1 | package genius.gui.progress.session;
2 |
3 | import java.util.List;
4 |
5 | import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
6 |
7 | import genius.core.AgentID;
8 | import genius.core.Bid;
9 | import genius.core.actions.ActionWithBid;
10 | import genius.core.events.MultipartyNegoActionEvent;
11 | import genius.core.events.NegotiationEvent;
12 | import genius.core.events.SessionEndedNormallyEvent;
13 | import genius.core.listener.Listener;
14 | import genius.core.parties.PartyWithUtility;
15 |
16 | /**
17 | * Outcomes model. Listens to {@link NegotiationEvent}s and keeps a
18 | * {@link DefaultListModel} with the {@link Outcome}s that were reported.
19 | *
20 | * Notice: some panels assume that only 1 item is added to OutcomesModel at a
21 | * time.
22 | *
23 | */
24 | @SuppressWarnings("serial")
25 | public class OutcomesListModel extends DefaultListModel<Outcome> implements Listener<NegotiationEvent> {
26 |
27 | private List<? extends PartyWithUtility> parties;
28 |
29 | public OutcomesListModel(List<? extends PartyWithUtility> parties) {
30 | this.parties = parties;
31 | }
32 |
33 | @Override
34 | public void notifyChange(NegotiationEvent e) {
35 | Bid bid = null;
36 | int round = 0, turn = 0;
37 | boolean isAgreement = false;
38 | double time = 0;
39 | AgentID agent = null;
40 | if (e instanceof MultipartyNegoActionEvent) {
41 | MultipartyNegoActionEvent event = (MultipartyNegoActionEvent) e;
42 | if (event.getAction() instanceof ActionWithBid) {
43 | round = event.getRound();
44 | turn = event.getTurn();
45 | bid = ((ActionWithBid) event.getAction()).getBid();
46 | agent = ((ActionWithBid) event.getAction()).getAgent();
47 | time = event.getTime();
48 | }
49 | } else if (e instanceof SessionEndedNormallyEvent) {
50 | SessionEndedNormallyEvent event = (SessionEndedNormallyEvent) e;
51 | bid = event.getAgreement();
52 | round = ((SessionEndedNormallyEvent) e).getSession().getRoundNumber();
53 | turn = ((SessionEndedNormallyEvent) e).getSession().getTurnNumber();
54 | isAgreement = true;
55 | if (event.getSession().getMostRecentAction() != null) {
56 | agent = event.getSession().getMostRecentAction().getAgent();
57 | } else {
58 | // crash in first round of first agent.
59 | agent = ((SessionEndedNormallyEvent) e).getParties().get(0).getID();
60 | }
61 | time = event.getSession().getTimeline().getTime();
62 | }
63 | // FIXME handle other cases?
64 | if (bid != null) {
65 | addElement(new Outcome(bid, round, turn, parties, isAgreement, agent, time));
66 | }
67 | }
68 |
69 | /**
70 | * @return the list of parties in this negotiation.
71 | */
72 | public List<? extends PartyWithUtility> getParties() {
73 | return parties;
74 | }
75 |
76 | }