1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group10;
2 |
3 | import static java.lang.Math.pow;
4 |
5 | import java.util.Iterator;
6 | import java.util.List;
7 |
8 | import genius.core.Bid;
9 | import genius.core.Deadline;
10 | import genius.core.DeadlineType;
11 | import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails;
12 | import genius.core.boaframework.OutcomeSpace;
13 | import genius.core.misc.Range;
14 | import genius.core.timeline.TimeLineInfo;
15 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
16 |
17 | public class OpponentStrategyEstimator {
18 |
19 | static double updateAllModels(Opponent[] opponents, Deadline deadLine,
20 | TimeLineInfo timeLine, AdditiveUtilitySpace myUtilitySpace) {
21 | boolean acceptableQuality = false;
22 | if (deadLine.getType() == DeadlineType.TIME) {
23 | return 0.0;
24 | }
25 |
26 | int maxNumberOfBids = deadLine.getValue();
27 | double nextBidNumberDouble = timeLine.getCurrentTime()
28 | / timeLine.getTotalTime();
29 | int nextBidNumber = ((int) nextBidNumberDouble);
30 |
31 | // generate time array
32 | double[] totalTimeArray = new double[maxNumberOfBids];
33 | for (int bidNumber = 0; bidNumber < maxNumberOfBids; bidNumber++) {
34 | totalTimeArray[bidNumber] = ((double) nextBidNumber)
35 | / ((double) maxNumberOfBids);
36 | }
37 |
38 | // for each opponent
39 | // u = 1+a*t+b*t^c
40 | // see report
41 | double[] a = new double[opponents.length]; // estimated boulware
42 | // parameter
43 | double[] b = new double[opponents.length]; // estimated boulware
44 | // parameter
45 | double[] c = new double[opponents.length]; // estimated boulware
46 | // parameter
47 | double[] d = new double[opponents.length]; // estimated boulware
48 | // parameter
49 | double[] errorVariance = new double[opponents.length]; // estimated
50 | // variance of
51 | // error for the
52 | // found fit
53 |
54 | // estimate fitting parameters
55 | double minimumPassedTime = 0.75; // this is the minimum time that must
56 | // be passed before we consider
57 | // getting an estimate
58 | double powerIncrement = 0.2;
59 | int maxLoops = 100;
60 | int spacing = 5;
61 | int beginOffset = 1;
62 |
63 | // System.out.println("minimumPassedTimeboolean"+minimumPassedTime);
64 | if (timeLine.getTime() > minimumPassedTime) {
65 | acceptableQuality = true;
66 | }
67 |
68 | for (int opponentNumber = 0; opponentNumber < opponents.length; opponentNumber++) {
69 | if (opponents[opponentNumber].getHistorySize() < 10 * spacing) {
70 | return 0.0;
71 | }
72 | }
73 |
74 | if (acceptableQuality) {
75 | for (int opponentNumber = 0; opponentNumber < opponents.length; opponentNumber++) {
76 | double[] bidEval = new double[opponents[opponentNumber]
77 | .getHistorySize()];
78 | double[] time = new double[opponents[opponentNumber]
79 | .getHistorySize()];
80 | // for each bid in the history
81 | Bid bid;
82 | for (int bidNumber = 0; bidNumber < opponents[opponentNumber]
83 | .getHistorySize(); bidNumber++) {
84 | bid = opponents[opponentNumber]
85 | .getBidfromHistory(bidNumber);
86 | try {
87 | bidEval[bidNumber] = opponents[opponentNumber]
88 | .getEstimatedUtilitySpace().getUtility(bid);
89 | } catch (Exception e) {
90 | e.printStackTrace();
91 | }
92 | time[bidNumber] = ((double) bidNumber)
93 | / ((double) deadLine.getValue());
94 | }
95 |
96 | // begin offset not implemented
97 | double[] minTime = boulwareParameterEstimator.getMinTime(
98 | bidEval, time, spacing, beginOffset);
99 | double[] minBidEval = boulwareParameterEstimator.getMinEval(
100 | bidEval, time, spacing, beginOffset);
101 |
102 | double[] parABCE = boulwareParameterEstimator.leastSquaresFit(
103 | minBidEval, minTime, maxLoops, powerIncrement);
104 |
105 | a[opponentNumber] = parABCE[0];
106 | b[opponentNumber] = parABCE[1];
107 | c[opponentNumber] = parABCE[2];
108 | d[opponentNumber] = parABCE[3];
109 | errorVariance[opponentNumber] = parABCE[4];
110 | System.out.println("errorVariance"
111 | + errorVariance[opponentNumber]);
112 | }
113 | }
114 |
115 | // if the minimum variance is higher than the threshold the model is
116 | // deemed unusable
117 | double modelQualityThreshold = 0.02;
118 | for (int n = 0; n < errorVariance.length; n++) {
119 | if (errorVariance[n] > modelQualityThreshold) {
120 | acceptableQuality = true;
121 | }
122 | }
123 |
124 | // get the full outcome space
125 | Range UtilRange = new Range(0, 1);
126 | OutcomeSpace fullOutComeSpace = new OutcomeSpace(myUtilitySpace);
127 | List<BidDetails> allPossibleBids = fullOutComeSpace
128 | .getBidsinRange(UtilRange);
129 | double[] maxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids = new double[maxNumberOfBids];
130 | // for each opponent:
131 | // get the estimated lowerbound on the bidding utility that they will
132 | // bid unitl N bids before the deadline
133 | double t; // non array time variable
134 | int offsetBidsFromDeadLine = 4;
135 | double[] lowerBoundOfferedUtility = new double[opponents.length];
136 | double totalMaxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids = 0;
137 | if (acceptableQuality) {
138 | // for each future bidnumber
139 | for (int bidNumber = nextBidNumber; bidNumber < maxNumberOfBids
140 | - offsetBidsFromDeadLine; bidNumber++) {
141 | // for each opponent get the lower bound on the expected utility
142 | for (int opponentNumber = 1; opponentNumber < opponents.length; opponentNumber++) {
143 | t = totalTimeArray[bidNumber];
144 | lowerBoundOfferedUtility[opponentNumber] = a[opponentNumber]
145 | + b[opponentNumber]
146 | * t
147 | + c[opponentNumber]
148 | * pow(t, d[opponentNumber]);
149 | }
150 | // ////// check the max attainable common utility
151 | maxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids[bidNumber] = 0;
152 | for (Iterator<BidDetails> BidDetailsIterator = allPossibleBids
153 | .iterator(); BidDetailsIterator.hasNext();) {
154 | // Iterates over all possible bids
155 | BidDetails bidDetails = BidDetailsIterator.next();
156 | Bid bid = bidDetails.getBid();
157 | boolean bidInCommonBidRange = true;
158 | double utilityOfBid;
159 | for (int opponentNumber = 1; opponentNumber < opponents.length; opponentNumber++) {
160 | utilityOfBid = 0;
161 | try {
162 | utilityOfBid = opponents[opponentNumber]
163 | .getEstimatedUtilitySpace().getUtility(bid);
164 | } catch (Exception e1) {
165 | e1.printStackTrace();
166 | } // Throws Exception when bid is invalid
167 | if (utilityOfBid < lowerBoundOfferedUtility[opponentNumber]) {
168 | bidInCommonBidRange = false;
169 | }
170 | }
171 | if (bidInCommonBidRange) {
172 | utilityOfBid = 0;
173 | try {
174 | utilityOfBid = myUtilitySpace.getUtility(bid);
175 | } catch (Exception e1) {
176 | e1.printStackTrace();
177 | } // Throws Exception when bid is invalid
178 | if (maxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids[bidNumber] < utilityOfBid) {
179 | maxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids[bidNumber] = utilityOfBid;
180 | }
181 | }
182 |
183 | }
184 |
185 | // //////
186 | }
187 | for (int bidNumber = nextBidNumber; bidNumber < maxNumberOfBids
188 | - offsetBidsFromDeadLine; bidNumber++) {
189 | if (totalMaxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids < maxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids[bidNumber]) {
190 | totalMaxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids = maxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids[bidNumber];
191 | }
192 | }
193 | }
194 |
195 | double uncertaintyBandwidth = 0.05;
196 | return totalMaxUtilityMySpaceOfCommonBids - uncertaintyBandwidth;
197 |
198 | }
199 | }