1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group10;
2 |
3 | import java.io.FileWriter;
4 | import java.io.IOException;
5 | import java.io.PrintWriter;
6 | import java.text.DateFormat;
7 | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
8 | import java.util.ArrayList;
9 | import java.util.Date;
10 |
11 | import genius.core.AgentID;
12 | import genius.core.Bid;
13 | import genius.core.BidHistory;
14 | import genius.core.Deadline;
15 | import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails;
16 | import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete;
17 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
18 | import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete;
19 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
20 | import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete;
21 | import genius.core.xml.SimpleElement;
22 |
23 | //import negotiator.Bid;
24 |
25 | public class Opponent {
26 |
27 | // estimated utilities
28 |
29 | private AgentID agentID; // Actual name (could be anything, like
30 | // "DoubleOSeven")
31 | private int myPartyNumber; // Our numeric representation of the party
32 | // (instead of the string that could be
33 | // anything, like "DoubleOSeven"))
34 |
35 | private BidHistory myMadeBidHistory = new BidHistory(); // Offers that I
36 | // made, along with
37 | // the time at which
38 | // I made them, and
39 | // the utility for
40 | // Group 10.
41 | private BidHistory myAcceptedBidHistory = new BidHistory();// Offers that I
42 | // accepted,
43 | // along with
44 | // the time at
45 | // which I
46 | // accepted
47 | // them, and the
48 | // utility for
49 | // Group 10.
50 |
51 | private AdditiveUtilitySpace myEstUtilitySpace;
52 |
53 | private boolean hasMadeFirstBid = false;
54 |
55 | private int numberOfIssues;
56 | private int[] numberOfValuesPerIssue;
57 |
58 | private int listSize;
59 |
60 | private Deadline myDeadline;
61 |
62 | // create a bidhistory in which you can select the nth bid
63 | private ArrayList<BidDetails> customBidHistory = new ArrayList<BidDetails>();
64 |
65 | // All these arrays are based on the same list index:
66 |
67 | // Ind. Iss. Val freq valueUnchanged
68 | // 0 Issue 0 value0 1 false
69 | // 1 value1 10 true
70 | // 2 value2 1 false
71 | // 3 Issue 1 value0 6 etc
72 | // 4 value1 6
73 | // 5 Issue 2 value0 3
74 | // 6 value1 3
75 | // 7 value2 0
76 | // 8 value3 3
77 | // 9 value4 3
78 | // 10 Issue 3 value0 etc
79 | // 11 value1
80 |
81 | private Value[] valueList;
82 | private double[] valueValueList;
83 | private int[] valueIndexList;
84 | private int[] issueIndexList;
85 | private double[] freqList;
86 | private boolean[] valueUnchangedList;
87 |
88 | private EvaluatorDiscrete[] myEvaluatorDiscrete;
89 |
90 | private int bidGetValueIndexOffset = 1;
91 |
92 | // constructor
93 | Opponent(int givenPartyNumber, AdditiveUtilitySpace myUtilitySpace,
94 | Deadline givenDeadline) {
95 | myDeadline = givenDeadline;
96 | myPartyNumber = givenPartyNumber;
97 | myEstUtilitySpace = new AdditiveUtilitySpace(myUtilitySpace);
98 |
99 | numberOfIssues = myEstUtilitySpace.getNrOfEvaluators();
100 | numberOfValuesPerIssue = new int[numberOfIssues];
101 |
102 | // Extract the total value space
103 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
104 | numberOfValuesPerIssue[issueIndex] = ((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace
105 | .getDomain().getIssues().get(issueIndex))
106 | .getNumberOfValues();
107 | listSize = listSize + numberOfValuesPerIssue[issueIndex];
108 | }
109 |
110 | // Define the table
111 | valueList = new Value[listSize]; // a list of all values, for all issues
112 | valueValueList = new double[listSize]; // a list of all valueValues
113 | valueIndexList = new int[listSize]; // a list of all value indexes
114 | // within the issue
115 | issueIndexList = new int[listSize]; // a list of all issue indexes
116 | // corresponding to the value
117 | freqList = new double[listSize]; // a list of the number of occurance
118 | // (number of times) a value has
119 | // been included in a bid
120 | valueUnchangedList = new boolean[listSize]; // a list containing whether
121 | // a value has remained the
122 | // same
123 | // initialize the table
124 | int listIndex = 0;
125 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
126 | for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < numberOfValuesPerIssue[issueIndex]; valueIndex++) {
127 | valueList[listIndex] = ((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace
128 | .getDomain().getIssues().get(issueIndex))
129 | .getValue(valueIndex);
130 | valueValueList[listIndex] = 1;
131 | valueIndexList[listIndex] = valueIndex;
132 | issueIndexList[listIndex] = issueIndex;
133 | freqList[listIndex] = 0;
134 | valueUnchangedList[listIndex] = false;
135 |
136 | listIndex++;
137 | }
138 | }
139 | // construct the evaluator functions
140 |
141 | myEvaluatorDiscrete = new EvaluatorDiscrete[myEstUtilitySpace
142 | .getNrOfEvaluators()];
143 |
144 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < myEstUtilitySpace
145 | .getNrOfEvaluators(); issueIndex++) {
146 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex] = new EvaluatorDiscrete();
147 | for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < ((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace
148 | .getDomain().getIssues().get(issueIndex))
149 | .getNumberOfValues(); valueIndex++) {
150 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].addEvaluation(
151 | ((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace.getDomain()
152 | .getIssues().get(issueIndex))
153 | .getValue(valueIndex), 1);
154 | }
155 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex]
156 | .setWeight(1 / ((double) myEstUtilitySpace
157 | .getNrOfEvaluators()));
158 | myEstUtilitySpace.addEvaluator((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace
159 | .getDomain().getIssues().get(issueIndex),
160 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex]);
161 | }
162 | }
163 |
164 | // Define methods for Opponents class
165 |
166 | void setAgentID(AgentID givenAgentID) {
167 | agentID = givenAgentID;
168 | }
169 |
170 | void StoreOfferedBid(BidDetails madeBidDetails) {
171 | // check whether this is the first Bid
172 | Bid previousBid;
173 | if (hasMadeFirstBid) {
174 | previousBid = myMadeBidHistory.getLastBid();
175 | // reset the unchanged list
176 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
177 | valueUnchangedList[listIndex] = false;
178 | }
179 | } else {
180 | previousBid = null;
181 | }
182 |
183 | myMadeBidHistory.add(madeBidDetails);
184 | customBidHistory.add(madeBidDetails);
185 |
186 | // update the frequency and unchanged list
187 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
188 | try {
189 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
190 | // When reading the values in a bid, the index starts at
191 | // ONE!!!
192 | if (myMadeBidHistory.getLastBid()
193 | .getValue(issueIndex + bidGetValueIndexOffset)
194 | .equals(valueList[listIndex])) {
195 | // updating consecutive list, unless this is the first
196 | // bid.
197 | if (hasMadeFirstBid) {
198 | if (previousBid.getValue(
199 | issueIndex + bidGetValueIndexOffset)
200 | .equals(valueList[listIndex])) {
201 | valueUnchangedList[listIndex] = true;
202 | }
203 | }
204 | // updating the frequency list
205 | double freqScale = 1;
206 | double freqStep = 1;
207 | if (valueUnchangedList[listIndex]) {
208 | for (int listIndex2 = 0; listIndex2 < listSize; listIndex2++) {
209 | if (issueIndexList[listIndex2] == issueIndexList[listIndex]) {
210 | freqList[listIndex2] = freqList[listIndex2]
211 | + freqStep;
212 | }
213 | }
214 |
215 | } else {
216 | freqScale = 2;
217 | }
218 | freqList[listIndex] = freqList[listIndex] + freqStep
219 | * freqScale;
220 | }
221 | }
222 | } catch (Exception e) {
223 | e.printStackTrace();
224 | System.out
225 | .println("throw/catch triggered, in class(opponent) when reading the value of a bid");
226 | System.out.println("thrown issueIndex" + issueIndex);
227 |
228 | }
229 | }
230 | if (!hasMadeFirstBid) {
231 | hasMadeFirstBid = true;
232 | }
233 |
234 | }
235 |
236 | void setValueValueAtIndex(int issueIndex, int listIndex, double evaluationIn) {
237 | try {
238 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].setEvaluationDouble(
239 | (ValueDiscrete) valueList[listIndex], evaluationIn);
240 | myEstUtilitySpace.addEvaluator((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace
241 | .getDomain().getIssues().get(issueIndex),
242 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex]);
243 | } catch (Exception e) {
244 | e.printStackTrace();
245 | System.out
246 | .println("catch throw triggered: in Class Opponent.setValueValue");
247 | }
248 | }
249 |
250 | void setValueValueListAtIndex(int listIndex, double valueValueIn) {
251 | valueValueList[listIndex] = valueValueIn;
252 | }
253 |
254 | void setWeightAtIndex(int issueIndex, double weightIn) {
255 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].setWeight(weightIn);
256 | myEstUtilitySpace.addEvaluator((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace
257 | .getDomain().getIssues().get(issueIndex),
258 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex]);
259 | }
260 |
261 | void StoreAcceptedBid(BidDetails acceptedBidDetails) {
262 | myAcceptedBidHistory.add(acceptedBidDetails);
263 | }
264 |
265 | AdditiveUtilitySpace getEstimatedUtilitySpace() {
266 | return myEstUtilitySpace;
267 | }
268 |
269 | IssueDiscrete getIssue(int issueIndex) {
270 | return ((IssueDiscrete) myEstUtilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()
271 | .get(issueIndex));
272 | }
273 |
274 | boolean IssueUnChanged(int issueIndex) {
275 | boolean issueConsecutive = false;
276 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
277 | if ((issueIndex == issueIndexList[listIndex])
278 | & (valueUnchangedList[listIndex])) {
279 | issueConsecutive = true;
280 | }
281 | }
282 | return issueConsecutive;
283 | }
284 |
285 | double getValueFreq(int listIndexIn) {
286 | return freqList[listIndexIn];
287 | }
288 |
289 | double getIssueMaxFreq(int issueIndex) {
290 | double maxIssueFreq = 0;
291 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
292 | if (issueIndex == issueIndexList[listIndex]) {
293 | if (maxIssueFreq <= freqList[listIndex]) {
294 | maxIssueFreq = freqList[listIndex];
295 | }
296 | }
297 | }
298 | return maxIssueFreq;
299 | }
300 |
301 | int getIssueIndexFromListIndex(int listIndexIn) {
302 | // returns the issue index given the list index
303 | return issueIndexList[listIndexIn];
304 | }
305 |
306 | int getValueIndexFromListIndex(int listIndexIn) {
307 | // returns the value index given the list index
308 | return valueIndexList[listIndexIn];
309 | }
310 |
311 | ValueDiscrete getValueInList(int ListIndexIn) {
312 | // returns the value given the list
313 | return (ValueDiscrete) valueList[ListIndexIn];
314 | }
315 |
316 | double getValueValueInList(int ListIndexIn) {
317 | // returns the value given the list
318 | return valueValueList[ListIndexIn];
319 | }
320 |
321 | double getMaxValueValuePerIssue(int issueIndex) {
322 | double maxIssueValueValue = 0;
323 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
324 | if (issueIndex == issueIndexList[listIndex]) {
325 | if (maxIssueValueValue <= valueValueList[listIndex]) {
326 | maxIssueValueValue = valueValueList[listIndex];
327 | }
328 | }
329 | }
330 | return maxIssueValueValue;
331 | }
332 |
333 | int getListSize() {
334 | return listSize;
335 | }
336 |
337 | EvaluatorDiscrete getEvaluator(int issueIndex) {
338 | return myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex];
339 | }
340 |
341 | int getHistorySize() {
342 | return myMadeBidHistory.size();
343 | }
344 |
345 | void printTable() {
346 | System.out.println(" ");
347 | System.out
348 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
349 | System.out.println("Printing Opponent Data Table: opp nr : "
350 | + myPartyNumber);
351 | System.out
352 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
353 | System.out.println("LastBid: " + myMadeBidHistory.getLastBid());
354 |
355 | System.out.println("----- begin table ---------");
356 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
357 | System.out.println(valueList[listIndex] + "-- issue nr: "
358 | + issueIndexList[listIndex] + " -- value nr: "
359 | + valueIndexList[listIndex] + " -- freq: "
360 | + freqList[listIndex] + " -- unchanged: "
361 | + valueUnchangedList[listIndex]);
362 | }
363 | System.out.println("----- end table ---------");
364 | System.out.println("----- Evaluator functions --------------");
365 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
366 | System.out.println("Evaluator function Nr " + issueIndex
367 | + " -- weight: "
368 | + myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].getWeight()
369 | + " -- descr: " + myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex]);
370 | }
371 | System.out.println("----- End evaluator functions ---------");
372 | System.out
373 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
374 | System.out.println("End openent data listing");
375 | System.out
376 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
377 | System.out.println(" ");
378 | }
379 |
380 | void printValueValueDifference() {
381 | double[] realValueValueList = { 1, 0.66, 0.66, 0.33, 0.33, 1, 0.66,
382 | 0.33, 0.5, 0.25, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 0.5, 0.66, 1, 0.33,
383 | 0.66, 1, 0.33, 0.33 };
384 | double[] realweight = { 0.19, 0.28, 0.19, 0.05, 0.19, 0.1 };
385 |
386 | // error calculation
387 | double errorValuesSquare = 0;
388 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
389 | if (valueValueList[listIndex] > 0.01) {
390 | errorValuesSquare = errorValuesSquare
391 | + (valueValueList[listIndex] - realValueValueList[listIndex])
392 | * (valueValueList[listIndex] - realValueValueList[listIndex]);
393 | }
394 | }
395 | double errorIssuesSquare = 0;
396 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
397 | errorIssuesSquare = errorIssuesSquare
398 | + (myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].getWeight() - realweight[issueIndex])
399 | * (myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].getWeight() - realweight[issueIndex]);
400 | }
401 |
402 | System.out.println(" ");
403 | System.out
404 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
405 | System.out.println("Printing Opponent ValueValues: opp nr : "
406 | + myPartyNumber);
407 | System.out
408 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
409 |
410 | System.out
411 | .println("----- begin modeling results --------------------------");
412 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
413 | System.out.println(valueList[listIndex] + " -- issue nr: "
414 | + issueIndexList[listIndex] + " -- valueValue: "
415 | + valueValueList[listIndex] + " -- realValue: "
416 | + realValueValueList[listIndex]);
417 | }
418 | System.out
419 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
420 | System.out.println("values errorSquare : " + errorValuesSquare);
421 | System.out
422 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
423 | System.out
424 | .println("----- weights -----------------------------------------");
425 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
426 | System.out.println("Issue Nr " + issueIndex + " -- weight: "
427 | + myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].getWeight()
428 | + " -- realweight: " + realweight[issueIndex]);
429 | }
430 | System.out
431 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
432 | System.out.println("weights errorSquare : " + errorIssuesSquare);
433 | System.out
434 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
435 | System.out.println("End openent modeling results");
436 | System.out
437 | .println("-------------------------------------------------------");
438 | System.out.println(" ");
439 | }
440 |
441 | public Bid getBidfromHistory(int bidNumber) {
442 | Bid bid = customBidHistory.get(bidNumber).getBid();
443 | return bid;
444 | }
445 |
446 | public void ExportEstimateUtilSpace(String utilSpaceFileNameWithoutExtension) {
447 | String fileName = utilSpaceFileNameWithoutExtension + ".txt";
448 | String fileLocation = "exportedUtilsEstimates";
449 | PrintWriter writer;
450 | try {
451 |
452 | writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileLocation + "/"
453 | + fileName));
454 |
455 | writer.println(Integer.toString(numberOfIssues));
456 | // weights
457 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
458 | writer.println(String.format("%1.4f",
459 | myEvaluatorDiscrete[issueIndex].getWeight()));
460 | }
461 | // numberOfValuesPerIssue[]
462 | for (int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < numberOfIssues; issueIndex++) {
463 | writer.println(Integer
464 | .toString(numberOfValuesPerIssue[issueIndex]));
465 | }
466 | // valueValues
467 | for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listSize; listIndex++) {
468 | writer.println(String
469 | .format("%1.4f", valueValueList[listIndex]));
470 | }
471 |
472 | writer.close();
473 |
474 | } catch (IOException e) {
475 | // TODO Auto-generated catch block
476 | e.printStackTrace();
477 | }
478 |
479 | }
480 |
481 | public void ExportProfile(AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpaceToExport,
482 | String profileFileNameWithoutExtension) {
483 |
484 | // This function saves the specified utilityspace under the given name.
485 | // ACTUAL time and date and file
486 | // extension (.xml) are added automatically. For example, this:
487 | // ExportProfile(utilSpace, "someName");
488 | // results in for example: "someName-20151020-163758.xml"
489 |
490 | DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
491 | Date date = new Date();
492 | String dateStr = dateFormat.format(date);
493 |
494 | String profileFolder = "exportedProfiles";
495 |
496 | // String profileFileName = profileFolder + "/" +
497 | // profileFileNameWithoutExtension + "-" + dateStr + ".xml";
498 | String profileFileName = profileFolder + "/"
499 | + profileFileNameWithoutExtension + ".xml";
500 |
501 | try {
502 | SimpleElement profileElement = utilitySpaceToExport.toXML();
503 | profileElement.saveToFile(profileFileName);
504 | } catch (IOException e) {
505 | e.printStackTrace();
506 | System.out.println("Erorr exporting profile");
507 | }
508 |
509 | }
510 |
511 | }