1 | package parties.in4010.q12015.group10;
2 |
3 | import java.util.List;
4 |
5 | import genius.core.AgentID;
6 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
7 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
8 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
9 | import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails;
10 |
11 | public class AcceptanceStrategy {
12 | /**
13 | * support function to create action
14 | *
15 | * @param validActions
16 | * @param detailsOfPotentialBid
17 | * @param detailsOfLatestBidOnTable
18 | * @param agent
19 | * the agent ID, needed to create the actions on behalf of this
20 | * agent.
21 | * @return
22 | */
23 | static Action getAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> validActions,
24 | BidDetails detailsOfPotentialBid,
25 | BidDetails detailsOfLatestBidOnTable, AgentID agent) {
26 | // Check if we are allowed to accept. We're not allowed to do this when
27 | // we are the first party to make a bid.
28 | boolean acceptingIsAllowed = validActions.contains(Accept.class);
29 |
30 | double minUtilityAlwaysAccept = 0.95;
31 |
32 | if (acceptingIsAllowed) {
33 | // We're not the first: So we can accept, offer, or deny.
34 | double offeredUtilVal = detailsOfLatestBidOnTable
35 | .getMyUndiscountedUtil();
36 | double PotentialUtilVal = detailsOfPotentialBid
37 | .getMyUndiscountedUtil();
38 |
39 | // If the value we are getting by accepting is higher than what we
40 | // would get using our own new offer, we accept.
41 | // We also accept if the utility is higher than our value that we
42 | // also accept
43 | if (offeredUtilVal >= PotentialUtilVal
44 | || offeredUtilVal >= minUtilityAlwaysAccept) {
45 | return new Accept(agent, detailsOfPotentialBid.getBid());
46 | } else {
47 | detailsOfLatestBidOnTable = detailsOfPotentialBid;
48 | return new Offer(agent, detailsOfPotentialBid.getBid());
49 | }
50 | } else {
51 | // We are not allowed to accept. We can still offer or deny. Right
52 | // now only offering is implemented.
53 | detailsOfLatestBidOnTable = detailsOfPotentialBid;
54 | return new Offer(agent, detailsOfPotentialBid.getBid());
55 | }
56 | }
57 | }