source: src/main/java/bargainingchips/utilityfunctions/ 339

Last change on this file since 339 was 338, checked in by Faria Nassiri Mofakham, 5 years ago

An extended version of Buyer (BuyerExtended), which can be constructed using one among many utility functions. UF_LessPrice and seven complex utility functions based on price+quantity and two types of weights: UF_LessPriceCloseToQuantity, UF_IntensifiedLessPriceCloseToQuantity, UF_PeakedPricePeakedQuantity, UF_PeakedFlatPricePeakedFlatQuantity, UF_PeakedFlatCurvePriceGaussianQuantity, UF_BezierPriceBezierQuantity, and UF_BezierPriceGaussianQuantity. Two more fundamental helper classes: ChipIssueValue, ChipIssueValueBuilder. Adding a validity check to Stack. An update in Bundle main. Adding getSampleBid function to Bid. An update in k variable in Agent. A UF class and UtilityHelperMethods for individual passing utility functions. Adding some more tests in UF_CloseToQuantity main. An update on BundleTest.

File size: 6.7 KB
1package bargainingchips.utilityfunctions;
3import bargainingchips.Bundle;
4import bargainingchips.BundleBuilder;
5import bargainingchips.Chip;
6import bargainingchips.ChipIssueValue;
7import bargainingchips.ChipIssueValueBuilder;
8import bargainingchips.WishList;
9import bargainingchips.WishListBuilder;
11//import bargainingchips.utilityfunctions.helperMethods;
15* This utility function inputs {@link wishList} (i.e., quantity of each desired {@link Chip}), and price per each
16* {@link Chip} as peaked curves.
17* For quantity, the buyer may accept, with degrees of satisfaction, offered quantity around the peak, which is
18* determined by the deviation from the peak per each {@link Chip}. It is in a Guassian form.
19* For the price, the buyer would designate a series of `n' prices per each {@link Chip}, and then a
20* Bezier function (of rank `n') is applied to determine the value of the offered price. That is the buyer inputs
21* an array of prices per each desired {@link Chip} (i.e., in {@link wishList}). The prices could be in integer or
22* real format, determined by type T[] (i.e, `Integer[]' or `Double[]', etc).
23* It is worth to mention that this function considers the importance of issues (i.e., for price, quantity, etc.)
24* as well as the importance of Chips (i.e., colors) with respect to each other.
27* @author Faria Nassiri-Mofakham
31public class UF_BezierPriceGaussianQuantity<T> implements UtilityFunction {
32 // `T' for the type of price data points, and `n' for the number of data points
34 private WishList wishlist; // the exact wished quantity per each Chip
35 // Other parts of the buyer's preferences are assigned with desirability degrees of a variety of prices and quantities per each Chip.
36 private ChipIssueValue<Integer> qtyDeviation; // sigma_c. A symmetric deviation for quantities less than or more than the exact qty per chip.
37 private int n; // number of price data points at Bezier curve
38 private ChipIssueValue<T[]> bezierPrice; // list of `n' data points of type T determining the price curve
39 private ChipIssueValue<Double> lambdaC; // kappa_c and lambda_c
40 private double lambdaP,lambdaQ; // lambda_p and lambda_q
43 public UF_BezierPriceGaussianQuantity(WishList w, int m, ChipIssueValue<T[]> bz, ChipIssueValue<Integer> qtyDev, ChipIssueValue<Double> lc, double lp, double lq)
44 {
45 wishlist=w;
46 qtyDeviation=qtyDev;
47 n=m;
48 bezierPrice=bz;
49 lambdaC=lc;
50 lambdaP=lp;
51 lambdaQ=lq;
52 }
54 @Override
55 public Double getUtility(Bundle b)
56 {
57 double sumWeightedPrice = 0.0;
58 double sumWeightedQty = 0.0;
60 if (b!=null)
61 {
62 for (Chip c : wishlist)
63 {
64 int desiredQ = wishlist.getQuantity(c);
66 T[] desiredP = bezierPrice.getUnitValue(c);
67 if (desiredP.length > n)
68 throw new IllegalStateException("\n\n[Warning] UF_BezierPriceAndGaussianQuantity::getUtility(Bundle). Input only "+n+" price data points! "+ desiredP);
70 Double importanceC= lambdaC.getUnitValue(c);
71 int devC= qtyDeviation.getUnitValue(c);
73 Integer offeredQ = b.getQuantity(c);
74 if (offeredQ == null)
75 offeredQ = 0;
76 Double offeredP= b.getUnitPrice(c);
78 sumWeightedPrice += importanceC * bezier(desiredP, offeredP);
79 sumWeightedQty += importanceC / (devC * 2 * Math.sqrt(Math.PI)) * Math.pow(Math.E, -0.5 * Math.pow((offeredQ - desiredQ)/devC, 2));
80 }
81 double u = lambdaP * sumWeightedPrice + lambdaQ * sumWeightedQty;
82 return ( (u>1) ? 1 : ( (u<0) ? 0 : u) );
83 }
84 return 0.0;
85 }
87 /**
88 * @param input parameter (e.g., an offered price per a {@link Chip},
89 * and `n' data points of type T (e.g., as of Double[], Integer[], etc).
90 *
91 * @return Bezier value of rank `n' for the offered parameter.
92 **/
93 private double bezier(T[] desired, Double offered)
94 {
95 double bez = 0.0;
96 // n is desired.length;
97 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
98 {
99 bez = ( (offered < (double) desired[0]) ? 1.0 : ( (offered > (double) desired[n-1]) ? 0.0 : comb(n,i)*Math.pow(1-offered, n)*Math.pow(i, n)*(double)desired[i]));
100 }
101 return ( (bez>1) ? 1 : (bez<0) ? 0 : bez);
102 }
104 /**
105 * @return combination of `m' and `k'
106 **/
107 private int comb(int m, int k)
108 {
109 return fc(m)/(fc(m-k)*fc(k));
110 }
112 /**
113 * @return factorial of `m'
114 **/
115 private int fc(int m) {
116 int result = 1;
117 for (; m > 1; m--) {
118 result *= m;
119 }
120 return result;
121 }
123 /**
124 * @return an String list of values assigned to a single variable, e.g. list of quantities or prices of a {@link Chip}
125 **/
126 private String writeT(ChipIssueValue<T[]> t)
127 {
128 String s = "{";
129 T[] j;
130 if (t!=null)
131 {
132 for (Chip c: t)
133 {
134 s += " " + c.toString() + "={";
135 j = t.getUnitValue(c);
136 for (int k=0; k<j.length; k++)
137 s += j[k].toString()+((k<j.length-1) ? ", " : "");
138 s += "}";
139 }
140 }
141 s += " }";
142 return s;
143 }
145 @Override
146 public String toString()
147 {
148 return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": WishList " + wishlist + ": BezierPrice "+ writeT(bezierPrice)+ ": QtyDeviations "+ qtyDeviation + ": Colors' weights "+ lambdaC + ": Issue Price's weight "+ lambdaP + ": Issue Quantity's weight " + lambdaQ;
149 }
151 public static void main(String[] args)
152 {
153 WishList wishlist = new WishListBuilder().addWish("Green", 4).addWish("Yellow", 6).addWish("Orange", 40).build();
154 int m=4;
155 ChipIssueValue<Double[]> prices = new ChipIssueValueBuilder<Double[]>().addIssue("Green", new Double[] {3.0, 3.5, 4.8, 5.0}).addIssue("Yellow", new Double[] {5.0, 5.2, 6.2, 8.0}).addIssue("Orange", new Double[] {1.0, 1.8, 2.5, 3.0}).build();
156 ChipIssueValue<Integer> deviations = new ChipIssueValueBuilder<Integer>().addIssue("Green", 1).addIssue("Yellow", 1).addIssue("Orange", 10).build();
157 ChipIssueValue<Double> wC = new ChipIssueValueBuilder<Double>().addIssue("Green", 0.5).addIssue("Yellow", 0.3).addIssue("Orange", 0.2).build();
158 double wP = 0.6;
159 double wQ = 0.4;
161 UF_BezierPriceGaussianQuantity<Double> u = new UF_BezierPriceGaussianQuantity<Double> (wishlist, m, prices, deviations, wC, wP, wQ);
162 System.out.println(u);
164 Bundle offer = new BundleBuilder()
165 .addStack("Green", 2.0, 3)
166 .addStack("Yellow", 5.0, 4)
167 .addStack("Orange", 1.0, 17)
169// .addStack("Green", 3.0, 4) //should give utility 1.0 in weighted additive
170// .addStack("Yellow", 5.0, 6)
171// .addStack("Orange", 1.0, 40)
173// .addStack("Green", 10.0, 1) //should give utility 0.0 in weighted additive
174// .addStack("Yellow", 10.0, 1)
175// .addStack("Orange", 10.0, 1)
177// .addStack("Red", 1.0, 6)
178// .addStack("Green", 3.0, 15)
179// .addStack("Purple", 0.10, 10)
180 .build();
181 System.out.println(u.getUtility(offer));
182 }
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