1 | /**
2 | * Test class
3 | */
4 | package negotiator.onetomany.domain;
5 |
6 | import java.awt.Color;
7 |
8 | /**
9 | * This class is for creating Chips, Stacks, and Bundles to test the operations
10 | *
11 | * @author Faria Nassiri-Mofakham
12 | *
13 | */
14 |
15 | public class test {
16 |
17 | /**
18 | * @param args
19 | */
20 | public static void main(String[] args) {
21 | // TODO
22 | Chip chip1=new Chip("Pink", 5);
23 | System.out.println("\nChip1: "+chip1);
24 | Stack stack1=new Stack(chip1,12);
25 | System.out.println("\nTEST1:::Stack1: "+stack1+", its price is "+stack1.getPrice());
26 |
27 | System.out.println("\n-----");
28 |
29 | Chip chip2=new Chip("Orange", 7);
30 | System.out.println("\nChip2: "+chip2);
31 | Stack stack2=new Stack(chip2,9);
32 | System.out.println("\nTEST1:::Stack2: "+stack2+", its price is "+stack2.getPrice());
33 |
34 | System.out.println("\n-----");
35 |
36 |
37 | Bundle bundle1 = new Bundle();
38 |
39 | bundle1.addStack(stack1);
40 | bundle1.addStack(stack2);
41 |
42 | System.out.println("\nTEST2:::Bundle1: "+bundle1);
43 |
44 | //generating a bundle with stacks in random colors, random unit price, and random quantity
45 | Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
46 | for (int i=1; i<5;i++)
47 | {
48 | // int r=(int)(Math.random()*266; int g=(int)(Math.random()*266; int b=(int)(Math.random()*266;
49 | // Color c=new Color((int)(Math.random()*255),(int)(Math.random()*255),(int)(Math.random()*255));
50 | bundle2.addStack(new Stack(new Chip(new Color((int)(Math.random()*255+1),(int)(Math.random()*255+1),(int)(Math.random()*255+1)).toString(), (double)(Math.random()*20+1)), (int)(Math.random()*10+1)));
51 |
52 | }
53 |
54 | System.out.println("\nTEST3:::Bundle2: "+bundle2);
55 |
56 |
57 | Bundle bundle3= new Bundle();
58 | bundle3.addStack(new Stack(new Chip("Red", 5), 17));
59 | bundle3.addStack(new Stack(new Chip("Green", 7), 15));
60 | bundle3.addStack(new Stack(new Chip("Blue", 10), 3));
61 | bundle3.addStack(new Stack(new Chip("Pink", 2), 1));
62 | bundle3.addStack(new Stack(new Chip("Orange", 1), 4));
63 |
64 | System.out.println("\nTEST4:::Bundle3: "+bundle3);
65 |
66 | Bundle bundle4= new Bundle();
67 |
68 | Bundle bundle5=null;
69 |
70 | System.out.println("\nBundle4: "+bundle4+"\nBundle5: "+bundle5);
71 |
72 | System.out.println("\n-----");
73 |
74 |
75 | System.out.println("\n*TEST5::: Aggregating stack1: "+stack1+" with stack2: "+stack2+" results in "+stack2.aggregateWith(stack1));
76 |
77 |
78 | System.out.println("\n-----");
79 |
80 | Stack s=null;
81 |
82 | System.out.println("\n*TEST6:::Bundle1: "+bundle1+" is aggregated with Stack: 40 x Chip(yellow, 8$) as follows:\n"+bundle1.aggregateWith(new Stack(new Chip("yellow", 8),40)));
83 | System.out.println("\n-----");
84 |
85 | System.out.println("\n*TEST7:::Bundle1: "+bundle1+" is aggregated with ``null Stack'' as follows:\n"+bundle1.aggregateWith(s));
86 | System.out.println("\n-----");
87 |
88 | System.out.println("\n*TEST8:::Bundle1: "+bundle1+" is aggregated with ``null bundle'' as follows:\n"+bundle1.aggregateWith(bundle5));
89 |
90 | System.out.println("\n-----");
91 |
92 | System.out.println("\n*TEST9:::Bundle1: "+bundle1+" is aggregated with Bundle3: "+bundle3+" as follows:\n"+ bundle1.aggregateWith(bundle3));
93 |
94 | System.out.println("\n-----");
95 |
96 | //System.out.println("\n*TEST10:::***``Null Bundle5'': "+bundle5+" is aggregated with Stack: 40 x Chip(yellow, 8$) as follows:\n"+bundle5.aggregateWith(new Stack(new Chip("yellow", 8),40)));
97 | System.out.println("\n-----");
98 |
99 | //System.out.println("\n*TEST11:::***``Null Bundle5'': "+bundle5+" is aggregated with Bundle1: "+bundle1+"as follows:\n"+bundle5.aggregateWith(bundle1));
100 |
101 | System.out.println("\n----- still problems with ``adding to null bundles'' in TEST10 and TEST11, even at returning back from internal function in TEST9.\nproblem is at adding a stack to a null bundle (see POINT1 reports, above, and so accordingly at POINT3). \nseems problem with creating/passing temporary bundle and stack variables AND it doesn't call the method from Stack class (POINT0)");
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 | }
106 |
107 | }