1 | package exampleagentstest;
2 |
3 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
4 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
5 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
6 |
7 | import java.io.IOException;
8 | import java.util.Arrays;
9 | import java.util.HashMap;
10 | import java.util.List;
11 | import java.util.Random;
12 |
13 | import org.junit.Before;
14 | import org.junit.Test;
15 |
16 | import genius.core.AgentID;
17 | import genius.core.Bid;
18 | import genius.core.DomainImpl;
19 | import genius.core.Global;
20 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
21 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
22 | import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
23 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
24 | import genius.core.exceptions.InstantiateException;
25 | import genius.core.issue.Issue;
26 | import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete;
27 | import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger;
28 | import genius.core.issue.IssueReal;
29 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
30 | import genius.core.issue.ValueInteger;
31 | import genius.core.issue.ValueReal;
32 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
33 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationParty;
34 | import genius.core.persistent.PersistentDataContainer;
35 | import genius.core.timeline.TimeLineInfo;
36 | import genius.core.utility.AbstractUtilitySpace;
37 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
38 |
39 | /**
40 | * Test an example agent: try to load it, init it etc.
41 | */
42 | public abstract class AgentTest {
43 |
44 | private NegotiationParty party;
45 | private Class<? extends NegotiationParty> partyclass;
46 | private final String PARTY = "src/test/resources/partydomain/";
47 | List<Class<? extends Action>> actions = Arrays.asList(Accept.class,
48 | Offer.class, EndNegotiation.class);
49 | private NegotiationInfo info;
50 | protected PersistentDataContainer persistentData;
51 | private AbstractUtilitySpace utilspace;
52 | private Random rand = new Random();
53 |
54 | public AgentTest(Class<? extends NegotiationParty> partyclass) {
55 | this.partyclass = partyclass;
56 | }
57 |
58 | @Before
59 | public void before() throws InstantiateException, IOException {
60 | party = (NegotiationParty) Global
61 | .loadObject(partyclass.getCanonicalName());
62 |
63 | info = mock(NegotiationInfo.class);
64 | when(info.getAgentID()).thenReturn(new AgentID("test"));
65 | persistentData = mock(PersistentDataContainer.class);
66 | when(info.getPersistentData()).thenReturn(persistentData);
67 | utilspace = createUtilSpace();
68 | when(info.getUtilitySpace()).thenReturn(utilspace);
69 | TimeLineInfo timeline = mock(TimeLineInfo.class);
70 | when(timeline.getTime()).thenReturn(0.2);
71 | when(info.getTimeline()).thenReturn(timeline);
72 |
73 | }
74 |
75 | @Test
76 | public void loadClassTest() throws InstantiateException {
77 | }
78 |
79 | @Test
80 | public void getDescriptionTest() {
81 | assertNotNull(party.getDescription());
82 | }
83 |
84 | @Test
85 | public void getProtocolTest() {
86 | assertNotNull(party.getProtocol());
87 | }
88 |
89 | @Test
90 | public void initTest() throws IOException {
91 | party.init(info);
92 | }
93 |
94 | @Test
95 | public void getActionTest() {
96 | party.init(info);
97 | party.chooseAction(actions);
98 | }
99 |
100 | @Test
101 | public void receiveMessageTest() {
102 | party.init(info);
103 | AgentID other = new AgentID("other");
104 | party.receiveMessage(other, new Offer(other, generateRandomBid()));
105 | }
106 |
107 | /**
108 | * this is tricky. We need a full-fledged utilspace as the agent gets
109 | * cracking on it. mocking that would be difficult.
110 | *
111 | * @throws IOException
112 | */
113 | private AbstractUtilitySpace createUtilSpace() throws IOException {
114 | DomainImpl domain = new DomainImpl(PARTY + "party_domain.xml");
115 | return new AdditiveUtilitySpace(domain, PARTY + "party1_utility.xml");
116 | }
117 |
118 | protected Bid generateRandomBid() {
119 | try {
120 | // Pairs <issue number, chosen value string>
121 | HashMap<Integer, Value> values = new HashMap<Integer, Value>();
122 |
123 | // For each issue, put a random value
124 | for (Issue currentIssue : utilspace.getDomain().getIssues()) {
125 | values.put(currentIssue.getNumber(),
126 | getRandomValue(currentIssue));
127 | }
128 |
129 | // return the generated bid
130 | return new Bid(utilspace.getDomain(), values);
131 |
132 | } catch (Exception e) {
133 |
134 | // return empty bid if an error occurred
135 | return new Bid(utilspace.getDomain());
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | /**
140 | * Gets a random value for the given issue.
141 | *
142 | * @param currentIssue
143 | * The issue to generate a random value for
144 | * @return The random value generated for the issue
145 | * @throws Exception
146 | * if the issues type is not Discrete, Real or Integer.
147 | */
148 | protected Value getRandomValue(Issue currentIssue) throws Exception {
149 |
150 | Value currentValue;
151 | int index;
152 |
153 | switch (currentIssue.getType()) {
154 | case DISCRETE:
155 | IssueDiscrete discreteIssue = (IssueDiscrete) currentIssue;
156 | index = (rand.nextInt(discreteIssue.getNumberOfValues()));
157 | currentValue = discreteIssue.getValue(index);
158 | break;
159 | case REAL:
160 | IssueReal realIss = (IssueReal) currentIssue;
161 | index = rand.nextInt(realIss.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps()); // check
162 | // this!
163 | currentValue = new ValueReal(realIss.getLowerBound()
164 | + (((realIss.getUpperBound() - realIss.getLowerBound()))
165 | / (realIss.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps()))
166 | * index);
167 | break;
168 | case INTEGER:
169 | IssueInteger integerIssue = (IssueInteger) currentIssue;
170 | index = rand.nextInt(integerIssue.getUpperBound()
171 | - integerIssue.getLowerBound() + 1);
172 | currentValue = new ValueInteger(
173 | integerIssue.getLowerBound() + index);
174 | break;
175 | default:
176 | throw new Exception(
177 | "issue type " + currentIssue.getType() + " not supported");
178 | }
179 |
180 | return currentValue;
181 | }
182 |
183 | }