1 | package negotiator.protocol;
2 |
3 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
4 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
5 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
6 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
7 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
8 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
9 |
10 | import java.util.ArrayList;
11 | import java.util.Collection;
12 | import java.util.List;
13 |
14 | import org.junit.Before;
15 | import org.junit.Test;
16 | import org.mockito.Mockito;
17 |
18 | import genius.core.AgentID;
19 | import genius.core.Bid;
20 | import genius.core.Vote;
21 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
22 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
23 | import genius.core.actions.InformVotingResult;
24 | import genius.core.actions.OfferForVoting;
25 | import genius.core.actions.Reject;
26 | import genius.core.actions.VoteForOfferAcceptance;
27 | import genius.core.parties.Mediator;
28 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationParty;
29 | import genius.core.protocol.MediatorProtocol;
30 | import genius.core.protocol.SimpleMediatorBasedProtocol;
31 | import genius.core.session.Round;
32 | import genius.core.session.Session;
33 | import genius.core.session.Turn;
34 |
35 | /**
36 | * Tests for the {@link SimpleMediatorBasedProtocol}.
37 | *
38 | * @author W.Pasman
39 | *
40 | */
41 | public class SimpleMediatorBasedProtocolTest {
42 |
43 | protected MediatorProtocol protocol;
44 | private static AgentID AGENTID = new AgentID("test");
45 | private static Bid receivedBid = mock(Bid.class);
46 |
47 | protected static Action ACCEPT = new Accept(AGENTID, receivedBid);
48 | protected static Action REJECT = new Reject(AGENTID, receivedBid);
49 |
50 | Session session = mock(Session.class);
51 | protected ArrayList<NegotiationParty> parties;
52 | private NegotiationParty party1;
53 | private NegotiationParty party2;
54 | private NegotiationParty party3;
55 | private NegotiationParty mediator;
56 | private List<Round> rounds;
57 | private InformVotingResult informVoteAccept;
58 | private Bid acceptedBid = mock(Bid.class);
59 | private InformVotingResult informVoteReject;
60 | private Bid rejectedBid = mock(Bid.class);
61 | private OfferForVoting partyVote;
62 |
63 | @Before
64 | public void init() {
65 |
66 | protocol = mock(getProtocol(), Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS);
67 |
68 | parties = new ArrayList<NegotiationParty>();
69 | party1 = mock(NegotiationParty.class);
70 | party2 = mock(NegotiationParty.class);
71 | party3 = mock(NegotiationParty.class);
72 | mediator = mock(Mediator.class);
73 |
74 | parties.add(party1);
75 | parties.add(party2);
76 | parties.add(party3);
77 | parties.add(mediator);
78 |
79 | rounds = new ArrayList<Round>();
80 | when(session.getRounds()).thenReturn(rounds);
81 |
82 | informVoteAccept = mock(InformVotingResult.class);
83 | when(informVoteAccept.getVotingResult()).thenReturn(Vote.ACCEPT);
84 | when(informVoteAccept.getBid()).thenReturn(acceptedBid);
85 |
86 | informVoteReject = mock(InformVotingResult.class);
87 | when(informVoteReject.getVotingResult()).thenReturn(Vote.REJECT);
88 | when(informVoteReject.getBid()).thenReturn(rejectedBid);
89 |
90 | partyVote = mock(OfferForVoting.class);
91 | }
92 |
93 | protected Class<? extends MediatorProtocol> getProtocol() {
94 | return SimpleMediatorBasedProtocol.class;
95 | }
96 |
97 | @Test
98 | public void testGetMediator() {
99 | // strictly not a function of protocol, but still kind of accessable
100 | // through it.
101 | assertEquals(mediator, protocol.getMediator(parties));
102 | }
103 |
104 | @Test
105 | public void testGetNonMediators() {
106 | // strictly not a function of protocol, but still kind of accessable
107 | // through it.
108 | List<NegotiationParty> normalParties = protocol.getNonMediators(parties);
109 | assertTrue(normalParties.contains(party1));
110 | assertTrue(normalParties.contains(party2));
111 | assertTrue(normalParties.contains(party3));
112 | }
113 |
114 | @Test
115 | public void testGetRoundStructure() {
116 | Collection<Class<? extends Action>> acceptOrReject = new ArrayList<Class<? extends Action>>(2);
117 | acceptOrReject.add(Accept.class);
118 | acceptOrReject.add(Reject.class);
119 |
120 | Round round = protocol.getRoundStructure(parties, session);
121 |
122 | // check that round contains 5 turns (one offer, 3 votes, one inform)
123 | // and that they are associated correctly to our parties.
124 | List<Turn> turns = round.getTurns();
125 | assertEquals(5, turns.size());
126 | checkTurn(turns.get(0), mediator, OfferForVoting.class);
127 | checkTurn(turns.get(1), party1, VoteForOfferAcceptance.class);
128 | checkTurn(turns.get(2), party2, VoteForOfferAcceptance.class);
129 | checkTurn(turns.get(3), party3, VoteForOfferAcceptance.class);
130 | checkTurn(turns.get(4), mediator, InformVotingResult.class);
131 | }
132 |
133 | /**
134 | * check that the mediator can hear all other parties
135 | */
136 | @Test
137 | public void testMediatorHearsAll() {
138 | List<NegotiationParty> mediatorListensTo = protocol.getActionListeners(parties).get(mediator);
139 |
140 | for (NegotiationParty party : protocol.getNonMediators(parties)) {
141 | assertTrue("Mediator is not listening to " + party, mediatorListensTo.contains(party));
142 | }
143 |
144 | }
145 |
146 | /**
147 | * check that parties can hear only the mediator.
148 | */
149 | @Test
150 | public void testPartiesHearOnlyMediator() {
151 | for (NegotiationParty party : protocol.getNonMediators(parties)) {
152 | List<NegotiationParty> partyListensTo = protocol.getActionListeners(parties).get(party);
153 | assertEquals("Party listens to more than just the mediator:" + partyListensTo, 1, partyListensTo.size());
154 | assertTrue("Party is not listening to mediator", partyListensTo.contains(mediator));
155 | }
156 |
157 | }
158 |
159 | /**
160 | * Call isFinished when in round 0 (initial situation). The round should not
161 | * be finished, nothing happened yet.
162 | */
163 | @Test
164 | public void isFinishedTestVoting() {
165 |
166 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
167 | assertNull(protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
168 | }
169 |
170 | /**
171 | * Call isFinished when in round 1. But there is no InformVotingResult in
172 | * that round.
173 | */
174 | @Test
175 | public void isFinishedRound1() {
176 | Round round1 = mock(Round.class);
177 | rounds.add(round1);
178 |
179 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
180 | assertNull(protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
181 | }
182 |
183 | /**
184 | * Check agreement with a accept and a reject. Always check we're not
185 | * finished.
186 | */
187 | @Test
188 | public void isFinishedWithOneAccept() {
189 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteAccept);
190 |
191 | assertEquals(acceptedBid, protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
192 | // check that even when we have agreement, the protocol continues
193 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
194 | }
195 |
196 | /**
197 | * Check agreement with a accept and a rejectt.
198 | */
199 | @Test
200 | public void isFinishedWithAcceptReject() {
201 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteAccept);
202 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
203 |
204 | assertEquals(acceptedBid, protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
205 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
206 | }
207 |
208 | /**
209 | * Check agreement with a reject and an accept.
210 | */
211 | @Test
212 | public void isFinishedWithRejectAccept() {
213 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
214 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteAccept);
215 |
216 | assertEquals(acceptedBid, protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
217 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
218 | }
219 |
220 | /**
221 | * Check agreement with a reject and an accept that are cluttered with party
222 | * votes.
223 | */
224 | @Test
225 | public void isFinishedWithRejectAcceptAndPartyVotes() {
226 | addRoundWithActions(partyVote, partyVote, partyVote, informVoteReject, partyVote, partyVote, partyVote);
227 | addRoundWithActions(partyVote, partyVote, partyVote, partyVote, partyVote, informVoteAccept, partyVote);
228 |
229 | assertEquals(acceptedBid, protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
230 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
231 | }
232 |
233 | /**
234 | * Check reject with two rejects
235 | */
236 | @Test
237 | public void isFinishedWithTwoRejects() {
238 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
239 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
240 |
241 | assertNull(protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
242 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
243 | }
244 |
245 | /**
246 | * Check that the last accept is the agreement, within a set also containing
247 | * rejects
248 | */
249 | @Test
250 | public void isLastAcceptTheAgreement() {
251 | Bid acceptedBid2 = mock(Bid.class);
252 | InformVotingResult informVoteAccept2 = mock(InformVotingResult.class);
253 | when(informVoteAccept2.getVotingResult()).thenReturn(Vote.ACCEPT);
254 | when(informVoteAccept2.getBid()).thenReturn(acceptedBid2);
255 |
256 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
257 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
258 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteAccept);
259 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
260 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
261 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
262 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
263 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteAccept2);
264 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
265 | addRoundWithActions(informVoteReject);
266 |
267 | assertEquals(acceptedBid2, protocol.getCurrentAgreement(session, parties));
268 | assertFalse(protocol.isFinished(session, parties));
269 | }
270 |
271 | /******************** Support functions ********************/
272 | /**
273 | * Checks that given turn comes from given party and contains given class.
274 | *
275 | * @param turn
276 | * the turn to check
277 | * @param party
278 | * the {@link NegotiationParty} that should be in this turn
279 | * @param actionclass
280 | * the action type that should be in this turn
281 | */
282 | private void checkTurn(Turn turn, NegotiationParty party, Class<? extends Action> actionclass) {
283 | assertTrue("Turn " + turn + " does not contain " + actionclass, turn.getValidActions().contains(actionclass));
284 | assertEquals(party, turn.getParty());
285 | }
286 |
287 | /**
288 | * Mock the next round with some actions.
289 | *
290 | * @param newturns
291 | * a list of new turns for the next round.
292 | */
293 | private void addRoundWithActions(Action... newturns) {
294 | Round round = mock(Round.class);
295 | List<Turn> turns = new ArrayList<Turn>();
296 | List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>();
297 |
298 | for (Action action : newturns) {
299 | actions.add(action);
300 | Turn turn = mock(Turn.class);
301 | when(turn.getAction()).thenReturn(action);
302 | turns.add(turn);
303 | }
304 | when(round.getTurns()).thenReturn(turns);
305 | when(round.getActions()).thenReturn(actions);
306 |
307 | rounds.add(round);
308 | }
309 |
310 | }