package onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.NegotiationContext; import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.interactions.Offer; import onetomany.bargainingchipsgame.players.utilityfunction.UtilityFunction; /** * An agent typically has a buyer or seller role and can send an receive offers. * An agent has a utility function for evaluating any proposal in a given negotiation context. */ public abstract class Agent implements Runnable { protected String name; protected UtilityFunction u; protected NegotiationContext negotiationContext; int k; public Agent(String name, UtilityFunction u, NegotiationContext negotiationContext, BlockingQueue in, BlockingQueue out, BlockingQueue cin, BlockingQueue cout) { = name; this.u = u; this.negotiationContext = negotiationContext; = in; this.out = out; this.cin = cin; this.cout = cout; k = 0; } // Messaging from and to the opponent protected BlockingQueue in; protected BlockingQueue out; // Messaging from and to the coordinator protected BlockingQueue cin; protected BlockingQueue cout; protected abstract void receiveOffer(Offer bundle); protected abstract Offer sendOffer(); protected abstract Offer sendOpeningOffer(); protected abstract void receiveCoordinationMessage(CoordinationMessage cpoll); protected abstract StatusMessage sendStatusMessage(); @Override public void run() { // A buyer may send an opening offer Offer opening = do_sendOpeningOffer(); if (opening != null) try { out.put(opening); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } while (true) { try { // Wait for either a message from coordinator or an incoming offer from seller while (true) { CoordinationMessage cpoll = cin.poll(); if (cpoll != null) { do_receiveCoordinationMessage(cpoll); break; } Offer poll = in.poll(); if (poll != null) { do_receiveOffer(poll); break; } } // A sync happened, so we can send out a new offer, given the new information Offer sendOffer = do_sendOffer(); out.put(sendOffer); // Pause Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void do_receiveCoordinationMessage(CoordinationMessage cpoll) { System.out.println(this + " received coordination msg " + cpoll); receiveCoordinationMessage(cpoll); } protected void do_receiveOffer(Offer o) { System.out.println(this + " received " + o + (o.isBid() ? (", with util = " + u.getUtility(o.getBundle())) : "") ); receiveOffer(o); } protected Offer do_sendOffer() { Offer o = sendOffer(); System.out.println(this + " sends " + o); k++; return o; } protected Offer do_sendOpeningOffer() { Offer o = sendOpeningOffer(); if (o != null) { System.out.println(this + " sends opening offer " + o); k++; } return o; } @Override public String toString() { return "#" + k + ": " + name; } public String toDescription() { return name + " with u = " + u; } }