1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group13;
2 |
3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
4 | import java.util.Collections;
5 | import java.util.Comparator;
6 | import java.util.HashMap;
7 | import java.util.Iterator;
8 | import java.util.LinkedList;
9 | import java.util.List;
10 | import java.util.Map.Entry;
11 |
12 | import genius.core.AgentID;
13 | import genius.core.Bid;
14 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
15 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
16 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
17 | import genius.core.issue.Issue;
18 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
19 | import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
20 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
21 |
22 | /**
23 | * Multipary negotiator which tries to find bids that the opponent would accept,
24 | * but will still satisfy it's own utility requirements
25 | *
26 | */
27 | public class USBNAT extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
28 |
29 | HashMap<Object, FrequencyOpponentModel> opponents = new HashMap();
30 | HashMap<Object, ArrayList<Bid>> accepts = new HashMap();
31 | HashMap<Object, LinkedList<Bid>> rejects = new HashMap();
32 | Bid lastBid = null;
33 | double n = 0.1; // n for the frequency model
34 | ArrayList<Bid> allBids = null; // all possible bids (sorted on our utility)
35 |
36 | private double absoluteMinimum = 1;
37 | private final double tries = 10;// Sine periods
38 | private final double momentum = 0.05;
39 | private final double start = 0.6; // When we start negotiating
40 | private final int rejectsSize = 10;
41 |
42 | private int rounds = 0; // current round
43 | private boolean even = false; // used for giving max bids per 2 rounds
44 |
45 | private final int panic = 5; // How many rounds left till we start to panic
46 |
47 | @Override
48 | public void init(NegotiationInfo info) {
49 | super.init(info);
50 |
51 | absoluteMinimum = Math.max(0.05, utilitySpace.getReservationValueUndiscounted());
52 |
53 | allBids = generateAllBids();
54 | }
55 |
56 | /**
57 | * Utility function Combination of a line from 1 to absolute minimum and a
58 | * sine
59 | *
60 | * @param t
61 | * current time (from 0 to 1)
62 | * @return The minimum utility we should go for at this time (ignoring other
63 | * agents)
64 | */
65 | private double getMinUtility(double t) {
66 | double sin = Math.sin(tries * 2 * Math.PI * t + 1.5 * Math.PI);
67 | double half = (1 - absoluteMinimum) / 2 + absoluteMinimum;
68 | double dist = 1 - half;
69 | return 0.7 * (1 - (1 - absoluteMinimum) * t) + 0.3 * (half + dist * sin);
70 | }
71 |
72 | /**
73 | * @return For each opponent, the minimum utility we expect he would accept
74 | */
75 | private HashMap<Object, Double> getMinUtils() {
76 | HashMap<Object, Double> ret = new HashMap(accepts.size());
77 |
78 | for (Entry<Object, ArrayList<Bid>> entry : accepts.entrySet()) {
79 | ArrayList<Bid> acc = entry.getValue();
80 | FrequencyOpponentModel model = opponents.get(entry.getKey());
81 | double min = 1;
82 |
83 | for (Bid b : acc) {
84 | double util = model.estimateUtility(b);
85 |
86 | if (util < min) {
87 | min = util;
88 | }
89 | }
90 |
91 | double maxRejected = 0;
92 |
93 | for (Bid rejected : rejects.get(entry.getKey())) {
94 | double util = model.estimateUtility(rejected);
95 |
96 | if (util > maxRejected) {
97 | maxRejected = util;
98 | }
99 | }
100 |
101 | ret.put(entry.getKey(), Math.max(min, maxRejected + momentum));
102 | }
103 |
104 | return ret;
105 | }
106 |
107 | /**
108 | *
109 | * @param b
110 | * a bid
111 | * @param minUtils
112 | * a hashmap generated by getMinUtils
113 | * @return true iff we expect every other agent would accept this bid
114 | */
115 | private boolean isAcceptable(Bid b, HashMap<Object, Double> minUtils) {
116 | for (Entry<Object, Double> entry : minUtils.entrySet()) {
117 | if (opponents.get(entry.getKey()).estimateUtility(b) < entry.getValue()) {
118 | return false;
119 | }
120 | }
121 |
122 | return true;
123 | }
124 |
125 | /**
126 | * Generates the Best Acceptable Bid
127 | *
128 | * @param minUtils
129 | * generated by getMinUtils
130 | * @param myMin
131 | * own minimum utility
132 | * @return The bid that maximizes our utility, but still would get accepted
133 | * by the other agents and has an utility (for us) of more than
134 | * myMin. Null if this bid does not exist.
135 | */
136 | private Bid generateBAB(HashMap<Object, Double> minUtils, double myMin) {
137 | Iterator<Bid> it = allBids.iterator();
138 |
139 | while (it.hasNext()) {
140 | Bid b = it.next();
141 |
142 | if (!rejected(b)) {
143 | if (myMin > getUtility(b)) {
144 | return null;
145 | }
146 |
147 | if (isAcceptable(b, minUtils)) {
148 | return b;
149 | }
150 | }
151 | }
152 |
153 | return null;
154 | }
155 |
156 | // Max Bid over Minimum
157 | /**
158 | * Generated the Maximum Bid over Minimum
159 | *
160 | * @param minUtility
161 | * our minimum utility
162 | * @return A bid that maximizes the (minimum) utility of the other agents
163 | * but still statisfies out minimum utility
164 | */
165 | private Bid generateMBM(double minUtility) {
166 | double max = 0;
167 | Bid bestBid = allBids.get(0);
168 |
169 | for (Bid b : allBids) {
170 | if (getUtility(b) >= minUtility && !rejected(b)) {
171 | double min = 1;
172 |
173 | for (FrequencyOpponentModel model : opponents.values()) {
174 | double util = model.estimateUtility(b);
175 |
176 | if (util < min) {
177 | min = util;
178 | }
179 | }
180 |
181 | if (bestBid == null || max < min) {
182 | max = min;
183 | bestBid = b;
184 | }
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | return bestBid;
189 | }
190 |
191 | /**
192 | * Generate a bid using the info about our opponents
193 | *
194 | * @return the bid
195 | */
196 | private Bid generateBidJ() {
197 | double time = getTimeLine().getTime();
198 |
199 | if (time < start) {
200 | return allBids.get(0);
201 | }
202 |
203 | HashMap<Object, Double> minUtils = getMinUtils();
204 | double max = 0;
205 |
206 | for (Double util : minUtils.values()) {
207 | if (util > max) {
208 | max = util;
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | double minUtility = Math.max(max - momentum, getMinUtility((time - start) / (1 - start)));
213 |
214 | Bid b = generateBAB(minUtils, minUtility);
215 |
216 | if (b != null) {
217 | return b;
218 | } else {
219 | return generateMBM(minUtility);
220 | }
221 | }
222 |
223 | /**
224 | * Find maximum utility Nash Equilibrium
225 | *
226 | * @return nash bid
227 | */
228 | public Bid getNash() {
229 | double nash = -1;
230 | Bid ret = null;
231 | for (Bid option : allBids) {
232 | double nashv = getUtility(option);
233 | for (Entry<Object, FrequencyOpponentModel> entry : opponents.entrySet()) {
234 | nashv = nashv * entry.getValue().estimateUtility(option);
235 | }
236 | if (nashv > nash) {
237 | nash = nashv;
238 | ret = option;
239 | }
240 |
241 | }
242 | return ret;
243 | }
244 |
245 | /**
246 | * @return maximum utility bid that everyone else has already accepted
247 | */
248 | private Bid findMaxAccepted() {
249 | double max = 0;
250 | Bid ret = null;
251 |
252 | for (Bid b : allBids) {
253 | if (!rejected(b)) {
254 | double util = getUtility(b);
255 |
256 | if (util > max) {
257 | max = util;
258 | ret = b;
259 | }
260 | }
261 | }
262 |
263 | return ret;
264 | }
265 |
266 | /**
267 | * @return our "panic" bid
268 | */
269 | private Bid findPanicBid() {
270 | Bid max = findMaxAccepted();
271 | Bid nash = getNash();
272 |
273 | if (max == null || getUtility(nash) >= getUtility(max)) {
274 | max = nash;
275 | }
276 |
277 | return max;
278 | }
279 |
280 | private ArrayList<Bid> generateAllBids() {
281 | List<Issue> issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues();
282 |
283 | ArrayList<Bid> ret = new ArrayList();
284 |
285 | for (HashMap<Integer, Value> values : getAllBids(issues, 0)) {
286 | try {
287 | Bid bid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), values);
288 | ret.add(bid);
289 | } catch (Exception ex) {
290 | System.err.println("Could not create bid");
291 | System.err.println(ex.getMessage());
292 | }
293 | }
294 |
295 | Collections.sort(ret, new Comparator<Bid>() {
296 | @Override
297 | public int compare(Bid a, Bid b) {
298 | if (getUtility(b) > getUtility(a)) {
299 | return 1;
300 | } else if (getUtility(b) == getUtility(a)) {
301 | return 0;
302 | } else {
303 | return -1;
304 | }
305 | }
306 |
307 | });
308 |
309 | return ret;
310 | }
311 |
312 | private static ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Value>> getAllBids(List<Issue> issues, int from) {
313 | Issue issue = issues.get(from);
314 |
315 | ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Value>> bids;
316 |
317 | if (from == issues.size() - 1) {
318 | bids = new ArrayList();
319 | bids.add(new HashMap());
320 | } else {
321 | bids = getAllBids(issues, from + 1);
322 | }
323 |
324 | ArrayList<Value> values = Util.getValues(issue);
325 |
326 | ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Value>> ret = new ArrayList();
327 |
328 | for (Value v : values) {
329 | for (HashMap<Integer, Value> bid : bids) {
330 | HashMap<Integer, Value> newBid = new HashMap(bid);
331 | newBid.put(issue.getNumber(), v);
332 | ret.add(newBid);
333 | }
334 | }
335 |
336 | return ret;
337 | }
338 |
339 | @Override
340 | public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> list) {
341 | try {
342 | rounds++;
343 |
344 | // Panic Mode (try to ignore very long first rounds by checking if
345 | // we are already after start)
346 | double roundsLeft = Util.estimatedRoundsLeft(getTimeLine(), rounds);
347 | if (getTimeLine().getTime() >= start && roundsLeft <= panic) {
348 | if (roundsLeft <= 2 && getUtility(lastBid) > absoluteMinimum) {
349 | return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastBid);
350 | } else {
351 | Bid b = findPanicBid();
352 | if (getUtility(b) <= getUtility(lastBid) && getUtility(lastBid) > absoluteMinimum) {
353 | return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastBid);
354 | } else if (getUtility(b) > absoluteMinimum) {
355 | return new Offer(getPartyId(), b);
356 | }
357 | }
358 | }
359 |
360 | // Normal mode
361 | even = !even;
362 | Bid b = generateBidJ();
363 | if (getUtility(b) > getUtility(lastBid)) {
364 | b = even ? b : allBids.get(0);
365 | lastBid = b;
366 | return new Offer(getPartyId(), b);
367 | } else {
368 | return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastBid);
369 | }
370 | } catch (Exception ex) {
371 | System.err.println("Exception in chooseAction: " + ex.getMessage());
372 | return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastBid);
373 | }
374 | }
375 |
376 | @Override
377 | public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action action) {
378 | try {
379 | super.receiveMessage(sender, action);
380 |
381 | if (sender == null) {
382 | return;
383 | }
384 |
385 | if (!opponents.containsKey(sender)) {
386 | opponents.put(sender, new BetterFOM(getUtilitySpace().getDomain(), n));
387 | accepts.put(sender, new ArrayList<Bid>());
388 | rejects.put(sender, new LinkedList<Bid>());
389 | }
390 |
391 | if (action instanceof Offer) {
392 | if (lastBid != null) {
393 | addReject(sender, lastBid);
394 | }
395 | lastBid = ((Offer) action).getBid();
396 | FrequencyOpponentModel OM = opponents.get(sender);
397 | OM.addBid(lastBid);
398 |
399 | accepts.get(sender).add(lastBid);
400 | } else if (action instanceof Accept) {
401 | accepts.get(sender).add(lastBid);
402 | }
403 |
404 | } catch (Exception ex) {
405 | System.err.println("Exception in receiveMessage: " + ex.getMessage());
406 | }
407 | }
408 |
409 | public void addReject(Object sender, Bid b) {
410 | // Don't fill rejects with our maximum bid
411 | if (b.equals(allBids.get(0))) {
412 | return;
413 | }
414 |
415 | LinkedList<Bid> list = rejects.get(sender);
416 |
417 | list.addLast(b);
418 |
419 | if (list.size() > rejectsSize) {
420 | list.removeFirst();
421 | }
422 | }
423 |
424 | public boolean rejected(Bid b) {
425 | boolean rejected = false;
426 | Iterator<LinkedList<Bid>> it = rejects.values().iterator();
427 |
428 | while (it.hasNext() && !rejected) {
429 | rejected = it.next().contains(b);
430 | }
431 |
432 | return rejected;
433 | }
434 |
435 | @Override
436 | public String getDescription() {
437 | return "in4010.q12015.group13 USBNAT";
438 | }
439 | }