1 | package genius.gui.dialogs;
2 |
3 | import java.awt.BorderLayout;
4 | import java.awt.CardLayout;
5 | import java.awt.Component;
6 | import java.awt.GridLayout;
7 | import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
8 | import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
9 | import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
10 | import java.util.ArrayList;
11 | import java.util.List;
12 |
13 | import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
14 | import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
15 | import javax.swing.JComboBox;
16 | import javax.swing.JLabel;
17 | import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
18 | import javax.swing.JPanel;
19 | import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
20 | import javax.swing.JTextArea;
21 | import javax.swing.JTextField;
22 |
23 | import genius.core.issue.Issue;
24 | import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete;
25 | import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger;
26 | import genius.core.issue.IssueReal;
27 | import genius.core.issue.Objective;
28 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
29 | import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete;
30 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
31 | import genius.core.utility.Evaluator;
32 | import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete;
33 | import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorInteger;
34 | import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorReal;
35 | import genius.gui.tree.NegotiatorTreeTableModel;
36 | import genius.gui.tree.TreeFrame;
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * A dialog window of Genius GUI used to createFrom a new issue and/or evaluator
40 | * for a issue.
41 | *
42 | *
43 | * @author Dmytro Tykhonov
44 | *
45 | */
46 | public class NewIssueDialog extends NewObjectiveDialog implements ItemListener {
47 |
48 | private static final long serialVersionUID = 329109532781050011L;
49 | // Variables
50 | protected static final String DISCRETE = "Discrete";
51 | protected static final String INTEGER = "Integer";
52 | protected static final String REAL = "Real";
53 |
54 | protected JComboBox issueType;
55 | protected String[] issueTypes;
56 | protected JPanel issuePropertyCards;
57 | protected JPanel issuePropertyPanel;
58 | protected JPanel discretePanel;
59 | protected JPanel integerPanel;
60 | protected JPanel realPanel;
61 |
62 | protected JTextArea discreteTextArea;
63 | protected JTextArea discreteTextEvaluationArea;
64 |
65 | protected JTextField integerMinField;
66 | protected JTextField integerOtherField;
67 | protected JTextField integerUtilityLowestValue;
68 | protected JTextField integerUtilityHighestValue;
69 | protected JTextField integerMaxField;
70 |
71 | protected JTextField realMinField;
72 | protected JTextField realOtherField;
73 | protected JTextField realLinearField;
74 | protected JTextField realParameterField;
75 | protected JTextField realMaxField;
76 |
77 | // Constructors
78 | public NewIssueDialog(TreeFrame owner) {
79 | this(owner, false);
80 | }
81 |
82 | public NewIssueDialog(TreeFrame owner, boolean modal) {
83 | this(owner, modal, "Create new Issue");
84 | }
85 |
86 | public NewIssueDialog(TreeFrame owner, boolean modal, String name) {
87 | super(owner, modal, name); // This returns only after user filled in the
88 | // form and pressed OK
89 | }
90 |
91 | // Methods
92 | protected void initPanels() {
93 | super.initPanels();
94 | JPanel tmpIssPropP = constructIssuePropertyPanel();
95 |
96 | this.add(tmpIssPropP, BorderLayout.CENTER);
97 |
98 | }
99 |
100 | private JPanel constructIssuePropertyPanel() {
101 | String[] issueTypesTmp = { DISCRETE, INTEGER };
102 | issueTypes = issueTypesTmp;
103 |
104 | // Initialize the comboBox.
105 | issueType = new JComboBox(issueTypes);
106 | issueType.setSelectedIndex(0);
107 | issueType.addItemListener(this);
108 |
109 | // Initialize the input components
110 | discreteTextArea = new JTextArea(20, 10);
111 | discreteTextEvaluationArea = new JTextArea(20, 4);
112 |
113 | integerMinField = new JTextField(15);
114 | integerOtherField = new JTextField(15);
115 | integerUtilityLowestValue = new JTextField(15);
116 | integerUtilityHighestValue = new JTextField(15);
117 |
118 | integerMaxField = new JTextField(15);
119 | realMinField = new JTextField(15);
120 | realOtherField = new JTextField(15);
121 | realLinearField = new JTextField(15);
122 | realParameterField = new JTextField(15);
123 | realMaxField = new JTextField(15);
124 |
125 | // Initialize the panels.
126 | discretePanel = constructDiscretePanel();
127 | integerPanel = constructIntegerPanel();
128 | realPanel = constructRealPanel();
129 |
130 | issuePropertyCards = new JPanel();
131 | issuePropertyCards.setLayout(new CardLayout());
132 | issuePropertyCards.add(discretePanel, DISCRETE);
133 | issuePropertyCards.add(integerPanel, INTEGER);
134 | issuePropertyCards.add(realPanel, REAL);
135 |
136 | issuePropertyPanel = new JPanel();
137 | issuePropertyPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Issue Properties"));
138 | issuePropertyPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
139 | issuePropertyPanel.add(issueType, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
140 | issuePropertyPanel.add(issuePropertyCards, BorderLayout.CENTER);
141 |
142 | return issuePropertyPanel;
143 | }
144 |
145 | private JPanel constructDiscretePanel() {
146 | JPanel panel = new JPanel();
147 | panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
148 |
149 | JPanel textPanel = new JPanel();
150 |
151 | textPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(textPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
152 | JLabel textLabel = new JLabel("Edit the discrete values below.");
153 | textPanel.add(textLabel);
154 | textPanel.add(new JScrollPane(discreteTextArea));
155 | panel.add(textPanel);
156 |
157 | if (!treeFrame.isDomain()) {
158 | JPanel evalPanel = new JPanel();
159 | evalPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(evalPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
160 | JLabel evalLabel = new JLabel("Evaluation values.");
161 | evalPanel.add(evalLabel);
162 | evalPanel.add(new JScrollPane(discreteTextEvaluationArea));
163 | panel.add(evalPanel);
164 | }
165 |
166 | // for a domain, do not show the evaluations
167 | if (treeFrame.isDomain()) {
168 | discreteTextEvaluationArea.setVisible(false);
169 | }
170 | discreteTextArea.setEditable(false);
171 | if (treeFrame.isDomain() && treeFrame.hasNoProfiles()) { // so it's a
172 | // domain
173 | // with no
174 | // profiles
175 | discreteTextArea.setEditable(true);
176 | }
177 | return panel;
178 | }
179 |
180 | private JPanel constructIntegerPanel() {
181 | JPanel panel = new JPanel();
182 |
183 | GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(6, 4);
184 |
185 | panel.setLayout(layout);
186 | // SPACING
187 | for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
188 | panel.add(new JLabel());
189 | }
190 |
191 | panel.add(new JLabel("Minimum value: "));
192 | panel.add(integerMinField);
193 |
194 | panel.add(new JLabel("Evaluation of minimum value: "));
195 | panel.add(integerUtilityLowestValue);
196 |
197 | for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
198 | panel.add(new JLabel());
199 | }
200 |
201 | panel.add(new JLabel("Maximum value: "));
202 | panel.add(integerMaxField);
203 |
204 | panel.add(new JLabel("Evaluation of maximum value: "));
205 | panel.add(integerUtilityHighestValue);
206 |
207 | if (((NegotiatorTreeTableModel) treeFrame.getTreeTable().getTree().getModel()).getUtilitySpace() == null) {
208 | integerUtilityLowestValue.setEnabled(false);
209 | integerUtilityHighestValue.setEnabled(false);
210 | if (!treeFrame.hasNoProfiles()) {
211 | integerMinField.setEnabled(false);
212 | integerMaxField.setEnabled(false);
213 | }
214 | integerUtilityLowestValue.setToolTipText("Disabled until there is a Utility Space.");
215 | integerUtilityHighestValue.setToolTipText("Disabled until there is a Utility Space.");
216 | } else {
217 | integerMinField.setEnabled(false);
218 | integerMaxField.setEnabled(false);
219 | }
220 |
221 | for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
222 | panel.add(new JLabel());
223 | }
224 |
225 | return panel;
226 | }
227 |
228 | private JPanel constructRealPanel() {
229 | JPanel panel = new JPanel();
230 | panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
231 | JLabel label = new JLabel("Give the bounds of the Real values:");
232 | panel.add(label);
233 |
234 | JPanel min = new JPanel();
235 | min.add(new JLabel("Min: "));
236 | min.add(realMinField);
237 | panel.add(min);
238 |
239 | JPanel lin = new JPanel();
240 | lin.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
241 | lin.add(new JLabel("Linear: "));
242 | lin.add(realLinearField);
243 | panel.add(lin);
244 |
245 | JPanel par = new JPanel();
246 | par.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
247 | par.add(new JLabel("Constant: "));
248 | par.add(realParameterField);
249 | panel.add(par);
250 |
251 | JPanel max = new JPanel();
252 | max.add(new JLabel("Max: "));
253 | max.add(realMaxField);
254 | panel.add(max);
255 |
256 | if (((NegotiatorTreeTableModel) treeFrame.getTreeTable().getTree().getModel()).getUtilitySpace() == null) {
257 | realLinearField.setEnabled(false);
258 | realLinearField.setToolTipText("Disabled until there is a Utility Space.");
259 | realParameterField.setEnabled(false);
260 | realParameterField.setToolTipText("Disabled until there is a Utility Space.");
261 | }
262 |
263 | return panel;
264 | }
265 |
266 | protected boolean getWeightCheck() {
267 | return true;
268 | }
269 |
270 | /*
271 | *
272 | * get values from the input thingy empty lines are not aloowed and just
273 | * ignored..
274 | */
275 | protected String[] getDiscreteValues() throws InvalidInputException {
276 | String[] values = discreteTextArea.getText().split("\n");
277 | return values;
278 | }
279 |
280 | /**
281 | * Gets the evaluations for the discrete issue from the input field in this
282 | * dialog.
283 | *
284 | * @return An arrayList with the evaluations. Now returns elements with
285 | * value 0 to indicate non-entered (empty field) values.
286 | *
287 | * @throws InvalidInputException
288 | * if illegal input is given
289 | */
290 | protected ArrayList<Integer> getDiscreteEvalutions() throws InvalidInputException, ClassCastException {
291 | String[] evalueStrings = discreteTextEvaluationArea.getText().split("\n", -1);
292 |
293 | ArrayList<Integer> evalues = new ArrayList<Integer>();
294 | for (int i = 0; i < evalueStrings.length; i++) {
295 | Integer value = 0;
296 | if (!evalueStrings[i].equals("")) {
297 | value = Integer.valueOf(evalueStrings[i]);
298 | if (value < 0)
299 | throw new InvalidInputException("Encountered " + value + ". Negative numbers are not allowed here");
300 | }
301 | evalues.add(value);
302 | }
303 | System.out.println(evalues);
304 | return evalues;
305 | }
306 |
307 | protected int getIntegerMin() throws InvalidInputException {
308 | if (!integerMinField.getText().equals(""))
309 | return Integer.parseInt(integerMinField.getText());
310 | else
311 | return 0;
312 | }
313 |
314 | protected int getIntegerOther() throws InvalidInputException {
315 | if (!integerOtherField.getText().equals(""))
316 | return Integer.parseInt(integerOtherField.getText());
317 | else
318 | return 0;
319 | }
320 |
321 | protected double getUtilityLowestInteger() throws InvalidInputException {
322 | if (!integerUtilityLowestValue.getText().equals(""))
323 | return Double.parseDouble(integerUtilityLowestValue.getText());
324 | else
325 | return 0;
326 | }
327 |
328 | protected double getUtilityHeighestInteger() throws InvalidInputException {
329 | if (!integerUtilityHighestValue.getText().equals(""))
330 | return Double.parseDouble(integerUtilityHighestValue.getText());
331 | else
332 | return 0;
333 | }
334 |
335 | protected int getIntegerMax() throws InvalidInputException {
336 | if (!integerMaxField.getText().equals(""))
337 | return Integer.parseInt(integerMaxField.getText());
338 | else
339 | return 0;
340 | }
341 |
342 | protected double getRealMin() throws InvalidInputException {
343 | if (!realMinField.getText().equals(""))
344 | return Double.parseDouble(realMinField.getText());
345 | else
346 | return 0.0;
347 | }
348 |
349 | protected double getRealOther() throws InvalidInputException {
350 | if (!realOtherField.getText().equals(""))
351 | return Double.parseDouble(realOtherField.getText());
352 | else
353 | return 0.0;
354 | }
355 |
356 | protected double getRealLinear() throws InvalidInputException {
357 | if (!realLinearField.getText().equals(""))
358 | return Double.parseDouble(realLinearField.getText());
359 | else
360 | return 0.0;
361 | }
362 |
363 | protected double getRealParameter() throws InvalidInputException {
364 | if (!realParameterField.getText().equals(""))
365 | return Double.parseDouble(realParameterField.getText());
366 | else
367 | return 0.0;
368 | }
369 |
370 | protected double getRealMax() throws InvalidInputException {
371 | if (!realMaxField.getText().equals(""))
372 | return Double.parseDouble(realMaxField.getText());
373 | else
374 | return 0.0;
375 | }
376 |
377 | protected Issue constructIssue() {
378 | return updateIssue(null);
379 | }
380 |
381 | /**
382 | * This updates the data structures after the issue dialog was completed and
383 | * user pressed OK. Not clear to me how it can return only an issue, so
384 | * where are the values that were set as well? (the values should be put
385 | * into a utility space)? The utility space is updated under water, and the
386 | * dialog can access it via the parent node (treeFrame) that has access to
387 | * the utility space....
388 | *
389 | * @param issue
390 | * @return the same issue as provided (but then updated).
391 | * @throws exception
392 | * if issues can not be accepted. e.g. negative evaluation
393 | * values or if no evaluator available for issue while there is
394 | * a utiliyt space.
395 | */
396 | protected Issue updateIssue(Issue issue) {
397 | // FIXME THIS CODE IS UGLY. The behaviour is not ok.
398 | String name;
399 | int number;
400 | String description;
401 | Objective selected = null; // The Objective that is selected in the
402 | // tree, which will be the new Issue's
403 | // parent.
404 | boolean newIssue = (issue == null); // Defines if a new Issue is added,
405 | // or if an existing Issue is being
406 | // edited.
407 |
408 | // Wouter: added: they threw away the old evaluator... bad because you
409 | // loose the weight settings of the evaluator.
410 | // Wouter; code is ugly. They createFrom a NEW evaluator anyway.
411 | // And at the end they check whethere there is a util space
412 | // anyway, and if not they throw away the new evaluator.....
413 | // Also we are paying here for the mix between domain and utility space
414 | // editor-in-one
415 | AdditiveUtilitySpace uts = treeFrame.getNegotiatorTreeTableModel().getUtilitySpace();
416 | Evaluator evaluator = null;
417 | if (uts != null && issue != null)
418 | evaluator = uts.getEvaluator(issue.getNumber());
419 |
420 | try {
421 | name = getObjectiveName();
422 | number = getObjectiveNumber();
423 | description = getObjectiveDescription();
424 | } catch (InvalidInputException e) {
425 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage());
426 | return null;
427 | }
428 | // If no issue is given to be modified,
429 | // construct a new one that is the child of the selected Objective.
430 | if (newIssue) {
431 | selected = treeFrame.getRoot();
432 | }
433 |
434 | String selectedType = (String) issueType.getSelectedItem();
435 | // Issue issue = null;
436 | if (selectedType == DISCRETE) {
437 | // EvaluatorDiscrete evDis = null;
438 | String[] values;
439 | ArrayList<Integer> evalues = null;
440 | try {
441 | values = getDiscreteValues();
442 | } catch (InvalidInputException e) {
443 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage());
444 | return null;
445 | }
446 | try {
447 | evalues = getDiscreteEvalutions();
448 | if (evalues == null)
449 | System.out.println("No evalues");
450 | } catch (Exception f) { // Can also be a casting exception.
451 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Problem reading evaluation values:" + f.getMessage());
452 | }
453 |
454 | if (newIssue) {
455 | issue = new IssueDiscrete(name, number, values);
456 | } else if (issue instanceof IssueDiscrete) {
457 | issue.setName(name);
458 | issue.setNumber(number);
459 | ((IssueDiscrete) issue).clear();
460 | ((IssueDiscrete) issue).addValues(values);
461 | }
462 | List<ValueDiscrete> v_enum = ((IssueDiscrete) issue).getValues();
463 |
464 | // load values into discrete evaluator
465 | if (evaluator != null && evalues != null) {
466 | try {
467 | ((EvaluatorDiscrete) evaluator).clear();
468 |
469 | for (int i = 0; i < v_enum.size(); i++) {
470 | if (i < evalues.size()) // evalues field is 0 if error
471 | // occured at that field.
472 | {
473 | ((EvaluatorDiscrete) evaluator).setEvaluation(((Value) v_enum.get(i)), evalues.get(i));
474 | }
475 | }
476 | } catch (Exception e) {
477 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage());
478 | }
479 |
480 | // Wouter: I don't like the way this works now but notime to
481 | // correct it.
482 |
483 | if (uts != null)
484 | uts.addEvaluator(issue, evaluator);
485 | }
486 | } else if (selectedType == INTEGER) {
487 | int min;
488 | int max;
489 |
490 | // Evaluator evInt = null;
491 | try {
492 | min = getIntegerMin();
493 | max = getIntegerMax();
494 |
495 | if (!integerUtilityLowestValue.getText().equals("")) {
496 | // evInt = new EvaluatorInteger();
497 | // evInt.setWeight(0.0);
498 | ((EvaluatorInteger) evaluator).setLowerBound(min);
499 | ((EvaluatorInteger) evaluator).setUpperBound(max);
500 | ((EvaluatorInteger) evaluator).setLinearFunction(getUtilityLowestInteger(),
501 | getUtilityHeighestInteger());
502 | }
503 | } catch (InvalidInputException e) {
504 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage());
505 | return null;
506 | }
507 | if (newIssue) {
508 | issue = new IssueInteger(name, number, min, max);
509 | } else if (issue instanceof IssueInteger) {
510 | issue.setName(name);
511 | issue.setNumber(number);
512 | ((IssueInteger) issue).setLowerBound(min);
513 | ((IssueInteger) issue).setUpperBound(max);
514 | }
515 | if (uts != null)
516 | uts.addEvaluator(issue, evaluator);
517 | } else if (selectedType == REAL) {
518 | double min;
519 | double max;
520 | // Evaluator evReal = null;
521 | try {
522 | min = getRealMin();
523 | // other = getRealOther();
524 | max = getRealMax();
525 | if (!realLinearField.getText().equals("")) {
526 | // evReal = new EvaluatorReal();
527 | // evReal.setWeight(0.0);
528 | ((EvaluatorReal) evaluator).setLowerBound(min);
529 | ((EvaluatorReal) evaluator).setUpperBound(max);
530 | ((EvaluatorReal) evaluator).setLinearParam(getRealLinear());
531 | } else if (!realParameterField.getText().equals("")) {
532 | // evReal = new EvaluatorReal();
533 | // evReal.setWeight(0.0);
534 | ((EvaluatorReal) evaluator).setLowerBound(min);
535 | ((EvaluatorReal) evaluator).setUpperBound(max);
536 | ((EvaluatorReal) evaluator).setConstantParam(getRealParameter());
537 | }
538 | } catch (InvalidInputException e) {
539 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage());
540 | return null;
541 | }
542 | if (newIssue) {
543 | issue = new IssueReal(name, number, min, max);
544 | } else if (issue instanceof IssueReal) {
545 | issue.setName(name);
546 | issue.setNumber(number);
547 | ((IssueReal) issue).setLowerBound(min);
548 | ((IssueReal) issue).setUpperBound(max);
549 | }
550 | if (uts != null)
551 | uts.addEvaluator(issue, evaluator);
552 |
553 | } else {
554 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Please select an issue type!");
555 | return null;
556 | }
557 |
558 | issue.setDescription(description);
559 | if (newIssue) {
560 | selected.addChild(issue);
561 | }
562 |
563 | return issue;
564 | }
565 |
566 | /**
567 | * Overrides actionPerformed from Objective.
568 | */
569 | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
570 | if (e.getSource() == okButton) {
571 | Issue issue = constructIssue();
572 | if (issue == null)
573 | return;
574 | else {
575 | // Notify the model that the contents of the treetable have
576 | // changed
577 | NegotiatorTreeTableModel model = (NegotiatorTreeTableModel) treeFrame.getNegotiatorTreeTableModel();
578 | Object[] path = { model.getRoot() };
579 | model.treeStructureChanged(this, path);
580 | this.dispose();
581 | }
582 | } else if (e.getSource() == cancelButton) {
583 | this.dispose();
584 | }
585 | }
586 |
587 | public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
588 | ((CardLayout) issuePropertyCards.getLayout()).show(issuePropertyCards, (String) e.getItem());
589 | }
590 | } |