1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group10;
2 |
3 | import static java.lang.Math.pow;
4 |
5 | import agents.Jama.Matrix;
6 |
7 | public class boulwareParameterEstimator {
8 |
9 | static void printMatrix(Matrix myMat) {
10 | int n = myMat.getColumnDimension();
11 | int m = myMat.getRowDimension();
12 | System.out.println("------\nm=" + m + ", n=" + n);
13 | // now loop through the rows of valsTransposed to print
14 | for (int row = 0; row < m; row++) {
15 | for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
16 | System.out.print(myMat.get(row, col) + ", ");
17 | }
18 | System.out.print("\n");
19 | }
20 | }
21 |
22 | public static double[] leastSquaresFit(double[] x, double[] time,
23 | int maxLoops, double powerIncrement) {
24 |
25 | // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | double[] a = new double[maxLoops];
27 | double[] b = new double[maxLoops];
28 | double[] c = new double[maxLoops];
29 | double[] d = new double[maxLoops];
30 | double[] varError = new double[maxLoops];
31 | double minimumVarError = 1000;
32 | int minimumVarErrorLoopNumber = 0;
33 |
34 | double powerT = 1; // initial boulware parameter
35 |
36 | for (int loopNumber = 0; loopNumber < maxLoops; loopNumber++) {
37 | // Perform least squares to find best fit for current boulware
38 | // parameter
39 | Matrix A = new Matrix(time.length, 3);
40 | Matrix B = new Matrix(3, 1);
41 | Matrix y = new Matrix(time.length, 1);
42 | powerT = powerT + powerIncrement;
43 | for (int n = 0; n < time.length; n++) {
44 | A.set(n, 0, 1);
45 | A.set(n, 1, time[n]);
46 | A.set(n, 2, pow(time[n], powerT));
47 | y.set(n, 0, x[n] - 1);
48 | }
49 | Matrix AT = A.transpose();
50 | Matrix ATA = AT.times(A);
51 | if (ATA.rank() < ATA.getColumnDimension()) {
52 | a[loopNumber] = 1;
53 | b[loopNumber] = 0;
54 | c[loopNumber] = 0;
55 | d[loopNumber] = 0;
56 | } else {
57 | try {
58 | Matrix invATA = ATA.inverse();
59 | Matrix invATAA = invATA.times(AT);
60 | B = invATAA.times(y);
61 | } catch (Exception e) {
62 | e.printStackTrace();
63 | a[loopNumber] = 1;
64 | b[loopNumber] = 0;
65 | c[loopNumber] = 0;
66 | d[loopNumber] = 0;
67 | }
68 | }
69 |
70 | a[loopNumber] = Math.min(B.get(0, 0), 1);
71 | b[loopNumber] = Math.min(B.get(1, 0), 0);
72 | c[loopNumber] = Math.min(B.get(2, 0), 0);
73 | d[loopNumber] = powerT;
74 |
75 | double[] xEst = new double[time.length];
76 | for (int n = 0; n < time.length; n++) {
77 | xEst[n] = a[loopNumber] + b[loopNumber] * time[n]
78 | + c[loopNumber] * pow(time[n], d[loopNumber]);
79 | }
80 | varError[loopNumber] = MeanAndVariance.getVarianceError(x, xEst);
81 | if (minimumVarError > varError[loopNumber]) {
82 | minimumVarError = varError[loopNumber];
83 | minimumVarErrorLoopNumber = loopNumber;
84 | }
85 | }
86 | double[] parOUTabcE = new double[5];
87 |
88 | parOUTabcE[0] = a[minimumVarErrorLoopNumber];
89 | parOUTabcE[1] = b[minimumVarErrorLoopNumber];
90 | parOUTabcE[2] = c[minimumVarErrorLoopNumber];
91 | parOUTabcE[3] = d[minimumVarErrorLoopNumber];
92 | parOUTabcE[4] = minimumVarError;
93 |
94 | return parOUTabcE;
95 | // ////////////////////////////////////
96 | }
97 |
98 | static double[] getMinTime(double[] x, double[] time, int spacing,
99 | int beginOffset) {
100 | // Extract the minimum utility peaks
101 | int numberOfBlocks = time.length / spacing;
102 | if (numberOfBlocks * spacing > time.length) {
103 | numberOfBlocks = numberOfBlocks - 1;
104 | }
105 |
106 | double[] xMin = new double[numberOfBlocks - 1];
107 | double[] tMin = new double[numberOfBlocks - 1];
108 | int[] indexMin = new int[numberOfBlocks - 1];
109 |
110 | for (int blockNumber = 0; blockNumber < numberOfBlocks - 1; blockNumber++) {
111 | xMin[blockNumber] = 1;
112 | indexMin[blockNumber] = 0;
113 | for (int indexInBlock = 0; indexInBlock < spacing; indexInBlock++) {
114 | if (xMin[blockNumber] > x[blockNumber * spacing + indexInBlock]) {
115 | xMin[blockNumber] = x[blockNumber * spacing + indexInBlock];
116 | indexMin[blockNumber] = blockNumber * spacing
117 | + indexInBlock;
118 | tMin[blockNumber] = time[indexMin[blockNumber]];
119 | }
120 | }
121 |
122 | }
123 | return tMin;
124 | }
125 |
126 | static double[] getMinEval(double[] x, double[] time, int spacing,
127 | int beginOffset) {
128 | // Extract the minimum utility peaks
129 |
130 | int numberOfBlocks = time.length / spacing;
131 | if (numberOfBlocks * spacing > time.length) {
132 | numberOfBlocks = numberOfBlocks - 1;
133 | }
134 |
135 | double[] xMin = new double[numberOfBlocks - 1];
136 |
137 | for (int blockNumber = 0; blockNumber < numberOfBlocks - 1; blockNumber++) {
138 | xMin[blockNumber] = 1;
139 | for (int indexInBlock = 0; indexInBlock < spacing; indexInBlock++) {
140 | if (xMin[blockNumber] > x[blockNumber * spacing + indexInBlock]) {
141 | xMin[blockNumber] = x[blockNumber * spacing + indexInBlock];
142 | }
143 | }
144 |
145 | }
146 | return xMin;
147 | }
148 |
149 | static int[] getMinIndex(double[] x, double[] time, int spacing,
150 | int beginOffset) {
151 | // Extract the minimum utility peaks
152 |
153 | int numberOfBlocks = time.length / spacing;
154 | if (numberOfBlocks * spacing > time.length) {
155 | numberOfBlocks = numberOfBlocks - 1;
156 | }
157 |
158 | double[] xMin = new double[numberOfBlocks - 1];
159 | int[] indexMin = new int[numberOfBlocks - 1];
160 |
161 | for (int blockNumber = 0; blockNumber < numberOfBlocks - 1; blockNumber++) {
162 | xMin[blockNumber] = 1;
163 | indexMin[blockNumber] = 0;
164 | for (int indexInBlock = 0; indexInBlock < spacing; indexInBlock++) {
165 | if (xMin[blockNumber] > x[blockNumber * spacing + indexInBlock]) {
166 | xMin[blockNumber] = x[blockNumber * spacing + indexInBlock];
167 | indexMin[blockNumber] = blockNumber * spacing
168 | + indexInBlock;
169 | }
170 | }
171 |
172 | }
173 | return indexMin;
174 | }
175 |
176 | }