[268] | 1 | package onetomany.bargainingchipsgame;
| 2 |
[269] | 3 | import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
| 4 | import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
| 5 |
| 6 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.interactions.Offer;
[287] | 7 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.Agent;
[278] | 8 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.CoordinationMessage;
[279] | 9 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.Coordinator;
[278] | 10 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.NegotiationStatusMessage;
[288] | 11 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.SimpleBuyer;
| 12 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.SimpleSeller;
| 13 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.utilityfunction.UF_AllOrNothing;
| 14 | import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.utilityfunction.UF_IWantColorAndQuantity;
[269] | 15 |
[268] | 16 | /**
| 17 | * This package describes all the fundamental concepts in Bargaining Chips Game (BCG).
| 18 | *
| 19 | * BCG rules are based on a non-alternating offer protocol in each bilateral negotiation thread.
| 20 | * Multiple deals via simultaneous threads in the BCG one-to-many negotiation need to be coordinated.
| 21 | * So the players are equipped with two modules, one coordinator and multiple negotiators one per each thread.
[272] | 22 | *
| 23 | * One-to-Many package is dedicated to one-to-many negotiation which is a kind of negotiation different from bilateral and multilateral settings.
| 24 | * It is between a party which, in parallel, negotiates with many counter parties, opponents, on multiple multi-issue items.
| 25 | * Of course each opponent, in turn, could be in one-to-many negotiation with its own opponents including this party.
| 26 | *
| 27 | * Each of these individual negotiations is itself a bilateral negotiation over multiple items and multiple issues, a multi-issue multi-item thread. Each thread could reach a deal.
| 28 | * So, the whole negotiation could reach multiple deals.
| 29 | *
| 30 | * Negotiating in this atmosphere needs some coordination efforts to synchronize threads according to the progress of each individual negotiation as well as the multiple deals compared with the party's preference.
| 31 | *
| 32 | * Bargaining Chips Game, is a testbed dealing with these complexities.
| 33 | * The fundamental elements of its domain is in a package with this name (bargainingchipsname).
| 34 | * The players and the rules for their interactions are in packages `players' and 'interactions', respectively.
| 35 | *
[268] | 36 | *
| 37 | */
| 38 | public class BargainingChips
| 39 | {
[269] | 40 | public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
[268] | 41 | {
[285] | 42 | Domain domain = new Domain();
| 43 | domain.add("Red"); domain.add("Green"); domain.add("Blue");
| 44 |
| 45 | OutcomeSpace outcomeSpace = new OutcomeSpace(domain);
| 46 |
[269] | 47 | BlockingQueue<Offer> in = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Offer>();
| 48 | BlockingQueue<Offer> out = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Offer>();
[268] | 49 |
[279] | 50 | BlockingQueue<CoordinationMessage> cin = new LinkedBlockingQueue<CoordinationMessage>();
[278] | 51 | BlockingQueue<NegotiationStatusMessage> cout = new LinkedBlockingQueue<NegotiationStatusMessage>();
| 52 |
[288] | 53 | // Bob
| 54 | WishList wishlist = new WishListBuilder().addWish("Green", 2).build();
| 55 | UF_AllOrNothing u = new UF_AllOrNothing(wishlist, 20.0);
| 56 | Agent bob1 = new SimpleBuyer("Bob 1", u, in, out, cin, cout);
[281] | 57 |
[284] | 58 | Coordinator c = new Coordinator(wishlist, cout, cin);
[268] | 59 |
[288] | 60 | // Sam
| 61 | UF_IWantColorAndQuantity uSam = new UF_IWantColorAndQuantity("Green", 2);
| 62 | Agent sam = new SimpleSeller("Sam", uSam, out, in);
| 63 |
[273] | 64 | Thread threadBuyer = new Thread(bob1);
| 65 | threadBuyer.start();
[269] | 66 |
[273] | 67 | Thread threadSeller = new Thread(sam);
| 68 | threadSeller.start();
[279] | 69 |
| 70 | Thread threadCoordinator = new Thread(c);
| 71 | threadCoordinator.start();
[268] | 72 | }
| 73 |
| 74 | }