1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group4;
2 |
3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
4 | import java.util.HashMap;
5 | import java.util.Map;
6 |
7 | import genius.core.Bid;
8 | import genius.core.Domain;
9 | import genius.core.issue.Issue;
10 | import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete;
11 | import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete;
12 |
13 | /**
14 | * Opponent modeling using frequency analysis heuristic
15 | *
16 | */
17 | public class Group4OpponentModel {
18 | private Map<IssueDiscrete, Map<ValueDiscrete, Integer>> issueValueCount;
19 | private Map<IssueDiscrete, Double> weights;
20 |
21 | public Group4OpponentModel(Domain domain) {
22 | issueValueCount = new HashMap<>();
23 | weights = new HashMap<>();
24 | for (Issue issue : domain.getIssues()) {
25 | IssueDiscrete issueDiscrete = (IssueDiscrete) issue;
26 | issueValueCount.put(issueDiscrete,
27 | new HashMap<ValueDiscrete, Integer>());
28 | // let each value be 1 at first
29 | for (ValueDiscrete value : issueDiscrete.getValues()) {
30 | issueValueCount.get(issueDiscrete).put(value, 1);
31 | }
32 | // initiate the weights
33 | weights.put(issueDiscrete, 1.0 / domain.getIssues().size());
34 | }
35 | }
36 |
37 | /**
38 | * Evaluates the predicted utility of a given bid, using the information
39 | * provided thus far.
40 | *
41 | * @param bid
42 | * the bid to be evaluated
43 | * @return a value from 0.0 to 1.0 giving the predicted utility of the bid
44 | */
45 | public double evaluateBid(Bid bid) {
46 | double utility = 0.0;
47 |
48 | // update the weights
49 | // weights = computeWeights();
50 |
51 | try {
52 | for (Issue issueRaw : bid.getIssues()) {
53 | double maxValue = 0;
54 | ValueDiscrete value = (ValueDiscrete) bid.getValue(issueRaw
55 | .getNumber());
56 | IssueDiscrete issue = (IssueDiscrete) issueRaw;
57 |
58 | double issueWeight = weights.get(issue);
59 | double issueValue = ((double) issueValueCount.get(issue).get(
60 | value));
61 |
62 | // add 1 to the current value
63 | // issueValueCount.get(issue).put(value, (int) ((issueValue +
64 | // 1)));
65 |
66 | // normalize the value to make the max of the value equals 1
67 | for (ValueDiscrete eachValue : issue.getValues()) {
68 | double tempValue = ((double) issueValueCount.get(issue)
69 | .get(eachValue));
70 | if (tempValue > maxValue)
71 | maxValue = tempValue;
72 | }
73 |
74 | // update and normalize the value to make the max of the value
75 | // equals 1
76 | // to keep track of the history, only the value that is going to
77 | // be computed
78 | // in the utility is normalized
79 | issueValue /= maxValue;
80 |
81 | // compute the utility
82 | utility += issueWeight * issueValue;
83 | }
84 | } catch (Exception e) {
85 | e.printStackTrace();
86 | }
87 |
88 | return utility;
89 | }
90 |
91 | public void UpdateOpponentModel(ArrayList<Bid> historicalBid) {
92 | if (historicalBid.size() > 1) {
93 | computeWeights(historicalBid.get(historicalBid.size() - 2),
94 | historicalBid.get(historicalBid.size() - 1));
95 | }
96 | if (historicalBid.size() > 0) {
97 | computeValueCounts(historicalBid.get(historicalBid.size() - 1));
98 | for (Issue issueRaw : historicalBid.get(historicalBid.size() - 1)
99 | .getIssues()) {
100 | IssueDiscrete issueDiscrete = (IssueDiscrete) issueRaw;
101 | System.out.println(issueRaw.getName() + ": "
102 | + weights.get(issueRaw));
103 | for (ValueDiscrete value : issueDiscrete.getValues()) {
104 | System.out.println(value.getValue() + ": "
105 | + issueValueCount.get(issueDiscrete).get(value));
106 | }
107 | }
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | /**
112 | * Given the current data about the opponent, return the predicted weight
113 | * for each issue. If the opponent suggests many different values for that
114 | * issue, we assume that it is unimportant for it.
115 | *
116 | * @return a map of issues to their respective weights, normalized such that
117 | * the sum of the weights is 1.0
118 | */
119 | private void computeWeights(Bid lastBid, Bid currentBid) {
120 | try {
121 | int count = 0;
122 | ArrayList<Double> weight_Temp = new ArrayList<Double>();
123 | // Map<IssueDiscrete, Double> weights = new HashMap<>();
124 | for (Issue issueRaw : lastBid.getIssues()) {
125 | // ValueDiscrete lastBidValue = (ValueDiscrete)
126 | // lastBid.getValue(issueRaw.getNumber());
127 | // ValueDiscrete currentBidValue = (ValueDiscrete)
128 | // currentBid.getValue(issueRaw.getNumber());
129 | if (lastBid.getValue(issueRaw.getNumber()).equals(
130 | currentBid.getValue(issueRaw.getNumber()))) {
131 | weight_Temp.add(weights.get(issueRaw) + 0.1);
132 | count++;
133 | } else {
134 | weight_Temp.add(weights.get(issueRaw));
135 | }
136 | /*
137 | * double variance = computeVariance(issue); weights.put(issue,
138 | * 1.0/variance);
139 | */
140 | }
141 | for (Issue issueRaw : lastBid.getIssues()) {
142 | weights.put((IssueDiscrete) issueRaw,
143 | weight_Temp.get(issueRaw.getNumber() - 1)
144 | / (1 + 0.1 * count));
145 | }
146 | } catch (Exception e) {
147 | e.printStackTrace();
148 | }
149 |
150 | // Normalize weights: make them sum to 1.0
151 | // double sum = weights.values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum);
152 | // weights.forEach((k, v) -> weights.put(k, v / sum));
153 | }
154 |
155 | private void computeValueCounts(Bid bid) {
156 | try {
157 | for (Issue issueRaw : bid.getIssues()) {
158 | ValueDiscrete bidValue = (ValueDiscrete) bid.getValue(issueRaw
159 | .getNumber());
160 | int count = issueValueCount.get(issueRaw).get(bidValue);
161 | issueValueCount.get(issueRaw).put(bidValue, count + 1);
162 | }
163 | } catch (Exception e) {
164 | e.printStackTrace();
165 | }
166 | }
167 |
168 | /*
169 | * private double computeVariance(IssueDiscrete issue){ double variance =
170 | * 0.0; List<Integer> counts = new
171 | * ArrayList<>(issueValueCount.get(issue).values()); int max =
172 | * counts.stream().max(Integer::compare).get(); List<Double> weightedCounts
173 | * = counts.stream() .mapToDouble(i -> (((double) i) / max)).boxed()
174 | * .collect(Collectors.toList());
175 | *
176 | * double avg = weightedCounts.stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum) /
177 | * weightedCounts.size(); double variance = weightedCounts.stream()
178 | * .mapToDouble(d -> (d - avg) * (d - avg)).sum() / weightedCounts.size();
179 | * return variance; }
180 | */
181 |
182 | } |