1 | package uva.projectai.y2018.jasparon;
2 |
3 | import genius.core.boaframework.NegotiationSession;
4 | import genius.core.boaframework.OpponentModel;
5 |
6 | import java.util.ArrayList;
7 | import java.util.Collections;
8 | import java.util.HashMap;
9 | import java.util.List;
10 |
11 | public class PriorBeliefQlearningStrategy extends QlearningStrategy {
12 |
13 | public PriorBeliefQlearningStrategy(NegotiationSession negotiationSession, OpponentModel opponentModel) {
14 | super(negotiationSession, opponentModel);
15 | }
16 |
17 | @Override
18 | protected void initQTable() {
19 | this.qTable = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>();
20 |
21 | ArrayList<Double> initialBelief = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(this.state.getActionSize(), 0.0));
22 | initialBelief.set(this.state.getActionSize() - 1, 1.0);
23 |
24 | // Initial state has different action space
25 | this.qTable.putIfAbsent(this.state.hash(), initialBelief);
26 | }
27 |
28 | @Override
29 | public String getName() {
30 | return "Inverted Q-offering";
31 | }
32 |
33 | /**
34 | * This is the general action function for the RL-agent. We determine a bin by either
35 | * moving up (retracting offer), doing nothing or moving down (conceding offer).
36 | * @param currentBin
37 | * @return
38 | */
39 | @Override
40 | protected int determineTargetBin(int currentBin) {
41 | int targetBin = currentBin;
42 | ArrayList<Double> defaultActionValues = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(this.state.getActionSize(), 1.0));
43 |
44 | List<Double> qValues = this.qTable.getOrDefault(this.state.hash(), defaultActionValues);
45 | int action = this.epsilonGreedy(qValues);
46 | this.actions.add(action);
47 |
48 | // Apply action current bin (ie. move up, down or stay)
49 | switch (action) {
50 | case 0: targetBin--;
51 | break;
52 | case 1: targetBin++;
53 | break;
54 | case 2: break;
55 | }
56 |
57 | System.out.println("Reactive bid:");
58 | System.out.println(action);
59 |
60 | // Can't go out of bounds
61 | // TODO: Discuss impact on learning algorithm
62 | targetBin = Math.min(targetBin, this.getNBins() - 1);
63 | targetBin = Math.max(targetBin, 0);
64 |
65 | return targetBin;
66 |
67 |
68 | }
69 |
70 | @Override
71 | protected int determineOpeningBin() {
72 | ArrayList<Double> defaultInitialActionValues = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(this.state.getActionSize(), 1.0));
73 | List<Double> qValues = this.qTable.getOrDefault(this.state.hash(), defaultInitialActionValues);
74 | int action = this.epsilonGreedy(qValues);
75 | this.actions.add(action);
76 |
77 | System.out.println("Opening bid:");
78 | System.out.println(action);
79 |
80 | return action;
81 | }
82 |
83 | @Override
84 | protected void updateQFuction(State state, int action, double reward, State newState) {
85 | // initialize state if it is new
86 |
87 | // If agent hasn't done a opening bid, initialize action values to number of bins, otherwise
88 | // just 3 values (up/down/nothing).
89 | ArrayList<Double> stateDefaultActionValues = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(state.getActionSize(), 0.0));
90 | ArrayList<Double> newStateDefaultActionValues = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(newState.getActionSize(), 1.0));
91 |
92 | if (state.getActionSize() == this.getNBins()) {
93 | stateDefaultActionValues.set(state.getActionSize() - 1, 1.0);
94 | }
95 | if (newState.getActionSize() == this.getNBins()) {
96 | newStateDefaultActionValues.set(newState.getActionSize() - 1, 1.0);
97 | }
98 |
99 | // Make entries in qTable if they don't exist yet
100 | this.qTable.putIfAbsent(state.hash(), stateDefaultActionValues);
101 | this.qTable.putIfAbsent(newState.hash(), newStateDefaultActionValues);
102 |
103 | // Perform update
104 | Double Qnext = this.maxActionValue(newState);
105 | Double newActionValue = this.qFunction(state, action) + this.alpha * (reward + this.gamma * Qnext - this.qFunction(state, action));
106 | this.qTable.get(state.hash()).set(action, newActionValue);
107 | }
108 | }
109 |