1 | package geniusweb.protocol.session.amop;
2 |
3 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
4 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
5 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
6 |
7 | import java.io.IOException;
8 | import java.net.URISyntaxException;
9 | import java.util.Arrays;
10 | import java.util.List;
11 |
12 | import org.junit.Before;
13 | import org.junit.Test;
14 |
15 | import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
16 | import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
17 |
18 | import geniusweb.deadline.Deadline;
19 | import geniusweb.deadline.DeadlineRounds;
20 | import geniusweb.deadline.DeadlineTime;
21 | import geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionSettings;
22 | import geniusweb.protocol.session.TeamInfo;
23 | import geniusweb.references.Parameters;
24 | import geniusweb.references.PartyRef;
25 | import geniusweb.references.PartyWithParameters;
26 | import geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile;
27 | import geniusweb.references.ProfileRef;
28 | import tudelft.utilities.junit.GeneralTests;
29 | import tudelft.utilities.logging.ReportToLogger;
30 |
31 | public class AMOPSettingsTest extends GeneralTests<AMOPSettings> {
32 |
33 | private TeamInfo partyprof1 = mock(TeamInfo.class);
34 | private TeamInfo partyprof2 = mock(TeamInfo.class);
35 | private TeamInfo partyprof3 = mock(TeamInfo.class);
36 | private List<TeamInfo> participants2 = Arrays.asList(partyprof1,
37 | partyprof2);
38 | private List<TeamInfo> participants3 = Arrays.asList(partyprof1, partyprof2,
39 | partyprof3);
40 |
41 | private DeadlineTime deadline = mock(DeadlineTime.class);
42 | private Deadline deadline2 = mock(Deadline.class);
43 | private AMOPSettings settings1 = new AMOPSettings(participants2, deadline);
44 | private AMOPSettings settings1a = new AMOPSettings(participants2, deadline);
45 | private AMOPSettings settings2 = new AMOPSettings(participants3, deadline);
46 | private AMOPSettings settings3 = new AMOPSettings(participants2, deadline2);
47 | private final ObjectMapper jackson = new ObjectMapper();
48 |
49 | private AMOPSettings sersettings;
50 | private final String serialized = "{\"AMOPSettings\":{\"participants\":[{\"TeamInfo\":{\"parties\":[{\"party\":{\"partyref\":\"http://party1\",\"parameters\":{}},\"profile\":\"http://profile1\"}]}},{\"TeamInfo\":{\"parties\":[{\"party\":{\"partyref\":\"http://party2\",\"parameters\":{}},\"profile\":\"http://profile2\"}]}}],\"deadline\":{\"DeadlineTime\":{\"durationms\":100}}}}";
51 | private List<TeamInfo> participants;
52 | private PartyWithProfile partywithprof1, partywithprof2;
53 |
54 | @Before
55 | public void before() throws URISyntaxException {
56 | when(deadline.getDuration()).thenReturn(1000l);
57 | when(deadline.toString()).thenReturn("deadline");
58 | when(deadline2.toString()).thenReturn("deadline2");
59 |
60 | when(partyprof1.toString()).thenReturn("party and profile 1");
61 | when(partyprof2.toString()).thenReturn("party and profile 2");
62 | when(partyprof3.toString()).thenReturn("party and profile 3");
63 |
64 | when(partyprof3.getSize()).thenReturn(1);
65 |
66 | // SERIALIZABLE version with REAL objects. Still no workaround for
67 | // this...
68 | PartyWithParameters party1 = new PartyWithParameters(
69 | new PartyRef("http://party1"), new Parameters());
70 | ProfileRef profile1 = new ProfileRef("http://profile1");
71 | PartyWithParameters party2 = new PartyWithParameters(
72 | new PartyRef("http://party2"), new Parameters());
73 | ProfileRef profile2 = new ProfileRef("http://profile2");
74 | partywithprof1 = new PartyWithProfile(party1, profile1);
75 | partywithprof2 = new PartyWithProfile(party2, profile2);
76 | participants = Arrays.asList(
77 | new TeamInfo(Arrays.asList(partywithprof1)),
78 | new TeamInfo(Arrays.asList(partywithprof2)));
79 |
80 | Deadline deadlinetime = new DeadlineTime(100);
81 | sersettings = new AMOPSettings(participants, deadlinetime);
82 |
83 | }
84 |
85 | @Override
86 | public List<List<AMOPSettings>> getGeneralTestData() {
87 | return Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(settings1, settings1a),
88 | Arrays.asList(settings2), Arrays.asList(settings3));
89 | }
90 |
91 | @Override
92 | public List<String> getGeneralTestStrings() {
93 | return Arrays.asList(
94 | "AMOPSettings.party and profile 1, party and profile 2.,deadline.",
95 | "AMOPSettings.party and profile 1, party and profile 2, party and profile 3.,deadline.",
96 | "AMOPSettings.party and profile 1, party and profile 2.,deadline2.");
97 | }
98 |
99 | @Test
100 | public void getProtocolTest() {
101 | assertEquals("AMOP", settings1.getProtocol(new ReportToLogger("test"))
102 | .getRef().getURI().toString());
103 | }
104 |
105 | @SuppressWarnings("unused")
106 | @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
107 | public void constructorNoDeadlineTest() {
108 | new AMOPSettings(participants2, null);
109 | }
110 |
111 | @Test
112 | public void testMaxRuntime() {
113 | when(deadline.getDuration()).thenReturn(234l);
114 | assertEquals((Double) .234d, settings1.getMaxRunTime());
115 | }
116 |
117 | @Test
118 | public void testMaxRuntimeRounds() {
119 | deadline = mock(DeadlineRounds.class);
120 | when(deadline.getDuration()).thenReturn(12000l);
121 |
122 | AMOPSettings settings = new AMOPSettings(participants2, deadline);
123 |
124 | assertEquals((Double) 12d, settings.getMaxRunTime());
125 | }
126 |
127 | @Test
128 | public void testDeserialize() throws IOException {
129 | SessionSettings obj = jackson.readValue(serialized,
130 | SessionSettings.class);
131 | System.out.println(obj);
132 | assertEquals(sersettings, obj);
133 | }
134 |
135 | @Test
136 | public void testSerialize()
137 | throws JsonProcessingException, URISyntaxException {
138 |
139 | String string = jackson.writeValueAsString(sersettings);
140 | System.out.println(string);
141 | assertEquals(serialized, string);
142 | }
143 |
144 | @Test
145 | public void testWith() {
146 | AMOPSettings saop = new AMOPSettings(participants2, deadline);
147 | SessionSettings saop2 = saop.with(partyprof3);
148 | assertEquals(3, saop2.getTeams().size());
149 | }
150 |
151 | @Test
152 | public void testGetAllParties() {
153 | assertEquals(Arrays.asList(partywithprof1, partywithprof2),
154 | sersettings.getAllParties());
155 | }
156 |
157 | }