1 | package onetomany.bargainingchipsgame;
2 |
3 | import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
4 | import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
5 |
6 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.interactions.Offer;
7 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.BilateralAgent;
8 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.BuyerSubnegotiator;
9 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.CoordinationMessage;
10 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.Coordinator;
11 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.NegotiationStatusMessage;
12 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.Seller;
13 |
14 | /**
15 | * This package describes all the fundamental concepts in Bargaining Chips Game (BCG).
16 | *
17 | * BCG rules are based on a non-alternating offer protocol in each bilateral negotiation thread.
18 | * Multiple deals via simultaneous threads in the BCG one-to-many negotiation need to be coordinated.
19 | * So the players are equipped with two modules, one coordinator and multiple negotiators one per each thread.
20 | *
21 | * One-to-Many package is dedicated to one-to-many negotiation which is a kind of negotiation different from bilateral and multilateral settings.
22 | * It is between a party which, in parallel, negotiates with many counter parties, opponents, on multiple multi-issue items.
23 | * Of course each opponent, in turn, could be in one-to-many negotiation with its own opponents including this party.
24 | *
25 | * Each of these individual negotiations is itself a bilateral negotiation over multiple items and multiple issues, a multi-issue multi-item thread. Each thread could reach a deal.
26 | * So, the whole negotiation could reach multiple deals.
27 | *
28 | * Negotiating in this atmosphere needs some coordination efforts to synchronize threads according to the progress of each individual negotiation as well as the multiple deals compared with the party's preference.
29 | *
30 | * Bargaining Chips Game, is a testbed dealing with these complexities.
31 | * The fundamental elements of its domain is in a package with this name (bargainingchipsname).
32 | * The players and the rules for their interactions are in packages `players' and 'interactions', respectively.
33 | *
34 | *
35 | */
36 | public class BargainingChips
37 | {
38 | public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
39 | {
40 | BlockingQueue<Offer> in = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Offer>();
41 | BlockingQueue<Offer> out = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Offer>();
42 |
43 | BlockingQueue<CoordinationMessage> cin = new LinkedBlockingQueue<CoordinationMessage>();
44 | BlockingQueue<NegotiationStatusMessage> cout = new LinkedBlockingQueue<NegotiationStatusMessage>();
45 |
46 | WishList wishlist = new WishListBuilder().addWish("Green", 2).build();
47 |
48 | BilateralAgent bob1 = new BuyerSubnegotiator("Bob 1", in, out, cin, cout);
49 | BilateralAgent sam = new Seller("Sam", out, in);
50 | Coordinator c = new Coordinator(wishlist, cout, cin);
51 |
52 | Thread threadBuyer = new Thread(bob1);
53 | threadBuyer.start();
54 |
55 | Thread threadSeller = new Thread(sam);
56 | threadSeller.start();
57 |
58 | Thread threadCoordinator = new Thread(c);
59 | threadCoordinator.start();
60 | }
61 |
62 | }