package agents.qoagent2; //file name: import javax.swing.*; import*; import*; /***************************************************************** * Class name: GameTimeServer * Goal: Creating the stop-watch using threads. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ class GameTimeServer extends JPanel implements Runnable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7439433284667379204L; //DT: private ServerThread m_st = null; //Allows access to the agent's thread at the server //DT: private MultiServer m_server; //Allows access to the server private Agent m_agent; //Allows access to the agent running the stop watch private int m_nMaxTurn; //Number of turns in the negotiation private boolean m_bIsTurn; //True value in this variable means that the //stop watch is used for end-turn. False value means it is used for //end-negotiation. private long m_nTime; //the timer private JLabel m_lTime; //label for displaying the stop-watch private boolean m_bRun; //should the clock continue to run? private boolean m_bCountUp; //specifies whether the clock counts down or up. private String m_strStartTime; //the text in m_lTime label private int m_nStartSeconds; //seconds value private int m_nStartMinutes; //minutes value private int m_nStartHours; //hours value /***************************************************************** * Method name: GameTimeServer() * Goal: Constructor. * Description: Initialize the class variables. The timer itself is * set by the values of the variables: hours, minutes and seconds. * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch counts up or not, * three integers (hours, minutes and seconds), an Agent (the one running * the stop watch), another boolean which specifies whether the stop watch is * of type end-turn or end-negotiation, another integer (number of turns in * the negotiation), a MultiServer object and a ServerThread object. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public GameTimeServer(boolean bCountUp,int nHours,int nMinutes, int nSeconds,Agent agent,boolean bTurnOrNeg,int nMaxTurn /* DT: ,MultiServer server,ServerThread st */) { //DT: m_st=st; //DT: m_server=server; m_nMaxTurn=nMaxTurn; m_agent=agent; m_bIsTurn=bTurnOrNeg; m_bCountUp = bCountUp; m_bRun = false; if (!bCountUp) { m_nStartMinutes = nMinutes; m_nStartSeconds = nSeconds; m_nStartHours = nHours; String sec, min, hour; m_nTime = nHours*3600+ nMinutes*60 + nSeconds; // initializing the seconds and minutes variables if ((m_nTime % 60) <10) sec = "0"+ m_nTime % 60; else sec = m_nTime % 60 + ""; if (( (m_nTime/60) % 60) <10) min = "0"+ (m_nTime/60) % 60; else min = (m_nTime/60) % 60 + ""; if ((m_nTime / 3600) <10) hour = "0"+ m_nTime / 3600; else hour = m_nTime / 3600 + ""; m_strStartTime = hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec; } else { m_nStartSeconds = 0; m_nStartMinutes = 0; m_nStartHours = 0; m_strStartTime = "00:00"; m_nTime = 0; } m_lTime = new JLabel(m_strStartTime); add(m_lTime); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: GameTimeServer() * Goal: default Constructor. * Description: Initialize the class variables. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public GameTimeServer() { m_bCountUp = true; m_bRun = false; m_nTime = 0; m_strStartTime = "00:00:00"; m_lTime = new JLabel(m_strStartTime); add(m_lTime); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: run() * Goal: run the stop-watch. * Description: Increasing/decreasing the time every second while the * game is in progress. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void run() { while(m_bRun) { String sec, min, hour; try{ Thread.sleep(1000); if (m_bCountUp) m_nTime++; // increasing the time each 1 sec. else m_nTime--; // decreasing the time each 1 sec. } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR----" + e.getMessage() + " [GameTimeServer::run(135)]"); System.err.println("ERROR----" + e.getMessage() + " [GameTimeServer::run(135)]"); } // initializing the seconds and minutes variables if ((m_nTime % 60) <10) sec = "0"+ m_nTime % 60; else sec = m_nTime % 60 + ""; if (( (m_nTime/60) % 60) <10) min = "0"+ (m_nTime/60) % 60; else min = (m_nTime/60) % 60 + ""; if ((m_nTime / 3600) <10) hour = "0"+ m_nTime / 3600; else hour = m_nTime / 3600 + ""; String t = hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec; m_lTime.setText(t); if (m_nTime == 0) stopRunning(); //stop the timer when it reaches 0. } } /***************************************************************** * Method name: stopRunning() * Goal: Stop the stop-watch. If the stop watch is of type end-turn - * we send an endTurn message to the client program. If the stop watch * is of type end-negotiation - we send an endNegotiation message to the * client program, createFrom the log file and remove the client from the * clients vector at the server. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void stopRunning() { m_bRun = false; int nCurrentTurn = m_agent.getCurrentTurn(); try { Socket socket = m_agent.getSocket(); PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(),true); if(m_bIsTurn) { out.println("type endTurn"); System.out.println("COMM-------" + "[Agent " + m_agent.getId() + "] " + "->type endTurn " + nCurrentTurn); System.err.println("COMM-------" + "[Agent " + m_agent.getId() + "] " + "->type endTurn " + nCurrentTurn); } else { /* DT: String msg=m_st.buildEndNegMessageForAgent(m_agent,"time"); /////make log file/////// m_st.makeLog(m_agent,false); */ if(m_agent.getSide().equals("Mediator")) { try{ Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(Exception e){} } /* DT: //m_server.removeAgentAt(m_server.getAgentIndex(m_agent)); m_server.removeAgentById(m_agent); if (m_st != null) m_st.setShouldStop(true); */ } } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_agent.getId() + "] " + "Can't write to socket: " + e.getMessage() + " [GameTimeServer::stopRunning(208)]"); System.err.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_agent.getId() + "] " + "Can't write to socket: " + e.getMessage() + " [GameTimeServer::stopRunning(208)]"); //System.exit(1); } if((m_bIsTurn)&&(nCurrentTurn