1 | package uva.projectai.y2018.jasparon;
2 |
3 | import java.io.FileInputStream;
4 | import java.io.File;
5 | import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
6 | import java.io.FileOutputStream;
7 | import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
8 | import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
9 | import java.util.ArrayList;
10 | import java.util.HashMap;
11 |
12 | import genius.core.Bid;
13 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
14 | import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
15 | import genius.core.boaframework.BOAagentBilateral;
16 | import genius.core.events.MultipartyNegoActionEvent;
17 | import genius.core.events.NegotiationEvent;
18 | import negotiator.boaframework.acceptanceconditions.other.AC_Next;
19 | import negotiator.boaframework.omstrategy.BestBid;
20 | import negotiator.boaframework.opponentmodel.PerfectModel;
21 |
22 | import uva.projectai.y2018.jasparon.QlearningStrategy;
23 |
24 | @SuppressWarnings("serial")
25 | public class Qlearner extends BOAagentBilateral implements RLBOA {
26 |
27 | QlearningStrategy offeringStrategy;
28 | String state;
29 |
30 | @Override
31 | public void agentSetup() {
32 |
33 | System.out.print(this.instanceIdentifier());
34 | HashMap<String, Double> params = new HashMap<String, Double>();
35 |
36 | // Use perfect opponent model to decrease noise in the environment
37 | opponentModel = new PerfectModel();
38 | opponentModel.init(negotiationSession, params);
39 |
40 | // Load existing qTable
41 | @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
42 | HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>> qTable = (HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>) readObjectFromFile("qTables/" + this.instanceIdentifier());
43 |
44 | // Initialize offeringStrategy (is a RL-component)
45 | switch (this.getStrategyParameters().getValueAsString("strategy")) {
46 | case "QlearningStrategy":
47 | offeringStrategy = new QlearningStrategy(negotiationSession, opponentModel);
48 | break;
49 | case "PriorBeliefQlearningStrategy":
50 | offeringStrategy = new PriorBeliefQlearningStrategy(negotiationSession, opponentModel);
51 | break;
52 | case "QLambdaStrategy":
53 | offeringStrategy = new QLambdaStrategy(negotiationSession, opponentModel);
54 | break;
55 | }
56 | offeringStrategy.setHyperparameters(this.getStrategyParameters());
57 | offeringStrategy.initQtable(qTable);
58 |
59 | // Accept if the incoming offer is higher than what you would offer yourself
60 | acceptConditions = new AC_Next(negotiationSession, offeringStrategy, 1, 0);
61 |
62 | // Opponent model strategy always selects best bid it has available
63 | omStrategy = new BestBid();
64 | omStrategy.init(negotiationSession, opponentModel, params);
65 | setDecoupledComponents(acceptConditions, offeringStrategy, opponentModel, omStrategy);
66 | }
67 |
68 | @Override
69 | public String getName() {
70 | return "Q-learner";
71 | }
72 |
73 | public State getStateRepresentation(MultipartyNegoActionEvent negoEvent) {
74 | Bid oppLastBid = negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().getLastBid();
75 | Bid myLastBid = negotiationSession.getOwnBidHistory().getLastBid();
76 | Bid agreement = negoEvent.getAgreement();
77 | Action currentAction = negoEvent.getAction();
78 |
79 | if (agreement != null || currentAction.getClass() == EndNegotiation.class) {
80 | return State.TERMINAL;
81 | }
82 |
83 | int myBin;
84 | if (myLastBid != null) {
85 | double myBidUtil = this.getUtility(myLastBid);
86 | myBin = this.getBinIndex(myBidUtil);
87 | }
88 | else {
89 | myBin = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
90 | }
91 |
92 | int oppBin;
93 | if (oppLastBid != null) {
94 | double oppBidUtil = this.getUtility(oppLastBid);
95 | oppBin = this.getBinIndex(oppBidUtil);
96 | }
97 | else {
98 | oppBin = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
99 | }
100 |
101 | double time = negotiationSession.getTime();
102 |
103 | State state = new State(myBin, oppBin, this.getTimeBinIndex(time));
104 |
105 | return state;
106 | }
107 |
108 | private int getBinIndex(double util) {
109 | int n_bins = offeringStrategy.getNBins();
110 | return (int) Math.floor(util * n_bins);
111 | }
112 |
113 | private int getTimeBinIndex(double time) {
114 | // TODO: Remove magic number
115 | return (int) Math.floor(time * 4);
116 | }
117 |
118 | @Override
119 | public void notifyChange(NegotiationEvent data) {
120 | if (data instanceof MultipartyNegoActionEvent) {
121 | // Get relevant information from negotiation event
122 | MultipartyNegoActionEvent negoEvent = (MultipartyNegoActionEvent) data;
123 |
124 | // Observe state
125 | State newState = this.getStateRepresentation(negoEvent);
126 |
127 | double reward = this.getReward(negoEvent);
128 | boolean myTurn = negoEvent.getAction().getAgent() == this.getAgentID();
129 |
130 | if (newState.isTerminalState() || !myTurn) {
131 | this.observeEnvironment(reward, newState);
132 | }
133 | }
134 | }
135 |
136 | @Override
137 | public double getReward(MultipartyNegoActionEvent negoEvent) {
138 | double reward = 0.0;
139 | Bid agreement = negoEvent.getAgreement();
140 |
141 | if (agreement != null) {
142 | reward = this.getUtility(agreement);
143 | }
144 |
145 | return reward;
146 | }
147 |
148 | @Override
149 | public void observeEnvironment(double reward, State newState) {
150 | this.offeringStrategy.observeEnvironment(reward, newState);
151 |
152 | if (newState.isTerminalState()) {
153 | this.writeObjectToFile(this.offeringStrategy.getQTable());
154 | }
155 | }
156 |
157 | public void writeObjectToFile(Object serObj) {
158 | String DIRECTORY = "qTables/";
159 | String filepath = DIRECTORY + this.instanceIdentifier();
160 |
161 | File directory = new File(DIRECTORY);
162 | if (!directory.exists()) {
163 | directory.mkdir();
164 | }
165 |
166 | try {
167 | FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filepath);
168 | ObjectOutputStream objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
169 | objectOut.writeObject(serObj);
170 | objectOut.close();
171 | System.out.println("The Object was succesfully written to a file");
172 |
173 | } catch (Exception ex) {
174 | ex.printStackTrace();
175 | }
176 | }
177 |
178 | public Object readObjectFromFile(String filepath) {
179 | Object obj = null;
180 |
181 | try {
182 | FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(filepath);
183 | ObjectInputStream objectIn = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
184 | obj = objectIn.readObject();
185 | objectIn.close();
186 | System.out.println("Succesfully read object");
187 | }
188 | catch (Exception ex) {
189 | if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException ) {
190 | System.out.println("qTable file does not exist. A new file will be created.");
191 | }
192 | else {
193 | ex.printStackTrace();
194 | }
195 | }
196 |
197 | return obj;
198 | }
199 |
200 | public String instanceIdentifier() {
201 | return String.format("Qlearner-%s", this.getStrategyParameters().toString());
202 | }
203 | }