1 | package genius.core;
2 |
3 | import java.io.File;
4 | import java.io.IOException;
5 | import java.io.InputStream;
6 | import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
7 | import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
8 | import java.io.OutputStream;
9 | import java.io.Serializable;
10 | import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
11 | import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
12 | import java.net.MalformedURLException;
13 | import java.net.URL;
14 | import java.net.URLClassLoader;
15 | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
16 | import java.util.Calendar;
17 | import java.util.Date;
18 | import java.util.HashMap;
19 | import java.util.TimeZone;
20 | import java.util.regex.Matcher;
21 |
22 | import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
23 |
24 | import genius.core.exceptions.InstantiateException;
25 | import genius.core.protocol.Protocol;
26 | import genius.core.repository.AgentRepItem;
27 | import genius.core.repository.ProfileRepItem;
28 | import genius.core.repository.ProtocolRepItem;
29 | import genius.core.tournament.TournamentConfiguration;
30 | import genius.core.tournament.VariablesAndValues.AgentParamValue;
31 | import genius.core.tournament.VariablesAndValues.AgentParameterVariable;
32 | import genius.gui.agentrepository.AgentRepositoryUI;
33 |
34 | /**
35 | * Overview of global variables used throughout the application.
36 | *
37 | * @author dmytro
38 | */
39 | public class Global {
40 | /** Path to domain repository */
41 | public static final String DOMAIN_REPOSITORY = "domainrepository.xml";
42 | /** Path to agent repository */
43 | public static final String AGENT_REPOSITORY = "agentrepository.xml";
44 | /** Path to protocol repository */
45 | public static final String PROTOCOL_REPOSITORY = "protocolrepository.xml";
46 | /** Path to simulator repository */
47 | public static final String SIMULATOR_REPOSITORY = "simulatorrepository.xml";
48 |
49 | public static String logPrefix = "";
50 |
51 | public static String logPreset = "";
52 |
53 | private final static String WRONG_NAME = "wrong name: ";
54 |
55 | private static final Date loadDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
56 |
57 | public static String getCurrentTime() {
58 | Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());
59 | String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
60 | java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
61 | /*
62 | * on some JDK, the default TimeZone is wrong we must set the TimeZone
63 | * manually.
64 | */
65 | sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault());
66 |
67 | return sdf.format(cal.getTime());
68 | }
69 |
70 | public static String getFileNameWithoutExtension(String fileName) {
71 |
72 | File tmpFile = new File(fileName);
73 | tmpFile.getName();
74 | int whereDot = tmpFile.getName().lastIndexOf('.');
75 | if (0 < whereDot && whereDot <= tmpFile.getName().length() - 2) {
76 | return tmpFile.getName().substring(0, whereDot);
77 | }
78 | return "";
79 | }
80 |
81 | public static Class<Protocol> getProtocolClass(ProtocolRepItem protRepItem) throws Exception {
82 | java.lang.ClassLoader loader = Global.class.getClassLoader();// ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
83 | Class<Protocol> klass = (Class<Protocol>) loader.loadClass(protRepItem.getClassPath());
84 | return klass;
85 | }
86 |
87 | public static Protocol createProtocolInstance(ProtocolRepItem protRepItem, AgentRepItem[] agentRepItems,
88 | ProfileRepItem[] profileRepItems, HashMap<AgentParameterVariable, AgentParamValue>[] agentParams)
89 | throws InstantiateException {
90 | try {
91 | Protocol ns;
92 |
93 | java.lang.ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
94 |
95 | Class klass;
96 | klass = loader.loadClass(protRepItem.getClassPath());
97 | Class[] paramTypes = { AgentRepItem[].class, ProfileRepItem[].class, HashMap[].class, int.class };
98 |
99 | Constructor cons = klass.getConstructor(paramTypes);
100 |
101 | System.out.println("Found the constructor: " + cons);
102 |
103 | Object[] args = { agentRepItems, profileRepItems, agentParams, 1 };
104 |
105 | Object theObject = cons.newInstance(args);
106 | ns = (Protocol) (theObject);
107 | return ns;
108 | } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException
109 | | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
110 | throw new InstantiateException("Failed to create instance", e);
111 | }
112 | }
113 |
114 | /**
115 | * Load an object from a given path. If it's a .class file, figure out the
116 | * correct class path and use that. If it's not a .class file, we assume
117 | * it's already in the existing classpath and load it with the standard
118 | * class loader.
119 | *
120 | *
121 | * <p>
122 | * we can't properly typecheck here. Generics fail as we have type erasure,
123 | * and casting to the given type does NOTHING. So we leave this a general
124 | * object and leave it to the caller to do the type checking.
125 | *
126 | * @param path
127 | * This can be either a class name or filename.<br>
128 | * <ul>
129 | * <li>class name like"agents.anac.y2010.AgentFSEGA.AgentFSEGA".
130 | * In this case the agent must be already on the JVM's classpath
131 | * otherwise the agent will not be found. <br>
132 | * <li>a full path, eg
133 | * "/Volumes/documents/NegoWorkspace3/NegotiatorGUI/src/agents/anac/y2010/AgentFSEGA/AgentFSEGA.java"
134 | * . In this case, we can figure out the class path ourselves,
135 | * but the ref is system dependent (backslashes on windows) and
136 | * might be absolute path.
137 | * </ul>
138 | *
139 | * @return the {@link Object} in the given file
140 | * @throws InstantiateException
141 | * if path can not be loaded as object.
142 | */
143 | public static Object loadObject(String path) throws InstantiateException {
144 | try {
145 | if (path.endsWith(".class")) {
146 | return loadClassFromFile(new File(path));
147 | } else {
148 | java.lang.ClassLoader loaderA = Global.class.getClassLoader();
149 | return (loaderA.loadClass(path).newInstance());
150 | }
151 | } catch (Exception e) {
152 | throw new InstantiateException("failed to load class from " + path, e);
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | /**
157 | * Runtime type-checked version of {@link #loadObject(String)}.
158 | *
159 | * @param path
160 | * @param expectedClass
161 | * the class type that the loaded object must extend.
162 | * @return loaded object.
163 | * @throws InstantiateException
164 | */
165 |
166 | public static Object loadObject(String path, Class<?> expectedClass) throws InstantiateException {
167 | Object object = loadObject(path);
168 | if (!object.getClass().isAssignableFrom(expectedClass)) {
169 | throw new InstantiateException("Failed to load class " + path + ": It is not extending " + expectedClass);
170 | }
171 | return object;
172 | }
173 |
174 | /**
175 | * Deserializes an object and casts it to the given type.
176 | *
177 | * @param is
178 | * the input stream containing serialized object.
179 | * @return object contained in given stream.
180 | * @throws IOException
181 | * if file can not be found
182 | * @throws ClassNotFoundException
183 | * if class in the object can't be found
184 | * @throws ClassCastException
185 | * if not of given class type
186 | */
187 | @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
188 | public static <T> T deserializeObject(InputStream is) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
189 | Object obj = new ObjectInputStream(is).readObject();
190 | return (T) obj;
191 | }
192 |
193 | /**
194 | * Serialize a serializable object to a outputstream.
195 | *
196 | * @param outputStream
197 | * the stream to write to
198 | * @param object
199 | * the object to store
200 | * @throws IOException
201 | */
202 | public static void serializeObject(OutputStream outputStream, Serializable object) throws IOException {
203 | new ObjectOutputStream(outputStream).writeObject(object);
204 | }
205 |
206 | /**
207 | * Load a file as a class. It 'reverse engineers' the correct path by first
208 | * just trying to load the file. Assuming the file exists, we probably get
209 | * an error that we then use to determine the correct base directory.
210 | *
211 | * @param file
212 | * the object to be loaded. Filename should end with ".class".
213 | * @return the object contained in the file.
214 | * @throws ClassNotFoundException
215 | * @throws IllegalAccessException
216 | * @throws InstantiationException
217 | * @throws MalformedURLException
218 | */
219 | public static Object loadClassFromFile(File file)
220 | throws MalformedURLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
221 | String className = file.getName();
222 | if (!className.endsWith(".class")) {
223 | throw new IllegalArgumentException("file " + file + " is not a .class file");
224 | }
225 | // strip the trailing '.class' from the string.
226 | className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 6);
227 | File packageDir = file.getParentFile();
228 | if (packageDir == null) {
229 | packageDir = new File(".");
230 | }
231 |
232 | try {
233 | return loadClassfile(className, packageDir);
234 | } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
235 | /**
236 | * We try to get the correct name from the error message. Err msg ~
237 | * "SimpleAgent (wrong name: agents/SimpleAgent)"
238 | */
239 | String errormsg = e.getMessage();
240 | // "wrong name" is what we expect.
241 | int i = errormsg.indexOf(WRONG_NAME);
242 | if (i == -1) {
243 | throw e; // unknown error. We can't handle...
244 | }
245 | // remove leading and trailing stuff. We now have
246 | // 'agents.SimpleAgent'
247 | String correctName = errormsg.substring(i + WRONG_NAME.length(), errormsg.length() - 1).replaceAll("/",
248 | ".");
249 |
250 | // Check that file is in correct directory path
251 | // we need quoteReplacement because on Windows "\" will be treated
252 | // in special way by replaceAll. #906
253 | String expectedPath = File.separator
254 | + correctName.replaceAll("\\.", Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator)) + ".class";
255 | if (!(file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(expectedPath))) {
256 | throw new NoClassDefFoundError("file " + file + "\nis not in the correct directory structure, "
257 | + "\nas its class is " + correctName + "." + "\nEnsure the file is in ..." + expectedPath);
258 | }
259 |
260 | // number of dots is number of times we need to go to parent
261 | // directory. We are already in the directory of the agent, so -1.
262 | for (int up = 0; up < correctName.split("\\.").length - 1; up++) {
263 | // since we checked the path already, parents must exist.
264 | packageDir = packageDir.getParentFile();
265 | }
266 | return loadClassfile(correctName, packageDir);
267 | }
268 | }
269 |
270 | /**
271 | * Try to load an object with given classnamem from a given packagedir
272 | *
273 | * @param classname
274 | * the exact class name, eg "examplepackage.example"
275 | * @param packagedir
276 | * the root directory of the classes to be loaded. If you add the
277 | * given classname to it, you should end up at the correct
278 | * location for the class file. Eg,
279 | * "/Volumes/Users/wouter/Desktop/genius/".
280 | * @return the loaded class object.
281 | * @throws MalformedURLException
282 | * @throws InstantiationException
283 | * @throws IllegalAccessException
284 | * @throws ClassNotFoundException
285 | */
286 | private static Object loadClassfile(String classname, File packagedir)
287 | throws MalformedURLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
288 | try {
289 | java.lang.ClassLoader loader = AgentRepositoryUI.class.getClassLoader();
290 | URLClassLoader urlLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { packagedir.toURI().toURL() }, loader);
291 | Class<?> theclass;
292 | theclass = urlLoader.loadClass(classname);
293 | return (Object) theclass.newInstance();
294 | } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
295 | // improve on the standard error message...
296 | throw new ClassNotFoundException(
297 | "agent " + classname + " is not available in directory '" + packagedir + "'", e);
298 | }
299 |
300 | }
301 |
302 | /**
303 | * Load an agent using the given classname/filename. DOES NOT call
304 | * {@link Agent#parseStrategyParameters(String)}
305 | *
306 | * @param path
307 | * This can be either a class name or filename.<br>
308 | * <ul>
309 | * <li>class name like"agents.anac.y2010.AgentFSEGA.AgentFSEGA".
310 | * In this case the agent must be already on the JVM's classpath
311 | * otherwise the agent will not be found.
312 | * <li>a full path, eg
313 | * "/Volumes/documents/NegoWorkspace3/NegotiatorGUI/src/agents/anac/y2010/AgentFSEGA/AgentFSEGA.java"
314 | * . In this case, we can figure out the class path ourselves,
315 | * but the ref is system dependent (backslashes on windows) and
316 | * might be absolute path.
317 | * </ul>
318 | * @return instantiated agent ready to use.
319 | * @throws InstantiateException
320 | * if object can't be loaded
321 | */
322 | public static Agent loadAgent(String path) throws InstantiateException {
323 | return (Agent) loadObject(path);
324 | }
325 |
326 | /**
327 | * load agent and then set the parameters. See {@link #loadAgent(String)}
328 | *
329 | * @param agentClassName
330 | * @param variables
331 | * the variables to use, as string (eg, "time=0.9;e=1.0").
332 | * @return the agent contained in the given class name, and using the given
333 | * variables.
334 | * @throws InstantiateException
335 | * if class can't be loaded
336 | */
337 | public static Agent loadAgent(String agentClassName, String variables) throws InstantiateException {
338 |
339 | Agent agent = loadAgent(agentClassName);
340 |
341 | // CHECK why do we catch failures in parseStrategyParameters?
342 | try {
343 | agent.parseStrategyParameters(variables);
344 | } catch (Exception e) {
345 | e.printStackTrace();
346 | }
347 | return agent;
348 |
349 | }
350 |
351 | /**
352 | * Gives a useful agent name.
353 | */
354 | public static String getAgentDescription(Agent agent) {
355 | if (agent == null)
356 | return "";
357 | String agentDescription = agent.getName();
358 | if (agentDescription == null || "Agent A".equals(agentDescription) || "Agent B".equals(agentDescription))
359 | agentDescription = agent.getClass().getSimpleName();
360 |
361 | return agentDescription;
362 | }
363 |
364 | /**
365 | * Show a dialog to the user, explaining the exception that was raised while
366 | * loading file fc. Typically this is used in combination with
367 | * {@link #loadObject(String)} and associates. Also dumps a copy of the full
368 | * stacktrace to the console, to help us debugging #906
369 | *
370 | * @param fc
371 | * file that was attempted to be loaded
372 | * @param e
373 | * the exception that was raised
374 | */
375 | public static void showLoadError(File fc, Throwable e) {
376 | e.printStackTrace();
377 | if (e instanceof ClassNotFoundException) {
378 | showLoadError("No class found at " + fc, e);
379 | } else if (e instanceof InstantiationException) {
380 | // happens when object instantiated is interface or abstract
381 | showLoadError(
382 | "Class cannot be instantiated. Reasons may be that there is no constructor without arguments, "
383 | + "or the class is abstract or an interface.",
384 | e);
385 | } else if (e instanceof IllegalAccessException) {
386 | showLoadError("Missing constructor without arguments", e);
387 | } else if (e instanceof NoClassDefFoundError) {
388 | showLoadError("Errors in loaded class.", e);
389 | } else if (e instanceof ClassCastException) {
390 | showLoadError("The loaded class seems to be of the wrong type. ", e);
391 | } else if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
392 | showLoadError("The given file can not be used.", e);
393 | } else if (e instanceof IOException) {
394 | showLoadError("The file can not be read.", e);
395 | } else {
396 | showLoadError("Something went wrong loading the file", e);
397 | }
398 | }
399 |
400 | /*
401 | * show error while loading agent file. Also show the detail message.
402 | */
403 | private static void showLoadError(String text, Throwable e) {
404 | String message = e.getMessage();
405 | if (message == null) {
406 | message = "";
407 | }
408 |
409 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, text + "\n" + message, "Load error", 0);
410 | }
411 |
412 | /**
413 | * @return the agentsLoader
414 | */
415 | private static String getLoadDate() {
416 | // (2) createFrom our "formatter" (our custom format)
417 | SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm.ss");
418 |
419 | // (3) createFrom a new String in the format we want
420 | String name = formatter.format(loadDate);
421 |
422 | return name;
423 | }
424 |
425 | public static String getOutcomesFileName() {
426 | if (!logPreset.equals("")) {
427 | return logPreset;
428 | }
429 | if (!logPrefix.equals(""))
430 | return logPrefix + "log.xml";
431 |
432 | return "log/" + getLoadDate() + getPostFix() + ".xml";
433 | }
434 |
435 | public static String getDistributedOutcomesFileName() {
436 | return "log/DT-" + getLoadDate() + getPostFix() + ".xml";
437 | }
438 |
439 | public static String getTournamentOutcomeFileName() {
440 | return "log/TM-" + getLoadDate() + getPostFix() + ".xml";
441 | }
442 |
443 | public static String getExtensiveOutcomesFileName() {
444 | if (!logPrefix.equals(""))
445 | return logPrefix + "extensive_log.xml";
446 | return "log/extensive " + getLoadDate() + getPostFix() + ".xml";
447 | }
448 |
449 | public static String getOQMOutcomesFileName() {
450 | return "log/OQM " + getLoadDate() + getPostFix() + ".csv";
451 | }
452 |
453 | private static String getPostFix() {
454 | String postFix = "";
455 | if (TournamentConfiguration.getBooleanOption("appendModeAndDeadline", false)) {
456 | String mode = "time";
457 | if (TournamentConfiguration.getBooleanOption("protocolMode", false)) {
458 | mode = "rounds";
459 | }
460 | postFix += "_" + mode + "_" + TournamentConfiguration.getIntegerOption("deadline", 180);
461 | }
462 | return postFix;
463 | }
464 |
465 | /**
466 | * @param classname
467 | * @return Removes trailing ".class" from string if it is there. In absolute
468 | * paths, the \ and / are replaced with '.' and we do as if that is
469 | * a fully specified class path (it isn't but it gives at least some
470 | * 'short name')
471 | */
472 | public static String nameOfClass(String classname1) {
473 | // FIXME can we use class.forName.getShortName?
474 | String classname = classname1.replaceAll("\\W", ".");
475 | if (classname.endsWith(".class")) {
476 | classname = classname.substring(0, classname.length() - 6);
477 | }
478 | return classname;
479 | }
480 |
481 | /**
482 | * @param classname
483 | * @return Removes trailing ".class" from string if it is there. If there is
484 | * no "." in the remainder, the remainder is returned. Otherwise,
485 | * the string after the last "." in the remainder is returned. In
486 | * absolute paths, the \ and / are replaced with '.' and we do as if
487 | * that is a fully specified class path (it isn't but it gives at
488 | * least some 'short name')
489 | */
490 | public static String shortNameOfClass(String classname1) {
491 | String classname = nameOfClass(classname1);
492 | if (!(classname.contains(".")))
493 | return classname;
494 | return classname.substring(classname.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
495 | }
496 |
497 | }