http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/22/1/9.html},
| 3288 | DOI = {10.18564/jasss.3929},
| 3289 | keywords = {Human Values, Norms, Ultimatum Game, Empirical Data, Agent-Based Model},
| 3290 | }
| 3291 |
| 3292 | @article{Moor-2006-IntelligentSystems-MachineEthics,
| 3293 | author = {Moor, James H.},
| 3294 | title = {The Nature, Importance, and Difficulty of Machine Ethics},
| 3295 | year = {2006},
| 3296 | issue_date = {July 2006},
| 3297 | publisher = {IEEE},
| 3298 | volume = {21},
| 3299 | number = {4},
| 3300 | issn = {1541-1672},
| 3301 | url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/MIS.2006.80},
| 3302 | doi = {10.1109/MIS.2006.80},
| 3303 | journal = {IEEE Intelligent Systems},
| 3304 | month = jul,
| 3305 | pages = {18--21},
| 3306 | numpages = {4},
| 3307 | keywords = {ethical agents, machine ethics, computer ethics}
| 3308 | }
| 3309 |
| 3310 | @inproceedings{Montoliu-Gatica-Perez-2010,
| 3311 | author = {Ra{\'u}l Montoliu and Daniel Gatica-Perez},
| 3312 | title = {Discovering human places of interest from multimodal
| 3313 | mobile phone data},
| 3314 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
| 3315 | Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia},
| 3316 | year = 2010,
| 3317 | articleno = {12},
| 3318 | pages = {12:1--12:10},
| 3319 | numpages = {10},
| 3320 | location = {Limassol, Cyprus},
| 3321 | month = dec,
| 3322 | ignore_publisher = {ACM Press}
| 3323 | }
| 3324 |
| 3325 | @techreport{Mouter+2020+TR+PVE,
| 3326 | title={Participatory Value Evaluation Versus Cost-Benefit Analysis: Comparing Recommendations in the Context of Urban Mobility Investments},
| 3327 | author={Mouter, Niek and Koster, Paul and Dekker, Thijs},
| 3328 | year={2020},
| 3329 | institution={Tinbergen Institute},
| 3330 | type={Discussion Paper, 2019-046/VIII}
| 3331 | }
| 3332 |
| 3333 | @misc{Mouter-2020-CovidPVE,
| 3334 | author={Mouter, Niek},
| 3335 | title = {{PVE}: Lifting {Corona} measures in the {Netherlands}},
| 3336 | howpublished = {\url{https://www.tudelft.nl/en/tpm/pve/case-studies/lifting-corona-measures-in-the-netherlands/}},
| 3337 | ignore_note={Accessed: 29 September 2020},
| 3338 | ignore_month=may,
| 3339 | year=2020,
| 3340 | }
| 3341 |
| 3342 | @misc{Spruit-2020-SwfPVE,
| 3343 | author={Spruit, Shannon},
| 3344 | title = {{PVE}: Energy in {South West Friesland}},
| 3345 | howpublished = {\url{https://www.tudelft.nl/en/tpm/pve/case-studies/energy-in-sudwest-fryslan/}},
| 3346 | ignore_note={Accessed: 29 September 2020},
| 3347 | ignore_month=may,
| 3348 | year=2020,
| 3349 | }
| 3350 |
| 3351 | @article{Mullen-1991-BASP-Brainstorming,
| 3352 | author = { Brian Mullen and Craig Johnson and Eduardo Salas},
| 3353 | title = {Productivity Loss in Brainstorming Groups: A Meta-Analytic Integration},
| 3354 | journal = {Basic and Applied Social Psychology},
| 3355 | volume = {12},
| 3356 | number = {1},
| 3357 | pages = {3--23},
| 3358 | year = {1991},
| 3359 | publisher = {Routledge},
| 3360 | }
| 3361 |
| 3362 | @article{Murphy-2006-Lime,
| 3363 | author = {Murphy, Amy L. and Picco, Gian Pietro and Roman,
| 3364 | Gruia-Catalin},
| 3365 | title = {{LIME}: A coordination model and middleware supporting
| 3366 | mobility of hosts and agents},
| 3367 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
| 3368 | Methodology},
| 3369 | issue_date = {July 2006},
| 3370 | volume = {15},
| 3371 | number = {3},
| 3372 | month = jul,
| 3373 | year = {2006},
| 3374 | issn = {1049-331X},
| 3375 | pages = {279--328},
| 3376 | numpages = {50},
| 3377 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1151695.1151698},
| 3378 | doi = {10.1145/1151695.1151698},
| 3379 | acmid = {1151698},
| 3380 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3381 | address = {New York},
| 3382 | keywords = {Mobile computing, middleware, tuple spaces},
| 3383 | }
| 3384 |
| 3385 | @article{murukannaiah2012platyssocial,
| 3386 | author = {Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Munindar P. Singh},
| 3387 | title = {Platys {Social}: Relating Shared Places and Private Social
| 3388 | Circles},
| 3389 | journal ={IEEE Internet Computing},
| 3390 | volume = {16},
| 3391 | number = {3},
| 3392 | ignore_issn = {1089-7801},
| 3393 | year = {2012},
| 3394 | month= may,
| 3395 | pages = {53--59},
| 3396 | ignore_doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MIC.2011.106},
| 3397 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 3398 | address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 3399 | }
| 3400 |
| 3401 | @inproceedings{Murukannaiah+AAMAS+2014+Xipho,
| 3402 | author = {Murukannaiah, Pradeep K. and Singh, Munindar P.},
| 3403 | title = {Xipho: Extending {Tropos} to engineer context-aware personal agents},
| 3404 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
| 3405 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
| 3406 | year = {2014},
| 3407 | address = {Paris},
| 3408 | pages = {309--316},
| 3409 | ignore_publisher = {IFAAMAS},
| 3410 | ignore_publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
| 3411 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-2738-1},
| 3412 | numpages = {8},
| 3413 | ignore_url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2615731.2615783},
| 3414 | acmid = {2615783},
| 3415 | ignore_address = {Richland, SC},
| 3416 | keywords = {context, methodology, personal agent, tropos},
| 3417 | }
| 3418 |
| 3419 | @inproceedings{Murukannaiah+2014+AAMAS+PlatysDemo,
| 3420 | author = {Murukannaiah, Pradeep K. and Fogues, Ricard and Singh,
| 3421 | Munindar P.},
| 3422 | title = {Platys: {A} Framework for Supporting Context-aware Personal
| 3423 | Agents},
| 3424 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
| 3425 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems},
| 3426 | ignore_series = {AAMAS '14},
| 3427 | year = {2014},
| 3428 | address = {Paris},
| 3429 | pages = {1689--1690},
| 3430 | }
| 3431 |
| 3432 | @article{Murukannaiah+2014+IC+LbUX,
| 3433 | author={Murukannaiah, Pradeep K. and Singh, Munindar P.},
| 3434 | journal={IEEE Internet Computing},
| 3435 | title={Understanding Location-Based User Experience},
| 3436 | year={2014},
| 3437 | month=nov,
| 3438 | volume={18},
| 3439 | number={6},
| 3440 | pages={72--76},
| 3441 | keywords={Context awareness;Mobile computing;Mobile radio mobility management;Quality of service;User centered ;User interfaces;context-aware services;location-based services;mobile computing;user experience},
| 3442 | doi={10.1109/MIC.2014.127},
| 3443 | ISSN={1089-7801},
| 3444 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 3445 | address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 3446 | }
| 3447 |
| 3448 | @article{Murukannaiah+2015+TOSEM+PlatysDev,
| 3449 | author = {Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Munindar P. Singh},
| 3450 | title = {Platys: An Active Learning Framework for Place-Aware
| 3451 | Application Development and Its Evaluation},
| 3452 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology},
| 3453 | volume = {24},
| 3454 | number = {3},
| 3455 | month = may,
| 3456 | year = {2015},
| 3457 | pages = {1--33},
| 3458 | articleno = {19},
| 3459 | numpages = {33},
| 3460 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3461 | address = {New York},
| 3462 | keywords = {Mobile application development, Location-aware,
| 3463 | Place-aware, Context- aware, Middleware, Place recognition, Active
| 3464 | learning, Semi-supervised learning, Usability, Privacy},
| 3465 | }
| 3466 |
| 3467 | @inproceedings{Murukannaiah+2015+RE+GoalConflictsArgACH,
| 3468 | author={Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Anup K. Kalia and Pankaj R.
| 3469 | Telang and Munindar P. Singh},
| 3470 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Requirements
| 3471 | Engineering Conference},
| 3472 | title={Resolving Goal Conflicts via Argumentation-Based Analysis of
| 3473 | Competing Hypotheses},
| 3474 | year={2015},
| 3475 | month=aug,
| 3476 | pages={156--165},
| 3477 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 3478 | address = {Ottawa},
| 3479 | }
| 3480 |
| 3481 | @article{Murukannaiah+2016+IC+Danio,
| 3482 | author={Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Nirav Ajmeri and Munindar P. Singh},
| 3483 | journal={IEEE Internet Computing},
| 3484 | title={Engineering Privacy in Social Applications},
| 3485 | year={2016},
| 3486 | volume={20},
| 3487 | number={2},
| 3488 | pages={72--76},
| 3489 | ignore_doi={10.1109/MIC.2016.30},
| 3490 | ignore_ISSN={1089-7801},
| 3491 | month=mar,
| 3492 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 3493 | address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 3494 | }
| 3495 |
| 3496 | @inproceedings{Murukannaiah+2016+RE+CrowdCreativity,
| 3497 | author={Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Nirav Ajmeri and Munindar P.
| 3498 | Singh},
| 3499 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Requirements
| 3500 | Engineering Conference},
| 3501 | title={Acquiring Creative Requirements from the Crowd: Understanding
| 3502 | the Influences of Personality and Creative Potential in {Crowd}
| 3503 | {RE}},
| 3504 | year={2016},
| 3505 | month=sep,
| 3506 | pages={176--185},
| 3507 | address = {Beijing},
| 3508 | publisher={IEEE},
| 3509 | }
| 3510 |
| 3511 | @misc{Murukannaiah+2017+Dataset+SmarthomeCrowdReq,
| 3512 | author={Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Nirav Ajmeri and Munindar P.
| 3513 | Singh},
| 3514 | howpublished={\url{https://crowdre.github.io/murukannaiah-smarthome-requirements-dataset/}},
| 3515 | title={The smarthome crowd requirements dataset},
| 3516 | year={2017},
| 3517 | month=apr,
| 3518 | }
| 3519 |
| 3520 | @inproceedings{Murukannaiah+2017+REData+CrowdRE,
| 3521 | author={Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Nirav Ajmeri and Munindar P.
| 3522 | Singh},
| 3523 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Requirements
| 3524 | Engineering Conference},
| 3525 | title={Toward automating {Crowd} {RE}},
| 3526 | year={2017},
| 3527 | month=sep,
| 3528 | pages={1--4 (To Appear)},
| 3529 | address = {Lisbon},
| 3530 | }
| 3531 |
| 3532 | @phdthesis{Murukannaiah+2016+PhDThesis,
| 3533 | author = {Pradeep K.~Murukannaiah},
| 3534 | title = {Engineering personal agents: Toward personalized,
| 3535 | context-aware, and privacy-preserving applications},
| 3536 | year = {2016},
| 3537 | school = {North Carolina State University},
| 3538 | address = {Raleigh, NC},
| 3539 | }
| 3540 |
| 3541 | @dataset{Murukannaiah-2019-Zenodo-CrowdRequirements,
| 3542 | author = {Murukannaiah, Pradeep K. and
| 3543 | Ajmeri, Nirav and
| 3544 | Rahman, Muhammad Fazalul and
| 3545 | Singh, Munindar P.},
| 3546 | title = {{A Dataset of Crowdsourced Smarthome Requirements
| 3547 | with Creativity Ratings}},
| 3548 | month = nov,
| 3549 | year = 2019,
| 3550 | publisher = {Zenodo},
| 3551 | version = {1.0.0},
| 3552 | doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3550721},
| 3553 | url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3550721}
| 3554 | }
| 3555 |
| 3556 | @dataset{Murukannaiah-2020-Zenodo-CrowdRequirements,
| 3557 | author = {Murukannaiah, Pradeep K. and
| 3558 | Ajmeri, Nirav and
| 3559 | Rahman, Muhammad Fazalul and
| 3560 | Singh, Munindar P.},
| 3561 | title = {{Enhancing Crowd Creativity as Innovation via
| 3562 | Teamwork: Dataset}},
| 3563 | month = dec,
| 3564 | year = 2020,
| 3565 | publisher = {Zenodo},
| 3566 | organization = {Zenodo},
| 3567 | version = {V1},
| 3568 | doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4308066},
| 3569 | url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4308066}
| 3570 | }
| 3571 |
| 3572 | @article{Nguyen+2009+IST+CreativityRE,
| 3573 | author = {Nguyen, Lemai and Shanks, Graeme},
| 3574 | title = {A Framework for Understanding Creativity in Requirements Engineering},
| 3575 | journal = "Information and Software Technology ",
| 3576 | issue_date = {March, 2009},
| 3577 | volume = {51},
| 3578 | number = {3},
| 3579 | month = mar,
| 3580 | year = {2009},
| 3581 | issn = {0950-5849},
| 3582 | pages = {655--662},
| 3583 | numpages = {8},
| 3584 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2008.09.002},
| 3585 | ignore_doi = {10.1016/j.infsof.2008.09.002},
| 3586 | ignore_acmid = {1480573},
| 3587 | publisher = {Butterworth-Heinemann},
| 3588 | address = {Newton, MA},
| 3589 | keywords = {Conceptual framework, Creativity, Problem solving,
| 3590 | Requirements engineering},
| 3591 | }
| 3592 |
| 3593 | @article{Nguyen-2017-VLDBJ-CrowdsourcingArguments,
| 3594 | author = {Nguyen, Quoc Viet and Duong, Chi Thang and Nguyen, Thanh Tam and Weidlich, Matthias and Aberer, Karl and Yin, Hongzhi and Zhou, Xiaofang},
| 3595 | title = {Argument Discovery via Crowdsourcing},
| 3596 | journal = {The VLDB Journal},
| 3597 | issue_date = {August 2017},
| 3598 | volume = {26},
| 3599 | number = {4},
| 3600 | month = aug,
| 3601 | year = {2017},
| 3602 | issn = {1066-8888},
| 3603 | pages = {511--535},
| 3604 | numpages = {25},
| 3605 | ignore_url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-017-0462-9},
| 3606 | ignore_doi = {10.1007/s00778-017-0462-9},
| 3607 | ignore_acmid = {3128560},
| 3608 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 3609 | address = {Secaucus, NJ},
| 3610 | keywords = {Crowdsourcing, Graphical models, Web mining},
| 3611 | }
| 3612 |
| 3613 | @article{Nickerson+1998+GeneralPsychology+ConformationBias,
| 3614 | author = {Nickerson, Raymond S.},
| 3615 | journal = {Review of General Psychology},
| 3616 | keywords = {classic\_paper, cognitive\_science, review,
| 3617 | science\_communication},
| 3618 | number = {2},
| 3619 | pages = {175--220},
| 3620 | title = {Confirmation bias: a ubiquitous phenomenon in many
| 3621 | guises},
| 3622 | ignore_url = {http://www.informaworld.com/index/779098975.pdf},
| 3623 | volume = {2},
| 3624 | year = {1998},
| 3625 | }
| 3626 | @article{Nissenbaum+2004+WLR+PrivacyAsContextualIntegrity,
| 3627 | title={Privacy as contextual integrity},
| 3628 | author={Nissenbaum, Helen},
| 3629 | journal={Washington Law Review},
| 3630 | volume={79},
| 3631 | pages={119--158},
| 3632 | year={2004},
| 3633 | publisher={HeinOnline}
| 3634 | }
| 3635 |
| 3636 | @book{Nissenbaum+2009+Book+PrivacyInContext,
| 3637 | author = {Nissenbaum, Helen},
| 3638 | title = {Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life},
| 3639 | year = {2009},
| 3640 | isbn = {0804752370, 9780804752374},
| 3641 | publisher = {Stanford University Press},
| 3642 | address = {Stanford, CA},
| 3643 | }
| 3644 |
| 3645 | @article{Noll+2011+Inroads+GSD,
| 3646 | author = {Noll, John and Beecham, Sarah and Richardson, Ita},
| 3647 | title = {Global Software Development and Collaboration: Barriers and Solutions},
| 3648 | journal = {ACM Inroads},
| 3649 | issue_date = {September 2010},
| 3650 | volume = {1},
| 3651 | number = {3},
| 3652 | month = sep,
| 3653 | year = {2011},
| 3654 | ignore_issn = {2153-2184},
| 3655 | pages = {66--78},
| 3656 | numpages = {13},
| 3657 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1835428.1835445},
| 3658 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/1835428.1835445},
| 3659 | ignore_acmid = {1835445},
| 3660 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3661 | address = {New York},
| 3662 | keywords = {collaboration, global software development, global software engineering, inter-cultural organizations, virtual teams},
| 3663 | }
| 3664 |
| 3665 | @misc{NYCOpenData,
| 3666 | author = {{City of New York}},
| 3667 | title = {{NYC Open Data}: Open Data for All {New Yorkers}},
| 3668 | howpublished = {\url{https://opendata.cityofnewyork.us/}},
| 3669 | year=2018,
| 3670 | }
| 3671 |
| 3672 | @article{oliver2009survey,
| 3673 | title = {A survey of platforms for mobile networks research},
| 3674 | author = {Oliver, Earl},
| 3675 | journal = {Mobile Computing and Communications Review},
| 3676 | volume = 12,
| 3677 | number = 4,
| 3678 | pages = {56--63},
| 3679 | issn = {1559-1662},
| 3680 | year = 2009,
| 3681 | month = oct,
| 3682 | publisher = {ACM}
| 3683 | }
| 3684 |
| 3685 | @article{paay2008uelocation,
| 3686 | author = {Paay, Jeni and Kjeldskov, Jesper},
| 3687 | title = {Understanding the User Experience of Location-Based
| 3688 | Services: Five Principles of Perceptual Organisation Applied},
| 3689 | journal = {Journal of Location Based Services},
| 3690 | issue_date = {December 2008},
| 3691 | volume = {2},
| 3692 | number = {4},
| 3693 | month = dec,
| 3694 | year = {2008},
| 3695 | issn = {1748-9725},
| 3696 | pages = {267--286},
| 3697 | numpages = {20},
| 3698 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17489720802609328},
| 3699 | doi = {10.1080/17489720802609328},
| 3700 | acmid = {1477828},
| 3701 | publisher = {Taylor \& Francis, Inc.},
| 3702 | address = {Bristol, PA, USA},
| 3703 | keywords = {Gestalt theory, field study, location-based services,
| 3704 | user experience},
| 3705 | }
| 3706 |
| 3707 | @article{Paci-2018-CSUR-CollaborativeAccessControl,
| 3708 | author = {Paci, Federica and Squicciarini, Anna and Zannone, Nicola},
| 3709 | title = {Survey on Access Control for Community-Centered Collaborative Systems},
| 3710 | journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
| 3711 | issue_date = {April 2018},
| 3712 | volume = {51},
| 3713 | number = {1},
| 3714 | month = jan,
| 3715 | year = {2018},
| 3716 | ignore_issn = {0360-0300},
| 3717 | pages = {6:1--6:38},
| 3718 | articleno = {6},
| 3719 | numpages = {38},
| 3720 | ingore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3146025},
| 3721 | ingore_doi = {10.1145/3146025},
| 3722 | ignore_acmid = {3146025},
| 3723 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3724 | address = {New York},
| 3725 | keywords = {Collaborative access control, data governance, literature study, policy specification, usability},
| 3726 | }
| 3727 |
| 3728 | @inproceedings{Padgham-2002-Prometheus,
| 3729 | author = {Padgham, Lin and Winikoff, Michael},
| 3730 | title = {Prometheus: A methodology for developing intelligent agents},
| 3731 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
| 3732 | Agent-Oriented Software Engineering},
| 3733 | year = {2003},
| 3734 | isbn = {3-540-00713-X},
| 3735 | location = {Bologna, Italy},
| 3736 | pages = {174--185},
| 3737 | numpages = {12},
| 3738 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1754726.1754744},
| 3739 | acmid = {1754744},
| 3740 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 3741 | address = {Berlin},
| 3742 | }
| 3743 |
| 3744 | @incollection{Padgham-2005-Prometheus,
| 3745 | author = {Lin Padgham and Michael Winikoff},
| 3746 | title = {Prometheus: A Practical Agent-Oriented Methodology},
| 3747 | editor = {Brian Henderson-Sellers and Paolo Giorgini},
| 3748 | booktitle = {Agent-Oriented Methodologies},
| 3749 | chapter = 5,
| 3750 | pages = {107--135},
| 3751 | publisher = {Idea Group},
| 3752 | address = {Hershey, PA},
| 3753 | year = 2005
| 3754 | }
| 3755 |
| 3756 | @book{poslad2009ubiquitous,
| 3757 | title={Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and
| 3758 | Interactions},
| 3759 | author={Poslad, Stefan},
| 3760 | isbn={9780470035603},
| 3761 | lccn={2008052234},
| 3762 | url={http://books.google.com/books?id=knfGIltq86kC},
| 3763 | year={2009},
| 3764 | publisher = {John Wiley and Sons},
| 3765 | address = {Chichester, UK}
| 3766 | }
| 3767 |
| 3768 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Potts+1995+RE+InventedReqs,
| 3769 | author={Colin Potts},
| 3770 | booktitle={Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering},
| 3771 | title={Invented requirements and imagined customers: Requirements engineering for off-the-shelf software},
| 3772 | year={1995},
| 3773 | pages={128--130},
| 3774 | keywords={DP industry;development systems;product development;software engineering;systems analysis;consulting communities;design scenarios;imagined customer;invented requirements;off-the-shelf application software;requirements engineering;software developers;Application software;Contracts;Design engineering;Educational institutions;Human computer interaction;Packaging;Power engineering and energy;Spreadsheet programs;Text processing;User interfaces},
| 3775 | ignore_doi={10.1109/ISRE.1995.512553},
| 3776 | month=mar,
| 3777 | }
| 3778 |
| 3779 | @article{palla2005uncovering,
| 3780 | title={Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex
| 3781 | networks in nature and society},
| 3782 | author={Gergely Palla and Imre Der{\'e}nyi and Ill{\'e}s J. Farkas
| 3783 | and Tam{\'a}s Vicsek},
| 3784 | journal = {Nature},
| 3785 | volume = {435},
| 3786 | number = {7043},
| 3787 | pages = {814--818},
| 3788 | issn={0028-0836},
| 3789 | year = 2005,
| 3790 | month= apr,
| 3791 | publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
| 3792 | }
| 3793 |
| 3794 | @misc{PARC-ACHTool+2005,
| 3795 | title = {{ACH}{$_{1.1}$}: A Tool for Analyzing Competing Hypotheses},
| 3796 | author={{PARC AI Team}},
| 3797 | howpublished ={\url{http://pherson.org/PDFFiles/ACHTechnicalDescription.pdf}},
| 3798 | year=2005,
| 3799 | }
| 3800 |
| 3801 | @inproceedings{Pasquier+2006+AAMAS+Sanctions,
| 3802 | author = {Pasquier, Philippe and Flores, Roberto A. and Chaib-draa,
| 3803 | Brahim},
| 3804 | title = {An Ontology of Social Control Tools},
| 3805 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference
| 3806 | on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
| 3807 | ignore_series = {AAMAS '06},
| 3808 | year = {2006},
| 3809 | isbn = {1-59593-303-4},
| 3810 | address = {Hakodate, Japan},
| 3811 | pages = {1369--1371},
| 3812 | numpages = {3},
| 3813 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1160633.1160887},
| 3814 | doi = {10.1145/1160633.1160887},
| 3815 | acmid = {1160887},
| 3816 | publisher = {ACM},
| 3817 | pub_address = {New York},
| 3818 | }
| 3819 |
| 3820 | @article{Paolacci+2010+JDM+MTurk,
| 3821 | title={Running experiments on amazon mechanical turk},
| 3822 | author={Paolacci, Gabriele and Chandler, Jesse and Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G},
| 3823 | journal={Judgment and Decision making},
| 3824 | volume={5},
| 3825 | number={5},
| 3826 | pages={411--419},
| 3827 | year={2010}
| 3828 | }
| 3829 |
| 3830 | @book{Paul+2019+Book+EthicalReasoning,
| 3831 | title={The Thinker's Guide to Ethical Reasoning: Based on Critical Thinking Concepts \& Tools},
| 3832 | author={Paul, Richard and Elder, Linda},
| 3833 | year={2019},
| 3834 | publisher={Rowman \& Littlefield}
| 3835 | }
| 3836 |
| 3837 | @article{Paulus+2000+OrgBehaviorHDP+IdeaGeneration,
| 3838 | title = {Idea generation in groups: A basis for creativity in organizations},
| 3839 | journal = "Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes",
| 3840 | volume = "82",
| 3841 | number = "1",
| 3842 | pages = "76--87",
| 3843 | year = "2000",
| 3844 | issn = "0749-5978",
| 3845 | doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/obhd.2000.2888",
| 3846 | ignore_url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749597800928887",
| 3847 | author = "Paul B. Paulus and Huei-Chuan Yang",
| 3848 | publisher = {Elsevier},
| 3849 | address = {Amsterdam},
| 3850 | }
| 3851 |
| 3852 | @article {Paulus+2007+SPPCompass+CreativeIdeaGeneration,
| 3853 | author = {Paulus, Paul B. and Brown, Vincent R.},
| 3854 | title = {Toward More Creative and Innovative Group Idea Generation: A
| 3855 | Cognitive-Social-Motivational Perspective of Brainstorming},
| 3856 | journal = {Social and Personality Psychology Compass},
| 3857 | volume = {1},
| 3858 | number = {1},
| 3859 | publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd.},
| 3860 | issn = {1751-9004},
| 3861 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-9004.2007.00006.x},
| 3862 | doi = {10.1111/j.1751-9004.2007.00006.x},
| 3863 | pages = {248--265},
| 3864 | year = {2007},
| 3865 | }
| 3866 |
| 3867 | @inproceedings{paulos2004familiar,
| 3868 | title = {The familiar stranger: Anxiety, comfort, and play in public places},
| 3869 | author = {Elizabeth Paulos and Eric Goodman},
| 3870 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors
| 3871 | in Computing Systems},
| 3872 | pages = {223--230},
| 3873 | year = 2004,
| 3874 | month = apr,
| 3875 | address = Vienna,
| 3876 | inore_publisher = {ACM}
| 3877 | }
| 3878 |
| 3879 | @article {Paulus+2000+AppdPsyc+GroupsTeamsCreativity,
| 3880 | author = {Paulus, Paul B.},
| 3881 | title = {Groups, teams, and creativity: The creative potential of idea-generating groups},
| 3882 | journal = {Applied Psychology},
| 3883 | volume = {49},
| 3884 | number = {2},
| 3885 | publisher = {Blackwell Publishers},
| 3886 | ignore_issn = {1464-0597},
| 3887 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1464-0597.00013},
| 3888 | ignore_doi = {10.1111/1464-0597.00013},
| 3889 | pages = {237--262},
| 3890 | year = {2000},
| 3891 | }
| 3892 |
| 3893 | @article{Paulus+1993+PSPB+PerceptionOfGroupBrainstorming,
| 3894 | author = {Paul B. Paulus and Mary T. Dzindolet and George Poletes and L. Mabel Camacho},
| 3895 | title ={Perception of Performance in Group Brainstorming: The Illusion of Group Productivity},
| 3896 | journal = {Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin},
| 3897 | volume = {19},
| 3898 | number = {1},
| 3899 | pages = {78--89},
| 3900 | year = {1993},
| 3901 | doi = {10.1177/0146167293191009}
| 3902 | }
| 3903 |
| 3904 | @article{Pekrun+2006+JEP+AchievementEmotions,
| 3905 | title={Achievement goals and discrete achievement emotions: A
| 3906 | theoretical model and prospective test},
| 3907 | author={Reinhard Pekrun and Andrew J.~Elliot and Markus A.~Maier},
| 3908 | journal = {Journal of Educational Psychology},
| 3909 | volume = {98},
| 3910 | number = {3},
| 3911 | pages = {583--597},
| 3912 | year = 2006,
| 3913 | month=aug,
| 3914 | publisher={American Psychological Association},
| 3915 | }
| 3916 |
| 3917 |
| 3918 | @article{Picazo-Vela+2010+CompHumanBeh+OnlineReviewBigFive,
| 3919 | author = {Picazo-Vela, Sergio and Chou, Shih Yung and Melcher, Arlyn
| 3920 | J. and Pearson, John M.},
| 3921 | title = {Why Provide an Online Review? {An} Extended Theory of
| 3922 | Planned Behavior and the Role of {Big-Five} Personality Traits},
| 3923 | journal = {Computers in Human Behavior},
| 3924 | issue_date = {July, 2010},
| 3925 | volume = {26},
| 3926 | number = {4},
| 3927 | month = jul,
| 3928 | year = {2010},
| 3929 | ignore_issn = {0747-5632},
| 3930 | pages = {685--696},
| 3931 | numpages = {12},
| 3932 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2010.01.005},
| 3933 | ignore_doi = {10.1016/j.chb.2010.01.005},
| 3934 | ignore_acmid = {1787071},
| 3935 | publisher = {Elsevier},
| 3936 | address = {Amsterdam},
| 3937 | keywords = {Big-Five personality, Online reviews, Theory of planned behavior},
| 3938 | }
| 3939 |
| 3940 | @misc{platysapi,
| 3941 | title = {Platys {Developers} {Guide}},
| 3942 | author = {Pradeep K. Murukannaiah},
| 3943 | howpublished =
| 3944 | {\url{http://research.csc.ncsu.edu/mas/platys/usage_dev.html}},
| 3945 | year=2012,
| 3946 | }
| 3947 |
| 3948 | @misc{platyssite,
| 3949 | title = {Platys project},
| 3950 | howpublished = {\url{http://sites.google.com/site/platysproject/}}
| 3951 | }
| 3952 |
| 3953 | @book{Pohl+2010+Book+REFundamentals,
| 3954 | author = {Pohl, Klaus},
| 3955 | title = {Requirements Engineering: Fundamentals, Principles, and Techniques},
| 3956 | year = {2010},
| 3957 | isbn = {3642125778, 9783642125775},
| 3958 | edition = {1st},
| 3959 | publisher = {Springer},
| 3960 | address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
| 3961 | }
| 3962 |
| 3963 | @book{Pressman-05,
| 3964 | author = {Roger S. Pressman},
| 3965 | title = {Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach},
| 3966 | year = 2005,
| 3967 | edition = {6th},
| 3968 | publisher = {McGraw Hill},
| 3969 | address = {New York}
| 3970 | }
| 3971 |
| 3972 | @inproceedings{Qiu-2009-IJCAI-SentimentLexicon,
| 3973 | author = {Qiu, Guang and Liu, Bing and Bu, Jiajun and Chen, Chun},
| 3974 | title = {Expanding Domain Sentiment Lexicon through Double Propagation},
| 3975 | year = {2009},
| 3976 | publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.},
| 3977 | pub_address = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
| 3978 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Jont Conference on Artifical Intelligence},
| 3979 | pages = {1199--1204},
| 3980 | numpages = {6},
| 3981 | address = {Pasadena, CA},
| 3982 | series = {IJCAI’09}
| 3983 | }
| 3984 |
| 3985 | @inproceedings{Quinn+2011+CHI+HumanComputationSurvey,
| 3986 | author = {Quinn, Alexander J. and Bederson, Benjamin B.},
| 3987 | title = {Human Computation: A Survey and Taxonomy of a Growing
| 3988 | Field},
| 3989 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
| 3990 | Computing Systems},
| 3991 | ignore_series = {CHI '11},
| 3992 | year = {2011},
| 3993 | isbn = {978-1-4503-0228-9},
| 3994 | address = {Vancouver},
| 3995 | pages = {1403--1412},
| 3996 | numpages = {10},
| 3997 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979148},
| 3998 | doi = {10.1145/1978942.1979148},
| 3999 | acmid = {1979148},
| 4000 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 4001 | pub_address = {New York},
| 4002 | keywords = {crowdsourcing, data mining, human computation, literature
| 4003 | review, social computing, survey, taxonomy},
| 4004 | }
| 4005 |
| 4006 | @misc{rabbiteclipse,
| 4007 | title = {Rabbit {Eclipse}: An {Eclipse} Statistics Tracking Plug-in},
| 4008 | howpublished = {\url{http://www.code.google.com/p/rabbit-eclipse/}}
| 4009 | }
| 4010 |
| 4011 | @article{rabiner1989tutorial,
| 4012 | title = {A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications
| 4013 | in speech recognition},
| 4014 | author = {Rabiner, L.R.},
| 4015 | journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
| 4016 | volume = 77,
| 4017 | number = 2,
| 4018 | pages = {257--286},
| 4019 | issn = {0018-9219},
| 4020 | year = 1989
| 4021 | }
| 4022 |
| 4023 | @article{Rahwan-2006-ROADMAPExt,
| 4024 | Author = {Rahwan, Iyad and Juan, Thomas and Sterling, Leon},
| 4025 | Title = {Integrating social modelling and agent interaction through
| 4026 | goal-oriented analysis},
| 4027 | Journal = {Computer Systems Science and Engineering},
| 4028 | Volume = {21},
| 4029 | Number = {2},
| 4030 | Keywords = {agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, ROADMAP},
| 4031 | Year = {2006},
| 4032 | Publisher={CRL Publishing},
| 4033 | Address={Leicester},
| 4034 | }
| 4035 |
| 4036 | @article{raskin1994intuitive,
| 4037 | author = {Raskin, Jef},
| 4038 | title = {Viewpoint: Intuitive equals familiar},
| 4039 | journal = {Communications of the ACM},
| 4040 | issue_date = {Sept. 1994},
| 4041 | volume = {37},
| 4042 | number = {9},
| 4043 | month = sep,
| 4044 | year = {1994},
| 4045 | issn = {0001-0782},
| 4046 | pages = {17--18},
| 4047 | numpages = {2},
| 4048 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/182987.584629},
| 4049 | doi = {10.1145/182987.584629},
| 4050 | acmid = {584629},
| 4051 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4052 | address = {New York},
| 4053 | }
| 4054 |
| 4055 | @inproceedings{ranganathan2004middlewhere,
| 4056 | author = {Ranganathan, Anand and Al-Muhtadi, Jalal and Chetan, Shiva
| 4057 | and Campbell, Roy and Mickunas, M. Dennis},
| 4058 | title = {{MiddleWhere}: A middleware for location awareness in
| 4059 | ubiquitous computing applications},
| 4060 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International
| 4061 | Conference on Middleware},
| 4062 | year = {2004},
| 4063 | month=oct,
| 4064 | isbn = {3-540-23428-4},
| 4065 | address = {Toronto},
| 4066 | pages = {397--416},
| 4067 | numpages = {20},
| 4068 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1045658.1045686},
| 4069 | acmid = {1045686},
| 4070 | ignore_publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 4071 | pub_address = {New York},
| 4072 | }
| 4073 |
| 4074 | @article{raper2007lbs,
| 4075 | author = {Raper, Jonathan and Gartner, Georg and Karimi, Hassan and
| 4076 | Rizos, Chris},
| 4077 | title = {A critical evaluation of location-based services and
| 4078 | their potential},
| 4079 | journal = {Journal of Location Based Services},
| 4080 | issue_date = {March 2007},
| 4081 | volume = {1},
| 4082 | number = {1},
| 4083 | month = mar,
| 4084 | year = {2007},
| 4085 | issn = {1748-9725},
| 4086 | pages = {5--45},
| 4087 | numpages = {41},
| 4088 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17489720701584069},
| 4089 | doi = {10.1080/17489720701584069},
| 4090 | acmid = {1392058},
| 4091 | publisher = {Taylor \& Francis, Inc.},
| 4092 | address = {Bristol, PA},
| 4093 | keywords = {geolocation technologies, mobile mapping, ubiquitons
| 4094 | computing},
| 4095 | }
| 4096 |
| 4097 | @article{Razzaque-2016-IoTJ-Middleware,
| 4098 | title={Middleware for {Internet} of {Things}: A survey},
| 4099 | author={Razzaque, Mohammad Abdur and Milojevic-Jevric, Marija and Palade, Andrei and Clarke, Siobh{\'a}n},
| 4100 | journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal},
| 4101 | volume={3},
| 4102 | number={1},
| 4103 | pages={70--95},
| 4104 | year={2016},
| 4105 | publisher={IEEE}
| 4106 | }
| 4107 |
| 4108 | @inproceedings{Regev+2006+RE+Creativity,
| 4109 | author = {Regev, Gil and Gause, Donald C. and Wegmann, Alain},
| 4110 | title = {Creativity and the Age-Old Resistance to Change Problem in
| 4111 | {RE}},
| 4112 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Requirements
| 4113 | Engineering Conference},
| 4114 | ignore_series = {RE '06},
| 4115 | year = {2006},
| 4116 | isbn = {0-7695-2555-5},
| 4117 | pages = {284--291},
| 4118 | numpages = {8},
| 4119 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/RE.2006.13},
| 4120 | doi = {10.1109/RE.2006.13},
| 4121 | acmid = {1174025},
| 4122 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 4123 | pub_address = {Washington, DC},
| 4124 | address = {Minneapolis, MN}
| 4125 | }
| 4126 |
| 4127 | @inproceedings{Retelny+2014+UIST+FlashTeamsCrowdsourcing,
| 4128 | author = {Retelny, Daniela and Robaszkiewicz, S{\'e}bastien and To,
| 4129 | Alexandra and Lasecki, Walter S. and Patel, Jay and Rahmati, Negar
| 4130 | and Doshi, Tulsee and Valentine, Melissa and Bernstein, Michael
| 4131 | S.},
| 4132 | title = {Expert Crowdsourcing with Flash Teams},
| 4133 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on User
| 4134 | Interface Software and Technology},
| 4135 | ignore_series = {UIST '14},
| 4136 | year = {2014},
| 4137 | isbn = {978-1-4503-3069-5},
| 4138 | address = {Honolulu},
| 4139 | pages = {75--85},
| 4140 | numpages = {11},
| 4141 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2642918.2647409},
| 4142 | doi = {10.1145/2642918.2647409},
| 4143 | acmid = {2647409},
| 4144 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4145 | pub_address = {New York},
| 4146 | keywords = {crowdsourcing, expert crowd work, flash teams},
| 4147 | }
| 4148 |
| 4149 | @inproceedings{rhee2008levy,
| 4150 | title = {On the levy-walk nature of human mobility: Do Humans Walk
| 4151 | like Monkeys?},
| 4152 | author = {Injong Rhee and Minsu Shin and Seongik Hong and Kyunghan
| 4153 | Lee and Song Chong},
| 4154 | booktitle = {Proceedings of 27th IEEE Conference on Computer
| 4155 | Communications (INFOCOM)},
| 4156 | pages = {924--932},
| 4157 | year = {2008},
| 4158 | month = apr,
| 4159 | address = Phoenix,
| 4160 | ignore_organization={IEEE}
| 4161 | }
| 4162 |
| 4163 | @misc{RMAPI,
| 4164 | author={{United Way of Greater Rochester}},
| 4165 | title={{Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI)}},
| 4166 | howpublished={\url{https://www.uwrochester.org/RochesterAnti-PovertyInitiative.aspx}},
| 4167 | year=2018,
| 4168 | }
| 4169 |
| 4170 | @inproceedings{Robeer+2016+RE+ConceptualModelNLP,
| 4171 | author = {Marcel Robeer and
| 4172 | Garm Lucassen and
| 4173 | Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf and
| 4174 | Fabiano Dalpiaz and
| 4175 | Sjaak Brinkkemper},
| 4176 | title = {Automated Extraction of Conceptual Models from User
| 4177 | Stories via {NLP}},
| 4178 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th {IEEE} International
| 4179 | Requirements Engineering Conference},
| 4180 | pages = {196--205},
| 4181 | year = {2016},
| 4182 | month = aug,
| 4183 | address = {Beijing},
| 4184 | }
| 4185 |
| 4186 | @article{Robinson+1989+SENotes+MultipleSpecification,
| 4187 | author = {Robinson, William N.},
| 4188 | title = {Integrating Multiple Specifications Using Domain Goals},
| 4189 | journal = {SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes},
| 4190 | issue_date = {May 1989},
| 4191 | volume = {14},
| 4192 | number = {3},
| 4193 | month = apr,
| 4194 | year = {1989},
| 4195 | issn = {0163-5948},
| 4196 | pages = {219--226},
| 4197 | numpages = {8},
| 4198 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/75200.75232},
| 4199 | doi = {10.1145/75200.75232},
| 4200 | acmid = {75232},
| 4201 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4202 | address = {New York},
| 4203 | }
| 4204 |
| 4205 | @inproceedings{Robinson+1990+ICSE+RENegotiation,
| 4206 | author = {Robinson, William N.},
| 4207 | title = {Negotiation Behavior During Requirements Specification},
| 4208 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
| 4209 | Software Engineering},
| 4210 | ignore_series = {ICSE '90},
| 4211 | year = {1990},
| 4212 | isbn = {0-89791-349-3},
| 4213 | address = {Nice, France},
| 4214 | pages = {268--276},
| 4215 | numpages = {9},
| 4216 | ignore_url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=100296.100335},
| 4217 | acmid = {100335},
| 4218 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 4219 | ignore_address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 4220 | }
| 4221 |
| 4222 | @inproceedings{Rogstadius+2011+ICWSM+CrowdMotivations,
| 4223 | author = {Jakob Rogstadius and Vassilis Kostakos and Aniket Kittur and Boris Smus and Jim Laredo and Maja Vukovic},
| 4224 | title = {An Assessment of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on task performance in crowdsourcing markets},
| 4225 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media},
| 4226 | year = {2011},
| 4227 | pages = {321--328},
| 4228 | address = {Barcelona},
| 4229 | ignore_url = {https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/ICWSM/ICWSM11/paper/view/2778},
| 4230 | publisher={AAAI Press},
| 4231 | }
| 4232 |
| 4233 | @book{Rokeach-1973-Book-Values,
| 4234 | title={The nature of human values},
| 4235 | author={Rokeach, Milton},
| 4236 | year={1973},
| 4237 | publisher={Free press}
| 4238 | }
| 4239 |
| 4240 | @inproceedings{Romano-2006-Exploring,
| 4241 | title={Exploring methods for evaluating group differences on the {NSSE} and other surveys: Are the t-test and {Cohen}'s d indices the most appropriate choices},
| 4242 | author={Romano, Jeanine and Kromrey, Jeffrey D and Coraggio, Jesse and Skowronek, Jeff and Devine, Linda},
| 4243 | booktitle={Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Association for Institutional Research},
| 4244 | year={2006},
| 4245 | organization={Citeseer}
| 4246 | }
| 4247 |
| 4248 | @inproceedings{roth2010suggesting,
| 4249 | title = {Suggesting friends using the implicit social graph},
| 4250 | author = {Roth, Maayan and Ben-David, Asaf and Deutscher, David and
| 4251 | Flysher, Guy and Horn, Ilan and Leichtberg, Ari and Leiser, Naty
| 4252 | and Matias, Yossi and Merom, Ron},
| 4253 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD International
| 4254 | Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
| 4255 | pages = {233--242},
| 4256 | year = 2010,
| 4257 | month = jul,
| 4258 | address = {Washington, DC},
| 4259 | ignore_publisher = {ACM}
| 4260 | }
| 4261 |
| 4262 | @inproceedings{Ruoti-2015-WWW-AuthenticationMelee,
| 4263 | author = {Ruoti, Scott and Roberts, Brent and Seamons, Kent},
| 4264 | title = {Authentication Melee: A Usability Analysis of Seven Web Authentication Systems},
| 4265 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web},
| 4266 | series = {WWW '15},
| 4267 | year = {2015},
| 4268 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-3469-3},
| 4269 | address = {Florence, Italy},
| 4270 | pages = {916--926},
| 4271 | numpages = {11},
| 4272 | ignore_url = {https://doi-org.ezproxy.rit.edu/10.1145/2736277.2741683},
| 4273 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/2736277.2741683},
| 4274 | ignore_acmid = {2741683},
| 4275 | ignore_publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee},
| 4276 | pub_address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland},
| 4277 | keywords = {authentication, security, system usability scale, usability},
| 4278 | }
| 4279 |
| 4280 | @incollection{Runco+1990+TheoryOfCreativity+ImplicityTheories,
| 4281 | author = {Mark A. Runco},
| 4282 | title = {Implicit theories and ideational creativity},
| 4283 | booktitle = {Theories of Creativity},
| 4284 | editor = {Mark A. Runco and Robert S. Albert},
| 4285 | note = {Vol.~115},
| 4286 | pages = {234--252},
| 4287 | publisher = {Sage Publications},
| 4288 | address = {Thousand Oaks, CA},
| 4289 | year = {1990}
| 4290 | }
| 4291 |
| 4292 | @article{Runco+2012+CRJ+CreativityDefinition,
| 4293 | author = {Mark A. Runco and Garrett J. Jaeger},
| 4294 | title = {The Standard Definition of Creativity},
| 4295 | journal = {Creativity Research Journal},
| 4296 | volume = {24},
| 4297 | number = {1},
| 4298 | pages = {92--96},
| 4299 | year = {2012},
| 4300 | doi = {10.1080/10400419.2012.650092},
| 4301 | ignore_URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2012.650092},
| 4302 | eprint = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2012.650092}
| 4303 | }
| 4304 |
| 4305 | @article{Russell-2015-AIMagazine-RobustBeneficialAI,
| 4306 | title={Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence},
| 4307 | volume={36},
| 4308 | url={https://www.aaai.org/ojs/index.php/aimagazine/article/view/2577},
| 4309 | DOI={10.1609/aimag.v36i4.2577},
| 4310 | abstractNote={Success in the quest for artificial intelligence has the potential to bring unprecedented benefits to humanity, and it is therefore worthwhile to investigate how to maximize these benefits while avoiding potential pitfalls. This article gives numerous examples (which should by no means be construed as an exhaustive list) of such worthwhile research aimed at ensuring that AI remains robust and beneficial.},
| 4311 | number={4},
| 4312 | journal={AI Magazine},
| 4313 | author={Russell, Stuart and Dewey, Daniel and Tegmark, Max},
| 4314 | year={2015},
| 4315 | month=dec,
| 4316 | pages={105-114}
| 4317 | }
| 4318 |
| 4319 | @inproceedings{ryan2005usability,
| 4320 | author = {Ryan, Caspar and Gonsalves, Atish},
| 4321 | title = {The effect of context and application type on mobile
| 4322 | usability: An empirical study},
| 4323 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th Australasian Conference on
| 4324 | Computer Science},
| 4325 | year = {2005},
| 4326 | month = feb,
| 4327 | isbn = {1-920-68220-1},
| 4328 | address = {Newcastle, Australia},
| 4329 | pages = {115--124},
| 4330 | numpages = {10},
| 4331 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1082161.1082174},
| 4332 | acmid = {1082174},
| 4333 | ignore_publisher = {Australian Computer Society, Inc.},
| 4334 | pub_address = {Darlinghurst, Australia},
| 4335 | keywords = {context, empirical study, mobile usability, smart clients},
| 4336 | }
| 4337 |
| 4338 | @article{Safayeni+2008+CACM+RE-NewProduct,
| 4339 | author = {Safayeni, Frank and Duimering, P. Robert and Zheng, Kimberley and Derbentseva, Natalia and Poile, Christopher and Ran, Bing},
| 4340 | title = {Requirements Engineering in New Product Development},
| 4341 | journal = {Communications of the {ACM}},
| 4342 | issue_date = {March 2008},
| 4343 | volume = {51},
| 4344 | number = {3},
| 4345 | month = mar,
| 4346 | year = {2008},
| 4347 | ignore_issn = {0001-0782},
| 4348 | pages = {77--82},
| 4349 | numpages = {6},
| 4350 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1325555.1325570},
| 4351 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/1325555.1325570},
| 4352 | ignore_acmid = {1325570},
| 4353 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4354 | address = {New York},
| 4355 | }
| 4356 |
| 4357 | @Article{Sakhnini+2017+EMSE+EPMcreate-GroupIndividual,
| 4358 | author="Sakhnini, Victoria
| 4359 | and Mich, Luisa
| 4360 | and Berry, Daniel M.",
| 4361 | title="Group versus individual use of power-only {EPMcreate} as a creativity enhancement technique for requirements elicitation",
| 4362 | journal="Empirical Software Engineering",
| 4363 | year="2017",
| 4364 | month=aug,
| 4365 | ignore_day="01",
| 4366 | volume="22",
| 4367 | number="4",
| 4368 | pages="2001--2049",
| 4369 | ignore_issn="1573-7616",
| 4370 | ignore_doi="10.1007/s10664-016-9475-z",
| 4371 | ignore_url="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-016-9475-z"
| 4372 | }
| 4373 |
| 4374 | @inproceedings{Salifu-2007-SwitchingRE,
| 4375 | author={Mohammed Salifu and Yijun Yu and Bashar Nuseibeh},
| 4376 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Requirements
| 4377 | Engineering Conference},
| 4378 | title={Specifying Monitoring and Switching Problems in Context},
| 4379 | year={2007},
| 4380 | month=oct,
| 4381 | pages={211--220},
| 4382 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 4383 | pub_address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
| 4384 | keywords={system monitoring;ubiquitous computing;change
| 4385 | monitoring;context-aware applications;contextual
| 4386 | variability;problem-oriented approach;switching problems;Adaptive
| 4387 | systems;Application software;Context modeling;Environmental
| 4388 | management;Hazards;Humans;Information
| 4389 | analysis;Interference;Monitoring;Switches},
| 4390 | doi={10.1109/RE.2007.21},
| 4391 | ISSN={1090-705X},
| 4392 | }
| 4393 |
| 4394 | @article{Sama-2010-CAA,
| 4395 | author = {Sama, Michele and Elbaum, Sebastian and Raimondi, Franco and
| 4396 | Rosenblum, David S. and Wang, Zhimin},
| 4397 | title = {Context-Aware Adaptive Applications: Fault Patterns and Their
| 4398 | Automated Identification},
| 4399 | journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 4400 | issue_date = {September 2010},
| 4401 | volume = {36},
| 4402 | number = {5},
| 4403 | month = sep,
| 4404 | year = {2010},
| 4405 | issn = {0098-5589},
| 4406 | pages = {644--661},
| 4407 | numpages = {18},
| 4408 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2010.35},
| 4409 | doi = {10.1109/TSE.2010.35},
| 4410 | acmid = {1908090},
| 4411 | publisher = {IEEE},
| 4412 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 4413 | keywords = {Adaptation, Adaptation, context-awareness, fault
| 4414 | detection, mobile computing, model-based analysis, model checking,
| 4415 | ordered binary decision diagrams, symbolic verification, ubiquitous
| 4416 | computing., context-awareness, fault detection, mobile computing,
| 4417 | model checking, model-based analysis, ordered binary decision
| 4418 | diagrams, symbolic verification, ubiquitous computing.},
| 4419 | }
| 4420 |
| 4421 | @article{Saiedian+2000+IST+REConnection,
| 4422 | title = "Requirements engineering: Making the connection between the software developer and customer",
| 4423 | journal = "Information and Software Technology",
| 4424 | volume = "42",
| 4425 | number = "6",
| 4426 | pages = "419--428",
| 4427 | year = "2000",
| 4428 | ignore_issn = "0950-5849",
| 4429 | ignore_doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0950-5849(99)00101-9",
| 4430 | ignore_url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950584999001019",
| 4431 | author = "Hossein Saiedian and Robert Dale",
| 4432 | keywords = "Requirements specification",
| 4433 | keywords = "Requirements specification",
| 4434 | keywords = "Key players"
| 4435 | }
| 4436 |
| 4437 | @inproceedings{Salehi+2017+CSCW+CrowdTeams,
| 4438 | author = {Salehi, Niloufar and McCabe, Andrew and Valentine, Melissa and Bernstein, Michael},
| 4439 | title = {Huddler: Convening Stable and Familiar Crowd Teams Despite Unpredictable Availability},
| 4440 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing},
| 4441 | ignore_series = {CSCW '17},
| 4442 | year = {2017},
| 4443 | isbn = {978-1-4503-4335-0},
| 4444 | address = {Portland, OR},
| 4445 | pages = {1700--1713},
| 4446 | numpages = {14},
| 4447 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2998181.2998300},
| 4448 | doi = {10.1145/2998181.2998300},
| 4449 | acmid = {2998300},
| 4450 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4451 | pub_address = {New York},
| 4452 | keywords = {crowd teams, crowd work, crowdsourcing},
| 4453 | }
| 4454 |
| 4455 | @inproceedings{Saremi+2017+ICSE-SEIP+CrowdTeamElasticity,
| 4456 | author = {Saremi, Razieh L and Yang, Ye and Ruhe, Guenther and Messinger, David},
| 4457 | title = {Leveraging crowdsourcing for team elasticity: An empirical evaluation at {TopCoder}},
| 4458 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track},
| 4459 | series = {ICSE-SEIP '17},
| 4460 | year = {2017},
| 4461 | isbn = {978-1-5386-2717-4},
| 4462 | address = {Buenos Aires},
| 4463 | pages = {103--112},
| 4464 | numpages = {10},
| 4465 | ignore_url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-SEIP.2017.2},
| 4466 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/ICSE-SEIP.2017.2},
| 4467 | ignore_acmid = {3103126},
| 4468 | publisher = {IEEE Press},
| 4469 | pub_address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 4470 | keywords = {agility, crowdsourced software development, elasticity, topcoder, velocity, worker availability, worker performance},
| 4471 | }
| 4472 |
| 4473 | @article{scannell2010defining,
| 4474 | title={Defining place attachment: A tripartite organizing framework},
| 4475 | author={Scannell, Leila and Gifford, Robert},
| 4476 | journal={Journal of Environmental Psychology},
| 4477 | volume={30},
| 4478 | number={1},
| 4479 | pages={1--10},
| 4480 | year={2010},
| 4481 | month=mar,
| 4482 | publisher={Elsevier}
| 4483 | }
| 4484 |
| 4485 | @incollection{schmidt2012context,
| 4486 | author = {Albrecht Schmidt},
| 4487 | title = {Context-Aware Computing: Context-Awareness, Context-Aware
| 4488 | User Interfaces, and Implicit Interaction},
| 4489 | chapter = 14,
| 4490 | editor = {Mads Soegaard and Rikke Friis Dam},
| 4491 | booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction},
| 4492 | publisher = {The Interaction Design Foundation},
| 4493 | year = {2012},
| 4494 | address = {Aarhus, Denmark},
| 4495 | url =
| 4496 | {http://www.interaction-design.org/encyclopedia/context-aware_computing.html}
| 4497 | }
| 4498 |
| 4499 | @inproceedings{Schulz+2013+ICWSM+Geolocalization,
| 4500 | author={Schulz, Axel and Hadjakos, Aristotelis and Paulheim, Heiko
| 4501 | and Nachtwey, Johannes and M{\"u}hlh{\"a}user, Max},
| 4502 | title = {A Multi-Indicator Approach for Geolocalization of Tweets},
| 4503 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI International Conference on
| 4504 | Weblogs and Social Media},
| 4505 | year = {2013},
| 4506 | keywords = {Microblog; geolocation estimation; toponym resolution;
| 4507 | twitter; location-awareness; geolocalization},
| 4508 | url = {https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/ICWSM/ICWSM13/paper/view/6063/6397}
| 4509 | }
| 4510 |
| 4511 | @article{Schuster-2013-PSC,
| 4512 | author = {Schuster, Daniel and Rosi, Alberto and Mamei, Marco and
| 4513 | Springer, Thomas and Endler, Markus and Zambonelli, Franco},
| 4514 | title = {Pervasive social context: Taxonomy and survey},
| 4515 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology},
| 4516 | issue_date = {June 2013},
| 4517 | volume = {4},
| 4518 | number = {3},
| 4519 | month = jul,
| 4520 | year = {2013},
| 4521 | issn = {2157-6904},
| 4522 | pages = {1--22},
| 4523 | articleno = {46},
| 4524 | numpages = {22},
| 4525 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2483669.2483679},
| 4526 | doi = {10.1145/2483669.2483679},
| 4527 | acmid = {2483679},
| 4528 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4529 | address = {New York},
| 4530 | keywords = {Pervasive computing, context awareness, social networks,
| 4531 | survey, taxonomy},
| 4532 | }
| 4533 |
| 4534 | @article{Schwartz-2012-ORPC-BasicValues,
| 4535 | title={An overview of the {Schwartz} theory of basic values},
| 4536 | author={Schwartz, Shalom H.},
| 4537 | journal={Online Readings in Psychology and Culture},
| 4538 | volume={2},
| 4539 | number={1},
| 4540 | articleno = {11},
| 4541 | pages={11:1--11:20},
| 4542 | issn={2307-0919},
| 4543 | doi={10.9707/2307-0919.1116},
| 4544 | year={2012}
| 4545 | }
| 4546 |
| 4547 | @inproceedings{Scellato+PerComp+2011+NextPlace,
| 4548 | author = {Salvatore Scellato and Mirco Musolesi and Cecilia
| 4549 | Mascolo and Vito Latora and Andrew T. Campbell},
| 4550 | title = {{NextPlace}: A Spatio-temporal Prediction Framework for
| 4551 | Pervasive Systems},
| 4552 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
| 4553 | Pervasive Computing},
| 4554 | year = 2011,
| 4555 | pages = {152--169},
| 4556 | month = jun,
| 4557 | address = {San Francisco},
| 4558 | ignore_publisher = {Springer},
| 4559 | ignore_series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
| 4560 | ignore_volume = {6696}
| 4561 | }
| 4562 |
| 4563 | @article{Schlagwein-2019-ISJ-CrowdEthics,
| 4564 | author = {Schlagwein, Daniel and Cecez-Kecmanovic, Dubravka and Hanckel, Benjamin},
| 4565 | title = {Ethical norms and issues in crowdsourcing practices: A Habermasian analysis},
| 4566 | journal = {Information Systems Journal},
| 4567 | volume = {29},
| 4568 | number = {4},
| 4569 | pages = {811--837},
| 4570 | keywords = {critical theory, crowdsourcing, discourse ethics, fairness, freelancing, Habermas},
| 4571 | doi = {10.1111/isj.12227},
| 4572 | url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/isj.12227},
| 4573 | eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/isj.12227},
| 4574 | year = {2019}
| 4575 | }
| 4576 |
| 4577 | @article{scott2009usability,
| 4578 | author = {Scott, Katie Minardo},
| 4579 | title = {Is Usability Obsolete?},
| 4580 | journal = {Interactions},
| 4581 | issue_date = {May + June 2009},
| 4582 | volume = {16},
| 4583 | number = {3},
| 4584 | month = may,
| 4585 | year = {2009},
| 4586 | issn = {1072-5520},
| 4587 | pages = {6--11},
| 4588 | numpages = {6},
| 4589 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1516016.1516018},
| 4590 | doi = {10.1145/1516016.1516018},
| 4591 | acmid = {1516018},
| 4592 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4593 | address = {New York},
| 4594 | }
| 4595 |
| 4596 | @book{Scullard-2015-Manual-EverythingDiSC,
| 4597 | title={Everything {DiSC} Manual},
| 4598 | author={Scullard, Mark and Baum, Dabney},
| 4599 | year={2015},
| 4600 | publisher={John Wiley \& Sons},
| 4601 | address={Hoboken, NJ}
| 4602 | }
| 4603 |
| 4604 | @inproceedings{Segal+2016+IJCAI+CrowdIntervention,
| 4605 | author = {Segal, Avi and Gal, Ya'akov and Kamar, Ece and Horvitz, Eric and Bowyer, Alex and Miller, Grant},
| 4606 | title = {Intervention strategies for increasing engagement in crowdsourcing: Platform, predictions, and experiments},
| 4607 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
| 4608 | series = {IJCAI'16},
| 4609 | year = {2016},
| 4610 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-57735-770-4},
| 4611 | location = {New York},
| 4612 | pages = {3861--3867},
| 4613 | numpages = {7},
| 4614 | ignore_url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3061053.3061159},
| 4615 | ignore_acmid = {3061159},
| 4616 | publisher = {AAAI Press},
| 4617 | }
| 4618 |
| 4619 | @article{Serral2010ContextMDD,
| 4620 | author = {Serral, Estefan\'{\i}a and Valderas, Pedro and Pelechano,
| 4621 | Vicente},
| 4622 | title = {Towards the Model Driven Development of context-aware
| 4623 | pervasive systems},
| 4624 | journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
| 4625 | issue_date = {April, 2010},
| 4626 | volume = {6},
| 4627 | number = {2},
| 4628 | month = apr,
| 4629 | year = {2010},
| 4630 | issn = {1574-1192},
| 4631 | pages = {254--280},
| 4632 | numpages = {27},
| 4633 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmcj.2009.07.006},
| 4634 | doi = {10.1016/j.pmcj.2009.07.006},
| 4635 | acmid = {1755489},
| 4636 | publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.},
| 4637 | address = {Amsterdam},
| 4638 | keywords = {Context-aware, MDD, OWL, Ontology, Pervasive systems},
| 4639 | }
| 4640 |
| 4641 | @inproceedings{Serramia-2020-AAMAS-ValuesNorms,
| 4642 | author = {Serramia, Marc and Lopez-Sanchez, Maite and Rodriguez-Aguilar, Juan A.},
| 4643 | title = {A Qualitative Approach to Composing Value-Aligned Norm Systems},
| 4644 | year = {2020},
| 4645 | isbn = {9781450375184},
| 4646 | publisher = {IFAAMAS},
| 4647 | pub_address = {Richland, SC},
| 4648 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems},
| 4649 | pages = {1233--1241},
| 4650 | numpages = {9},
| 4651 | keywords = {social rankings, values, norms, value alignment},
| 4652 | address = {Auckland},
| 4653 | series = {AAMAS '20}
| 4654 | }
| 4655 |
| 4656 | @book{Settles+2012+AL,
| 4657 | author = {Burr Settles},
| 4658 | title = {Active Learning},
| 4659 | booktitle = {Active Learning},
| 4660 | publisher = {Morgan {\&} Claypool},
| 4661 | ignore_series = {Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine
| 4662 | Learning},
| 4663 | year = {2012},
| 4664 | ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2200/S00429ED1V01Y201207AIM018},
| 4665 | bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
| 4666 | }
| 4667 |
| 4668 | @article{Shah-2017-JMLR-RankingPiarwiseComparisions,
| 4669 | author = {Shah, Nihar B. and Wainwright, Martin J.},
| 4670 | title = {Simple, Robust and Optimal Ranking from Pairwise Comparisons},
| 4671 | journal = {The Journal of Machine Learning Research},
| 4672 | issue_date = {January 2017},
| 4673 | volume = {18},
| 4674 | number = {1},
| 4675 | month = jan,
| 4676 | year = {2017},
| 4677 | issn = {1532-4435},
| 4678 | pages = {7246--7283},
| 4679 | numpages = {38},
| 4680 | ignore_url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3122009.3242056},
| 4681 | ignore_acmid = {3242056},
| 4682 | ignore_publisher = {JMLR.org},
| 4683 | keywords = {approximate recovery, borda count, occam's razor, pairwise comparisons, permutation-based models, ranking, set recovery},
| 4684 | }
| 4685 |
| 4686 | @inproceedings{Sharma-2013-WWW-SocialExplanations,
| 4687 | author = {Sharma, Amit and Cosley, Dan},
| 4688 | title = {Do Social Explanations Work?: Studying and Modeling the Effects of Social Explanations in Recommender Systems},
| 4689 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web},
| 4690 | series = {WWW '13},
| 4691 | year = {2013},
| 4692 | ignore_isbn = {978-1-4503-2035-1},
| 4693 | address = {Rio de Janeiro},
| 4694 | pages = {1133--1144},
| 4695 | numpages = {12},
| 4696 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2488388.2488487},
| 4697 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/2488388.2488487},
| 4698 | ignore_acmid = {2488487},
| 4699 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4700 | pub_address = {New York},
| 4701 | keywords = {influence, recommender systems, social explanation},
| 4702 | }
| 4703 |
| 4704 | @inproceedings{Sheng2005ContextUML,
| 4705 | author = {Sheng, Quan Z. and Benatallah, Boualem},
| 4706 | title = {{ContextUML}: A {UML}-Based Modeling Language for
| 4707 | Model-Driven Development of Context-Aware Web Services Development},
| 4708 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile
| 4709 | Business},
| 4710 | year = {2005},
| 4711 | isbn = {0-7695-2367-6},
| 4712 | pages = {206--212},
| 4713 | numpages = {7},
| 4714 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICMB.2005.33},
| 4715 | doi = {10.1109/ICMB.2005.33},
| 4716 | acmid = {1084215},
| 4717 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 4718 | pub_address = {Washington, DC},
| 4719 | }
| 4720 |
| 4721 | @inproceedings{Sheng2009ContextServ,
| 4722 | author = {Sheng, Quan Z. and Pohlenz, Sam and Yu, Jian and Wong, Hoi
| 4723 | S. and Ngu, Anne H. H. and Maamar, Zakaria},
| 4724 | title = {{ContextServ}: A platform for rapid and flexible development
| 4725 | of context-aware Web services},
| 4726 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on
| 4727 | Software Engineering},
| 4728 | year = {2009},
| 4729 | isbn = {978-1-4244-3453-4},
| 4730 | pages = {619--622},
| 4731 | numpages = {4},
| 4732 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICSE.2009.5070570},
| 4733 | doi = {10.1109/ICSE.2009.5070570},
| 4734 | acmid = {1555091},
| 4735 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 4736 | pub_address = {Washington, DC},
| 4737 | address={Vancouver},
| 4738 | }
| 4739 |
| 4740 | @article{Sheth-2009-IC-CitizenSensing,
| 4741 | author = {Sheth, Amit},
| 4742 | title = {Citizen Sensing, Social Signals, and Enriching Human Experience},
| 4743 | journal = {IEEE Internet Computing},
| 4744 | issue_date = {July 2009},
| 4745 | volume = {13},
| 4746 | number = {4},
| 4747 | month = jul,
| 4748 | year = {2009},
| 4749 | issn = {1089-7801},
| 4750 | pages = {87--92},
| 4751 | numpages = {6},
| 4752 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MIC.2009.77},
| 4753 | doi = {10.1109/MIC.2009.77},
| 4754 | acmid = {1592076},
| 4755 | publisher = {IEEE},
| 4756 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 4757 | keywords = {Semantic sensor Web, Semantic sensor Web, citizen sensor networks, semantic integration of social data, situational awareness in Web 2.0, semantic analysis of social data, Semantics \& Services, Semantics \&\& Services, citizen sensor networks, semantic analysis of social data, semantic integration of social data, situational awareness in Web 2.0},
| 4758 | }
| 4759 |
| 4760 | @article{Shilton-2009-CACM-ParticipatoryPrivacy,
| 4761 | author = {Shilton, Katie},
| 4762 | title = {Four Billion Little Brothers?: Privacy, Mobile Phones, and Ubiquitous Data Collection},
| 4763 | journal = {Communications of the ACM},
| 4764 | issue_date = {November 2009},
| 4765 | volume = {52},
| 4766 | number = {11},
| 4767 | month = nov,
| 4768 | year = {2009},
| 4769 | ignore_issn = {0001-0782},
| 4770 | pages = {48--53},
| 4771 | numpages = {6},
| 4772 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1592761.1592778},
| 4773 | ignore_doi = {10.1145/1592761.1592778},
| 4774 | ignore_acmid = {1592778},
| 4775 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4776 | address = {New York},
| 4777 | }
| 4778 |
| 4779 | @inproceedings{sohrabi2013hypothesis,
| 4780 | title={Hypothesis Exploration for Malware Detection Using Planning},
| 4781 | author={Sohrabi, Shirin and Udrea, Octavian and Riabov, Anton},
| 4782 | booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial
| 4783 | Intelligence},
| 4784 | month=jul,
| 4785 | year={2013},
| 4786 | pages={883--889}
| 4787 | }
| 4788 |
| 4789 | @article{Simonton+2012+ToP+TeachingCreativity,
| 4790 | author = {Simonton, Dean Keith},
| 4791 | title = {Teaching Creativity: Current Findings, Trends, and
| 4792 | Controversies in the Psychology of Creativity},
| 4793 | volume = {39},
| 4794 | number = {3},
| 4795 | pages = {217--222},
| 4796 | year = {2012},
| 4797 | doi = {10.1177/0098628312450444},
| 4798 | ignore_URL = {http://top.sagepub.com/content/39/3/217.abstract},
| 4799 | eprint = {http://top.sagepub.com/content/39/3/217.full.pdf+html},
| 4800 | journal = {Teaching of Psychology}
| 4801 | }
| 4802 |
| 4803 | @article{Singh_2011_Self+Renewable,
| 4804 | author = {Singh, Munindar P.},
| 4805 | title = {Self-Renewing Applications},
| 4806 | journal = {IEEE Internet Computing},
| 4807 | issue_date = {July 2011},
| 4808 | volume = {15},
| 4809 | number = {4},
| 4810 | month = jul,
| 4811 | year = {2011},
| 4812 | issn = {1089-7801},
| 4813 | pages = {3--5},
| 4814 | numpages = {3},
| 4815 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MIC.2011.95},
| 4816 | ignore_doi = {10.1109/MIC.2011.95},
| 4817 | ignore_acmid = {2006870},
| 4818 | ignore_publisher = {IEEE Educational Activities Department},
| 4819 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 4820 | keywords = {social tagging, crowdsourcing, collaboration, software
| 4821 | engineering},
| 4822 | }
| 4823 |
| 4824 | @inproceedings{smith2005socialdisclosure,
| 4825 | author = {Ian Smith and Sunny Consolvo and Anthony Lamarca and
| 4826 | Jeffrey Hightower and James Scott and Timothy Sohn and
| 4827 | Giovanni Iachello and Gregory D. Abowd},
| 4828 | title = {Social Disclosure of Place: From Location Technology to
| 4829 | Communication Practice},
| 4830 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
| 4831 | Pervasive Computing},
| 4832 | year = {2005},
| 4833 | month = may,
| 4834 | address = {Munich},
| 4835 | pages = {134--151},
| 4836 | ignore_publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
| 4837 | }
| 4838 |
| 4839 | @article{sheth2010computing,
| 4840 | title = {Computing for human experience: Semantics-empowered sensors, services, and social computing on the ubiquitous Web},
| 4841 | author = {Sheth, Amit},
| 4842 | journal = {IEEE Internet Computing},
| 4843 | volume = 14,
| 4844 | number = 1,
| 4845 | pages = {88--91},
| 4846 | issn = {1089-7801},
| 4847 | year = 2010,
| 4848 | month = jan
| 4849 | }
| 4850 |
| 4851 | @book{Singh-2005-SOC,
| 4852 | title={Service-oriented computing: Semantics, processes, agents},
| 4853 | author={Singh, Munindar P. and Huhns, Michael N.},
| 4854 | year={2005},
| 4855 | publisher={John Wiley \& Sons},
| 4856 | address = {Chichester, UK}
| 4857 | }
| 4858 | @article{Singh+2013+TIST+Norms,
| 4859 | author = {Singh, Munindar P.},
| 4860 | title = {Norms as a Basis for Governing Sociotechnical Systems},
| 4861 | journal = {ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology},
| 4862 | issue_date = {December 2013},
| 4863 | volume = {5},
| 4864 | number = {1},
| 4865 | month = dec,
| 4866 | year = {2013},
| 4867 | issn = {2157-6904},
| 4868 | pages = {21:1--21:23},
| 4869 | articleno = {21},
| 4870 | numpages = {23},
| 4871 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2542182.2542203},
| 4872 | doi = {10.1145/2542182.2542203},
| 4873 | acmid = {2542203},
| 4874 | publisher = {ACM},
| 4875 | address = {New York},
| 4876 | keywords = {Governance, adaptation, sociotechnical systems},
| 4877 | }
| 4878 |
| 4879 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Singh-2017-ICDCS-DecentralizedIoT,
| 4880 | author={Munindar P. Singh and Amit K. Chopra},
| 4881 | booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)},
| 4882 | title={The Internet of Things and Multiagent Systems: Decentralized Intelligence in Distributed Computing},
| 4883 | year={2017},
| 4884 | pages={1738--1747},
| 4885 | keywords={Internet of Things;multi-agent systems;Internet of Things;MAS;artificial intelligence;decentralized intelligence;distributed computing;enlightened governance;multi-agent systems;Computational modeling;Distributed computing;Medical services;Monitoring;Multi-agent systems;Temperature sensors;Decentralization;Governance;Multiagent systems;Norms;Sociotechnical systems},
| 4886 | ignore_doi={10.1109/ICDCS.2017.304},
| 4887 | ignore_ISSN={1063-6927},
| 4888 | month={June},
| 4889 | address={Atlanta}
| 4890 | }
| 4891 |
| 4892 | @inproceedings{Soares-2016-EAI-ValueLearning,
| 4893 | title={The Value Learning Problem},
| 4894 | author={Nate Soares},
| 4895 | booktitle={Proceedings of the Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Workshop},
| 4896 | address={New York},
| 4897 | year={2016}
| 4898 | }
| 4899 |
| 4900 | @InCollection{Soares-2017-TechnologicalSingularity-AgentFoundations,
| 4901 | author="Soares, Nate
| 4902 | and Fallenstein, Benya",
| 4903 | editor="Callaghan, Victor
| 4904 | and Miller, James
| 4905 | and Yampolskiy, Roman
| 4906 | and Armstrong, Stuart",
| 4907 | title="Agent Foundations for Aligning Machine Intelligence with Human Interests: A Technical Research Agenda",
| 4908 | bookTitle="The Technological Singularity: Managing the Journey",
| 4909 | year="2017",
| 4910 | publisher="Springer",
| 4911 | address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
| 4912 | pages="103--125",
| 4913 | isbn="978-3-662-54033-6",
| 4914 | doi="10.1007/978-3-662-54033-6_5",
| 4915 | url="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-54033-6_5"
| 4916 | }
| 4917 |
| 4918 | @misc{Socrata,
| 4919 | author = {{Socrata}},
| 4921 | howpublished = {\url{https://socrata.com/}},
| 4922 | year=2018,
| 4923 | }
| 4924 |
| 4925 | @inproceedings{sollenberger2011kokomo,
| 4926 | author = {Derek J. Sollenberger and Munindar P. Singh},
| 4927 | title = {Kokomo: An empirically evaluated methodology for affective
| 4928 | applications},
| 4929 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
| 4930 | Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems},
| 4931 | month = may,
| 4932 | year = 2011,
| 4933 | pages = {293--300},
| 4934 | ignore_publisher = {IFAAMAS},
| 4935 | address = {Taipei}
| 4936 | }
| 4937 |
| 4938 | @article{sollenberger2012kokoarchitecture,
| 4939 | author = {Sollenberger, Derek J. and Singh, Munindar P.},
| 4940 | title = {Koko: An architecture for affect-aware games},
| 4941 | journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
| 4942 | issue_date = {March 2012},
| 4943 | volume = {24},
| 4944 | number = {2},
| 4945 | month = mar,
| 4946 | year = {2012},
| 4947 | issn = {1387-2532},
| 4948 | pages = {255--286},
| 4949 | numpages = {32},
| 4950 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10458-010-9160-3},
| 4951 | doi = {10.1007/s10458-010-9160-3},
| 4952 | acmid = {2124736},
| 4953 | publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
| 4954 | address = {Hingham, MA},
| 4955 | keywords = {Affect, Architecture, Emotion, Games},
| 4956 | }
| 4957 |
| 4958 | @article{Solove-2006-UPLRev-PrivacyTaxonomy,
| 4959 | author = {Solove, Daniel J.},
| 4960 | biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d6436a5855d49e7db832a2c98e12bab8/privtec},
| 4961 | interhash = {918e891a125c4d46e47b99cddc78c312},
| 4962 | intrahash = {d6436a5855d49e7db832a2c98e12bab8},
| 4963 | journal = {University of Pennsylvania Law Review},
| 4964 | month = jan,
| 4965 | number = 3,
| 4966 | pages = {477--560},
| 4967 | timestamp = {2013-03-25T22:11:36.000+0100},
| 4968 | title = {A Taxonomy of Privacy},
| 4969 | volume = 154,
| 4970 | year = 2006
| 4971 | }
| 4972 |
| 4973 | @article{Souag+2016+REJ+SecurityRESystematicMapping,
| 4974 | author = {Souag, Amina and Mazo, Ra\'{u}l and Salinesi, Camille and
| 4975 | Comyn-Wattiau, Isabelle},
| 4976 | title = {Reusable Knowledge in Security Requirements Engineering: A
| 4977 | Systematic Mapping Study},
| 4978 | journal = {Requirements Engineering},
| 4979 | issue_date = {June 2016},
| 4980 | volume = {21},
| 4981 | number = {2},
| 4982 | month = jun,
| 4983 | year = {2016},
| 4984 | issn = {0947-3602},
| 4985 | pages = {251--283},
| 4986 | numpages = {33},
| 4987 | ignore_url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00766-015-0220-8},
| 4988 | ignore_doi = {10.1007/s00766-015-0220-8},
| 4989 | acmid = {2944592},
| 4990 | publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 4991 | address = {Secaucus, NJ},
| 4992 | keywords = {Knowledge, Ontologies, Patterns, Reusability, Security
| 4993 | requirements, Templates},
| 4994 | }
| 4995 |
| 4996 | @article{Spiekermann+2009+TSE+EngineeringPrivacy,
| 4997 | author = {Spiekermann, Sarah and Cranor, Lorrie Faith},
| 4998 | title = {Engineering Privacy},
| 4999 | journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 5000 | issue_date = {January 2009},
| 5001 | volume = {35},
| 5002 | number = {1},
| 5003 | month = jan,
| 5004 | year = {2009},
| 5005 | issn = {0098-5589},
| 5006 | pages = {67--82},
| 5007 | numpages = {16},
| 5008 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2008.88},
| 5009 | doi = {10.1109/TSE.2008.88},
| 5010 | acmid = {1512337},
| 5011 | publisher = {IEEE},
| 5012 | address = {Piscataway, NJ},
| 5013 | keywords = {Legal Aspects of Computing, Privacy, Privacy, Legal
| 5014 | Aspects of Computing, Security and Protection,
| 5015 | Requirements/Specifications, Requirements/Specifications, Security
| 5016 | and Protection},
| 5017 | }
| 5018 |
| 5019 | @article{Stein-1953-JPsych-Creativity,
| 5020 | author = {Stein, Morris I.},
| 5021 | title = {Creativity and culture.},
| 5022 | journal = {The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied,},
| 5023 | volume = {36},
| 5024 | number = {1},
| 5025 | year = {1953},
| 5026 | pages = {311--322},
| 5027 | publisher = {Heldref Publications},
| 5028 | }
| 5029 |
| 5030 | @book{Sterling+2009+Book+ArtOfAoM,
| 5031 | author = {Sterling, Leon and Taveter, Kuldar},
| 5032 | title = {The Art of Agent-Oriented Modeling},
| 5033 | year = {2009},
| 5034 | isbn = {0262013118, 9780262013116},
| 5035 | publisher = {The MIT Press},
| 5036 | }
| 5037 |
| 5038 | @article{stevenson2010loc8,
| 5039 | author = {Graeme Stevenson and Juan Ye and Simon Dobson and Paddy
| 5040 | Nixon},
| 5041 | title = {{LOC8}: A location model and extensible framework for
| 5042 | programming with location},
| 5043 | journal ={IEEE Pervasive Computing},
| 5044 | volume = {9},
| 5045 | number={1},
| 5046 | issn = {1536-1268},
| 5047 | year = {2010},
| 5048 | month=jan,
| 5049 | pages = {28--37},
| 5050 | doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MPRV.2009.90},
| 5051 | publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
| 5052 | address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
| 5053 | }
| 5054 |
| 5055 | @article{subrahmanyam2008online,
| 5056 | title = {Online and offline social networks: Use of social networking sites by emerging adults},
| 5057 | author = {Subrahmanyam, Kaveri and Reich, Stephanie M. and Waechter, Natalia and Espinoza, Guadalupe},
| 5058 | journal = {Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology},
| 5059 | volume = 29,
| 5060 | number = 6,
| 5061 | pages = {420--433},
| 5062 | year = 2008,
| 5063 | month = nov
| 5064 | }
| 5065 |
| 5066 | @article{Sung+2009+SBP+BigFiveCreativity,
| 5067 | title={Do {Big Five} personality factors affect individual
| 5068 | creativity? {The} moderating role of extrinsic motivation},
| 5069 | author={Sung, Sun Young and Choi, Jin Nam},
| 5070 | journal={Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal},
| 5071 | volume={37},
| 5072 | number={7},
| 5073 | pages={941--956},
| 5074 | year={2009},
| 5075 | publisher={Scientific Journal Publishers},
| 5076 | }
| 5077 |
| 5078 | @ARTICLE{Sutcliffe+1998+TSE+ScenarioBasedRE,
| 5079 | author={Alistair G. Sutcliffe and Neil A. M. Maiden and Shailey Minocha and Darrel Manuel},
| 5080 | journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
| 5081 | title={Supporting scenario-based requirements engineering},
| 5082 | year={1998},
| 5083 | volume={24},
| 5084 | number={12},
| 5085 | pages={1072--1088},
| 5086 | keywords={bibliographies;financial data processing;formal specification;object-oriented programming;software performance evaluation;software reusability;software tools;systems analysis;abnormal events;abstract models;application classes;exception types;financial system case study;generic requirements reuse;human error;normal event sequences;object oriented development;problematic event patterns;rule based frames;scenario based RE;scenario based requirements engineering;scenario paths;software assistant tool;system failure;use case approaches;Animation;Concrete;Event detection;Humans;Inspection;Libraries;Object oriented modeling;Sociotechnical systems;Software engineering;Software tools},
| 5087 | doi={10.1109/32.738340},
| 5088 | ISSN={0098-5589},
| 5089 | month=dec,
| 5090 | }
| 5091 |
| 5092 | @article{Sutton+1996+ASQ+GroupBrainstorming,
| 5093 | ISSN = {00018392},
| 5094 | ignore_URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2393872},
| 5095 | author = {Robert I. Sutton and Andrew Hargadon},
| 5096 | journal = {Administrative Science Quarterly},
| 5097 | number = {4},
| 5098 | pages = {685--718},
| 5099 | publisher = {Sage Publications},
| 5100 | ignore_pub_add={Inc., Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University},
| 5101 | title = {Brainstorming groups in context: Effectiveness in a product design firm},
| 5102 | volume = {41},
| 5103 | year = {1996}
| 5104 | }
| 5105 |
| 5106 | @inproceedings{Svensson+2015+RE+Creativity,
| 5107 | author={Svensson, Richard Berntsson and Taghavianfar, Maryam},
| 5108 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Requirements
| 5109 | Engineering Conference},
| 5110 | title={Selecting creativity techniques for creative requirements: An
| 5111 | evaluation of four techniques using creativity workshops},
| 5112 | year={2015},
| 5113 | pages={66--75},
| 5114 | keywords={software product lines;systems
| 5115 | analysis;brainstorming;creative requirements;creativity
| 5116 | techniques;idea box;requirements
| 5117 | engineering;Companies;Conferences;Silicon},
| 5118 | doi={10.1109/RE.2015.7320409},
| 5119 | address = {Ottawa},
| 5120 | month=aug,
| 5121 | publisher={IEEE},
| 5122 | }
| 5123 |
| 5124 | @article{Taggar+2002+AcadManagementJ+CreativityMultilevelModel,
| 5125 | ignore_URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3069349},
| 5126 | author = {Simon Taggar},
| 5127 | journal = {The Academy of Management Journal},
| 5128 | number = {2},
| 5129 | pages = {315--330},
| 5130 | publisher = {Academy of Management},
| 5131 | title = {Individual Creativity and Group Ability to Utilize
| 5132 | Individual Creative Resources: A Multilevel Model},
| 5133 | volume = {45},
| 5134 | year = {2002}
| 5135 | }
| 5136 |
| 5137 | @book{Tan-2006-DataMining,
| 5138 | title = {Introduction to Data Mining},
| 5139 | author = {Tan, Pang-Ning and Steinbach, Michael and Kumar, Vipin},
| 5140 | year = 2006,
| 5141 | publisher = {Pearson},
| 5142 | address = {Boston}
| 5143 | }
| 5144 |
| 5145 | @inproceedings{Tang-2014-COLIN-TwitterSentimentLexicon,
| 5146 | title = "Building Large-Scale Twitter-Specific Sentiment Lexicon : A Representation Learning Approach",
| 5147 | author = "Tang, Duyu and
| 5148 | Wei, Furu and
| 5149 | Qin, Bing and
| 5150 | Zhou, Ming and
| 5151 | Liu, Ting",
| 5152 | booktitle = "Proceedings of {COLING} 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers",
| 5153 | month = aug,
| 5154 | year = "2014",
| 5155 | address = "Dublin, Ireland",
| 5156 | publisher = "Dublin City University and Association for Computational Linguistics",
| 5157 | url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C14-1018",
| 5158 | pages = "172--182",
| 5159 | }
| 5160 |
| 5161 | @inproceedings{Tiwari+2012+HoteSec+ContextSec,
| 5162 | author = {Tiwari, Mohit and Mohan, Prashanth and Osheroff, Andrew
| 5163 | and Alkaff, Hilfi and Shi, Elaine and Love, Eric and Song, Dawn
| 5164 | and Asanovi\'{c}, Krste},
| 5165 | title = {Context-centric Security},
| 5166 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Conference on Hot Topics
| 5167 | in Security},
| 5168 | ignore_series = {HotSec'12},
| 5169 | year = {2012},
| 5170 | address = {Bellevue, WA},
| 5171 | pages = {9--9},
| 5172 | numpages = {1},
| 5173 | url = {http://dl.acm.org.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/citation.cfm?id=2372387.2372396},
| 5174 | acmid = {2372396},
| 5175 | ignore_publisher = {USENIX Association},
| 5176 | pub_address = {Berkeley, CA},
| 5177 | }
| 5178 |
| 5179 | @misc{Toniolo+2013+Misc+CollaborativeIntelligenceAnalysis,
| 5180 | author = {Alice Toniolo and Timothy J. Norman and Nir Oren and Mani
| 5181 | Srivastava and Jeffrey W. Starr and Daniel P. Johnson and John A.
| 5182 | Allen and Geeth de Mel and Susan Toth and Scott Mastin},
| 5183 | title = {Collaborative Intelligence Analysis for Effective Decision-Making},
| 5184 | ignore_booktitle = {ITA Annual Fall Meeting},
| 5185 | year = {2013},
| 5186 | howpublished = {\url{https://www.usukita.org/node/2479}},
| 5187 | note = {Online; accessed 17 June 2015}
| 5188 | }
| 5189 |
| 5190 | @article{ToroDiaz-2013-CIE-EMSDispatching,
| 5191 | author = {Toro-D\'{\i}Az, Hector and Mayorga, Maria E. and Chanta, Sunarin and Mclay, Laura A.},
| 5192 | title = {Joint Location and Dispatching Decisions for Emergency Medical Services},
| 5193 | year = {2013},
| 5194 | issue_date = {April 2013},
| 5195 | publisher = {Pergamon Press, Inc.},
| 5196 | volume = {64},
| 5197 | number = {4},
| 5198 | issn = {0360-8352},
| 5199 | url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2013.01.002},
| 5200 | doi = {10.1016/j.cie.2013.01.002},
| 5201 | journal = {Computers and Industrial Engineering},
| 5202 | month = apr,
| 5203 | pages = {917--928},
| 5204 | numpages = {12},
| 5205 | keywords = {Location/allocation in healthcare, Hypercube model, Genetic algorithm}
| 5206 | }
| 5207 |
| 5208 | @inproceedings{Toyoda-2020-AAMAS-CrowdAutonomyMeaningfulness,
| 5209 | author = {Toyoda, Yuushi and Lucas, Gale and Gratch, Jonathan},
| 5210 | title = {The Effects of Autonomy and Task Meaning in Algorithmic Management of Crowdwork},
| 5211 | year = {2020},
| 5212 | isbn = {9781450375184},
| 5213 | publisher={IFAAMAS},
| 5214 | long_publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
| 5215 | pub_address = {Richland, SC},
| 5216 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems},
| 5217 | pages = {1404–1412},
| 5218 | numpages = {9},
| 5219 | keywords = {worker motivation, feedback system, crowdwork, self determination theory},
| 5220 | address = {Auckland, New Zealand},
| 5221 | series = {AAMAS '20}
| 5222 | }
| 5223 |
| 5224 | @article{Tubella-2019-ArXiv-AIGovernance,
| 5225 | title={Governance by glass-box: implementing transparent moral bounds for AI behaviour},
| 5226 | author={Tubella, Andrea Aler and Theodorou, Andreas and Dignum, Virginia and Dignum, Frank},
| 5227 | journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04994},
| 5228 | year={2019}
| 5229 | }
| 5230 |
| 5231 | @inproceedings{Tubella-2019-AISafety-ContextualValues,
| 5232 | title={The Glass Box Approach: Verifying Contextual Adherence to Values},
| 5233 | author={Tubella, Andrea Aler and Dignum, Virginia},
| 5234 | booktitle={Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety},
| 5235 | series={AISafety},
| 5236 | address={Macao},
| 5237 | month=aug,
| 5238 | year={2019}
| 5239 | }
| 5240 |
| 5241 | @misc{Upwork,
| 5242 | title = {Upwork},
| 5243 | howpublished = {\url{https://www.upwork.com/}},
| 5244 | note={Accessed: 08-19-2017},
| 5245 | ignore_month=apr,
| 5246 | year=2017,
| 5247 | }
| 5248 |
| 5249 | @inproceedings{Valtora+2005+IA+ACH,
| 5250 | author = {Marco Valtorta and Michael Huhns Jiangbo and Hrishikesh
| 5251 | Goradia and Jingshan Huang},
| 5252 | title = {Extending {H}euer's Analysis of Competing Hypotheses Method
| 5253 | to Support Complex Decision Analysis},
| 5254 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on
| 5255 | Intelligence Analysis},
| 5256 | year = {2005},
| 5257 | month = {may},
| 5258 | address = {McLean, VA},
| 5259 | }
| 5260 |
| 5261 | @InCollection{vandePoel-2013-PE-ValuesRequirements,
| 5262 | author="van de Poel, Ibo",
| 5263 | editor="Michelfelder, Diane P
| 5264 | and McCarthy, Natasha
| 5265 | and Goldberg, David E.",
| 5266 | title="Translating Values into Design Requirements",
| 5267 | bookTitle="Philosophy and Engineering: Reflections on Practice, Principles and Process",
| 5268 | year="2013",
| 5269 | publisher="Springer Netherlands",
| 5270 | address="Dordrecht",
| 5271 | pages="253--266",
| 5272 | isbn="978-94-007-7762-0",
| 5273 | doi="10.1007/978-94-007-7762-0_20",
| 5274 | url="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-7762-0_20"
| 5275 | }
| 5276 |
| 5277 | @InCollection{Verbeek+2018+StanfordEncyclopedia+GameEthics,
| 5278 | author = {Verbeek, Bruno and Morris, Christopher},
| 5279 | title = {Game Theory and Ethics},
| 5280 | booktitle = {The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy},
| 5281 | editor = {Edward N. Zalta},
| 5282 | howpublished = {\url{https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2018/entries/game-ethics/}},
| 5283 | year = {2018},
| 5284 | edition = {Winter 2018},
| 5285 | publisher = {Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University}
| 5286 | }
| 5287 |
| 5288 | @inproceedings{Verma-2018-FairWare-FairnessDefinitions,
| 5289 | author = {Verma, Sahil and Rubin, Julia},
| 5290 | title = {Fairness Definitions Explained},
| 5291 | year = {2018},
| 5292 | isbn = {9781450357463},
| 5293 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 5294 | pub_address = {New York},
| 5295 | url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3194770.3194776},
| 5296 | doi = {10.1145/3194770.3194776},
| 5297 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Fairness},
| 5298 | pages = {1--7},
| 5299 | numpages = {7},
| 5300 | address = {Gothenburg},
| 5301 | series = {FairWare ’18}
| 5302 | }
| 5303 |
| 5304 | @mastersthesis{Vlachos+Thesis+2004+AL_SVM,
| 5305 | author = {Andreas Vlachos},
| 5306 | title = {Active learning with {Support Vector Machines}},
| 5307 | school = {University of Edinburgh},
| 5308 | year = {2004},
| 5309 | }
| 5310 |
| 5311 | @article{Vu+2011+PerMobiCom+Jyotish,
| 5312 | author = {Long Vu and Quang Do and Klara Nahrstedt},
| 5313 | title = {Jyotish: Constructive approach for context predictions
| 5314 | of people movement from joint {Wifi/Bluetooth}
| 5315 | trace},
| 5316 | journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
| 5317 | volume = {7},
| 5318 | number = {6},
| 5319 | year = 2011,
| 5320 | pages = {690--704},
| 5321 | publisher = {Elsevier}
| 5322 | }
| 5323 |
| 5324 | @inproceedings{Wang+2007+IJCAI+Trust,
| 5325 | author = {Yonghong Wang and Munindar P. Singh},
| 5326 | title = {Formal Trust Model for Multiagent Systems},
| 5327 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference
| 5328 | on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)},
| 5329 | pages = {1551--1556},
| 5330 | publisher = {IJCAI},
| 5331 | address = {Hyderabad},
| 5332 | month = jan,
| 5333 | year = 2007
| 5334 | }
| 5335 |
| 5336 | @inproceedings{wang2009participatorysensing,
| 5337 | author = {Wang, Yi and Lin, Jialiu and Annavaram, Murali and Jacobson,
| 5338 | Quinn A. and Hong, Jason and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar and Sadeh,
| 5339 | Norman},
| 5340 | title = {A framework of energy efficient mobile sensing for automatic
| 5341 | user state recognition},
| 5342 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile
| 5343 | Systems, Applications, and Services},
| 5344 | year = {2009},
| 5345 | isbn = {978-1-60558-566-6},
| 5346 | location = {Krak\&\#243;w, Poland},
| 5347 | pages = {179--192},
| 5348 | numpages = {14},
| 5349 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1555816.1555835},
| 5350 | doi = {10.1145/1555816.1555835},
| 5351 | acmid = {1555835},
| 5352 | publisher = {ACM},
| 5353 | address = {New York},
| 5354 | keywords = {eemss, energy efficiency, human state recognition, mobile
| 5355 | sensing},
| 5356 | }
| 5357 |
| 5358 | @inproceedings{wang2012indoorlocalization,
| 5359 | author = {Wang, He and Sen, Souvik and Elgohary, Ahmed and Farid,
| 5360 | Moustafa and Youssef, Moustafa and Choudhury, Romit Roy},
| 5361 | title = {No need to war-drive: Unsupervised indoor localization},
| 5362 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
| 5363 | Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services},
| 5364 | year = {2012},
| 5365 | isbn = {978-1-4503-1301-8},
| 5366 | location = {Low Wood Bay, Lake District, UK},
| 5367 | pages = {197--210},
| 5368 | numpages = {14},
| 5369 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2307636.2307655},
| 5370 | doi = {10.1145/2307636.2307655},
| 5371 | acmid = {2307655},
| 5372 | publisher = {ACM},
| 5373 | address = {New York},
| 5374 | keywords = {landmarks, location, mobile phones, recursion, sensing},
| 5375 | }
| 5376 |
| 5377 | @inproceedings{Wang-2012-CMM,
| 5378 | author = {Wang, Xinxi and Rosenblum, David and Wang, Ye},
| 5379 | title = {Context-aware mobile music recommendation for daily
| 5380 | activities},
| 5381 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference
| 5382 | on Multimedia},
| 5383 | year = {2012},
| 5384 | isbn = {978-1-4503-1089-5},
| 5385 | address = {Nara, Japan},
| 5386 | pages = {99--108},
| 5387 | numpages = {10},
| 5388 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2393347.2393368},
| 5389 | doi = {10.1145/2393347.2393368},
| 5390 | acmid = {2393368},
| 5391 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 5392 | pub_address = {New York},
| 5393 | keywords = {activity classification, context awareness, mobile
| 5394 | computing, music recommendation, sensors},
| 5395 | }
| 5396 |
| 5397 | @inproceedings{Warr+2005+CC+SocialCreativeProcess,
| 5398 | author = {Warr, Andy and O'Neill, Eamonn},
| 5399 | title = {Understanding Design As a Social Creative Process},
| 5400 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Creativity \&
| 5401 | Cognition},
| 5402 | ignore_series = {C\&C '05},
| 5403 | year = {2005},
| 5404 | isbn = {1-59593-025-6},
| 5405 | address = {London},
| 5406 | pages = {118--127},
| 5407 | numpages = {10},
| 5408 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1056224.1056242},
| 5409 | doi = {10.1145/1056224.1056242},
| 5410 | acmid = {1056242},
| 5411 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 5412 | pub_address = {New York},
| 5413 | keywords = {creative problem solving, creative process models,
| 5414 | creativity, social creativity},
| 5415 | }
| 5416 | @article{weiser1999computer21,
| 5417 | author = {Weiser, Mark},
| 5418 | title = {The computer for the 21st century},
| 5419 | journal = {Mobile Computing and Communications Review},
| 5420 | issue_date = {July 1999},
| 5421 | volume = {3},
| 5422 | number = {3},
| 5423 | month = jul,
| 5424 | year = {1999},
| 5425 | issn = {1559-1662},
| 5426 | pages = {3--11},
| 5427 | numpages = {9},
| 5428 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/329124.329126},
| 5429 | doi = {10.1145/329124.329126},
| 5430 | acmid = {329126},
| 5431 | publisher = {ACM},
| 5432 | address = {New York},
| 5433 | }
| 5434 |
| 5435 | @inproceedings{Wasserman+2010+FoSER+MobileSE,
| 5436 | author = {Wasserman, Anthony I.},
| 5437 | title = {Software Engineering Issues for Mobile Application
| 5438 | Development},
| 5439 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the FSE/SDP Workshop on Future of
| 5440 | Software Engineering Research},
| 5441 | ignore_series = {FoSER '10},
| 5442 | year = {2010},
| 5443 | isbn = {978-1-4503-0427-6},
| 5444 | location = {Santa Fe, New Mexico},
| 5445 | pages = {397--400},
| 5446 | numpages = {4},
| 5447 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1882362.1882443},
| 5448 | doi = {10.1145/1882362.1882443},
| 5449 | acmid = {1882443},
| 5450 | publisher = {ACM},
| 5451 | address = {New York},
| 5452 | keywords = {application development, mobile devices, programming
| 5453 | environments, research agenda, software engineering, user interface
| 5454 | design}
| 5455 | }
| 5456 |
| 5457 | @book{Weiss-2013-book-MAS,
| 5458 | author = {Weiss, Gerhard},
| 5459 | title = {Multiagent Systems},
| 5460 | year = {2013},
| 5461 | isbn = {0262018896},
| 5462 | publisher = {The MIT Press},
| 5463 | address = {Cambridge, MA}
| 5464 | }
| 5465 |
| 5466 | @book{Wickens+2000+Book+EngineeringPsychology,
| 5467 | author = {Christopher D. Wickens and Justin G. Hollands},
| 5468 | title = {Engineering Psychology and Human Performance},
| 5469 | year = 2000,
| 5470 | edition = {3rd},
| 5471 | publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
| 5472 | address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ}
| 5473 | }
| 5474 |
| 5475 | @InProceedings{Williams+AAAI+2013+NLP_Unknown_Locations,
| 5476 | title = {Grounding Natural Language References to Unvisited and
| 5477 | Hypothetical Locations},
| 5478 | author = {Tom Williams and Rehj Cantrell and Gordon Briggs and Paul
| 5479 | Schermerhorn and Matthias Scheutz},
| 5480 | booktitle = {Proceedings of 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial
| 5481 | Intelligence},
| 5482 | year = {2013},
| 5483 | pages = {947-953},
| 5484 | link = {http://hrilab.tufts.edu/publications/williamsetal13aaai.pdf},
| 5485 | cited=no,
| 5486 | }
| 5487 |
| 5488 | @book{Winikoff-2004-DIA,
| 5489 | author = {Winikoff, Michael and Padgham, Lin},
| 5490 | title = {Developing Intelligent Agent Systems: A Practical Guide},
| 5491 | year = {2004},
| 5492 | isbn = {0470861207},
| 5493 | publisher = {Wiley},
| 5494 | address = {Chichester, UK},
| 5495 | }
| 5496 |
| 5497 | @inproceedings{ye2007spacemodel,
| 5498 | author = {Ye, Juan and Coyle, Lorcan and Dobson, Simon and Nixon,
| 5499 | Paddy},
| 5500 | title = {A unified semantics space model},
| 5501 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
| 5502 | Location- and Context-Awareness},
| 5503 | year = {2007},
| 5504 | month = sep,
| 5505 | isbn = {3-540-75159-9, 978-3-540-75159-5},
| 5506 | address = {Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany},
| 5507 | pages = {103--120},
| 5508 | numpages = {18},
| 5509 | url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1777235.1777245},
| 5510 | acmid = {1777245},
| 5511 | ignore_publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
| 5512 | pub_address = {Berlin},
| 5513 | }
| 5514 |
| 5515 | @inproceedings{Yin+WWW+2011+GeoTopics,
| 5516 | author = {Yin, Zhijun and Cao, Liangliang and Han, Jiawei and Zhai,
| 5517 | Chengxiang and Huang, Thomas},
| 5518 | title = {Geographical Topic Discovery and Comparison},
| 5519 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World
| 5520 | Wide Web},
| 5521 | year = {2011},
| 5522 | isbn = {978-1-4503-0632-4},
| 5523 | location = {Hyderabad, India},
| 5524 | pages = {247--256},
| 5525 | numpages = {10},
| 5526 | url = {http://doi.acm.org.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/10.1145/1963405.1963443},
| 5527 | doi = {10.1145/1963405.1963443},
| 5528 | acmid = {1963443},
| 5529 | publisher = {ACM},
| 5530 | address = {New York},
| 5531 | keywords = {geographical topics, topic comparison, topic modeling},
| 5532 | cited=no,
| 5533 | }
| 5534 |
| 5535 | @phdthesis{Yu1996MSR,
| 5536 | author = {Yu, Eric Siu-Kwong},
| 5537 | title = {Modelling Strategic Relationships for Process Reengineering},
| 5538 | year = {1996},
| 5539 | publisher = {University of Toronto},
| 5540 | address = {Toronto},
| 5541 | }
| 5542 |
| 5543 | @inproceedings{Yu+2011+CHI+CrowdCreativity,
| 5544 | author = {Yu, Lixiu and Nickerson, Jeffrey V.},
| 5545 | title = {Cooks or Cobblers? {Crowd} Creativity Through Combination},
| 5546 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
| 5547 | Computing Systems},
| 5548 | ignore_series = {CHI '11},
| 5549 | year = {2011},
| 5550 | isbn = {978-1-4503-0228-9},
| 5551 | address = {Vancouver},
| 5552 | pages = {1393--1402},
| 5553 | numpages = {10},
| 5554 | ignore_url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979147},
| 5555 | doi = {10.1145/1978942.1979147},
| 5556 | acmid = {1979147},
| 5557 | publisher = {ACM},
| 5558 | pub_address = {New York},
| 5559 | keywords = {conceptual combination, creativity, crowdsourcing, design
| 5560 | sketches, human based genetic algorithms, social computing},
| 5561 | }
| 5562 |
| 5563 | @inproceedings{Yuan+2014+RecSys+Sentiment,
| 5564 | author = {Yuan, Guangchao and Murukannaiah, Pradeep K. and Zhang,
| 5565 | Zhe and Singh, Munindar P.},
| 5566 | title = {Exploiting Sentiment Homophily for Link Prediction},
| 5567 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender
| 5568 | Systems},
| 5569 | ignore_series = {RecSys '14},
| 5570 | year = {2014},
| 5571 | isbn = {978-1-4503-2668-1},
| 5572 | address = {Foster City, CA},
| 5573 | pages = {17--24},
| 5574 | numpages = {8},
| 5575 | url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2645710.2645734},
| 5576 | doi = {10.1145/2645710.2645734},
| 5577 | acmid = {2645734},
| 5578 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 5579 | pub_address = {New York},
| 5580 | keywords = {link prediction, sentiment analysis, social media,
| 5581 | social networks, topic affiliation},
| 5582 | }
| 5583 |
| 5584 | @inproceedings{Yuan+2016+ASONAM+Percimo,
| 5585 | author = {Yuan, Guangchao and Murukannaiah, Pradeep K. and Singh,
| 5586 | Munindar P.},
| 5587 | title = {Percimo: A Personalized Community Model for Location
| 5588 | Estimation in Social Media},
| 5589 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on
| 5590 | Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining},
| 5591 | year=2016,
| 5592 | pages={271--278},
| 5593 | address={San Francisco},
| 5594 | }
| 5595 |
| 5596 | @article{Zacarias-2010-EM-Alignment,
| 5597 | author = {Zacarias, M. and Pinto, H. S. and Magalh\~{a}es, R. and
| 5598 | Tribolet, J.},
| 5599 | title = {A `context-aware' and agent-centric perspective for the
| 5600 | alignment between individuals and organizations},
| 5601 | journal = {Information Systems},
| 5602 | issue_date = {June, 2010},
| 5603 | volume = {35},
| 5604 | number = {4},
| 5605 | month = jun,
| 5606 | year = {2010},
| 5607 | issn = {0306-4379},
| 5608 | pages = {441--466},
| 5609 | numpages = {26},
| 5610 | url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.is.2009.03.014},
| 5611 | doi = {10.1016/j.is.2009.03.014},
| 5612 | acmid = {1746896},
| 5613 | publisher = {Elsevier},
| 5614 | address = {Oxford},
| 5615 | keywords = {Agent modeling, Alignment, Context modeling, Enterprise
| 5616 | modeling, Multitasking modeling, Work practice modeling},
| 5617 | }
| 5618 |
| 5619 | @article{Zavala+2015+AIMag+Platys,
| 5620 | author={Laura Zavala and Pradeep K. Murukannaiah and Nithyananthan
| 5621 | Poosamani and Tim Finin and Anupam Joshi and Injong Rhee and
| 5622 | Munindar P. Singh},
| 5623 | journal={AI Magazine},
| 5624 | title={Platys: From Position to Place-Oriented Mobile Computing},
| 5625 | year={2015},
| 5626 | month=jul,
| 5627 | volume={36},
| 5628 | number={2},
| 5629 | pages={50--62},
| 5630 | publisher={AAAI Press}
| 5631 | }
| 5632 |
| 5633 | @article{zhang2005mobileusability,
| 5634 | title={Challenges, methodologies, and issues in the usability
| 5635 | testing of mobile applications},
| 5636 | author={Zhang, Dongsong and Adipat, Boonlit},
| 5637 | journal={International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction},
| 5638 | volume={18},
| 5639 | number={3},
| 5640 | pages={293--308},
| 5641 | month=jul,
| 5642 | year={2005},
| 5643 | publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
| 5644 | }
| 5645 |
| 5646 | @article{Zhao+2006+JAP+BigFiveEnterpreneur,
| 5647 | title={The {Big Five} personality dimensions and entrepreneurial
| 5648 | status: A meta-analytical review},
| 5649 | author={Zhao, Hao and Seibert, Scott E},
| 5650 | journal={Journal of Applied Psychology},
| 5651 | volume={91},
| 5652 | number={2},
| 5653 | pages={259--271},
| 5654 | year={2006},
| 5655 | publisher={American Psychological Association}
| 5656 | }
| 5657 |
| 5658 | @article{Zheng-2011,
| 5659 | author = {Yu Zheng and Lizhu Zhang and Zhengxin Ma and Xing Xie
| 5660 | and Wei-Ying Ma},
| 5661 | title = {Recommending friends and locations based on individual
| 5662 | location history},
| 5663 | journal = {{ACM} Transactions on the Web},
| 5664 | volume = {5},
| 5665 | number = {1},
| 5666 | year = {2011},
| 5667 | pages = {1--29},
| 5668 | month = feb
| 5669 | }
| 5670 |
| 5671 | @article{Zhou-2007,
| 5672 | author = {Changqing Zhou and Dan Frankowski and Pamela J. Ludford
| 5673 | and Shashi Shekhar and Loren G. Terveen},
| 5674 | title = {Discovering personally meaningful places: An interactive
| 5675 | clustering approach},
| 5676 | journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Information Systems},
| 5677 | volume = {25},
| 5678 | number = {3},
| 5679 | month = jul,
| 5680 | year = 2007,
| 5681 | pages = {1--31},
| 5682 | publisher = {ACM Press},
| 5683 | address = {New York}
| 5684 | }
| 5685 |
| 5686 | @book{Zhu+2009+SSL,
| 5687 | author = {Zhu, Xiaojin and Goldberg, Andrew B. and Brachman, Ronald
| 5688 | and Dietterich, Thomas},
| 5689 | title = {Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning},
| 5690 | year = {2009},
| 5691 | isbn = {9781598295474},
| 5692 | publisher = {Morgan {\&} Claypool},
| 5693 | }
| 5694 |
| 5695 | @inproceedings{Zhuang+2010+MobiSys+EnergyLocalization,
| 5696 | author = {Zhuang, Zhenyun and Kim, Kyu-Han and Singh, Jatinder Pal},
| 5697 | title = {Improving Energy Efficiency of Location Sensing on Smartphones},
| 5698 | booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
| 5699 | Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services},
| 5700 | ignore_series = {MobiSys '10},
| 5701 | year = {2010},
| 5702 | isbn = {978-1-60558-985-5},
| 5703 | address = {San Francisco},
| 5704 | pages = {315--330},
| 5705 | numpages = {16},
| 5706 | url = {http://doi.acm.org.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/10.1145/1814433.1814464},
| 5707 | doi = {10.1145/1814433.1814464},
| 5708 | acmid = {1814464},
| 5709 | ignore_publisher = {ACM},
| 5710 | pub_address = {New York},
| 5711 | keywords = {energy efficiency, location sensing, location-based
| 5712 | applications, smartphone},
| 5713 | }
| 5714 |
| 5715 | @Inbook{Zowghi+2005+BookChapter+RequirementsElicitation,
| 5716 | author="Zowghi, Didar
| 5717 | and Coulin, Chad",
| 5718 | editor="Aurum, Ayb{\"u}ke
| 5719 | and Wohlin, Claes",
| 5720 | title="Requirements Elicitation: A Survey of Techniques, Approaches, and Tools",
| 5721 | bookTitle="Engineering and Managing Software Requirements",
| 5722 | year="2005",
| 5723 | publisher="Springer",
| 5724 | address="Berlin",
| 5725 | pages="19--46",
| 5726 | abstract="Requirements elicitation is the process of seeking, uncovering, acquiring, and elaborating requirements for computer based systems. It is generally understood that requirements are elicited rather than just captured or collected. This implies there are discovery, emergence, and development elements in the elicitation process. Requirements elicitation is a complex process involving many activities with a variety of available techniques, approaches, and tools for performing them. The relative strengths and weaknesses of these determine when each is appropriate depending on the context and situation. The objectives of this chapter are to present a comprehensive survey of important aspects of the techniques, approaches, and tools for requirements elicitation, and examine the current issues, trends, and challenges faced by researchers and practitioners in this field.",
| 5727 | isbn="978-3-540-28244-0",
| 5728 | doi="10.1007/3-540-28244-0_2",
| 5729 | url="https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28244-0_2"
| 5730 | }