1 | package genius.gui.session;
2 |
3 | import java.awt.BorderLayout;
4 | import java.io.FileOutputStream;
5 | import java.io.IOException;
6 | import java.text.DateFormat;
7 | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
8 | import java.util.ArrayList;
9 | import java.util.Date;
10 | import java.util.List;
11 | import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
12 | import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
13 |
14 | import javax.swing.JFrame;
15 | import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
16 | import javax.swing.JPanel;
17 | import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
18 |
19 | import genius.core.AgentID;
20 | import genius.core.exceptions.InstantiateException;
21 | import genius.core.exceptions.NegotiatorException;
22 | import genius.core.listener.Listener;
23 | import genius.core.logging.ConsoleLogger;
24 | import genius.core.logging.FileLogger;
25 | import genius.core.logging.XmlLogger;
26 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationParty;
27 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationPartyInternal;
28 | import genius.core.parties.SessionsInfo;
29 | import genius.core.protocol.MultilateralProtocol;
30 | import genius.core.repository.ParticipantRepItem;
31 | import genius.core.repository.ProfileRepItem;
32 | import genius.core.session.ExecutorWithTimeout;
33 | import genius.core.session.MultilateralSessionConfiguration;
34 | import genius.core.session.Participant;
35 | import genius.core.session.RepositoryException;
36 | import genius.core.session.Session;
37 | import genius.core.session.SessionConfiguration;
38 | import genius.core.session.SessionManager;
39 | import genius.core.session.TournamentManager;
40 | import genius.gui.progress.session.ActionDocumentModel;
41 | import genius.gui.progress.session.OutcomesListModel;
42 | import genius.gui.progress.session.SessionProgressUI;
43 |
44 | /**
45 | * Session Panel. Asks user to configure a session. When user presses run, the
46 | * panel changes into a progress panel and a session runner is started.
47 | */
48 | @SuppressWarnings("serial")
49 | public class SessionPanel extends JPanel {
50 | public SessionPanel() {
51 | final SessionModel model = new SessionModel();
52 |
53 | setLayout(new BorderLayout());
54 | add(new SessionConfigPanel(model), BorderLayout.CENTER);
55 | model.addListener(new Listener<MultilateralSessionConfiguration>() {
56 | @Override
57 | public void notifyChange(final MultilateralSessionConfiguration config) {
58 | new Thread(new Runnable() {
59 | @Override
60 | public void run() {
61 | boolean showChart = model.getShowChart().getValue();
62 | boolean biChart = model.getParticipantsModel().getSize() == 2
63 | && model.getBilateralUtilUtilPlot().getValue();
64 | runSession(config, showChart, biChart, model.getBilateralShowAllBids().getValue(),
65 | model.getPrintEnabled().getValue());
66 | }
67 | }).start();
68 | }
69 |
70 | });
71 |
72 | }
73 |
74 | /**
75 | * Runs a session and waits for completion.
76 | *
77 | * @param config
78 | * @param showChart
79 | * true iff a progress chart should be shown.
80 | * @param useBiChart
81 | * true iff the bilateral progress chart is to be used.
82 | * @param showAllBids
83 | */
84 | private void runSession(MultilateralSessionConfiguration config, boolean showChart, boolean useBiChart,
85 | boolean showAllBids, boolean isPrintEnabled) {
86 | System.out.println("run session, with " + config);
87 | try {
88 | start(config, showChart, useBiChart, showAllBids, isPrintEnabled);
89 | } catch (InstantiateException | RepositoryException | NegotiatorException | XMLStreamException | IOException
90 | | TimeoutException | ExecutionException e) {
91 | e.printStackTrace();
92 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Session failed to run: " + e.getMessage(), "Warning",
93 | JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
94 | }
95 |
96 | }
97 |
98 | /**
99 | *
100 | * @param config
101 | * @param showChart
102 | * @param showBiChart
103 | * true if progress chart has to be shown
104 | * @param showAllBids
105 | * if the bilateral progress chart should be used. Ignored if
106 | * showBiChart is false.
107 | * @param isPrintEnabled
108 | * true iff system out print is enabled.
109 | * @throws InstantiateException
110 | * @throws RepositoryException
111 | * @throws NegotiatorException
112 | * @throws XMLStreamException
113 | * @throws IOException
114 | * @throws TimeoutException
115 | * @throws ExecutionException
116 | */
117 | public void start(MultilateralSessionConfiguration config, boolean showChart, boolean showBiChart,
118 | boolean showAllBids, boolean isPrintEnabled) throws InstantiateException, RepositoryException,
119 | NegotiatorException, XMLStreamException, IOException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException {
120 |
121 | if (config.getParties().size() < 2) {
122 | throw new IllegalArgumentException("There should be at least two negotiating agents !");
123 | }
124 |
125 | MultilateralProtocol protocol = TournamentManager.getProtocol(config.getProtocol());
126 | SessionsInfo info = new SessionsInfo(protocol, config.getPersistentDataType(), isPrintEnabled);
127 | Session session = new Session(config.getDeadline(), info);
128 |
129 | ExecutorWithTimeout executor = new ExecutorWithTimeout(1000 * config.getDeadline().getTimeOrDefaultTimeout());
130 | List<NegotiationPartyInternal> negoparties = getNegotiationParties(config, session, info, executor);
131 | SessionManager sessionManager = new SessionManager((SessionConfiguration) config, negoparties, session,
132 | executor);
133 |
134 | displayProgress(negoparties, sessionManager, showChart, showBiChart, showAllBids);
135 |
136 | // connect the loggers.
137 | DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
138 | String fileName = String.format("log/Log-Session_%s", dateFormat.format(new Date()));
139 | FileLogger filelogger = new FileLogger(fileName);
140 | XmlLogger xmlLogger = new XmlLogger(new FileOutputStream(fileName + ".xml"), "Session");
141 | sessionManager.addListener(filelogger);
142 | sessionManager.addListener(xmlLogger);
143 | sessionManager.addListener(new ConsoleLogger());
144 |
145 | System.out.println("Negotiation session has started.");
146 | Thread t = new Thread(sessionManager);
147 | t.start();
148 | try {
149 | t.join();
150 | } catch (InterruptedException e) {
151 | e.printStackTrace();
152 | }
153 |
154 | // close the loggers
155 | System.out.println("Negotiation session has stopped.");
156 | try {
157 | filelogger.close();
158 | } catch (IOException e) {
159 | e.printStackTrace();
160 | }
161 | try {
162 | xmlLogger.close();
163 | } catch (IOException e) {
164 | e.printStackTrace();
165 | }
166 | info.close();
167 |
168 | }
169 |
170 | /**
171 | *
172 | * @param negoparties
173 | * @param sessionManager
174 | * @param showChart
175 | * true iff any progress chart has to be shown
176 | * @param biChart
177 | * if the bilateral progress chart has to be shown. Ignored if
178 | * showChart is false.
179 | * @param showAllBids
180 | */
181 | private void displayProgress(List<NegotiationPartyInternal> negoparties, SessionManager sessionManager,
182 | boolean showChart, boolean biChart, boolean showAllBids) {
183 | OutcomesListModel model = new OutcomesListModel(negoparties);
184 | ActionDocumentModel actiondocument = new ActionDocumentModel();
185 | sessionManager.addListener(model);
186 | sessionManager.addListener(actiondocument);
187 | removeAll();
188 | add(new SessionProgressUI(model, actiondocument, showChart, biChart, showAllBids), BorderLayout.CENTER);
189 | revalidate();
190 | }
191 |
192 | /**
193 | *
194 | * @param config
195 | * @param session
196 | * @param info
197 | * @param executor
198 | * the executor in which this session runs.
199 | * @return the parties for this negotiation. Converts the config into actual
200 | * {@link NegotiationParty}s
201 | * @throws RepositoryException
202 | * @throws NegotiatorException
203 | * @throws ExecutionException
204 | * @throws TimeoutException
205 | */
206 | private List<NegotiationPartyInternal> getNegotiationParties(MultilateralSessionConfiguration config,
207 | Session session, SessionsInfo info, ExecutorWithTimeout executor)
208 | throws RepositoryException, NegotiatorException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException {
209 | List<ParticipantRepItem> parties = new ArrayList<>();
210 | List<ProfileRepItem> profiles = new ArrayList<>();
211 | List<AgentID> names = new ArrayList<AgentID>();
212 |
213 | for (Participant participant : config.getParties()) {
214 | ParticipantRepItem strategy = participant.getStrategy();
215 | parties.add(strategy);
216 | if (!strategy.isMediator()) {
217 | profiles.add(participant.getProfile());
218 | names.add(participant.getId());
219 | }
220 | }
221 |
222 | return TournamentManager.getPartyList(executor, config, info, session);
223 | // List<NegotiationPartyInternal> negoparties =
224 | // TournamentGenerator.generateSessionParties(parties, profiles,
225 | // names, session, info);
226 | // return negoparties;
227 | }
228 |
229 | private List<NegotiationPartyInternal> getNonMediators(List<NegotiationPartyInternal> negoparties) {
230 | List<NegotiationPartyInternal> list = new ArrayList<>();
231 | for (NegotiationPartyInternal party : negoparties) {
232 | if (!party.isMediator()) {
233 | list.add(party);
234 | }
235 | }
236 | return list;
237 | }
238 |
239 | /**
240 | * simple stub to run this stand-alone (for testing).
241 | *
242 | * @param args
243 | */
244 | public static void main(String[] args) {
245 | final JFrame gui = new JFrame();
246 | gui.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
247 | gui.getContentPane().add(new SessionPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
248 | gui.pack();
249 | gui.setVisible(true);
250 | }
251 |
252 | }