package agents.rlboa; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation; import genius.core.boaframework.BOAagentBilateral; import; import; import; /** * This class orchestrates the learning process of any BOAAgentBilateral that * implements reinforcement learning into one of its components. To implement * such an agent one needs to extends this class and implement ones own versions * of the methods defined in the RLBOA interface. */ public abstract class RLBOAagentBilateral extends BOAagentBilateral implements RLBOA { @Override public abstract void agentSetup(); @Override public void notifyChange(NegotiationEvent data) { // the event was an action (offer/accept/endnegotiation..) if (data instanceof MultipartyNegoActionEvent) { // Get relevant information from negotiation event MultipartyNegoActionEvent negoEvent = (MultipartyNegoActionEvent) data; // This will get handled by the SessionEndedNormallyEvent case if (negoEvent.getAction().getClass() == Accept.class || negoEvent.getAction().getClass() == EndNegotiation.class) { return; } // Observe state AbstractState newState = this.getStateRepresentation(negoEvent); double reward = this.getReward(negoEvent.getAgreement()); boolean myTurn = negoEvent.getAction().getAgent() == this.getAgentID(); if (newState.isTerminalState() || !myTurn) { this.observeEnvironment(reward, newState); } } // the negotation ended if (data instanceof SessionEndedNormallyEvent) { double reward = this.getReward(((SessionEndedNormallyEvent) data).getAgreement()); this.observeEnvironment(reward, State.TERMINAL); } } }