package geniusweb.protocol.session.learn; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import geniusweb.actions.Action; import geniusweb.actions.PartyId; import geniusweb.deadline.Deadline; import; import geniusweb.inform.Finished; import geniusweb.inform.Inform; import geniusweb.inform.Settings; import geniusweb.progress.ProgressFactory; import geniusweb.protocol.CurrentNegoState; import geniusweb.protocol.NegoState; import geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException; import geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConn; import geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnFactory; import geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnections; import geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionProtocol; import geniusweb.references.Parameters; import geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile; import geniusweb.references.ProfileRef; import geniusweb.references.ProtocolRef; import geniusweb.references.Reference; import tudelft.utilities.listener.DefaultListenable; import tudelft.utilities.logging.Reporter; import tudelft.utilities.repository.NoResourcesNowException; /** * The Learn protocol allows parties to learn until the deadline set in the * {@link LearnSettings}. */ public class Learn extends DefaultListenable implements SessionProtocol { public static final int MIN_SLEEP_TIME = 1000; public static final int MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 60000; public static final int TIME_MARGIN = 20;// ms extra delay after deadline private LearnState state; private final Reporter log; private static final ProtocolRef LEARN = new ProtocolRef("Learn"); private volatile Timer deadlinetimer = null; private volatile AtomicBoolean isFinishedInfoSent = new AtomicBoolean( false); private volatile ProtocolToPartyConnections conns = new ProtocolToPartyConnections( Collections.emptyList()); public Learn(LearnState state, Reporter logger) { this.state = state; this.log = logger; } @Override public void start(ProtocolToPartyConnFactory connectionfactory) { try { connect(connectionfactory); setDeadline(); setupParties(); } catch (Throwable e) { handleError("Failed to start up session", null, e); } } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Sends all parties the Settings. Parties can start learning immediately but must respect the deadline. When party is done, it should send LearningDone. "; } @Override public NegoState getState() { return state; } @Override public ProtocolRef getRef() { return LEARN; } @Override public void addParticipant(PartyWithProfile party) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Dynamic joining a negotiation is not allowed in LEARN"); } /******************************************************************* * private functions. Some are protected only, for testing purposes ********************************************************************/ /** * step 1 in protocol: connect all involved parties and start the clock. * This always "succeeds" with a valid (but possibly final) state *

* This is 'protected' to allow junit testing, this code is not a 'public' * part of the interface. * * @param connectionfactory the connectionfactory for making party * connections * * @throws InterruptedException if the connection procedure is unterrupted * * @throws IOException if this fails to properly conect to the * parties, eg interrupted or server not * responding.. */ protected synchronized void connect( ProtocolToPartyConnFactory connectionfactory) throws InterruptedException, IOException { List participants = state.getSettings() .getAllParties(); List parties = .map(parti -> (parti.getParty().getPartyRef())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List connections = null; log.log(Level.INFO, "LEARN connect " + parties); while (connections == null) { try { connections = connectionfactory.connect(parties); } catch (NoResourcesNowException e) { long waitms = e.getLater().getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis(); log.log(Level.INFO, "No resources available to run session, waiting" + waitms); Thread.sleep(Math.min(MAX_SLEEP_TIME, Math.max(MIN_SLEEP_TIME, waitms))); } } for (int i = 0; i < participants.size(); i++) { conns = conns.with(connections.get(i)); setState(this.state.with(connections.get(i).getParty(), participants.get(i))); } } /** * This is called when one of the party connections does an action. * Synchronized so that we always handle only 1 action at a time. * * @param partyconn the connection on which the action came in. * @param action the {@link Action} taken by some party */ protected synchronized void actionRequest( final ProtocolToPartyConn partyconn, final Action action) { if (action == null) { Throwable err = partyconn.getError(); if (err == null) { err = new ProtocolException("Party sent a null action", partyconn.getParty()); } handleError(partyconn + "Protocol error", partyconn.getParty(), err); return; } try { setState(state.with(partyconn.getParty(), action)); } catch (Throwable e) { handleError("failed to handle action " + action, partyconn.getParty(), e); } } /** * step 2 in protocol: listen to connections and send settings to the * parties. *

* This is 'protected' to allow junit testing, this code is not a 'public' * part of the interface. * * @throws ProtocolException if a party does not follow the protocol */ protected synchronized void setupParties() throws ProtocolException { for (ProtocolToPartyConn conn : conns) { conn.addListener(action -> actionRequest(conn, action)); } for (ProtocolToPartyConn connection : conns) { try { sendSettings(connection); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProtocolException("Failed to initialize", connection.getParty(), e); } } } /** * Inform a party about its settings * * @param connection * @throws IOException if party got disconnected */ private synchronized void sendSettings(ProtocolToPartyConn connection) throws IOException { PartyId partyid = connection.getParty(); ProfileRef profile = state.getPartyProfiles().get(partyid).getProfile(); Parameters params = state.getPartyProfiles().get(partyid).getParty() .getParameters(); if (profile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing profile for party " + connection.getReference()); } connection.send(new Settings(connection.getParty(), profile, getRef(), state.getProgress(), params)); } /** * Set state to proper deadline. Starts the timer tasks. This tasks triggers * a call to handleError when the session times out. */ private synchronized void setDeadline() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Deadline deadline = state.getSettings().getDeadline(); setState(state.with(ProgressFactory.create(deadline, now))); deadlinetimer = new Timer(); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (!state.isFinal(System.currentTimeMillis())) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "BUG. Deadline timer has triggered but state is not final"); } log.log(Level.INFO, "LEARN deadline reached. Terminating session."); finish(); } }; // set timer TIME_MARGIN after real deadline to ensure we're not too // early deadlinetimer.schedule(task, deadline.getDuration() + TIME_MARGIN); log.log(Level.INFO, "LEARN deadline set to " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") .format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + deadline.getDuration() + TIME_MARGIN))); } /** * Update state to include the given error and finishes up the session. * * @param message The message to attach to the error * @param party the party where the error occured * @param e the exception that occured. */ private synchronized void handleError(final String message, final PartyId party, final Throwable e) { if (e instanceof ProtocolException) { setState(state.with((ProtocolException) e)); } else { setState(state.with(new ProtocolException(message, party, e))); } log.log(Level.WARNING, "LEARN protocol intercepted error due to party " + party + ":" + message, e); } /** * Sets the new state. If the new state is final, the finish-up procedure is * executed. * * @param newstate the new state. */ private synchronized void setState(LearnState newstate) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (state.isFinal(now)) { finish(); return; } this.state = newstate; if (newstate.isFinal(now)) { finish(); } } /** * Called when we reach final state. Cancels deadline timer. Send finished * info to all parties, notify current nego state as final and set * {@link #isFinishedInfoSent}. Double calls are automatically ignored. */ private synchronized void finish() { if (deadlinetimer != null) { deadlinetimer.cancel(); deadlinetimer = null; } if (!isFinishedInfoSent.compareAndSet(false, true)) return; Inform finished = new Finished(state.getAgreements()); for (ProtocolToPartyConn conn : conns) { sendFinish(conn, finished); } notifyListeners(new CurrentNegoState(state)); } private void sendFinish(ProtocolToPartyConn connection, Inform finished) { try { connection.send(finished); connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to send Finished to " + connection, e); } } }