[298] | 1 | package onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players;
| 2 |
| 3 | import static java.lang.Math.pow;
| 4 |
| 5 | import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
| 6 |
| 7 | import genius.core.protocol.MultilateralProtocol;
| 8 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.Bundle;
| 9 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.OutcomeSpace;
| 10 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.interactions.Accept;
| 11 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.interactions.Offer;
| 12 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.utilityfunction.UtilityFunction;
| 13 |
| 14 | /**
[301] | 15 | * Boulware/Conceder tactics, by Tim Baarslag, adapted from [1].
[298] | 16 | *
| 17 | * [1] S. Shaheen Fatima Michael Wooldridge Nicholas R. Jennings Optimal
| 18 | * Negotiation Strategies for Agents with Incomplete Information
| 19 | * http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/6151/1/atal01.pdf
| 20 | *
| 21 | * @author Tim Baarslag, Mark Hendrikx
| 22 | */
| 23 | public abstract class AbstractTimeDependentNegotiationParty extends Agent
| 24 | {
| 25 |
[300] | 26 | private static final int DEADLINE = 20;
[298] | 27 | OutcomeSpace outcomeSpace;
[302] | 28 | Offer lastReceivedOffer = null;
[298] | 29 |
| 30 | public AbstractTimeDependentNegotiationParty(String name, UtilityFunction u,
| 31 | BlockingQueue<onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.interactions.Offer> in,
| 32 | BlockingQueue<onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.interactions.Offer> out,
| 33 | BlockingQueue<CoordinationMessage> cin,
| 34 | BlockingQueue<NegotiationStatusMessage> cout) {
| 35 | super(name, u, in, out, cin, cout);
| 36 | outcomeSpace = new OutcomeSpace(null);
| 37 | }
| 38 |
| 39 | /**
| 40 | * When this class is called, it is expected that the Party chooses one of
| 41 | * the actions from the possible action list and returns an instance of the
| 42 | * chosen action. This class is only called if this
| 43 | * {@link genius.core.parties.NegotiationParty} is in the
| 44 | * {@link MultilateralProtocol#getRoundStructure(java.util.List, negotiator.session.Session)}
| 45 | * .
| 46 | *
| 47 | * @param possibleActions
| 48 | * List of all actions possible.
| 49 | * @return The chosen action
| 50 | */
| 51 | @Override
| 52 | protected Offer sendOffer()
| 53 | {
[302] | 54 | // Nothing received yet
| 55 | if (lastReceivedOffer == null)
| 56 | return new Offer(getNextBid());
| 57 |
| 58 | // Our last bid got accepted. We are also accepting (and we should notify the coordinator).
| 59 | if (lastReceivedOffer.isAccept())
| 60 | return new Accept(lastReceivedOffer);
| 61 |
| 62 | Bundle lastReceivedBid = lastReceivedOffer.getBundle();
[298] | 63 | Bundle nextBid = getNextBid();
| 64 |
| 65 | double lastUtil = lastReceivedBid != null ? u.getUtility(lastReceivedBid) : 0;
| 66 | double nextUtil = nextBid != null ? u.getUtility(nextBid) : 0;
| 67 |
| 68 | // Accept
[302] | 69 | if (nextUtil <= lastUtil)
| 70 | return new Accept(lastReceivedOffer);
[298] | 71 | // Counter offer based actions
| 72 | else
| 73 | return new Offer(nextBid);
| 74 | }
| 75 |
| 76 | /**
| 77 | * Get the next bid we should do
| 78 | */
| 79 | protected Bundle getNextBid()
| 80 | {
[302] | 81 | return outcomeSpace.getBidNearUtility(getTargetUtility(), u, this);
[298] | 82 | }
| 83 |
| 84 | @Override
| 85 | protected void receiveOffer(Offer o)
| 86 | {
[302] | 87 | lastReceivedOffer = o;
[298] | 88 | }
| 89 |
| 90 | /**
| 91 | * Gets the target utility for the next bid
| 92 | *
| 93 | * @return The target utility for the given time
| 94 | */
[302] | 95 | private double getTargetUtility()
[298] | 96 | {
| 97 | // timeline runs from 0.0 to 1.0
[300] | 98 | int totalrounds = DEADLINE;
| 99 | double time = (double) k / totalrounds;
| 100 | double target = 1d - f(time);
[302] | 101 | // System.out.println(this + ": t = " + time + ". Target util: " + target);
[298] | 102 | return target;
| 103 | }
| 104 |
| 105 | /**
| 106 | * From [1]:
| 107 | *
| 108 | * A wide range of time dependent functions can be defined by varying the
| 109 | * way in which f(t) is computed. However, functions must ensure that 0 <=
| 110 | * f(t) <= 1, f(0) = k, and f(1) = 1.
| 111 | *
| 112 | * That is, the offer will always be between the value range, at the
| 113 | * beginning it will give the initial constant and when the deadline is
| 114 | * reached, it will offer the reservation value.
| 115 | *
| 116 | * For e = 0 (special case), it will behave as a Hardliner.
| 117 | */
[302] | 118 | private double f(double t) {
[298] | 119 | if (getE() == 0) {
| 120 | return 0;
| 121 | }
| 122 | return pow(t, 1 / getE());
| 123 | }
| 124 |
| 125 | /**
| 126 | * Depending on the value of e, extreme sets show clearly different patterns
| 127 | * of behaviour [1]:
| 128 | *
| 129 | * 1. Boulware: For this strategy e < 1 and the initial offer is maintained
| 130 | * till time is almost exhausted, when the agent concedes up to its
| 131 | * reservation value.
| 132 | *
| 133 | * 2. Conceder: For this strategy e > 1 and the agent goes to its
| 134 | * reservation value very quickly.
| 135 | *
| 136 | * 3. When e = 1, the price is increased linearly.
| 137 | *
| 138 | * 4. When e = 0, the agent plays hardball.
| 139 | */
| 140 | public abstract double getE();
| 141 |
| 142 | @Override
[300] | 143 | protected Offer sendOpeningOffer()
| 144 | {
| 145 | return sendOffer();
[298] | 146 | }
| 147 |
| 148 | @Override
| 149 | protected void receiveCoordinationMessage(CoordinationMessage cpoll)
| 150 | {
[300] | 151 | // Update the utility function
| 152 | u = cpoll.f;
[298] | 153 | }
| 154 | }