package genius.gui.tree; import javax.swing.SpinnerModel; import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel; import genius.gui.panels.BooleanModel; /** * Holds the uncertainty settings (while editing a profile) */ public class UncertaintySettingsModel { private BooleanModel isEnabled = new BooleanModel(false); private SpinnerModel comparisons; private SpinnerModel errors; private BooleanModel isExperimental = new BooleanModel(false); private long totalBids; /** * @oaran nbids the number of bids in the space. */ public UncertaintySettingsModel(long nbids) { totalBids = nbids; comparisons = new SpinnerNumberModel(0, 0, nbids, 1); errors = new SpinnerNumberModel(0, 0, nbids, 1.); } public SpinnerModel getComparisons() { return comparisons; } public SpinnerModel getErrors() { return errors; } public BooleanModel getIsExperimental() { return isExperimental; } public BooleanModel getIsEnabled() { return isEnabled; } /** * * @return total number of bids in the domain as received in constructor */ public long getTotalBids() { return totalBids; } }