1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group9;
2 |
3 | import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
4 | import java.util.ArrayList;
5 | import java.util.HashMap;
6 | import java.util.List;
7 | import java.util.Map;
8 | import java.util.Map.Entry;
9 |
10 | import genius.core.Bid;
11 | import genius.core.BidHistory;
12 | import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails;
13 | import genius.core.boaframework.SortedOutcomeSpace;
14 | import genius.core.misc.Range;
15 | import genius.core.timeline.TimeLineInfo;
16 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
17 |
18 | import java.util.Random;
19 |
20 | public class BiddingStrat {
21 | private AdditiveUtilitySpace ourUtility;
22 | private SortedOutcomeSpace sortedSpace;
23 | private Bid ourPreviousBid;
24 | private boolean gahboninhoConcReactionDet;
25 | private boolean gahboninhoSelfishReactionDet;
26 | private HashMap<Object, Double> selfishnessAgainstConceding;
27 | private HashMap<Object, Double> selfishnessAgainstHardhead;
28 | private boolean hardHeadGahboninho;// learned concession strategy for
29 | // Gahboninho, true=hardheaded,
30 | // false=slow concession
31 | private Random rand;
32 | private double gahboninoConcActualDeadline;
33 |
34 | public BiddingStrat(AdditiveUtilitySpace ownUtility) {
35 | ourUtility = ownUtility;
36 | sortedSpace = new SortedOutcomeSpace(ourUtility);
37 | ourPreviousBid = sortedSpace.getMaxBidPossible().getBid();
38 | gahboninhoConcReactionDet = false;
39 | gahboninhoSelfishReactionDet = false;
40 | hardHeadGahboninho = true;
41 | rand = new Random(1);// Constant seed doesn't matter, not like the
42 | // opponents will try to predict our bids in
43 | // that way
44 | gahboninoConcActualDeadline = 0;
45 | }
46 |
47 | // This is called every time an actions needs to be chosen to generate our
48 | // candidate bid
49 | public Bid createBid(HashMap<Object, BidHistory> previousBids,
50 | HashMap<Object, AdditiveUtilitySpace> opponentUtilities,
51 | TimeLineInfo timeLine) {
52 | ourPreviousBid = getGahboninhoBid(previousBids, opponentUtilities,
53 | timeLine);
54 | return ourPreviousBid;
55 | }
56 |
57 | // Simple get the best bid method to use when exceptions are thrown in
58 | // making a real bid
59 | public Bid getBestBid() {
60 | return sortedSpace.getMaxBidPossible().getBid();
61 | }
62 |
63 | // Very simple Gahbonino inspired tactic, checks how much the opponents are
64 | // conceding, if they are both conceding already don't concede at all, if
65 | // they aren't concede a little bit
66 | // It's basically boulware against a hardliner and hardliner against
67 | // concession agents
68 | private Bid getGahboninhoBid(HashMap<Object, BidHistory> previousBids,
69 | HashMap<Object, AdditiveUtilitySpace> opponentUtilities,
70 | TimeLineInfo timeLine) {
71 | // Parameters
72 | final double concessionDeadline = 0.05;
73 | final double concessionGoal = 0.9;
74 | final double selfishnessDeadline = 0.05;
75 | final double hardheadMinimumUtility = 0.85;
76 | final double nonHardHeadFinalGoal = 0.65;
77 | final double nonHardHeadStart = 0.85;
78 | final double eps = 0.05;
79 | final double rangeSize = 0.4;
80 | double t = timeLine.getTime();
81 | if (t < concessionDeadline) {// Concession stage
82 | return sortedSpace.getBidNearUtility(
83 | 1 - (1 - concessionGoal) * (t / concessionDeadline))
84 | .getBid();// Concede linearly to concessionGoal to see how
85 | // opponents react to conceders
86 | } else if (t < (concessionDeadline + selfishnessDeadline)) {// Selfishness
87 | // stage
88 | if (!gahboninhoConcReactionDet) {
89 | gahboninhoConcReactionDet = true;
90 | gahboninoConcActualDeadline = timeLine.getCurrentTime();
91 | selfishnessAgainstConceding = computeSelfishness(previousBids,
92 | 0, gahboninoConcActualDeadline);
93 | }
94 | return ourPreviousBid;// Don't concede to see how the opponents
95 | // react to selfishness
96 | } else {// now after selfishnessDeadline+concessionDeadline with
97 | // knowledge of how opponent reacts decide strategy
98 | if (!gahboninhoSelfishReactionDet) {
99 | gahboninhoSelfishReactionDet = true;
100 | selfishnessAgainstHardhead = computeSelfishness(previousBids,
101 | gahboninoConcActualDeadline, timeLine.getCurrentTime());
102 | hardHeadGahboninho = determineGahbinoStrategy(
103 | selfishnessAgainstConceding, selfishnessAgainstHardhead);
104 | }
105 | if (hardHeadGahboninho) {
106 | return getBidFromTargetRange(new Range(hardheadMinimumUtility,
107 | 1), opponentUtilities);// Get the bid rated best with
108 | // utility above
109 | // hardheadMinimumUtility
110 | } else {
111 | double lowerbound = nonHardHeadStart
112 | - (nonHardHeadStart - nonHardHeadFinalGoal)
113 | * (Math.pow(t, (1 / eps)));
114 | return getBidFromTargetRange(
115 | new Range(lowerbound, Math.min(lowerbound + rangeSize,
116 | 1)), opponentUtilities);// Get the bid rated
117 | // best with utility
118 | // above
119 | // hardheadMinimumUtility
120 | }
121 | }
122 | }
123 |
124 | // Compute variance of our utility for bids in certain timeframe, used as a
125 | // measure of selfishness against our current tactic
126 | private HashMap<Object, Double> computeSelfishness(
127 | HashMap<Object, BidHistory> previousBids, double startTime,
128 | double endTime) {
129 | HashMap<Object, Double> selfishMap = new HashMap<Object, Double>();
130 | for (Map.Entry<Object, BidHistory> entry : previousBids.entrySet()) {
131 | Object key = entry.getKey();
132 | double avUtil = entry.getValue()
133 | .filterBetweenTime(startTime, endTime).getAverageUtility();
134 | double sampleVar = 0;
135 | List<BidDetails> history = entry.getValue()
136 | .filterBetweenTime(startTime, endTime).getHistory();
137 | for (BidDetails detail : history) {
138 | sampleVar = sampleVar
139 | + Math.pow((detail.getMyUndiscountedUtil() - avUtil),
140 | 2.0);
141 | }
142 | sampleVar = sampleVar / history.size();
143 | selfishMap.put(key, sampleVar);
144 | }
145 | return selfishMap;
146 | }
147 |
148 | // Determine the optimal strategy against current estimated opponent
149 | // strategies
150 | private boolean determineGahbinoStrategy(
151 | HashMap<Object, Double> varianceVSConceding,
152 | HashMap<Object, Double> varianceVSHardhead) {
153 | final double hardheadLimit = 0.001;// Variance below which opponent is
154 | // considered hardhead
155 | final double concederLimit = 0.001;// Variance above which opponent is
156 | // considered conceding
157 | boolean competitiveFound = false;// Currently not used
158 | for (Map.Entry<Object, Double> entry : varianceVSConceding.entrySet()) {
159 | Object key = entry.getKey();
160 | double varianceConceding = entry.getValue();
161 | double varianceHardhead = varianceVSHardhead.get(key);
162 | System.out.println("varConc:=" + varianceConceding);
163 | System.out.println("varHardhead:=" + varianceConceding);
164 | if (varianceHardhead > concederLimit) {// The opponent concedes to
165 | // hardliners
166 | return true;// Abuse the conceder (or inverter) by hardlining
167 | } else if ((varianceHardhead < hardheadLimit)
168 | & (varianceConceding < hardheadLimit)) {
169 | return false;// If any opponent is using a competitive strategy
170 | // store this information to use slow conceder
171 | // unless someone else is already conceding
172 | } else if ((varianceHardhead < hardheadLimit)
173 | & (varianceConceding > concederLimit)) {
174 | return false;// If any opponent is matching go for concession
175 | // strategy to cooperate
176 | }
177 | }
178 | return false;// If all opponents are competitive go for slow concessions
179 | }
180 |
181 | // Find set of bids the opponents would most prefer out of the bids in our
182 | // target utility range
183 | private Bid getBidFromTargetRange(Range bidRange,
184 | HashMap<Object, AdditiveUtilitySpace> opponentUtilities) {
185 | final int numberBidsConsider = 3;
186 | List<Entry<Bid, Double>> consideredBids = new ArrayList<Entry<Bid, Double>>();
187 | List<BidDetails> possibleBids = sortedSpace.getBidsinRange(bidRange);
188 | if (possibleBids.isEmpty()) {// Incase something with the range went
189 | // wrong
190 | return sortedSpace.getMaxBidPossible().getBid();
191 | }
192 |
193 | for (BidDetails candidate : possibleBids) {
194 | double opponentUtilMult = 1;
195 | for (AdditiveUtilitySpace opponentSpace : opponentUtilities.values()) {
196 | try {
197 | opponentUtilMult = opponentUtilMult
198 | * opponentSpace.getUtility(candidate.getBid());
199 | } catch (Exception e) {
200 | opponentUtilMult = 0;
201 | }
202 | }
203 | for (int i = 0; i < numberBidsConsider; i++) {
204 | if ((consideredBids.size() < (i + 1))
205 | || (consideredBids.get(i).getValue() < opponentUtilMult)) {
206 | consideredBids.add(i, new SimpleEntry<Bid, Double>(
207 | candidate.getBid(), opponentUtilMult));
208 | break;
209 | }
210 | }
211 | if (consideredBids.size() > numberBidsConsider) {
212 | consideredBids.remove(numberBidsConsider);
213 | }
214 | }
215 | if (consideredBids.size() > 0) {
216 | int randomNum = rand.nextInt(consideredBids.size());
217 | return consideredBids.get(randomNum).getKey();
218 | } else {
219 | return sortedSpace.getMaxBidPossible().getBid();// Just in case
220 | // something went
221 | // wrong in making
222 | // the bids
223 | }
224 | }
225 |
226 | }