source: src/main/java/agents/qoagent2/ 126

Last change on this file since 126 was 126, checked in by Aron Hammond, 6 years ago

Added function to calculate opposition to

Moved code to add RLBOA listeners to RLBOAUtils is misc package

Added input for strategyParameters to SessionPanel (gui)

!! close SessionInfo after tournament; this caused /tmp/ to fill up with GeniusData files

Our own package:

  • Added opponents and strategies that are mentioned in the report
  • Change class hierarchy, agents can now extend from RLBOAagentBilateral to inherit RL functionality.
  • States extend from AbstractState
File size: 25.8 KB
1package agents.qoagent2;
3//file name:
4import java.util.*;
9 * Class name: Agent
10 * Goal: Each object of the class represents an agent (Zimbabwe,
11 * England or a mediator). The class holds all the information
12 * of the agent along with his opponent's ID and name (and mediator's
13 * ID and name - if exists). This class allows the server to set/get
14 * all necessary data of an agent in an efficient way.
15 ****************************************************************/
16class Agent
18 //general variables
19//DT: private ServerThread m_st; //Allows access to the agent's thread at the server
20//DT: private MultiServer m_server; //Allows access to the server
21 private Vector<Issue> m_vecIssues; //The negotiation issues of the agent and their status
22 private boolean m_bHasOpponent; //Whether the agent has an opponent or not
23 private boolean m_bHasMediator; //Whether the agent has a mediator or not
24 private boolean m_bSupportMediator; //Whether the agent supports a mediator or not
25 private int m_nCurrentTurn; //Current turn of the negotiation
26 private Socket m_socket = null; //The socket which allows the agent's thread in the
27 //server to connect to the client program
28 private String m_sSide; //Holds the side of the agent (Zimbabwe,England,Mediator)
29 private PrintWriter m_out = null; //Allows writing to the socket
30 GameTimeServer m_gtEndTurn = null; //A stop watch for each turn
31 GameTimeServer m_gtEndNeg = null; //A stop watch for the entire negotiation
32 private InetAddress m_ip = null; //Holds the ip address of the client
33 private int m_nPort;
34 private double m_dScore; //the agent's score of the negotiation
35 private double m_dTimeEffect; // time effect for the entire agreement
36 private double m_dOptOutValue; // opting out value
37 private double m_dStatusQuoValue; // status quo value
39 //Agent's Details
40 private String m_sId; //Agent's Id
41 private String m_sName; //Agent's Name
43 //Opponent's Details, in case that we are not a mediator
44 private String m_sOppId; //Opponent's Id
45 private String m_sOppName; //Opponent's Name
47 //mediator Details, in case that we are not a mediator
48 private String m_sMedId; //mediator's Id
49 private String m_sMedName; //mediator's Name
51 //The two sides in case that we are a mediator
52 private String m_sIdReligious,m_sIdSecular; //Ids
53 private String m_sNameReligious,m_sNameSecular; //Names
55 public final static String TIME_EFFECT_STR = "Time-Effect";
56 public final static String OPT_OUT_STR = "Opt-Out";
57 public final static String STATUS_QUO_STR = "Status-Quo";
59 private String m_sPrefDetails;
61 private String m_sEndNegReason;
62 private int m_nOptOutNum;
63 private int m_nResponsesNum;
64 private int m_nAcceptsNum;
65 private int m_nRejectionsNum;
66 private int m_nCommentsNum;
67 private int m_nThreatsNum;
68 private int m_nOffersNum;
69 private int m_nPromisesNum;
70 private int m_nQueriesNum;
71 /*****************************************************************
72 * Method name: Agent()
73 * Goal: Constructor.
74 * Description: Initialize the class variables and reading the issues
75 * from the utility file.
76 * Input: A MultiServer object (to allow access to the server),
77 * a ServerThread object (to allow access to the agent's
78 * thread at the server), and a boolean which specifies whether
79 * the agent supports a mediator or not.
80 * Output: None.
81 ******************************************************************/
82 public Agent(/* DT: MultiServer server,ServerThread st,*/ boolean SupportMed,String sSide)
83 {
84 m_nOptOutNum = 0;
85 m_nResponsesNum = 0;
86 m_nAcceptsNum = 0;
87 m_nRejectionsNum = 0;
88 m_nThreatsNum = 0;
89 m_nCommentsNum = 0;
90 m_nOffersNum = 0;
91 m_nPromisesNum = 0;
92 m_nQueriesNum = 0;
94 m_sEndNegReason = "";
96 m_dTimeEffect = 0;
97 m_dStatusQuoValue = 0;
98 m_dOptOutValue = 0;
100 m_sIdReligious=null;
101 m_sIdSecular=null;
102 m_sMedId=null;
104 m_sSide=sSide;
105 m_bHasMediator=false;
106 m_bSupportMediator=SupportMed;
107//DT: m_st=st;
108//DT: m_server=server;
109 m_bHasOpponent=false;
110 m_nCurrentTurn=1;
111 m_nPort = 0;
112 m_dScore=0;
114 m_vecIssues=new Vector<Issue>();
116 //reading issues from the appropriate utility file
117 try
118 {
119 BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("utility"+m_sSide+".txt"));
120 String line;
121 int nOrder=1;
122 Issue issue=new Issue();
124 while((line=br.readLine())!=null)
125 {
126 if(!line.startsWith("#"))
127 {
128 if (line.startsWith("@")) // general values data
129 {
130 StringTokenizer stGeneral = new StringTokenizer(line);
132 stGeneral.nextToken(); // '@'
134 String sType = stGeneral.nextToken();
136 String sValue = stGeneral.nextToken();
137 Double dTemp = new Double(sValue);
139 if (sType.equals(TIME_EFFECT_STR))
140 m_dTimeEffect = dTemp.doubleValue();
141 else if (sType.equals(STATUS_QUO_STR))
142 m_dStatusQuoValue = dTemp.doubleValue();
143 else if (sType.equals(OPT_OUT_STR))
144 m_dOptOutValue = dTemp.doubleValue();
145 }
146 else if (!line.startsWith("!")) //a new title
147 {
148 switch(nOrder)
149 {
150 case 1: //the first line is: attribute_name*side*weight
151 //the attribute's name and weight is saved in issue
152 issue.setAttribute(line.substring(0,line.indexOf("*")));
153 String sTemp=line.substring(line.indexOf("*")+1);
154 sTemp=sTemp.substring(sTemp.indexOf("*")+1);
155 issue.setWeight(sTemp);
156 break;
157 case 2: issue.setValues(line);
158 break;
159 case 3: issue.setUtilities(line);
160 break;
161 case 4: issue.setTimeEffect(line);
162 break;
163 case 5: m_vecIssues.addElement(issue);
164 nOrder=0;
165 issue=new Issue();
166 }
167 nOrder++;
168 }
169 }
170 } //while
172 br.close();
173 }//try
175 catch(IOException e)
176 {
177 System.out.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "I/O Error while reading from file: " + e.getMessage() + "[Agent::Agent(153)]");
178 System.err.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "I/O Error while reading from file: " + e.getMessage() + "[Agent::Agent(153)]");
179 }
180 }
182 /*****************************************************************
183 * Method name: setScore()
184 * Goal: Setting the agent's score.
185 * Input: An integer(the score).
186 * Output: None.
187 ****************************************************************/
188 public void setScore(double score)
189 {
190 m_dScore=score;
191 }
193 /*****************************************************************
194 * Method name: getScore()
195 * Goal: Return the agent's score.
196 * Input: None.
197 * Output: An integer(the score).
198 ***************************************************************/
199 public double getScore()
200 {
201 return m_dScore;
202 }
204 /*****************************************************************
205 * Method name: setIssuesVector()
206 * Goal: Setting the Issues vector.
207 * Input: A vector of issues.
208 * Output: None.
209 ****************************************************************/
210 public void setIssuesVector(Vector<Issue> vec)
211 {
212 m_vecIssues=vec;
213 }
215 /*****************************************************************
216 * Method name: getIssuesVector()
217 * Goal: Return the Issues vector.
218 * Input: None.
219 * Output: A vector of issues.
220 ***************************************************************/
221 public Vector<Issue> getIssuesVector()
222 {
223 return m_vecIssues;
224 }
226 /*****************************************************************
227 * Method name: initIssuesVector()
228 * Goal: Set all the issues as not agreed yet.
229 * Input: None.
230 * Output: None.
231 ***************************************************************/
232 public void initIssuesVector()
233 {
234 if(m_vecIssues!=null)
235 for(int i=0; i < getIssuesNum(); i++)
236 {
237 getIssueAt(i).setAgreed(false);
238 }
239 }
241 /*****************************************************************
242 * Method name: setName()
243 * Goal: Setting the agent's name.
244 * Input: A string.
245 * Output: None.
246 ****************************************************************/
247 public void setName(String sName)
248 {
249 m_sName = sName;
250 }
252 /*****************************************************************
253 * Method name: getName()
254 * Goal: Return the agent's name.
255 * Input: None.
256 * Output: A string.
257 ***************************************************************/
258 public String getName()
259 {
260 return m_sName;
261 }
263 /*****************************************************************
264 * Method name: getOpponentName()
265 * Goal: Return the opponent's name.
266 * Input: None.
267 * Output: A string.
268 ***************************************************************/
269 public String getOpponentName()
270 {
271 return m_sOppName;
272 }
274 /*****************************************************************
275 * Method name: getMedName()
276 * Goal: Return the mediator's name.
277 * Input: None.
278 * Output: A string.
279 ***************************************************************/
280 public String getMedName()
281 {
282 return m_sMedName;
283 }
285 /*****************************************************************
286 * Method name: getNameReligious()
287 * Goal: Return the England side name (in case the agent is a mediator).
288 * Input: None.
289 * Output: A string.
290 ***************************************************************/
291 public String getNameReligious()
292 {
293 return m_sNameReligious;
294 }
296 /*****************************************************************
297 * Method name: getNameSecular()
298 * Goal: Return the Zimbabwe side name (in case the agent is a mediator).
299 * Input: None.
300 * Output: A string.
301 ***************************************************************/
302 public String getNameSecular()
303 {
304 return m_sNameSecular;
305 }
307 /*****************************************************************
308 * Method name: setOpponentName()
309 * Goal: Setting the opponent's name.
310 * Input: A string.
311 * Output: None.
312 ****************************************************************/
313 public void setOpponentName(String sOppName)
314 {
315 m_sOppName = sOppName;
316 }
318 /*****************************************************************
319 * Method name: setMedName()
320 * Goal: Setting the mediator's name.
321 * Input: A string.
322 * Output: None.
323 ****************************************************************/
324 public void setMedName(String sMedName)
325 {
326 m_sMedName = sMedName;
327 }
329 /*****************************************************************
330 * Method name: setNameReligious()
331 * Goal: Setting the England side name (in case the agent is a mediator).
332 * Input: A string.
333 * Output: None.
334 ****************************************************************/
335 public void setNameReligious(String sName)
336 {
337 m_sNameReligious = sName;
338 }
340 /*****************************************************************
341 * Method name: setNameSecular()
342 * Goal: Setting the Zimbabwe side name (in case the agent is a mediator).
343 * Input: A string.
344 * Output: None.
345 ****************************************************************/
346 public void setNameSecular(String sName)
347 {
348 m_sNameSecular = sName;
349 }
351 /*****************************************************************
352 * Method name: setEndTurnNewGame()
353 * Goal: Restarting the end-turn stop watch.
354 * Input: None.
355 * Output: None.
356 ****************************************************************/
357 public void setEndTurnNewGame()
358 {
359 m_gtEndTurn.newGame();
360 }
362 /*****************************************************************
363 * Method name: setEndNegNewGame()
364 * Goal: Restarting the end-negotiation stop watch.
365 * Input: None.
366 * Output: None.
367 ****************************************************************/
368 public void setEndNegNewGame()
369 {
370 m_gtEndNeg.newGame();
371 }
373 /*****************************************************************
374 * Method name: getSide()
375 * Goal: Return the agent's side.
376 * Input: None.
377 * Output: None.
378 ***************************************************************/
379 public String getSide()
380 {
381 return m_sSide;
382 }
384 /*****************************************************************
385 * Method name: setSide()
386 * Goal: Setting the agent's side.
387 * Input: A string.
388 * Output: None.
389 ****************************************************************/
390 public void setSide(String sSide)
391 {
392 m_sSide = sSide;
393 }
395 /*****************************************************************
396 * Method name: setIp()
397 * Goal: Setting the agent's ip address.
398 * Input: An InetAddress object.
399 * Output: None.
400 ****************************************************************/
401 public void setIp(InetAddress ip)
402 {
403 m_ip = ip;
404 }
406 /*****************************************************************
407 * Method name: setIssueAt()
408 * Goal: Inserting an Issue to the issues vectors at a specified index.
409 * Input: An integer (the index) and an Issue.
410 * Output: None.
411 ****************************************************************/
412 public void setIssueAt(int index, Issue issue)
413 {
414 m_vecIssues.set(index, issue);
415 }
417 /*****************************************************************
418 * Method name: setEndNeg()
419 * Goal: Initializing the end-negotiation stop watch.
420 * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch counts up or not,
421 * three integers (hours, minutes and seconds), another boolean which
422 * specifies whether the stop watch is of type end-turn or end-negotiation,
423 * and another integer (number of turns in the negotiation).
424 * Output: None.
425 ****************************************************************/
426 public void setEndNeg(boolean bCountUp, int nHours, int nMinutes, int nSeconds, boolean bTurnOrNeg, int nMaxTurn)
427 {
428 m_gtEndNeg = new GameTimeServer(bCountUp,nHours,nMinutes,nSeconds,this,bTurnOrNeg,nMaxTurn /* DT: ,m_server,m_st*/ );
429 }
431 /*****************************************************************
432 * Method name: setEndNegRun()
433 * Goal: Stopping or continuing the end-negotiation stop watch.
434 * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch should
435 * stop (false) or continue (true).
436 * Output: None.
437 ****************************************************************/
438 public void setEndNegRun(boolean bRun)
439 {
440 m_gtEndNeg.setRun(bRun);
441 }
443 /*****************************************************************
444 * Method name: setEndTurn()
445 * Goal: Initializing the end-turn stop watch.
446 * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch counts up or not,
447 * three integers (hours, minutes and seconds), another boolean which
448 * specifies whether the stop watch is of type end-turn or end-negotiation,
449 * and another integer (number of turns in the negotiation).
450 * Output: None.
451 ****************************************************************/
452 public void setEndTurn(boolean bCountUp, int nHours, int nMinutes, int nSeconds, boolean bTurnOrNeg, int nMaxTurn)
453 {
454 m_gtEndTurn = new GameTimeServer(bCountUp,nHours,nMinutes,nSeconds,this,bTurnOrNeg,nMaxTurn/* DT: ,m_server,m_st */);
455 }
457 /*****************************************************************
458 * Method name: setEndTurnRun()
459 * Goal: Stopping or continuing the end-turn stop watch.
460 * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch should
461 * stop (false) or continue (true).
462 * Output: None.
463 ****************************************************************/
464 public void setEndTurnRun(boolean bRun)
465 {
466 m_gtEndTurn.setRun(bRun);
467 }
469 /*****************************************************************
470 * Method name: getIssuesNum()
471 * Goal: Return the number of issues of the negotiation.
472 * Input: None.
473 * Output: An integer.
474 ***************************************************************/
475 public int getIssuesNum()
476 {
477 return m_vecIssues.size();
478 }
480 /*****************************************************************
481 * Method name: getIssueAt()
482 * Goal: Return the issue at the specified index.
483 * Input: An integer (the index).
484 * Output: An Issue.
485 ***************************************************************/
486 public Issue getIssueAt(int index)
487 {
488 return (Issue)m_vecIssues.elementAt(index);
489 }
491 /*****************************************************************
492 * Method name: setPort()
493 * Goal: Setting the agent's port.
494 * Input: An integer (the port).
495 * Output: None.
496 ****************************************************************/
497 public void setPort(int nPort)
498 {
499 m_nPort = nPort;
500 }
502 /*****************************************************************
503 * Method name: getPort()
504 * Goal: Return the agent's port.
505 * Input: None.
506 * Output: An integer.
507 ***************************************************************/
508 public int getPort()
509 {
510 return m_nPort;
511 }
513 /*****************************************************************
514 * Method name: setId()
515 * Goal: Setting the agent's ID.
516 * Input: A String.
517 * Output: None.
518 ****************************************************************/
519 public void setId(String sId)
520 {
521 m_sId = sId;
522 }
524 /*****************************************************************
525 * Method name: getId()
526 * Goal: Return the agent's ID.
527 * Input: None.
528 * Output: A String.
529 ***************************************************************/
530 public String getId()
531 {
532 return m_sId;
533 }
535 /*****************************************************************
536 * Method name: getOpponentId()
537 * Goal: Return the opponent's ID.
538 * Input: None.
539 * Output: A String.
540 ***************************************************************/
541 public String getOpponentId()
542 {
543 return m_sOppId;
544 }
546 /*****************************************************************
547 * Method name: getMedId()
548 * Goal: Return the mediator's ID.
549 * Input: None.
550 * Output: A String.
551 ***************************************************************/
552 public String getMedId()
553 {
554 return m_sMedId;
555 }
557 /*****************************************************************
558 * Method name: getIdReligious()
559 * Goal: Return the England side ID (in case the agent is a mediator).
560 * Input: None.
561 * Output: A String.
562 ***************************************************************/
563 public String getIdReligious()
564 {
565 return m_sIdReligious;
566 }
568 /*****************************************************************
569 * Method name: getIdSecular()
570 * Goal: Return the Zimbabwe side ID (in case the agent is a mediator).
571 * Input: None.
572 * Output: A String.
573 ***************************************************************/
574 public String getIdSecular()
575 {
576 return m_sIdSecular;
577 }
579 /*****************************************************************
580 * Method name: setOpponentId()
581 * Goal: Setting the opponent's ID.
582 * Input: A String.
583 * Output: None.
584 ****************************************************************/
585 public void setOpponentId(String sOppId)
586 {
587 m_sOppId = sOppId;
588 }
590 /*****************************************************************
591 * Method name: setMedId()
592 * Goal: Setting the mediator's ID.
593 * Input: A String.
594 * Output: None.
595 ****************************************************************/
596 public void setMedId(String sMedId)
597 {
598 m_sMedId = sMedId;
599 }
601 /*****************************************************************
602 * Method name: setIdReligious()
603 * Goal: Setting the England side ID (in case the agent is a mediator).
604 * Input: A String.
605 * Output: None.
606 ****************************************************************/
607 public void setIdReligious(String sId)
608 {
609 m_sIdReligious = sId;
610 }
612 /*****************************************************************
613 * Method name: setIdSecular()
614 * Goal: Setting the Zimbabwe side ID (in case the agent is a mediator).
615 * Input: A String.
616 * Output: None.
617 ****************************************************************/
618 public void setIdSecular(String sId)
619 {
620 m_sIdSecular = sId;
621 }
623 /*****************************************************************
624 * Method name: setSocket()
625 * Goal: Setting the agent's socket and setting the PrintWriter to
626 * write to the socket.
627 * Input: A Socket object.
628 * Output: None.
629 ****************************************************************/
630 public void setSocket(Socket socket)
631 {
632 m_socket = socket;
633 try {
634 m_out = new PrintWriter(m_socket.getOutputStream(),true);
635 }
636 catch (IOException e)
637 {
638 System.out.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "Error opening socket: " + e.getMessage() + " [Agent::setSocket(614)]");
639 System.err.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "Error opening socket: " + e.getMessage() + " [Agent::setSocket(614)]");
640 }
641 }
643 /*****************************************************************
644 * Method name: closeSocketStream()
645 * Goal: Closing the PrintWriter which writes to the agent's socket.
646 * Input: None.
647 * Output: None.
648 ****************************************************************/
649 public void closeSocketStream()
650 {
651 m_out.close();
652 }
654 /*****************************************************************
655 * Method name: getSocket()
656 * Goal: Return the agent's socket.
657 * Input: None.
658 * Output: A Socket object.
659 ***************************************************************/
660 public Socket getSocket()
661 {
662 return m_socket;
663 }
665 /*****************************************************************
666 * Method name: writeToSocket()
667 * Goal: Writing a message to the agent's socket.
668 * Input: A string (the message).
669 * Output: None.
670 ***************************************************************/
671 public void writeToSocket(String sMsg)
672 {
673 m_out.println(sMsg);
674 }
676 /*****************************************************************
677 * Method name: incrementCurrentTurn()
678 * Goal: Incrementing the current turn of the negotiation.
679 * Input: None.
680 * Output: None.
681 ***************************************************************/
682 public void incrementCurrentTurn()
683 {
684 m_nCurrentTurn++;
685 }
687 /*****************************************************************
688 * Method name: setCurrentTurn()
689 * Goal: Setting the current turn.
690 * Input: An integer.
691 * Output: None.
692 ****************************************************************/
693 public void setCurrentTurn(int nCurrentTurn)
694 {
695 m_nCurrentTurn = nCurrentTurn;
696 }
698 /*****************************************************************
699 * Method name: getCurrentTurn()
700 * Goal: Return the current turn.
701 * Input: None.
702 * Output: An integer.
703 ***************************************************************/
704 public int getCurrentTurn()
705 {
706 return m_nCurrentTurn;
707 }
709 /*****************************************************************
710 * Method name: hasOpponent()
711 * Goal: Return a boolean which specifies whether the agent has an opponent.
712 * Input: None.
713 * Output: A boolean.
714 ***************************************************************/
715 public boolean hasOpponent()
716 {
717 return m_bHasOpponent;
718 }
720 /*****************************************************************
721 * Method name: setHasOpponent()
722 * Goal: Setting whether the agent has an opponent.
723 * Input: A boolean.
724 * Output: None.
725 ****************************************************************/
726 public void setHasOpponent(boolean bHasOpponent)
727 {
728 m_bHasOpponent = bHasOpponent;
729 }
731 /*****************************************************************
732 * Method name: hasMediator()
733 * Goal: Return a boolean which specifies whether the agent has a mediator.
734 * Input: None.
735 * Output: A boolean.
736 ***************************************************************/
737 public boolean hasMediator()
738 {
739 return m_bHasMediator;
740 }
742 /*****************************************************************
743 * Method name: setHasMediator()
744 * Goal: Setting whether the agent has a mediator.
745 * Input: A boolean.
746 * Output: None.
747 ****************************************************************/
748 public void setHasMediator(boolean bHasMediator)
749 {
750 m_bHasMediator = bHasMediator;
751 }
753 /*****************************************************************
754 * Method name: supportMediator()
755 * Goal: Return a boolean which specifies whether the agent supports
756 * a mediator.
757 * Input: None.
758 * Output: A boolean.
759 ***************************************************************/
760 public boolean supportMediator()
761 {
762 return m_bSupportMediator;
763 }
765 /*****************************************************************
766 * Method name: startEndNegThread()
767 * Goal: Starting the end-negotiation stop watch's thread.
768 * Input: None.
769 * Output: None.
770 ****************************************************************/
771 public void startEndNegThread()
772 {
773 new Thread(m_gtEndNeg).start();
774 }
776 /*****************************************************************
777 * Method name: startEndNegThread()
778 * Goal: Starting the end-turn stop watch's thread.
779 * Input: None.
780 * Output: None.
781 ****************************************************************/
782 public void startEndTurnThread()
783 {
784 new Thread(m_gtEndTurn).start();
785 }
787 public void setPrefDetails(String sPrefDetails)
788 {
789 m_sPrefDetails = sPrefDetails;
790 }
792 public String getPrefDetails()
793 {
794 return m_sPrefDetails;
795 }
797 public double getAgreementTimeEffect()
798 {
799 return m_dTimeEffect;
800 }
802 public double getAgreementOptOutValue()
803 {
804 return m_dOptOutValue;
805 }
807 public void setEndNegReason(String sEndNegReason)
808 {
809 m_sEndNegReason = sEndNegReason;
810 }
812 public String getEndNegReason()
813 {
814 return m_sEndNegReason;
815 }
817 public void setOptOutNum(int nOptOutNum)
818 {
819 m_nOptOutNum = nOptOutNum;
820 }
822 public int getOptOutNum()
823 {
824 return m_nOptOutNum;
825 }
827 public void incrementResponsesNum()
828 {
829 m_nResponsesNum++;
830 }
832 public int getResponsesNum()
833 {
834 return m_nResponsesNum++;
835 }
837 public void incrementAcceptsNum()
838 {
839 m_nAcceptsNum++;
840 }
842 public int getAcceptsNum()
843 {
844 return m_nAcceptsNum;
845 }
847 public void incrementRejectionsNum()
848 {
849 m_nRejectionsNum++;
850 }
852 public int getRejectionsNum()
853 {
854 return m_nRejectionsNum;
855 }
857 public void incrementThreatsNum()
858 {
859 m_nThreatsNum++;
860 }
862 public int getThreatsNum()
863 {
864 return m_nThreatsNum;
865 }
867 public void incrementCommentsNum()
868 {
869 m_nCommentsNum++;
870 }
872 public int getCommentsNum()
873 {
874 return m_nCommentsNum;
875 }
877 public void incrementQueriesNum()
878 {
879 m_nQueriesNum++;
880 }
882 public int getQueriesNum()
883 {
884 return m_nQueriesNum;
885 }
887 public void incrementOffersNum()
888 {
889 m_nOffersNum++;
890 }
892 public int getOffersNum()
893 {
894 return m_nOffersNum;
895 }
897 public void incrementPromisesNum()
898 {
899 m_nPromisesNum++;
900 }
902 public int getPromisesNum()
903 {
904 return m_nPromisesNum;
905 }
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