1 | import time
2 | import traceback
3 |
4 | import geniusweb.party.inform.ActionDone as ActionDone
5 | import geniusweb.party.inform.Inform as Inform
6 | import geniusweb.party.inform.Settings as Settings
7 | import geniusweb.party.inform.YourTurn as YourTurn
8 |
9 |
10 | import java.math.BigInteger as BigInteger
11 | import java.net.URI as URI
12 | import java.util.Arrays as Arrays
13 | import java.util.HashSet as HashSet
14 | import java.util.Random as Random
15 |
16 | import geniusweb.actions.Accept as Accept
17 | import geniusweb.actions.Action as Action
18 | import geniusweb.actions.Offer as Offer
19 | import geniusweb.actions.PartyId as PartyId
20 | import geniusweb.bidspace.AllPartialBidsList as AllPartialBidsList
21 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid as Bid
22 | import geniusweb.party.Capabilities as Capabilities
23 | import geniusweb.party.DefaultParty as DefaultParty
24 | import geniusweb.profile.Profile as Profile
25 | import geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditiveUtilitySpace as LinearAdditiveUtilitySpace
26 | import genius2.references.ProfileRef as ProfileRef
27 | import genius2.references.ProtocolRef as ProtocolRef
28 | import geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileConnectionFactory as ProfileConnectionFactory
29 | import geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileInterface as ProfileInterface
30 | import genius2.progress.ProgressRounds as ProgressRounds
31 |
32 | import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper as ObjectMapper
33 |
34 | class RandomParty (DefaultParty):
35 | """
36 | A simple party that places random bids and accepts when it receives an offer
37 | with sufficient utility.
38 | """
39 |
40 | jackson = ObjectMapper()
41 | random = Random();
42 |
43 | def __init__(self):
44 | self.profile = None
45 | self.lastReceivedBid = None
46 |
47 | # Override
48 | def notifyChange(self, info):
49 | if isinstance(info, Settings) :
50 | self.profile = ProfileConnectionFactory.create(info.getProfile().getURI(), self.getReporter());
51 | self.me = info.getID()
52 | self.progress = info.getProgress()
53 | elif isinstance(info , ActionDone):
54 | self.lastActor = info.getAction().getActor()
55 | otheract = info.getAction()
56 | if isinstance(otheract, Offer):
57 | self.lastReceivedBid = otheract.getBid()
58 | elif isinstance(info , YourTurn):
59 | self._myTurn()
60 | if isinstance(self.progress, ProgressRounds) :
61 | self.progress = self.progress.advance();
62 |
63 | # Override
64 | def getCapabilities(self): # -> Capabilities
65 | try:
66 | return Capabilities(HashSet([ ProtocolRef(URI("SAOP"))]))
67 | except:
68 | getReporter().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create capabilities URI",e);
69 | return None
70 |
71 | # Override
72 | def getDescription(self):
73 | return "places random bids until it can accept an offer with utility >0.6. Python version"
74 |
75 | def _myTurn(self):
76 | if self.lastReceivedBid != None and self.profile.getProfile().getUtility(self.lastReceivedBid).doubleValue() > 0.6:
77 | action = Accept(self.me, self.lastReceivedBid)
78 | else:
79 | bidspace = AllPartialBidsList(self.profile.getProfile().getDomain())
80 | bid = None
81 | for attempt in range(20):
82 | i = self.random.nextInt(bidspace.size()) # warning: jython implicitly converts BigInteger to long.
83 | bid = bidspace.get(BigInteger.valueOf(i))
84 | if self._isGood(bid):
85 | break
86 | action = Offer(self.me, bid);
87 | try:
88 | self.getConnection().send(action)
89 | except:
90 | print 'failed to send action '+action.toString()
91 | traceback.print_exc()
92 |
93 | def _isGood(self, bid):
94 | return bid != None and self.profile.getProfile().getUtility(bid).doubleValue() > 0.6;