1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group3;
2 |
3 | import java.util.List;
4 |
5 | import java.util.ArrayList;
6 | import java.util.Arrays;
7 |
8 | import genius.core.AgentID;
9 | import genius.core.Bid;
10 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
11 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
12 | import genius.core.actions.ActionWithBid;
13 | import genius.core.actions.DefaultAction;
14 | import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
15 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
16 | import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails;
17 | import genius.core.boaframework.OutcomeSpace;
18 | import genius.core.boaframework.SortedOutcomeSpace;
19 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
20 | import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
21 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
22 |
23 | /**
24 | * This is your negotiation party.
25 | */
26 | public class Group3 extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
27 | private double alfa;
28 | private double beta;
29 |
30 | private double MIN_BID_UTILITY;
31 | private double LEARNING_TIME;
32 | private SortedOutcomeSpace sortedBids;
33 | private OutcomeSpace space;
34 |
35 | private double opponentWeights[];
36 | private double WEIGHT_PARAMETER = 0.1;
37 |
38 | private List<Action> opponentActions;
39 | private Bid previousBidOpponent;
40 | private double HIGH_WEIGHT;
41 | private int HAMMING_THRESHOLD;
42 |
43 | private List<Double> opponentUtils = new ArrayList<Double>();
44 | private double ACCEPTANCE_THRESHOLD;
45 |
46 | private int roundsCounter;
47 |
48 | public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action action) {
49 | super.receiveMessage(sender, action);
50 | this.opponentActions.add(action);
51 | }
52 |
53 | public String getDescription() {
54 | return "Group 3.oct-19-4.2";
55 | }
56 |
57 | @Override
58 | public void init(NegotiationInfo info) {
59 | super.init(info);
60 | System.out.println("\n");
61 | System.out.println("####### STARTING SESSION #########");
62 | System.out.println("Initializing Agent");
63 |
64 | this.space = new OutcomeSpace(getUtilitySpace());
65 | sortedBids = new SortedOutcomeSpace(getUtilitySpace());
66 | this.opponentActions = new ArrayList<Action>();
67 |
68 | super.timeline = timeline;
69 | super.utilitySpace = getUtilitySpace();
70 |
71 | this.LEARNING_TIME = 0.1 * info.getDeadline().getValue();
72 | this.HAMMING_THRESHOLD = 3;
73 | this.HIGH_WEIGHT = 0.15;
74 | this.ACCEPTANCE_THRESHOLD = 0.75;
75 |
76 | this.alfa = 0.05;
77 | this.beta = -Math.log(alfa) / info.getDeadline().getValue();
78 | this.MIN_BID_UTILITY = 0.8;
79 |
80 | opponentWeights = new double[getUtilitySpace().getDomain().getIssues().size()];
81 | this.previousBidOpponent = null;
82 |
83 | for (int i = 0; i < getUtilitySpace().getDomain().getIssues().size(); i++)
84 | opponentWeights[i] = 1 / (double) (getUtilitySpace().getDomain().getIssues().size());
85 |
86 | roundsCounter = 0;
87 |
88 | System.out.println("Initialization Completed!");
89 | System.out.println("Opponent Model: " + Arrays.toString(opponentWeights));
90 | }
91 |
92 | /**
93 |
94 | */
95 | @Override
96 | public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> validActions) {
97 | Action action = null;
98 | Action lastBidResponse = null;
99 | Bid nextBid = null;
100 |
101 | double opponentUtility, myUtility;
102 |
103 | System.out.println("\nROUND #" + roundsCounter++);
104 |
105 | if (opponentActions.isEmpty())
106 | return new Offer(getPartyId(), getNextBid(null));
107 |
108 | try {
109 | lastBidResponse = opponentActions.get(0);
110 |
111 | Bid toBeAccepted = DefaultAction.getBidFromAction(opponentActions.get(opponentActions.size() - 1));
112 |
113 | Bid toBeModeled = DefaultAction.getBidFromAction(lastBidResponse);
114 |
115 | /* First we update the model of our opponent */
116 | if (lastBidResponse instanceof Offer)
117 | opponentWeights = this.updateModel(toBeModeled, opponentWeights);
118 |
119 | if (lastBidResponse instanceof Accept) {
120 | System.out.println("Reoffering previous Bid:");
121 |
122 | toBeModeled = this.previousBidOpponent;
123 | }
124 |
125 | System.out.println("Opponent Model: " + Arrays.toString(opponentWeights));
126 |
127 | /*
128 | * Second, we choose the next bid wrt the preferences of the next
129 | * opponent
130 | */
131 | nextBid = this.getNextBid(toBeModeled);
132 |
133 | /* Last, we decide whether to accept the last bid or propose ours */
134 | myUtility = getUtility(nextBid);
135 | opponentUtility = getUtility(toBeAccepted);
136 |
137 | if (isAcceptable(opponentUtility, myUtility)) {
138 | System.out.println("Accepting Bid with utility: " + opponentUtility);
139 | System.out.println(toBeAccepted.toString());
140 | action = new Accept(getPartyId(), ((ActionWithBid) getLastReceivedAction()).getBid());
141 | } else
142 | action = new Offer(getPartyId(), nextBid);
143 |
144 | /* Update parameters */
145 | opponentUtils.add(opponentUtility);
146 |
147 | this.previousBidOpponent = toBeModeled;
148 | } catch (Exception e) {
149 | System.out.println("CHOOSE ACTION");
150 | e.printStackTrace();
151 | System.out.println("List of opponent actions:\n" + opponentActions.toString());
152 | action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
153 | }
154 |
155 | this.opponentActions.clear();
156 |
157 | return action;
158 | }
159 |
160 | /************************
162 | ****************************************/
163 |
164 | // ACcombi(T, MAXw)
165 | private boolean isAcceptable(double offeredUtilFromOpponent, double myOfferedUtil) {
166 | double time = timeline.getCurrentTime();
167 | double timeThreshold = ACCEPTANCE_THRESHOLD * getDeadlines().getValue();
168 |
169 | // ACnext
170 | if (offeredUtilFromOpponent > myOfferedUtil)
171 | return true;
172 |
173 | // ACtime
174 | if (time > timeThreshold) {
175 | // ACmaxW
176 | if (offeredUtilFromOpponent > getMaxValue(opponentUtils))
177 | return true;
178 | }
179 |
180 | return false;
181 | }
182 |
183 | public double getMaxValue(List<Double> values) {
184 | double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
185 |
186 | try {
187 | for (Double d : values) {
188 | if (d > maxValue) {
189 | maxValue = d;
190 | }
191 | }
192 | } catch (Exception e) {
193 | System.out.println("GETMAXVALUE");
194 | e.printStackTrace();
195 | }
196 |
197 | return maxValue;
198 | }
199 |
200 | /************************
202 | ****************************************/
203 | private boolean compareValues(Value v1, Value v2) {
204 | String v1Str = v1.toString();
205 | String v2Str = v2.toString();
206 |
207 | return v1Str.equals(v2Str);
208 | }
209 |
210 | private int computeHammingDistance(Bid b1, Bid b2) {
211 | int nIssues = b1.getIssues().size();
212 | int distance = 0;
213 |
214 | /*
215 | * IF issues are different IF weight for that issue is small distance =
216 | * 1 ELSE distance = 2
217 | */
218 |
219 | for (int i = 1; i <= nIssues; i++) {
220 | try {
221 | if (!compareValues(b1.getValue(i), b2.getValue(i)))
222 | distance += opponentWeights[i - 1] > HIGH_WEIGHT ? 2 : 1;
223 | } catch (Exception e) {
224 | System.out.println("HAMMING");
225 | e.printStackTrace();
226 | }
227 | }
228 |
229 | return distance;
230 | }
231 |
232 | private Bid getNextBid(Bid opponent) {
233 | double time = timeline.getCurrentTime();
234 | double targetUtility;
235 |
236 | if (opponent == null) {
237 | System.out.println("No previous bids to evaluate.");
238 | return space.getMaxBidPossible().getBid();
239 | }
240 |
241 | List<BidDetails> allBids = this.sortedBids.getAllOutcomes();// space.getAllOutcomes();
242 |
243 | double maxUtility = 0;
244 | Bid maxUtilityBid = null;
245 |
246 | if (time < LEARNING_TIME) {
247 | System.out.println("Learning period: bidding max.");
248 | return space.getMaxBidPossible().getBid();
249 | }
250 |
251 | for (java.util.Iterator<BidDetails> i = allBids.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
252 | Bid bid = i.next().getBid();
253 |
254 | if (getUtility(bid) < MIN_BID_UTILITY)
255 | break;
256 |
257 | if (computeHammingDistance(opponent, bid) < HAMMING_THRESHOLD)
258 |
259 | if (getUtility(bid) > maxUtility) {
260 | maxUtility = getUtility(bid);
261 | maxUtilityBid = bid;
262 | }
263 | }
264 |
265 | if (maxUtility > MIN_BID_UTILITY) {
266 | System.out.println("Hamming Utility: " + maxUtility);
267 | return maxUtilityBid;
268 | }
269 |
270 | targetUtility = 1 - alfa * Math.exp(beta * (time - LEARNING_TIME));
271 |
272 | System.out.println("Exponential decay: " + targetUtility);
273 |
274 | if (targetUtility < MIN_BID_UTILITY) {
275 | System.out.println("Lower threshold reached.");
276 | targetUtility = MIN_BID_UTILITY;
277 | }
278 |
279 | return sortedBids.getBidNearUtility(targetUtility).getBid();
280 | }
281 |
283 | private double[] updateModel(Bid newBid, double[] currentWeights) {
284 | double sum = 0;
285 |
286 | if (previousBidOpponent == null)
287 | return currentWeights;
288 |
289 | for (int i = 1; i <= newBid.getIssues().size(); i++) {
290 | try {
291 | if (newBid.getValue(i) == previousBidOpponent.getValue(i))
292 | currentWeights[i - 1] += WEIGHT_PARAMETER;
293 |
294 | sum += currentWeights[i - 1];
295 | } catch (Exception e) {
296 | System.out.println("UPDATE 1");
297 | e.printStackTrace();
298 | }
299 | }
300 |
301 | try {
302 | for (int i = 0; i < newBid.getIssues().size(); i++)
303 | currentWeights[i] = currentWeights[i] / sum;
304 | } catch (Exception e) {
305 | System.out.println("UPDATE 2");
306 | e.printStackTrace();
307 | }
308 |
309 | return currentWeights;
310 | }
311 |
312 | }