1 | <utility_space>
2 | <reservation value="0" />
3 | <objective index="0" description="" name="conflict" type="objective"
4 | etype="objective">
5 | <issue index="1" name="Size of Fund" vtype="discrete" type="discrete"
6 | etype="discrete">
7 | <item index="1" value="$100 Billion" cost="0.0" evaluation="5">
8 | </item>
9 | <item index="2" value="$50 Billion" cost="0.0" evaluation="7">
10 | </item>
11 | <item index="3" value="$10 billion" cost="0.0" evaluation="9">
12 | </item>
13 | <item index="4" value="No agreement" cost="0.0" evaluation="1">
14 | </item>
15 | </issue>
16 | <issue index="2" name="Impact on Other Aid" vtype="discrete"
17 | type="discrete" etype="discrete">
18 | <item index="1" value="No reduction" cost="0.0" evaluation="3">
19 | </item>
20 | <item index="2" value="Reduction equal to half of fund size"
21 | cost="0.0" evaluation="6">
22 | </item>
23 | <item index="3" value="Reduction equal to fund size" cost="0.0"
24 | evaluation="8">
25 | </item>
26 | <item index="4" value="No agreement" cost="0.0" evaluation="1">
27 | </item>
28 | </issue>
29 | <issue index="3" name="Zimbabwe Trade Policy" vtype="discrete"
30 | type="discrete" etype="discrete">
31 | <item index="1" value="Zimbabwe will reduce tariffs on imports"
32 | cost="0.0" evaluation="12">
33 | </item>
34 | <item index="2" value="Zimbabwe will increase tariffs on imports"
35 | cost="0.0" evaluation="1">
36 | </item>
37 | <item index="3" value="No agreement" cost="0.0" evaluation="7">
38 | </item>
39 | </issue>
40 | <issue index="4" name="England Trade Policy" vtype="discrete"
41 | type="discrete" etype="discrete">
42 | <item index="1" value="England will reduce imports" cost="0.0"
43 | evaluation="10">
44 | </item>
45 | <item index="2" value="England will increase imports" cost="0.0"
46 | evaluation="1">
47 | </item>
48 | <item index="3" value="No agreement" cost="0.0" evaluation="6">
49 | </item>
50 | </issue>
51 | <issue index="5" name="Forum on Other Health Issues" vtype="discrete"
52 | type="discrete" etype="discrete">
53 | <item index="1" value="Creation of fund" cost="0.0" evaluation="7">
54 | </item>
55 | <item index="2" value="Creation of committee to discuss creation of fund"
56 | cost="0.0" evaluation="10">
57 | </item>
58 | <item index="3" value="Creation of committee to develop agenda"
59 | cost="0.0" evaluation="4">
60 | </item>
61 | <item index="4" value="No" cost="0.0" evaluation="1">
62 | </item>
63 | </issue>
64 | <weight index="1" value="0.3031462333758278">
65 | </weight>
66 | <weight index="2" value="0.303346839835533">
67 | </weight>
68 | <weight index="3" value="0.049028952379678074">
69 | </weight>
70 | <weight index="4" value="0.04904500802207314">
71 | </weight>
72 | <weight index="5" value="0.29543296638688804">
73 | </weight>
74 | </objective>
75 | </utility_space>