1 | package uva.projectai.y2018.jasparon;
2 |
3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
4 | import java.util.Collections;
5 |
6 | import genius.core.StrategyParameters;
7 | import genius.core.boaframework.NegotiationSession;
8 | import genius.core.boaframework.OpponentModel;
9 |
10 | public class QLambdaStrategy extends QlearningStrategy {
11 |
12 | double lambda;
13 |
14 | public QLambdaStrategy(NegotiationSession negotiationSession, OpponentModel opponentModel) {
15 | super(negotiationSession, opponentModel);
16 | // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
17 | }
18 |
19 | @Override
20 | protected void updateQFuction(State state, int action, double reward, State newState) {
21 | // initialize state if it is new
22 |
23 | // If agent hasn't done a opening bid, initialize action values to number of bins, otherwise
24 | // just 3 values (up/down/nothing).
25 | ArrayList<Double> stateDefaultActionValues = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(state.getActionSize(), 0.0));
26 | ArrayList<Double> newStateDefaultActionValues = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(newState.getActionSize(), 0.0));
27 |
28 | // Make entries in qTable if they don't exist yet
29 | this.qTable.putIfAbsent(state.hash(), stateDefaultActionValues);
30 | this.qTable.putIfAbsent(newState.hash(), newStateDefaultActionValues);
31 |
32 | // Perform update
33 | Double Qnext = this.maxActionValue(newState);
34 | Double newActionValue = this.qFunction(state, action) + this.alpha * (reward + this.gamma * Qnext - this.qFunction(state, action));
35 | this.qTable.get(state.hash()).set(action, newActionValue);
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 | // Initialize eligibility trace if it is non-existing or empty
40 |
41 | // If
42 |
43 | // Add current state, action, reward to eligibility trace
44 |
45 | // If terminal state update all states in eligibility trace
46 | }
47 | public void setHyperparameters(StrategyParameters properties) {
48 | super.setHyperparameters(properties);
49 | this.lambda = properties.getValueAsDouble("lambda");
50 | }
51 | }