1 | /**
2 | *
3 | */
4 | package bargainingchips.utilityfunctions;
5 |
6 | import bargainingchips.Bundle;
7 | import bargainingchips.BundleBuilder;
8 | import bargainingchips.Chip;
9 | import bargainingchips.ChipIssueValue;
10 | import bargainingchips.ChipIssueValueBuilder;
11 | import bargainingchips.wishlist.WishList;
12 | import bargainingchips.wishlist.WishListBuilder;
13 |
14 | /**
15 | *
16 | * This utility function evaluates the utility of an offer based on its separate utilities regarding the ratio of its total price {@link UF_LessPrice}
17 | * with respect to the break even prices as well as the total deviation of the chips quantities {@link UF_CloseToQuantity} by considering the importance of price vs. quantity.
18 | * It calculates two separate utility functions uP for total offered vs. desired prices as well as uQ for total offered vs desired quantities.
19 | * The utility of the offered bundle is then is calculated by uP * uQ (dependent values).
20 | *
21 | *
22 | * @author Faria Nassiri-Mofakham
23 | *
24 | */
25 | public class UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity implements UtilityFunction {
26 |
27 | private WishList wishlist;
28 | private ChipIssueValue<Double> breakEvenPrices;
29 |
30 |
31 | public UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity(WishList w, ChipIssueValue<Double> bEP)
32 | {
33 | this.wishlist = w;
34 | this.breakEvenPrices = bEP;
35 | }
36 |
37 |
38 | @Override
39 | public Double getUtility(Bundle b)
40 | {
41 | int totalDeviationQ = 0;
42 | double desiredP=0.0;
43 | for (Chip c : wishlist)
44 | {
45 | int desiredQ = wishlist.getQuantity(c);
46 | Integer offeredQ = b.getQuantity(c);
47 | if (offeredQ == null)
48 | offeredQ = 0;
49 |
50 | int deviationOfferedQ = Math.abs(desiredQ - offeredQ);
51 | totalDeviationQ += deviationOfferedQ;
52 |
53 | desiredP += ((c!=null) ? breakEvenPrices.getUnitValue(c) : 0.0);
54 | }
55 | double offeredP = ((b!=null) ? b.getTotalPrice() : 0.0);
56 | if (offeredP > desiredP)
57 | {
58 | //System.out.println("offeredPrice "+ offeredP + " > desiredPrice "+ desiredP);
59 | return 0.0;
60 | }
61 | double uP = 1.0 - offeredP/desiredP;
62 | double uQ = 1.0 / (1 + totalDeviationQ);
63 |
64 | //System.out.println("uP "+uP+"\n"+"uQ "+uQ);
65 |
66 | double u = uP * uQ;
67 | return ( Double.isNaN(u)? 0.0 : ( (u>1) ? 1 : ( u < 0) ? 0 : u));
68 | }
69 |
70 | @Override
71 | public String toString()
72 | {
73 | return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": WishList " + wishlist.toString() + ": BreakEvenPrices "+ breakEvenPrices.toString();
74 | }
75 |
76 | public static void main(String[] args)
77 | {
78 |
79 | WishList wishlist1 = new WishListBuilder().addWish("Red", 7).addWish("Green", 5).build();
80 | ChipIssueValue<Double> prices1 = new ChipIssueValueBuilder<Double>().addIssue("Red", 100.0).addIssue("Green", 200.0).addIssue("Blue", 700.0).build();
81 |
82 | UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity u1 = new UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity(wishlist1, prices1);
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 | WishList wishlist2 = new WishListBuilder().addWish("Red", 7).addWish("Green", 5).build();
87 | ChipIssueValue<Double> prices2 = new ChipIssueValueBuilder<Double>().addIssue("Red", 10.0).addIssue("Green", 20.0).addIssue("Blue", 70.0).build();
88 |
89 | UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity u2 = new UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity(wishlist2, prices2);
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 | WishList wishlist3 = new WishListBuilder().addWish("Green", 4).addWish("Yellow", 6).addWish("Orange", 40).build();
94 | ChipIssueValue<Double> prices3 = new ChipIssueValueBuilder<Double>().addIssue("Green", 3.0).addIssue("Yellow", 5.0).addIssue("Orange", 1.0).build();
95 |
96 | UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity u3 = new UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity(wishlist3, prices3);
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 | Bundle offer1 = new BundleBuilder()
101 | .addStack("Red", 1.0, 6)
102 | .addStack("Green", 3.0, 15)
103 | .addStack("Purple", 0.10, 10)
104 | .build();
105 |
106 | Bundle offer2 = new BundleBuilder()
107 | .addStack("Red", 1.0, 1)
108 | .addStack("Green", 3.0, 1)
109 | .addStack("Purple", 0.10, 1)
110 | .build();
111 |
112 | Bundle offer3 = new BundleBuilder()
113 | // .addStack("Green", 2.0, 3)
114 | // .addStack("Yellow", 5.0, 4)
115 | // .addStack("Orange", 1.0, 17)
116 | //---
117 | .addStack("Green", 3.0, 4)
118 | .addStack("Yellow", 5.0, 6)
119 | .addStack("Orange", 1.0, 40)
120 | //---
121 | // .addStack("Green", 10.0, 1)
122 | // .addStack("Yellow", 10.0, 1)
123 | // .addStack("Orange", 10.0, 1)
124 | .build();
125 |
126 | System.out.println("\nu1 : "+u1 +"\nOffer1 = "+offer1);
127 | System.out.println("=> "+u1.getUtility(offer1));
128 | System.out.println("\nu1 : "+u1 +"\nOffer2 = "+offer2);
129 | System.out.println("=> "+u1.getUtility(offer2));
130 | System.out.println("\nu1 : "+u1 +"\nOffer3 = "+offer3);
131 | System.out.println("=> "+u1.getUtility(offer3));
132 |
133 | System.out.println("\nu2 : "+u2 +"\nOffer1 = "+offer1);
134 | System.out.println("=> "+u2.getUtility(offer1));
135 | System.out.println("\nu2 : "+u2 +"\nOffer2 = "+offer2);
136 | System.out.println("=> "+u2.getUtility(offer2));
137 | System.out.println("\nu2 : "+u2 +"\nOffer3 = "+offer3);
138 | System.out.println("=> "+u2.getUtility(offer3));
139 |
140 |
141 | System.out.println("\nu3 : "+u3 +"\nOffer1 = "+offer1);
142 | System.out.println("=> "+u3.getUtility(offer1));
143 | System.out.println("\nu3 : "+u3 +"\nOffer2 = "+offer2);
144 | System.out.println("=> "+u3.getUtility(offer2));
145 | System.out.println("\nu3 : "+u3 +"\nOffer3 = "+offer3);
146 | System.out.println("=> "+u3.getUtility(offer3));
147 |
148 |
149 | }
150 |
151 | }