1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group10;
2 |
3 | import static java.lang.Math.pow;
4 |
5 | import java.util.Iterator;
6 | import java.util.List;
7 | import java.util.Random;
8 |
9 | import genius.core.Bid;
10 | import genius.core.Deadline;
11 | import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails;
12 | import genius.core.boaframework.OutcomeSpace;
13 | import genius.core.misc.Range;
14 | import genius.core.timeline.TimeLineInfo;
15 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
16 |
17 | public class OfferingStrategy {
18 |
19 | public static Bid createPotentialBid(AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpace,
20 | Opponent[] opponents, TimeLineInfo timeline, Deadline deadLine) {
21 | System.out.println("OfferingStrategy - createPotentialBid");
22 |
23 | // Settings
24 | double BandWidth = 0.05;
25 |
26 | // Settings
27 |
28 | // Determine the central Utility for the Boulware strategy
29 | double time = timeline.getTime();
31 | double uEnd = 0.8; // End utility
32 | double e = 0.1; // Boulware parameter
33 | double Pboulware = 1 - pow(time, 1 / e) * (1 - uEnd);
34 |
35 | // Calculate the lower bound of our own utility to later search for the
36 | // bids that have a higher utility than this lower bound
37 | double min = Math.max(Pboulware * (1 - BandWidth / 2), 0); // Lowerbound
38 | // : 0
39 |
40 | // Get lowerBound from offeringStrategy (different lower bound, one of
41 | // the lower bounds will be used)
42 | double lowerBoundStrategyEst = OpponentStrategyEstimator
43 | .updateAllModels(opponents, deadLine, timeline, utilitySpace);
44 | min = Math.max(min, lowerBoundStrategyEst); // select highest minimum
45 | // utility
46 |
47 | Range UtilRange = new Range(min, 1);
48 | // System.out.println("Create OutcomeSpace");
49 | OutcomeSpace OS = new OutcomeSpace(utilitySpace);
50 |
51 | // select all the bids with corresponding to range
52 | List<BidDetails> PotentialBids = OS.getBidsinRange(UtilRange);
53 |
54 | // Now Find bid with highest minimum utility for all players
55 |
56 | // Determine for each opponent the utility for each possible bid
57 | // Count number of opponents and number of bids
58 |
59 | int NumberOfOpponents = opponents.length;
60 | int NumberofBids = PotentialBids.size();
61 |
62 | double[][] OpponentBidUtilities = new double[NumberOfOpponents][NumberofBids];
63 | int OpponentCounter = 0;
64 | int BidCounter = 0;
65 |
66 | double[] OwnUtilities = new double[NumberofBids];
67 |
68 | // calculates the utilities of all bids for all opponents
69 | for (Opponent currentOpponent : opponents) {
70 | // Iterates over all opponents
71 | BidCounter = 0;
72 | AdditiveUtilitySpace OpponentUtilities = currentOpponent
73 | .getEstimatedUtilitySpace();
74 | for (Iterator<BidDetails> BidDetailsIterator = PotentialBids
75 | .iterator(); BidDetailsIterator.hasNext();) {
76 | // Iterates over all possible bids
77 | BidDetails Biddetails = BidDetailsIterator.next();
78 | Bid bid = Biddetails.getBid();
79 | double util = 0;
80 | try {
81 | util = OpponentUtilities.getUtility(bid);
82 | } catch (Exception e1) {
83 | // System.out.println("Invalid Bid");
84 | e1.printStackTrace();
85 | } // Throws Exception when bid is invalid
86 | // Place calculated Utility in data Matrix
87 | OpponentBidUtilities[OpponentCounter][BidCounter] = util;
88 |
89 | // Calculate own utility
90 | try {
91 | OwnUtilities[BidCounter] = utilitySpace.getUtility(bid);
92 | } catch (Exception e1) {
93 | e1.printStackTrace();
94 | }
95 | BidCounter++;
96 | }
97 | OpponentCounter++;
98 | }
99 |
100 | double minUtil = 100;
101 | double MaxMinUtil = 0;
102 | int BestBidNumber_maxmin = -1;
103 | int BestBidNumber_bestAlternative = -1;
104 |
105 | // now select bid that:
106 | // has the highest minimum utility
107 | // has a lower utility for the opponents than our own utility
108 | for (int i = 0; i < NumberofBids; i++) {
109 | // Gaat eerst langs de rijen (bids), vervolgens langs de kolommen
110 | // (opponents)
111 | // om de bid te vinden die het hoogste minimum heeft
112 | for (int p = 0; p < NumberOfOpponents; p++) {
113 | // System.out.println("2nd Iterate over Opponents");
114 | double util = OpponentBidUtilities[p][i];
115 |
116 | if (util < minUtil) {
117 | minUtil = util; // Results in lowest utility per bid
118 | }
119 | }
120 | double ownUtil = OwnUtilities[i];
121 | // if the minimum utility of this bid for all agents is higher than
122 | // that of another bid for all agents
123 | // and if the utility is lower than our own utility then update the
124 | // bestnumber.
125 | if (minUtil > MaxMinUtil && minUtil < ownUtil) {
126 | BestBidNumber_maxmin = i;
127 | } else if (minUtil > MaxMinUtil) {
128 | BestBidNumber_bestAlternative = i;
129 | }
130 | }
131 |
132 | // Determine the best bid from the list of bids according to strategy 3
133 | BidDetails bd = null;
134 | if (BestBidNumber_maxmin != -1) { // a good bid has been found
135 | bd = PotentialBids.get(BestBidNumber_maxmin);
136 | } else if (BestBidNumber_bestAlternative != -1) {
137 | bd = PotentialBids.get(BestBidNumber_bestAlternative);
138 | } else {
139 | Random r = new Random();
140 | int maxBound = NumberofBids - 1;
141 | int minBound = 0;
142 | int rand = r.nextInt((maxBound - minBound) + 1) + minBound;
143 | bd = PotentialBids.get(rand);
144 | }
145 | Bid offer = bd.getBid();
146 |
147 | return offer;
148 |
149 | }
150 | }