package negotiator.analysis; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import genius.core.Domain; import genius.core.DomainImpl; import genius.core.analysis.BidPoint; import genius.core.analysis.BidSpace; import genius.core.analysis.pareto.ParetoFrontierF; import genius.core.analysis.pareto.PartialBidPoint; import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails; import genius.core.boaframework.SortedOutcomeSpace; import genius.core.misc.Range; import genius.core.qualitymeasures.ScenarioInfo; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; import; /** * This class can be used to test if the implementation of the Pareto frontier * algorithm in BidSpace returns the correct results on each domain. The * efficient algorithm is compared against a simple bruteforce algorithm. * * No effort was made to optimize the bruteforce algorithm as I wanted to be * sure that it is correct. Therefore, it is not advised to check domains with * more than 200.000 bids. * * @author Mark Hendrikx */ public class ParetoTest { private static final double EPSILON = 0.000000001; @Before public void before() throws IOException {; } @Test public void testPareto() throws Exception { process(); } class SimpleTimer { ThreadMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); long start = bean.getCurrentThreadUserTime(); long end; public void stop() { end = bean.getCurrentThreadUserTime(); } public double time() { return (end - start) / 1000000000.; } } /** * Simple method to compare if the algorithm for calculating the Pareto-bids * in the BidSpace class returns the right results. * * @param dir * in which Genius is installed * @throws Exception * when an error occurs on parsing the files. */ public void process() throws Exception { ArrayList domains = parseDomainFile(); ThreadMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); for (ScenarioInfo domainSt : domains) { System.out.println("testing pareto on domain " + domainSt); // 1. Load the domain Domain domain = new DomainImpl(domainSt.getDomain()); AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpaceA, utilitySpaceB; utilitySpaceA = new AdditiveUtilitySpace(domain, domainSt.getPrefProfA()); utilitySpaceB = new AdditiveUtilitySpace(domain, domainSt.getPrefProfB()); System.out.println("Timing for " + domain.getName() + "(" + domain.getNumberOfPossibleBids() + "):"); List realParetoBids = null; // 2. Determine all Pareto-bids with various algorithms SimpleTimer bruteForceT = new SimpleTimer(); if (domain.getNumberOfPossibleBids() < 10000) { realParetoBids = bruteforceParetoBids(domain, utilitySpaceA, utilitySpaceB); } bruteForceT.stop(); SimpleTimer bidSpaceT = new SimpleTimer(); BidSpace space = new BidSpace(utilitySpaceA, utilitySpaceB, true); List estimatedParetoBids = space.getParetoFrontier(); bidSpaceT.stop(); SimpleTimer fastT = new SimpleTimer(); List fastPareto = doFastPareto(utilitySpaceA, utilitySpaceB); fastT.stop(); // 3. Check if there is a difference in the output if (realParetoBids != null) { assertNull( "Problem in estimatedPareto with domain " + domain.getName(), checkValidity(estimatedParetoBids, realParetoBids)); } assertNull("Problem in fastPareto with domain " + domain.getName(), checkValidity(fastPareto, estimatedParetoBids)); System.out.println("bruteforce search:" + (realParetoBids == null ? "skipped" : bruteForceT.time())); System.out.println("bidSpace search:" + bidSpaceT.time()); System.out.println("fast search:" + fastT.time()); } System.out.println("Finished processing domains"); } /** * Does the heavy plumbing job * * @throws Exception * */ private List doFastPareto(AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpaceA, AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpaceB) throws Exception { ParetoFrontierF fastparetof = new ParetoFrontierF(utilitySpaceA, utilitySpaceB); ArrayList bidpoints = new ArrayList(); for (PartialBidPoint point : fastparetof.getFrontier()) { bidpoints.add(new BidPoint(null, point.utilA(), point.utilB())); } return bidpoints; } /** * Check if the output of the efficient algorithm and the brutefore * algorithm to calculate the Pareto-optimal bids are identical. * * @param estimatedParetoBids * Pareto-bids as estimated by an efficient algorithm in the * BidSpace class. * @param realParetoBids * Pareto-bids as calculated by the bruteforce algorithm. * @return null if sets are equal, or non-null string describing difference. */ private static String checkValidity(List set1, List set2) { if (set1.size() != set2.size()) { return "pareto sets are not equal size: " + set1.size() + " versus " + set2.size(); } for (BidPoint paretoBid : set1) { boolean found = false; for (int a = 0; a < set2.size(); a++) { if (Math.abs(set2.get(a).getUtilityA() - paretoBid.getUtilityA()) < EPSILON && Math.abs(set2.get(a).getUtilityB() - paretoBid.getUtilityB()) < EPSILON) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return "set 2 does not contain pareto bid " + paretoBid; } } return null; } /** * Parses the domainrepository and returns a set of domain-objects * containing all information. * * @param dir * @return set of domain-objects * @throws Exception */ private static ArrayList parseDomainFile() throws Exception { XMLReader xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); DomainParser handler = new DomainParser(); xr.setContentHandler(handler); xr.setErrorHandler(handler); xr.parse("paretotestdomainrepository.xml"); return handler.getDomains(); } /** * Bruteforce algorithm to calculate the Pareto-bids. * * @param domain * @param spaceA * @param spaceB * @return set of Pareto-bids */ private static ArrayList bruteforceParetoBids(Domain domain, AdditiveUtilitySpace spaceA, AdditiveUtilitySpace spaceB) { SortedOutcomeSpace outcomeSpaceA = new SortedOutcomeSpace(spaceA); ArrayList paretoBids = new ArrayList(); try { for (BidDetails bid : outcomeSpaceA.getAllOutcomes()) { double utilA = spaceA.getUtility(bid.getBid()); double utilB = spaceB.getUtility(bid.getBid()); boolean found = false; for (BidDetails otherBid : outcomeSpaceA .getBidsinRange(new Range(utilA - 0.01, 1.1))) { // -0.01 // as // we // want // to // include // duplicates if ((otherBid != bid && ((spaceA.getUtility(otherBid.getBid()) > utilA && spaceB.getUtility( otherBid.getBid()) >= utilB)) || (otherBid != bid && spaceA.getUtility( otherBid.getBid()) >= utilA && spaceB.getUtility( otherBid.getBid()) > utilB))) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { paretoBids.add(new BidPoint(bid.getBid(), bid.getMyUndiscountedUtil(), spaceB.getUtility(bid.getBid()))); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return paretoBids; } /** * Create an XML parser to parse the domainrepository. */ static class DomainParser extends DefaultHandler { ScenarioInfo domain = null; ArrayList domains = new ArrayList(); @Override public void startElement(String nsURI, String strippedName, String tagName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (tagName.equals("domainRepItem") && attributes.getLength() > 0) { domain = new ScenarioInfo( attributes.getValue("url").substring(5)); } else if (tagName.equals("profile")) { if (domain.getPrefProfA() == null) { domain.setPrefProfA( attributes.getValue("url").substring(5)); } else if (domain.getPrefProfB() == null) { domain.setPrefProfB( attributes.getValue("url").substring(5)); } else { System.out.println( "WARNING: Violation of two preference profiles per domain assumption for " + strippedName); } } } @Override public void endElement(String nsURI, String strippedName, String tagName) throws SAXException { // domain is not null check is required, as the domainRepItem is // used in multiple contexts if (tagName.equals("domainRepItem") && domain != null) { domains.add(domain); domain = null; } } public ArrayList getDomains() { return domains; } } }