package genius.gui.tournament;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.SpinnerModel;
import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataListener;
import genius.core.config.MultilateralTournamentConfiguration;
import genius.core.listener.DefaultListenable;
import genius.core.listener.Listener;
import genius.core.persistent.PersistentDataType;
import genius.core.repository.MultiPartyProtocolRepItem;
import genius.core.repository.ParticipantRepItem;
import genius.core.repository.PartyRepItem;
import genius.core.repository.ProfileRepItem;
import genius.gui.deadline.DeadlineModel;
import genius.gui.negosession.ContentProxy;
import genius.gui.panels.BooleanModel;
import genius.gui.panels.SingleSelectionModel;
import genius.gui.panels.SubsetSelectionModel;
* Contains the basic elements of MultilateralTournamentConfiguration, but
* mutable and the subcomponents are listenable so that we can use it for the
* MVC pattern. It listens to changes in the protocol and updates the model when
* necessary.
* You can get notified when the multitournamentmodel is complete (as indicated
* by the user, he can press 'start' in the GUI). The data passed with the
* notification is the {@link MultilateralTournamentConfiguration}.
* @author W.Pasman
public class MultiTournamentModel extends DefaultListenable {
// models are all final, as they will be used to hook up the GUI.
private final SubsetSelectionModel profileModel;
private final SubsetSelectionModel partyModel;
private final SingleSelectionModel protocolModel;
private final DeadlineModel deadlineModel = new DeadlineModel();
private final SingleSelectionModel mediatorModel;
private final SpinnerModel numTournamentsModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 2000000000, 1);
private final SpinnerModel numAgentsPerSessionModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 2000000000, 1);
private final BooleanModel agentRepetitionModel = new BooleanModel(false);
private final BooleanModel randomSessionOrderModel = new BooleanModel(false);
private final BooleanModel enablePrintModel = new BooleanModel(false);
private final BilateralOptionsModel bilateralOptionsModel;
private final SingleSelectionModel persistentDatatypeModel = new SingleSelectionModel(
public MultiTournamentModel() {
// load initial models.
protocolModel = new SingleSelectionModel<>(ContentProxy.fetchProtocols());
profileModel = new SubsetSelectionModel(ContentProxy.fetchProfiles());
// stubs for the partyModel and mediatorModel, will be set properly in
// updateSubmodels.
partyModel = new SubsetSelectionModel(new ArrayList());
mediatorModel = new SingleSelectionModel(new ArrayList());
bilateralOptionsModel = new BilateralOptionsModel(protocolModel);
public SubsetSelectionModel getProfileModel() {
return profileModel;
* @return model containing the deadline information
public DeadlineModel getDeadlineModel() {
return deadlineModel;
* @return model containing the parties to use in the tournament
public SubsetSelectionModel getPartyModel() {
return partyModel;
* @return the model containing the number of tournaments to be run. This is
* also called "number of sessions" in some places. May be somethign
* historic.
public SpinnerModel getNumTournamentsModel() {
return numTournamentsModel;
* @return the model containing the number of agents per session.
public SpinnerModel getNumAgentsPerSessionModel() {
return numAgentsPerSessionModel;
* @return mediator model, or null if no mediator for this protocol
public SingleSelectionModel getMediatorModel() {
return mediatorModel;
* @return this model, converted in a
* {@link MultilateralTournamentConfiguration}.
public MultilateralTournamentConfiguration getConfiguration() {
List profilesB = new ArrayList<>();
List partiesB = new ArrayList<>();
if (!bilateralOptionsModel.getPlayBothSides().getValue()) {
profilesB = bilateralOptionsModel.getProfileModelB().getSelectedItems();
partiesB = bilateralOptionsModel.getPartyModelB().getSelectedItems();
return new MultilateralTournamentConfiguration(protocolModel.getSelection(), deadlineModel.getDeadline(),
mediatorModel.getSelection(), partyModel.getSelectedItems(), profileModel.getSelectedItems(), partiesB,
profilesB, (int) numTournamentsModel.getValue(), (int) numAgentsPerSessionModel.getValue(),
agentRepetitionModel.getValue(), randomSessionOrderModel.getValue(),
persistentDatatypeModel.getSelection(), enablePrintModel.getValue());
* @return model containing the protocol
public SingleSelectionModel getProtocolModel() {
return protocolModel;
public BooleanModel getAgentRepetitionModel() {
return agentRepetitionModel;
public BooleanModel getRandomSessionOrderModel() {
return randomSessionOrderModel;
* Call this when model is completed (user clicked 'start'). TODO check that
* the model is indeed complete.
public void modelIsComplete() {
public BilateralOptionsModel getBilateralOptionsModel() {
return bilateralOptionsModel;
public SingleSelectionModel getPersistentDatatypeModel() {
return persistentDatatypeModel;
/******************* support funcs ***********************/
* Update the repetition setting. Must go to "true, locked" mode if
* agentsPerSession is bigger than the number of available agents.
private void updateAgentRepetition() {
if ((int) numAgentsPerSessionModel.getValue() > partyModel.getSelectedItems().size()) {
* connecting listeners that check the constraints between the fields in the
* model
private void addConstraints() {
// protocol has major impact on the submodels
protocolModel.addListDataListener(new ListDataListener() {
public void intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent e) {
public void intervalAdded(ListDataEvent e) {
public void contentsChanged(ListDataEvent e) {
// The "Agents per session" field by default equals number of profiles;
// the agent repetition is depending on this too.
profileModel.addListener(new Listener() {
public void notifyChange(ProfileRepItem data) {
// #parties and numAgentsPerSession -> repetition
partyModel.addListener(new Listener() {
public void notifyChange(ParticipantRepItem data) {
numAgentsPerSessionModel.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
* Update the models after a protocol change.
* @param protocol
* the new protocol.
private void updateSubmodels() {
MultiPartyProtocolRepItem protocol = protocolModel.getSelection();
public BooleanModel getEnablePrint() {
return enablePrintModel;